Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, November 02, 1911, Image 6
CITIZENS LEAGUE. Endowed unanlmouslr at tie *™»t Democratic rmllr at opera bouse Oc tober sotb, mi. Preamble. WHEREAS An organization baa been formed In our City, tbe ob «n of which, we beUere. la to re*atebltoh the “Bln* Buie" that fa aubreralre to Democratic prlndplea, and will. In our opinion, aerlou.ly militate aialnat tbe adrancement and proireea of out ‘we. the People, Leagte, ».U«. tum maintain that the future of Way- croea la absolutely dependable upon fair and equitable repreaentatlon and on admlnlatratlon of our clrlc affair* that .hall represent every pbaao of our cltlrenahlp. Therefore, be It reaolved, that the People. League enunciate aa their principle, and platform their un.werv- In* eupport to an economical busi ness admlnlatratlon of the civic af fair* of Waycroa*. believing in a gov- onunent for and by tbe people with out regard to wealth or Influence. We advocate the liberal encourage ment of the Inveatment of foreign capital along Induatrlal line* In War croa* that will tend to develop ber reeourcee and give employment to her citizen., esuoclaUy our .hilled ' mechanic., Vhu. refunding to the benefit of < ur march, nt. and our en-j tire cltlzem..’Ip. Wbereaa, la re.pome to a call 1*- aued and signed by many , citizen., there assembled at tbe Court Hoaae la tb* city of Waycro**,“6n the eve ning of October 12th, a repreaentatlve body of men, gathered from all walk* and vocation, of life, compoied of mini.ter. of the Ooapel, phy.ldana, lawyer., bankers^ merchant, and membera of the organization* of Boil er Maker*. Macbinlata, Ca Worker*. Blackamlth*. Locomotive Engineer*. Conductor*. 8wltchmen, Brakemen, Moulder., lupectora, Carpenter*. Clerk*, traveler* T. P. A’*., Farmer*' Union, U. C. T'a, and the other ele ment* going to make up our coamo- poll tan population; the object and purpoae of tbla meeting being to con- elder matter, political affecting Way- crosa, and to- decide on candidate, and mea.urea, to urge before the votera at tbe approaching municipal primary, and Whereas, by a majority ballot of THEREFORE, Up It Resolved, we, the Peoples League, with no ulterior motive, rave to conserve and promote the Interest of Waycro.s along pro- grcssve democratic lines, with a pro found and abiding confidence In the ultimate triumph of the principles we advocate, present this, our platform, to the Intelligent votera of the City, and solicit and Invito the hearty sup port of all who desire the best Inter, ost of Waycrosi and ber people. COALI COAL! COALI WHEN VOU WANT GOOD COAL, ASK FOR RED ASH. THE MONTE- VELLO IS THE COAL THAT MAK- E8 RED A8H. I ALSO HAVE A CHEAPER GRADE OF COAL. HAVE THEM' ON HAND AT ALL TIMES. ALSO DRY 8TOVE WOOD OF ALL KINDS. TELEPHONE 70 FOR PRI CES. QUICK SERVICE TO ANY PART OF THE CITY. OOSD WOOD. , AN8LEY COAL COMPANY, 10 tf. W„ W. AN8LEY, PROP. NO NEED TO STOP WORK. When your doctor order, yon to atop work. It Meggers you, "I can't" you aay. You know you arc weak, rundown sad falling la health, -day by day, but you moat wort aa long aa you can Hand. What you need 'la Elactrlo Bitten to give ten, itrength, and vigor to your ayitcm, to prevent breakdown * *nd build yoo up. Don’t be weak, alckly or ailing whan Elec tric Bitten will beneflt you from the Ait dote. Thouaanda bleaa them tor their glorious health and itrength Try them. Every brittle, la guaran tied. Only 60c at All .Druggists. Common Cold, muat be taken ter louely. For unlaaa cured they lap tha vi tality and lower the vital nalatanca to more aerloua Infection. Protect your children and yoonelf by tha ompt uae of Foley'a Honey and Tar Com round and note lta quick and de cline results. For rough., colda. croup, whooping cough, bronehltli and affections of the throat, cheat and lungs It la an afar ready and valua ble remedy. Oam Pharmacy; T. S. Paine. our credit preserved. Nc»'. to the preservation of our credits outlined above, cornea the needs tor street!, sidewalks'and drainage, and these should be improved Just aa fait as practicable, but the work ahould be done by a competent Supervisor, un der bond for faitbful, bonebt work, ao that the money (pent for these Improvement, may be a permanent gain to tbe city. Weeding edges of streets and throwing sand In the mid dle la a waste of time and energy, from which no beneflt is derived. We atand for bard surfaced street* and for the laying of good aldewalka for the people who walk thereon. Resolved, III. That this organiza tion atanda for a “square deal" and for PROGRESS, but It advocates" giv ing every proper help and encourage ment to our school., colleges and oth. er educational institutions. Tha need, for a ppbllc library 1. apparent, and steps should be taken to secure one tral City market should be provide* for a. early as practicable; al»o the- garbege of the City ahould be removed frequently, and cremated or other wise disposed of so aa not to menace- tbe public health. This declaration of principles la P« forth for thri purpoae of defining lie- position of those responsible for the Citizens League movement, 'and we heartily Invite all who desire good government for Wsycross, who be Ueve In these principles, who~dd*|j*- equal rights to all. special privl^F to none, to Join with na In carrying this banner to victory by nominating In the primary the candidates en dorsed, and who stand pledged' be hearty accord with tfie platform here- enunciated. 11 tf THE CITIZENS LEAGUE. over one hundred voters, H. D. Reed | without delay. All our ellemosynary was endorsed for Mayor, Dr. W. K-,institutions should be fostered and Meeks was endorsed for Alderman,; and especially do we commend Second Ward, W. E. Chandler fori the Kings’ Daughters Hospital tor its Alderman Fourth Ward, and C. A. | noble work. LcCount for Alderman, sixth Ward,— j Revived, IV. That this organlza- theso being tbe only Aldermen to be elected at the ensuing election, and Whereas, by the endorsement of these candidates for nomination at the primary, as men deemed" worthy to bear the standard raised by this meeting; It becomes proper and right that the purposes for which this meeting stood, and for which the or ganization there effected stands, should be set forth In a declaration ol principles. Therefore, be It resolved— I. That the Citizens League, form ed at said meeting, stands for a SQUARE DEAL, for both rich and poor, high and low,—No favoritism under the law, but JUSTICE to all. | That in order to "beet out ezact Jus tice our City Government should b« administered honestly, economloally and .equitably. The Tax date should bs as low as possible consistent with meeting the needs for revenue, and all property should be assessed alike. We condemff all Inequalities In as sessments as rank favoritism, and pledge ourselfes to an assessment baaed on value not on ownership. We believe that the Street Tax should be made not to exceed 12.00 per an num. Returns of property by Tax payers should he adjusted only after a full hearing and an examination ol the property. Resolved IL That this organization stands tor progress. We believe in a progressive age, and In a progressive city. No backward step should be taken. Not only should our tax rate be at low as poasible consistent with the city’s legitimate needs, bnt the money so collected should be expend ed to the very beet possible advan tage, tilth neither waste nor graft The Sinking Fund provided to meet the ontatandlng bonds should he kept Intact, and so Invested a* to briog the beet returns, so that the payment of bonds may he made promptly and tlon stands committed to giving all due encouragoment to flew enterpris es, manufactories, public service cor porations and those things which make for the upbuilding of a city, yet no right to use city property should he granted without adequate compen sation, In money or service, to the city or Its people. We believe the time has come for the city to own its' City Hall, and favor the erection or purchase of such building as will be adequate to the Deeds of the city for the next decade at least, believing tbe same to be conducive to economy In public service, and for the better management of city affairs. A cen- AT THE FRONT Ion bare to be on your guard- IF ion ar ecausht napping, it Invite* Iftaater. WAYCROSS BUSINESS COLLMS GRADUATES ARE NEVES 8LEEPY HEADS. They are sought alter by man oF affairs. You find them In leadlns fosltlons of trust Our DIPLOMA Is an open IMZHS » position and preferment Our specialty is to fit you for business; to make the pay-roll larger; to In crease the salary of the “big man." Enter At Any Time. Waycross Business College Waycross, Oa. R. F. Zelgler, Pres, Plenty 0! Money OUR CUT PRICE8 FOR THE PAST 30 DAYS HA8 CONVINCED US THAT THE PEOPLE HAVE PLENTY OF MONEY TO BUY WHEN REAL BARGAINS ARE OFFERED. WE ARE HAVING A GOOD BUSK NESS, MAKING SALES IN ALL THE COUNTRY ADJOINING WAY- CROSS AND ARE GETTING A GOOD BUSINE83 FROM FLORIDA. WE WILL CONTINUE OUR CUT PRICES DURING OCTOBER. WE HAVE A VERY LARGE STOCK OF BUQGIE8, WAGON8 AND HARNE8S TO SELECT FROM. ' CUT PRICES: *85.00 BUGGIES REDUCED TO ../. s ....*75.00 FOR CA*H *75.00 BUGGIES REDUCED TO *55.00 FOR CASH *55.00 BUGGIES REDUCED TO ..*55.00 FOR CA8H *55.00 BUGGIES REDUCED TO i *45.00 FOR CASH *50.00 BUQQIE8 REDUCED TO *40.00 FOR CASH *40.00 WAGONS REDUCED TO *35.00 FOR CASH *35.00 WAGONS REDUCED TO *30.00 FOR CASH " WE HAVE A LARGE 8TOCK AND YOU WILL4^ ABLE TO FIND THE STYLE AND QUALITY TO SUIT YOU. If yeu are reading a buggy or wagon, buy now end save the big discount we ere offering. WAYCROSS. GEORGIA. FOR RENT BY The Bon Ton to the place to get up to date coatsTml suits. 24 2t * or * doaes “655” will cure any eas# of Chill* and Perer. Price, 21 cents. 7-2C4I ♦ Sea our mgs. art squares, mattings, trunks, blankets and comforts. Cash or easy payments. Lowest prices, ; Home Furniture Company, , | 27 tf Plant and Albany Avenue ONE &STORY 8-ROOM HOUSE FOR ONE &STORY 7-ROOM HOUSE FOR.... ONE 1-STORY 6-ROOM COTTAGE FOR . *20.00 PER MONTH 015J» PER MONTH *8.00 PER MONTH FOR. S A L E ONE BEAUTIFUL MTORY HOME. *2,750.00, EASY TERMS- ONE 5-ROOM COTTAGE *1,00000, EASY TERMS- ALSO FOR SALE A FEW VACANT LOTS RADIOING IN PRICE FROM *100.00 TO 040C.0O ON TERMS 80 EASY YOU' WILL HAVE NO DIFFICULTY IN MEETING SAME. WITHOUT PAY INO TAXES OR INTEREST YOU WILL BECOME A FREEHOLDER BEFORE YOU REALIZE IT. PHONE 468. RIVERSSa>*i P&RK CO. ia eoaunp nrnn jth cinno