Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, November 02, 1911, Image 8
OUR FALL OPENING NEXT TUESDAY MOV. Tth. Frorri 8 A. M, Until 9 F\ ]Vf. We extend to EACH and EVERY LADY in Waycross and vicin ity a CORDIAL INVITATION to call at our new store and inspect what we consider to be the HANDSOMEST, BEST ASSORTED, MOST UP-TO-DATE and the LARGEST STOCK of furniture ever shown in this city. Our stock will be pradtically complete by next Tuesday, and will compare favorably with any &ock of goods shown in Savannah or Jacksonville. We have secured at considera ble expense ONE THOUSAND beautiful/ and unique souvenirs which will be presented FREE (as long as they la^t) as a token of our appreciation, to each LADY calling at our &ore next Tuesday. NO souvenirs will be givep to ladies UNDER 15 years old or to MEN or BOYS. Walker-Hood Furniture Company Phone 499 80 Plant Avenue The New Concrete Store Li EDUCATORS MEET ala, Florida, Alabama; Mlnlaalpiil; ( | Uouls/ina, '.Ml«»|Ourl, Arkanaas anl j i Toma. ! The raising of tho standard of col- logo cntranco requirements In the South la foremost among the aubjocta , slated for consideration. Tho work of tho Bouthern Women's collcgos Is another matter that will receive much M Special To The Herald. -Tuscaloosa, Ala., Nov. 2.—The sev- attention. Doan C. H. Barnwell of tho University of Alabama Is the pre siding officer of tho convention. WORK Of RAILROAD y, M.C.A. DEPARTMENT fcntconth annual meeting of the As sociation of Colleges and Preparatory Schools of tbs South opened at ths University of Alabama this afternoon for a two days session. ■ Many delegates were present, rep- ■ Mmnrlrg the foremost educational " institutions of Virginia, North and ' CHEAP FOR CASH, Or will trado for city real estate, 4 second hand automobiles In good running order. South Carolina, West Virginia, Oeor 1 6t Kelley's Oarage, A Warm Bathroom ■pEgrecnoM # >uoc nC Djjr^ Tile following statement concern ing tho work of the railroad depart- ment Young Men'a Christian Associa- tion on the Chesepeake and Ohio Railway will doubtless prove Inter- eating to the railroad men of Way- crosa who are to soon come Into poe- aesi'on of their new railroad asa> elation building. On the C. A O. Ry„ there ate a bnllilu^, V, ;lh S membership of 3,490. The buildings. valued at $85,500.00. The dally attendance at these build- Inga |s 2,644. Baths given per day 160; beda used by the men, 296; meals and lunch served, 382; atten dance at all religious meetings per month, 33,744; number of secretaries and paid officers, 24. President George W. Stevens of the A O. Ry. Co., says; “I believe that there Is no other way whereby the same number of men can ha reached as In the methods adopted by the Railroad Branch of tba Young Man's Christian Associa tion. Ws have assn experimenting Every mother ihould be careful that the children take their baths in a warm room. The dull of a cold room is dangerous after corn* ing out of the hot water. A Perfection Smokeless 03 Hooter brags bathroom or bedroom to just the degree ol warmth you win! in five or 'ten minutes. Ail you haws to do is to touch a match. The Perfection Healer bums nioe hours on one filling and b always ready ter use. You can move it anywhere it is needed. Thera is do waste at fuel end heat wanning unoccupied roams. Jurt the heel you went, when end where you want it The Perfection it filled with an automatic-locking flame spreader that prevents the wick being turned high enough to smoke and is easy to remora and drop back when cleaning. DrsaaSmtud oMm. ia twqiMiie.felueca.axl or plaaaatali l^fit tad ema* auatsk yw m«ag sad dwsMa neulili hr my tocn m my lew, Dttkn mrytehert; <* write u m? iftscy of dm Standard Oil Company 1 " (Incorporated) with this work for the last fifteen question of reducing the cotton acre-, years, and 1 think w# are In a post- MXt >'*» r wwe the chief matter, tlon to know something about It by! discussed at the meeting here today this time." I of the executive committee and -iem- Thta statement la particularly In-| twrshlp of ths 8outh Carolina $tato tsrcstlng In that our Secretary cams. Farmers' Union. to ns from Ashland, Ky., on ths C. A Ry. E. B. and ’ Physician and 8urgson. Office 419-21 LaQrande Building. Hours; 9 to 12 and 2 to 6 p. m Residence Phone 4G2; Office 321. SOUTH CAROLINA COTTOii MEETING The meeting, which was presided over by President E. W. Da tills, was well attended by members of the « AtFOUntffilnffi A Eliewhtrffi sanitation from all over the state. | ' J^g|g |j|, TIME TO SOW RYE RAPE, AND II HORLIGK’S Th« Original and Ginnina OATS FOR YOUR CHICKENS, To SUPPLY GREEN FOOD WHEN THE _ WEATHER GETS COLD, SOW NOW MALTED MILK ">• THI »“»r n, Fill. At It, 111 l t „. Alrejtsursnh, hotels, and fountains. PRICES CF EGGS LATER. WE HAVE THE SEED. PHONE 315. 1 3t C.'S. HARDY A SON. Special To The Herald. Columbia, S. C., Nov. I.—The, rropcsltlon to erect cotton warctfous j os throughout doom Carolina and the I , jltcGie, 21 AH any avenue. Delicious, invigorating and sustaining. Keep k oo your sideboard at home. Don’t travel without iL in a For first-class rubber tiro sad wir. 2.44^k.tnnch | | wheel work at prlc** risfct,-sw J. T > « i0; Not to Aaiy Ml/k Trust for tonight will be aa follows. Film No. 1 “A Little Child." A very Interesting dramatic production by the "Reliance" Picture Company. Film No. 2. -The White Chief.” One of the famous Indian. Productions of the “powers" Picture Company.. J The vaudeville feature will be “Foil I and Blondln", a novelty act conatstl# J of singing, talking and dancing. Fea turing Mias Daisy Blcndln, America's, cutest coubrette. Miss Blondln weara a complete cbahge of wardrobe every performance. We also call your at- ( trillion to Eddie Fox who la some • commedlan and dancer. i Big shipment electric fans recslv Tglte no imitatfon^Sut ssy “HORUOrS," ert. r>wr*- FTTeetrtc Supply Cc. ** tjott Street & u