Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, November 03, 1911, Image 5
Maiil 1 m 'THE/LEADING GROCERY STORE.. 1 gocd3 are coming every day. f The housekeeper will, enjoy an lnspeo-j 4ion of our stock. No store in Way- cross presents so many unusual fancy articles. PERSONAL IB LOCAL son of Prof! F. Horton University of South Wit, SON—COLCOCK, Of interest to the many friends K -Miss Julia Wilson is the announcement Every article mutt have’a clean and of her marriage In Clmrle.ton. B, clear title to enter our store. Tuesday, to Ur, Charles J. Colcoeli, • yfhe' 0 are you .buying your goods? j r The Columbula (8. C.) State ^ 'Jlie guarantee we give has no string yes terUay contains the tollotrin. . tlCl1 ,0 !*• er rand’s”; * couo , of the wed dins: simply, means that it the goods s'- ' "A marriage of local Interest toik aot good notify us and wo wlll % sen , . plate Bt charleston yesterday, ... for them promptly and pleasantly. It contracting parlies being Miss Jult also.covers the matter of fall welg tta Wilson of Wayeross, Ca.. and Charles and full count. When you fully real- Jo , 108 colcock, Jr., formerly of Colut^. thfe plea ‘„ uro au 5 » rofUu ot “°‘ns bin and now of Bluffton. The groom business with such n trading placo j a llie e i ( ; eat you will como to our store lar pation. j Carolina, and has lately located SPECIAL MENTION. ! Bluffton Tow the practice of Iiia pro Imported goods, such r.a Holland - Herrins, Dill Pickles. Itogufort Cheese, Swiss Cheese, Edom Cheat j, Xlmberger Cheese, Herring in bullion, Wilson of Wnycross, Gn. The k Remember, on Friday of each w pve get onr Tennessee butte.-, chickens BIehop XorUlrop> a eoe,S ' ) bride. The wedding; was attended Gy Complete line of gra’u, hay and feed. We are still selllm: 'Mir fam ous C. C. D. butter ■ ■ j Mr. and Mrs. Colcock came to Co pound. | . *“ ■ lumbia last night and will spend a few We extend to the public n:i Invite- , days at the home of the groom ■tlon to visit our 3tb*j and compare I prices, and we will ba rntlslied with 1 the verdict. We guarantee satisfuc'nn nn.1 first -class service and to please ull who are n'‘flirted with the eating; habit. THE '.VILSOn GROCER/ COMPANY , . . . T „ j Annie, to Judge J. C. Roynolds large . fecaion as attorney at law, well known in Columbia to circle of friends. The bride daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William M. k | mony was performed by the Rt. Rev. relative of the . only pie. few qlose friends of the con- ! enls before goin^ , future home.” par- to Bluffton, the! j CHAMPLAIN—REYNOLDS. j Mrs. Fdjvard Alonso Champlain an nounces the marriage of her daughter W. M. Wilson, Manager Phono No. 12S. Wi’eon Biock. j Jacksonville, Fla., on November 2nd Judge Reynold's many friends join the Herald In extending best wishes and congratulations. CABINET WORK. * 1 am still at the same old stand, 22 I Brower street, and prepared to do all | Mis. Colleen Coe w-a B the charming kind, of cabinet work, upholiterlng,. hostess at a Halloween party at her trunk repairing, etc. Having dona your work for the past six years I think I know how to give you the lad of work you want When you need any repairing done, remember J. 1. WAITE, The old reliable Cabinet-Maker, Brewer street, phone 2P». if X Our New Stock Of Cut Glass, Sterling Silver China and Brass Novelties 'JUST RECEIVED. Select your wedding presents and gifts from our , NEW CLEAN 8TOCK SOMETHING NEW AR RIVING DAILY. Jewelers and Optician,. Little & Odom Margaret 1 ' ..ns, Ri home at Homestead Tuesday evening: All sorts of of Halloween festivities were Indulged In, such as bobbing for apples in tubs of water, fortune tell ing and numerous other games. Miss Coe received her guest wearing dainty silk dress trimmed with lace. Mrs.^Coe and Mrs. J. T. Cannon serv ed delightful refreshments. Miss Coo’s guests were Misses Irene Bowen, Dougins, May Waters, Flora Ruby Bowen, Minnie Riggins; Laura Coe; Sarah Bowen; and Mrs. Douglas, Mrs. Glen E. Thomas, Willis Cannon, Joseph Rollison, Jule Varna- doe; Hardy Collins; Arnold Bowen; Lester Waters; Lonnie Varnadoe, John Summerland, Paul Cannon, Har ry Varnadoe, Mrs. A. C. Snedeker; Mr. Harold Jackson; Mrs. T. Can non, Mr. Tom Varnadoe, Mr. Wyon Coo, Mr. A. B. Coe. 99 "Grandma Sausage We have Installed an electric sau sage mill, and will make a specialty of “GRANDMA" SAUSAGE. We have an up-to-date market and propose to head the procession. Try us and be convinced. ,Wo have Installed a HOBART ELECTRIC BONE GRINDER, and wlH make a ’specialty of fqrniahlag our customers with this valuable egg producer at a very small cost. We urge you to try a small let and seo the Increase in your egg supply.* Then it will pay you to arrange for a r^taar' weekly supply so that you will aot.be disappointed. T. H. Blizzard • ) iCS Plant Avenue. Phone 242. ADVERTISE IN THE WAYCROSS HERALD MR. DAN JOHNSON DEAD. Mr. * Dan Johnson, a well known Olsen, died this morning at his home at Atkinson. Mr. Johnson had beon In falling health' for the past two or three years and hts death was not un expected. He was a .Confederate vet eran and leaves a wife and several children. Mr. Johnaon was about G5 years old. —- REMEMBER TO RING 315 WHEN YOU GO TO BUY YOOR NEXT MONTHS FEED BILL, WE CARRY A BIG 8T0CK OF 0AT8, CORN, BRAN, MIXED 8H0RTS, COTTON SEED MEAL, HULLS, BEET PULP, ETC. 1 3t C. S. HARDY A SON. WAKEFIELD LODGE, NO. (7 KNIGHTS OF PYT-siAS. MeHis tv-v kfoa.la ' •' evening p.t 8:00 in ’ ILii ?Iart * r ■ ;’<• tn'-K:r* s« r«.n.;c tit.---- ' to ’ittend, ’'Iditicii —* *re most '-or Uilj invit-«l to m ot *5r‘;tb us, J.. L. CRAWLEY, C. C. \ H Millin'’K \»t H. & S.‘A* It. cf.F RING 174 FOR WOOD. 28 V . REGISTRATION NOTICE! Office Clerk of C6uncil. Books for the registration of voters are now open and will remain open from October 20th to November 20th. exclusive, (Sunday’s excepted) from > a. m. to 12 m., and 2 p. m. to 5 p. J. W. Strickland, A 25t Clerk of Cour.ciL FORMER GOVERNOR . BROWN’S PLATFORM. • (Savannah Newt.) There is nothing objectionable and much to commend in .the eleven planks of former Gov. Brown’s pah form. It is noticeable that he doesn t mention prohibition or lpcal option, and without using any names he ai*- parently takes a 8 shot! at Gov. tftnitb and judge Russell. He doesn’t think that the liquol question Is nn issue in the campaign, and that prob^Jdy Is why he make.) mention of it. How fur the Voters will acreo with jiim that It Isn’t, an vitalizing medicine. Men and women who aro weak and In poor health, unable .to shop or oat well, and who have given up hopo of ever being strong again should cer tainly fylke Vino!, with-it waiting another day, for it is oxactly what they need. There is no risk at all, for It is so not suro that all of tho pco-jsuro to do good that we guarantee it plo agree with former Gov. Brown absolutely and will refund tho money that the government should be admin-j if you aro not satisfied. The Seals' istered economically, that all unneces-1I'harmacy. y offices should be abolished and issue, since the other candidates aro making it so, is) problematical. It is a fact, however, that very little was heard of it ui\til Judge Russbli an- .meed that he stood for local option. Then lion. Pope Brown stated that he stood for prohibition, but aa yet tho ople don't seem to be greatly stir 1 up over the liquor issue. MRS. GODFREY WELL AGAIN. Vineland, N. J.—Mm. Allen T. fclod- frey who haa been in bad health fob some time, has Just written the fol lowing lettef telling of her~recovery. ’’Everyone who is in broken health ought to know that VlnoP will build them up anil make them strong. It restored my strength aLtd vigor after I had been In a badly run-J^wu con dition for several months, and I never fall to give Vlnol ajjood word now.” This is one more proof that our de licious cod liver and iron remedy Vinol, which Is free from cod liver oil, Is a remarkably strengthening and that the Legislature should keep ap- ropaiations within the state’s income, the prevailing recklessness in mak ing appropriations continues It will not be long before tho state will bo seriously embarrassed financially. Former Gov. Brown says that he loesn’t iutend to try to run the other departments of the government. That commendable. The inference is plain that he things Gov. Smith is trying to do that. However, bo that it may, it is advisable that the oc cupant of tho governor’s chni shouldn’t undertake to concentrate of the authority of the state in his office. An undertaking of that kind is calculated to create the impression that the governor is using his offleo his own interest rather than that the people. Of course former Gov. Brown favors good roads and thinks the more of them we have the better It will be for the state, and naturally he stands for county unit plan In selecting del egates to Democratic state conven tions. He has always favored that plan. And there will be many wh£T will approve his declaration in favor letting local tribunals deal local utility concerns. The platform is very conservative. }he main it is a promise to faith fully administer the.laws'and to hold rudder so steadily th&t there will no danger that the ship of state will run on the roads. Mr. Brown gave very general satisfaction, when was governor and therp Is no rea- to doubt that he would give the state another good administration * if should be chosen to fill tho vacan- Many will vote for him on the ground that having served the state well as governor he was entitled another term by way of endorse ment. His strength Is in the record has made rather than anything he promises to do or any Issue for which he stands. We N note that Italy Is planning to make the Duke of tho Abruzzi Govorn- nor of Tripoli. Will Miss Klklns be disposed to consider a position as governess? Ca^ididnios for the mayoralty in Cincinnati have agreed that If either is elected the salary of tho office will reduce from $10,otto to $r,,ono. From this day It may be judged how badly they want the office. Mr. Hines the secretary of tho lum ber trust may ho an expert senator- maker/ but ho is too niodost to hang out his shingle and advertise the bus iness. Besides, It is merely a ,§!de Issue with him. * CHEAP FOR CASH, Or will trade for city real estate, 4 second hand automobiles In good running order. 1 6t Kelley’s Garage. It’s Too Easy to Save MERELY A MATTER OF SPEND ING LESS THAN YOU EARN. KEEP8 GROWING EASIER TOO; BECOMES SURPRISINGLY EASY AFTER YOU HAVE PRCTICED IT FOR A WHILE. PEOPLE FALL IN TO THE HABIT OF 8PENDING MONEY THOUGHTLESSLY, AND IMAGINE THEY CANNOT SAVE. CULTIVATE THOUGTHFULNE38 > AND CAREFULNE88 AND YOU ARE BOUND TO 8AVE. THERE'S PROTECTION, ENCOURAGEMENT AND SATISFACTION IN A SAV INGS ACCOUNT. 4 PER CENT PAID ON SAVING8. First National Bank > OF WAYCROSS OUR CAPITAL IS S200 9 000 PARK MOR RAND CO * M GINEER8 AND CONTRACTOR& Lott-Hitch Building. RE-INFORCED CvNCRE^E. As a rich pessimist James J. Hill continues to take tho cako”, observes a contemjHjrary. Also tho ''dough." Before You Reaeh me Limit of physical endurance and while your condition Is still curable, take Foley Kidney Pills. Their quick action and positive results will delight you. For backache, nervousncsi, rheumatism, and all kidney, bladder and urinary troubles. Gem Pharmacy; T. 8. Palno. CHICKENS! CHICKENS! THREE HUNDRED HEAD CHICKENS FROM CENT8 TO TWENTY CENTS PER POUND, JUST RECEIVED AT J. W. HARDY’S. 3 1t THIRD AND LA8T ROUND AND DON’T FORGET TO REGI8TER will be ut following places on dates named for the purpose of col lecting state and county taxes: Manor, Ga., November 13. dlemnore, Gn.. November 14. . , aganza, Ca./Novembdr 15. 'ourt house, November 1C. - aresboro, November 17. .Millwood, November 18. Fairfax, November 20. , Beach, November 21. * Boien, half duy, November 22. Hayvvoo<L half day, November 22. Jamestown, half day, November 22. Hebardville, half day, November 22 Court House, November 25. Court House, November 27. Telmore, November 28. Bckley, November 29. Court House, November 30. Court House, November 31. J. T. Strickland, 3_tf. - T. C. W. C. The Sake Of YOUR | Appearance f Andyour pocket book,, you’d g better come to this store soon it and look over the new styles in ^ Clothing, Shoes | § and Hats If you are looking for a suit that combines Style, Comfort, Quality and Service, then yotf are looking for The Steele Clothing Store. You’d Better Pick Out Your Fall Suit NOW. rv great many men ate finding some very nice things here: Let us put one away for you. The color, the weave and the stylg you want is here. S Suits From $15 to $30 1 The Steele Clothing Store I 40 PLANT AVE.