Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, November 03, 1911, Image 7
"IfESWPL ciisl COMMITTEE TO ■ucsKasexcaaoBsmicalj MEET NOV. 8 JURORS FOR KS SUPERIOR- COURT o Ooooo-^oooo o < H LESTER MARVIL o O Formerly Lott, Fain & Co O > FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND O kO EMBALMERS. O O Telephone 500 Day or Nght O Private Chapel and Morgue c> D OOOOOOOOOO o CHAIRMAN ISSUES CALL For Meeting Ware County Democratic Executive Committee The following it a list of the' graft 1 and traverse jurors drawn for the •December term of Ware' Superior Court: * 8 Q G Parker IHB James J P Llde. R- G Bennett # W B Goodr'ct b P Bryant J J Hargraves J A Tomberllu DICKENS P IJHFilTllFD QPFPJfl Q PHONE STORE U WtAIntK v oiluIhLo' 12 3 \ c ooo<^«>o<>ooo o! ° WL HINSON & CO o O UNDERTAKERS O All members of the Democratic Ex- ( O AND , o 1 ecutlve Committee of Ware County i O EMBALMERS. O' are hereby relied .to meet at tho !' O Phone 91 and 153. oi County Court House in Wnycross oa : O OOOOOOOOOO O j Wednesday morning, November 8th, j — — j ion, at 11 o’clock to provide ways } C E Williamson Allen James J C Humphreys T C Sauls W K Booth ooooooooooo o WILSON ° BENNETT ° & LAMBDiN O Attorneys & Counselors At Law O OOOOOOOOOOO o oooooooooo o o A FLEMING M D # <> O Office over Gem Pharmacy O O In Southern Building. O o OOOOOOOOOO o and means for holding the guberna torial primary on December 7th. 1191, and to transact such other buslnesj as may Rmu* before the meeting. J. S. WILLIAMS, Chairman Ware County Democratic Executive Committee. 1 2td ltw J II Gillon B F Hubert W M Denton Elias Moore Ir J E Dickins F B Trent P N Harley V G Griffin X G Lang J E Vann John G Steffes W J Carswell C Ratliff B D Finn H Ifengeveld R P Peterman G P Folks ' 1 j-'",. i - J ".y " 1 Aviation Caps and Cbildren’sToques 25c, 50c, 75c and $1.00 Traverse Jurors—First Week. r W Morrison H C Seaman HERBERT S H07KINS ATTORNEY AT LAW. Room 325, LaGrande Building. O 0^0 oooooooo O JOHN S WALKER O Attorney and Counselor At O | O Law. O Office up-stairs Southern O Hotel. O WAYCROSS. — GEORGIA. O OOOOOOOOOO O J. E. KNIGHT, M. D. Office 226-228 Southern Bulldinj. Office Hours: 9 to 11 a. m; 2:30 to 4 p. m.; 7 to 8 p. m. oOOOOOOOOOO o O BYCK ELECTRIC ° o SUPPLY CO ° O AH Kind, of Electrical Work O O and Supplia*. O O ALL WORK GUARANTEED. O O 20 Lott Street. Phone 299. O oOOOOOOOOOOo ooooooooooo o O J B BAGLEY M D <> O PHY8ICIAN & 8URGE0N O O Office n Southern Building O fO OFFICE H0UR8. O ,'3> 9-11 A. M. 3-4 P. M. 708 P. M. O ❖oooooooooo0 o oooooooooo o O BenJ. G. Parks. Harry D. Reed O PARKS & REED <> ATTORNEYS AT LAW. O O Southern Hotel Building. O O WAYCROSS, — GEORGIA. O OOOOOOOOOOO0 oooooooooooo O CL REDDING <> O ATTORNEY AT LAW. O O Upstalro Redding Block. O O WAYCROSS, — GEORGIA. O ooooooooooo o WILLIAM R. THOMAS, M. D. Offices 329 and 331 I .nGrando Building. Hours: 9 to 11; 2 to 4. Alva Smith vr J Mullia R B Davin J L Wildes Lonnie Jordan W II Thrift WT Royal A F Fales T H Finn U N Broaie A J Music W E Dempster E J Seay Berrlan Mills W T Minchew J W Starling W C Paul B W Luneeford A A Allen D A Jordan Jr. H F Jeffords S C Morton G I Steele P A Edwards W Crews L R McFoy M Sears IT M Webster J A James D M Josey J F Austin T S Paschal E M Herrin F B McDonald Men’s and Ladies Mufflers 25c and 50c Infants* Bearskin Caps 25c and 50c SHOES DR. J. T. DIXON, Physician and Surgeon. Special attention to chronic diseases of women and children^ OBSTETRICS, CANCER AND DROP8Y. Office Third Floor Lott-Hitch Bldg. Office hours: 9 to 11 a. m. 4 to 6 p. m. Phone, office 223. Residence 393. Waycross, Georgia. NO. UNION JEWELRY 8T0RE Watchmakers and Engravers. All Kind Of Jewelry Repairing. 108 Plant Ata Waycross, Ga. OOOOOOOOOOOO O DEEN& BURNETT ° O ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE O O ’ Room 308 L* Grinds Bldg. O O Wnycross, Ga. O oooooooooooo WAYCROSS COUNCIL Jr. O. U. A. M. Meet* every Monday .reutaa in RaJ Wea'a Hall, Lott-HItch building at I 0. m. Visiting brothers cordially tarttod to meat rlth ns. Bherod Collins, U Carl ColUia Ree-Becty. Councilor Advertise In The Waycross Evening Herald. , oooooooooooo O- W J GASSETT ° O CONTRACTOR A BUILDER O O Resdence 48 Margaret 8treet O O Phono 103 Waycroaa, Gs.. .O 0 0-00 0.0 O O O O O O O OOOOOOOOOO O O DR LEWIS o JONATHAN BURCH <> O PRACTICE LIMITED TO O Eye, Ear, Note, Throat and O Chronic Diseases. O Residence 188 Plant At*. O Offlco Redding Building. O Office Hour*: from 9 to 12; O irJL from 2 'till 4 and by ap- O 11 polntmest O « OOOOOOOOOO « « OOOOOOOOOO O O ANDREW B ESTES ° O . ATTORNEY AT LAW O | O 'Room 27. Southern Hotel Bldg. O j O Waycrces, Oa. O i 9 OOOOOOOOOO O' OOOOOOOOOO O G R LOVELACE <> DENTI8T O Office In Redding Block, Oyer O Star Clothing Store O oOOOOOOOOOOo oooooooooooo O J H BREWTON <> DENTI8T. O 420-422 LaGrande Building O Waycross, Georgia. OOOOOO^OOOOO J T TURNER ARCHITECT. Office LaGrande Building. P. 0. Box I Waycross, Georgia. A Great Advantage to Wo king Men J. A. Maple, 135 8. 7th. 8t., Steuben ville, 0., says: "For years I suffered from weak kidneys and a severe blad der trouble. I learned of Foley Kid ney Pine and their wonderful cures, ee I began taking them and sure enough I hed as good mufti as any I heard about. My backache left me and to one of my business express man, that alone Is a great advantage. My kidneys acted free and normal, and that eared me a lot of misery. It Is now a pleasure to work where It used to be a misery. Foley Kldnoy Pills have cured me and have my highest praise." Gem Pharmacy; T. 8. Paine. Second Week. H E Henderson W R Strickland H L Herrin E L Gorman F L Parker J M Cox S M Cannon Elisha MIore Sr Henry Strickland Mlllcnder Music S J Stanton W E SIrmans C M Williams R L Strickland B W Holt L R Rouse W L Harper L Hinson W D Gillian! J Cannon J T Barnes B J Secklnger H P Reddick H M Pafford E 1 J Remley H J Mullis C M Eunice L S Alfrlend IT M Cason T M Purdom J"T; Ward Henry Jordan G R Austin S Y Wilon W A Strickland Jas L Jordan E A Barber Frank Middle- brooks C M Potter P H £kelton J A Rowell John McClellan Jack Music J F Bennett H J Waldron H J J Markey J B Cribb J M Beach Don’t forget we hav« the most up- I to>date Shoe Stock in the city. We are ag-nts for Queen Quality Nettleton and Crawford Shoes Ladle, call and .ee Mrs. Randall at Mlu Parnell's in regard to hair good.. She can make your old braid over. 26 2t A big line of Ladies’ Misses arid Children’s Coats and Wraps, Cheviots, Broadcloths, Coracules, Etc. Children’s and Misses $1.75 to $.5.00 Ladies $3.00 to $15.00 ladies Scarfs 25c-50e GLOVES For everybody from baby up WARM GLOVES, WORK GLOVES, DRESS GLPVES Prices are marked close 25c to $2.50 Fancy Footwear SATIN, VELVET and SUEDE PUMPS, etc. Button Boots in WHITE, CANVAS. NUBUCK, BROWN VELVET, TAN and BLACK VELVET and other Leathers. Nen’s and Ladies’ Over-Gaiters To keep your an kles warm SOc Blankets and Comforts for everyone and io suit the pocket $1.48to$6.00 UNDERWEAR For the whole dear family Single Garments and Union Suits For Children 25c and 50c For Grown Folks 25c to $2.50 J. E. Dickens AT BRAD WATSON’S OLD STAND FALL CABBAGE PLANT& Our fall cabbage plants, Wakefield and Flat Dutch, are now toady for shipment, and wo want your orders. Prices f. o. b., Meggott: 1,000 to 3,000 at $1.50 per l.OOo 4,000 to 8,000 at .... $1.25 per 1,000 10,000 and over at .... $1.00 per 1,000 We advise that you place your ar dors promptly as tho supply la very limited this fall. Satisfaction guar anteed. S. M. Gibson Co., Moggett, S. C. RING 174 FOR WOOD. 28 tf ADVERTISE IN THE WAYCROSS HERALD NOTICE OF DI880LUTI0N. The co-partnership heretofore exist ing between C. E. 8cott and S. T. Beaton, under the firm name of Scott & Beaton, has been dissolved by mu tual consent, C. E. Scott retiring and 8. T. Beaton assuming all liabilities and collecting all lobts of the firm. This Sept 28, 1911. C. E. Scott, - 8. T. Beaton. FOR 8ALE. One of tho best small forms In Ware county, one inllo from city lim it?, on R. F. D. route, about thirty- gg!*i -ssssssesaa fi.e acres cleared and stumped, good bouse, barn and cane mill, mulo and all necessary farm Implements, heal thy and fine locality. Any reasonable terms accepted. Address Box D, Cftq. 28 3t cod Buy of us and save money. Satis faction In goods, price and terms, or vour money back. Homo Furniture Company, 27 tf Plant and Albany Avenue, Blomsdalc Pearl, (tro best onion yet), Winter Lawn Grass seeds at Seals Pharmacy. 18 tf (T NOTICE TO HOUSEKEEPERS. Don’t worry any more about the bed bugs, roaches, rats and mice. Call 62 or 301. No kill no pay. J. W. 8. Hardy. ADVERTISE IN THE WAYCROSS HERALD $4 15 TO Savannah, Ga., and Return Atlantic Coast Line Automobile Races Nov. 27-30 NOVEMBER 27th: W. K. Vanderbilt; Jr., Gup Race. Tledemau Trophy Race and The Savannah Challenge Trophy. NOVEMBER 29th: Georgia-Auburn' Football Game. NOVEMBER 30th: Grand Price Auto mobile Race. Ill Prizes Ticket* on Sale: November 26th, 27th, 28th, 29th and for train* icheduled to reach Savannah before noon of November 30, 1911. Final UUt: To reach original starting point return ing not later than midnight of December 4, 1911. For further Information In regard to ratoa, sched ule*, Pullman car reaervatlona, private car partlee, etc., ace your nearest Ticket Agent, or communicate with E. M. North, A. O. P. A. B. T. Morgan, T. P. A. ' Savannah, Ga. Savannah, Ga. L. P. Green, T. P. AA. ThomasvIUe, Ga. Union Pressing Club R. E. SWILLING, Manager and Owner German THE ARTI8TIC CLEANSER AND .DYER Chemical ' Cleaning, French Dry Cleaning, Steam Cleaning Dyeing. Pressing, Repairing, Altering, Cleaning, Dyeing and Curling of Ostrich Feathers. 23 Toboau Street, Half Block From Now P. O. Bldg. Phone No. 507 SUITS MADE AT HOME. Never Build a Bouse L— ' ** Unless, you have a first class ar chitect, as It la cheapar to atudy the plnn on paper than to waste the time of your mechanics and lumber. - Owing to catarrh and hay fever In my family It becamo necessary tor me to move my office from the north, and am now located at 427-429 La- Grande building. I have a large atock of plans for all kinds,or buildings, either private or public, fireproof, seml-Rre-proot and otherwise. CALL IN anl SCO what we have got; It may assist you In making np yonr mind what you want; and then we can make It for you. Office Phone T77, Residence Phone 467 P. O. Bo* 182. D. S. SCHU11EMAN, Architect end Structural Engineer. . i dSM.,* J.