Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, November 03, 1911, Image 8
OUR FALL OPENING NEXT TUESDAY NOV From B A. M. Until 9 P. IVf. We extend to EACH and EVERY LADY, in Waycross and vicin ity a CORDIAL INVITATION to Call at our new store and inspedt what we consider -to be the HANDSOMEST, BEST ASSORTED, MOST UP-TO-DATE and the LARGEST STOCK of furniture ever shown in this city. Our stock will be practically complete by next Tuesday, and will compare favorably with any &ock of goods shown in Savannah or Jacksonville. We have secured at considera ble expense ONE THOUSAND beautiful and unique souvenirs which will be presented FREE (as long as they la^t) as a token of our appreciation, to each LADY calling at our dtore next Tuesday. NO souvenirs will be given to ladies UNDER 15 years old or to MEN or BOYS. Walker-Hood Furniture Company Phone 499 f 80 Plant Avenue The New Concrete Sto: COFFE COUNTY FAIR, DOUGLAS, GEORGIA, November 14th-18th, 1911. _ A GREAT SHOW! Vho Fair will bo given on a bigger acalo than ever. • LOW EXCURSION RATES VIA j A. B. d A. Ticket, on Mle November 14th to 118th, Inclusive, with return limit No- Ycmhor 19th, 1911. IW. It. Leahy, a. P. A.. Atlanta, Oa. A. D. Daniel, T. P. A., Atlanta, Oa. B. E, Camp, Tleket Agent, Waycroee, Ga. FOLEY'8 KIDNEY REMEAY la a great modlclne of proven value for both acute and chronic kidney and bladder ailments. It la especially re commended to olderly people for lb 1 wonderful tonic and reconstructive qualities, and the pormanrat rellal And comfort It gives thet. Gem Phar gnacy; T. 3. Paine. _ r> HOWS THI8T P’o offer . op Hundred IX11.-a ward for any case at Catarrh that easaot be cored by Hall’s Catarrh r. J. CHENEY A CO.. Toledo, 0 Wo, the undersigned, hart known F. 3. Cheney for the last IS years, and bellava blip perfectly honorable in all tmalneaa transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations Stade by hit firm. ' Welding, Klanan ft Marvin, ' Wholesale Druggists, Tolado, a Hell's Catarrh Curt 'a taken Intenr Ally, acting directly upon tha blood and mucous surfaces cf the system. Testimonials sent free. Price per bottle Sold by all druggists. Take HaU’e Family PlUa for conatl- ' ■ or t doses "Ml" will care any ftua of Chllla end Fever. Price, *1 peat*. MMf i Bee <flr ton art aqearea. mattings, Hgfc buckets sad comforts. Cash AX 4MM aermcela Low t ' ' Home JWfUtufc CottWtfly, •JfJ t{ Plant and At< A GREAT DISCOVERY. Chest Pains and Sprains Sloan’s Liniment is an ex cellent remedy for chest and throat affections. It quickly relieves congestion and in flammation. A few drops in water used ns a gargle is antiseptic and healing. Here's Proof " I have m*4 Sloan's Liniment for years and can taalifjr to its wonderful efficiency. I have used It for sort threat, croup, lame back and rheumatism and In svsry case it gars instant relief." RKUECCA JANS ISAACS, * Lucy, Kentucky. ISLOANSI LINIMENT is excellent for sprains and bruises. It stops the pain at once and reduces swell ing very quickly. Sold by all dealers. Prkjo, 2Bo* BOo., *IMO Sloan's TrutUe on the Hon. Mot free. Big shipment electric tans rocetv Byck Electric Supply Oo. 20 Vott Street II U Certain Ingredients Thst Really Pro mote HelrGrowth When Prop, •rly Combined. RING 174 FOR WOOD. 28 tf CHEAP FOR CASH, Or will trade for city real eetstft 4 Mocmd hand aatomobtlea In nuralax order. I ft n "',-’5 Gerx-e. Resorcin Is one of the most effective germ destroyers ever discovered by science, and In connection with Beta Napthol, which Is both germicidal and antiseptic, a combination Is farmed which destroys the germs which rob the hair of Its natural nourishment, and also creates a clean, healthy con. dltlon of the scalp, which prevents the development of now germs. Pllocnrpln, although net a coloring matt'" <■- |. a woll knowti ingre dient for restoring the hair to Its nat ural color, when the loss of hair has been causod by a disease of tho scalp. These Ingredients In proper combi nation, with alcohol added as a itlmu. land and for Its well defined nourish ing properties, perfect perhaps the most effective remedy that Is known for scalp and hair troubles. Wo have a remedy which Is chiefly composed of these Ingredients, In com btnstlon with other extremely lava! j uablo medicinal agents. We guaran tee It to positively cure-dandruff and to grow hair, even though the scalp la spots Is bare of hair. If thtrt la AT THE MAJESTIC THIS WEEK. kny vitality left la the roots. It will j Certainly we know of no better guar- positively cure baldneet, or we wlltjantae to give you. Remember, you refund your money. If the scalp has can obtain Rexall Remedlea In Way- a glased, ehlny appearance. It’s an cross only , t our „ 0 re-The Rexall Indication that baldneu Is permanent, Store . ne gralI RhamuKy. but In other Instances ws believe bale i nets Is curable. I ‘ We want every one troubled with! scalp disease or loss of hair to try Rexall "93'' Hair Tonic. If It does not cure dandruff and grow hair to the aaUsfaction of the user, we will j without question or quibble return every cent paid us fob It We print j this guarantee on every bottlo. It hhs E. & MITCHELL, O. O. M. O. OSTEOPATH, Physician and 8urgton. Ofilce 419-21 LaGrande Building. Hours; 9 to 12 and 2 to t p. m Residence Phone 402; OOce 321. PATENTS effected a poaltive cure In 93 per cent of case* where put to a practical ^*.L Rexall "93" Hair Tonic In entirely onllke, and we thfhk. In every partic ular better than anything else we mod j know k ot for the purpose tor which It prsecvthM, We err* you to T- At Fountains & Elsowharo Ask for (ill An ■ a a ifiAii Mr. RoosevtR I* going to take a A qritk silent pert <% tho ccmtnv politic.-1 T«t»m leititb? HORLIGK’S ThtvSriglnal and Gmbe MALTED MILK Tt, Foot-drink lor 11 Ipo. Alreitaurints botch, and foontams. Keep it Don't travel without £ 11mA BfMtrad in a AT THE MAJEenu. The pietare programme for tonight will be aa follows. Film No. 1. "Boss of Circle E. Ranch". Another one of those classy western pictures by the “Nestor Pte ture Company. Film No. 2. '‘Fisherman’s Crime.” A dramatic production of the “AmbnpHj sis" Picture Company. * The vaudeville feature will he "Far and Blondln”, a novelty act consisting of singing, talking and dancing. Fea turing Miss Daisy Blondln, America's cutest soubrette. Mils Blondln wears o a complete change of wardrobe every performance. We also call your, at tention to Eddie Fox who Is eome commedlan and dancer. .nosiirrv” For first-clave rubber tire and wiry t