Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, November 04, 1911, Image 5

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    > v. ... . .'•• :■ " - \,
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* * . i*
- From 8 A, M, Until 9 P. M.
We extend to EACH and EVERY LADY in Wayfcrossand vicin
ity a CORDIAL INVITATION to call at o’ur new store and inspect
what we consider to be the HANDSOMEST, BEST ASSORTED,
MOST UP-TO-DATE and the LARGEST STOCK of furniture ever
shown in this city. Our stock will be practically complete by next
Tuesday, and will compare favorably with any tftock of goods
shown in Savannah or Jacksonville. We have secured at considera
ble expense ONE THOUSAND beautiful and unique souvenirs
which will be presented FREE (as long as they la^t) as a
token of our appreciation, to each LADY calling at our ^tore next
Tuesday. NO souvenirs will be given to iadies UNDER 15 years
old or to MEN or BOYS.
Walker-Hood Furniture Company
Phone 499 80 Plant Avenue The New Concrete Store
tf j
Continued From Page 1.
I am only one, but I am ono
i cannot do everything but I can
do something,
What I can do I ought to do,
What I ought to do by tho grace of
— * God I will do.
The choir sang hymn 639,. “Fling
Out the* Banner, Let It Float.”
Mrs. Wall then gave a paper oh
the work of the Woman's Auxiliary in
the U. S. She gave a few statistics
.and outlined the splendid work of this
organization and told many Interest
lng Incidents of tho work in the neg
lected districts of the homo land.
Choir then sang an anthem “Send
Out Tho Light."
This closed the morning exercises
and the Congregation was dismtesed
with prayer fjy Rev. O. F. Cook.
Tho ludies then gathered in the
Sunday school room for a social hour
ant! a delicious luncheon was served
by tho refreshment committee.
Tho aftornoon service opened at 2
o'clock by singing “Tho Morning Light
Is Breaking."
Tho first hour was turned over to
i the ladies of the Central Baptist
church and tho Second Baptist church
with Mrs.*Mathew Carswell presiding.
Song, "Rescue ^ho Perishing" was
sung, followed with prayers by Mrs.
Richardson and Mr*. Williams. A
•cripture lesson from the Psalms wa3
read by Mrs. Carswell, followed by
a song by Florence Lowther, “Soifio-
body Loves You." - .
In her introductory remark* Mr3.
Carswell made a call for workers,
askiiV^tbcm to accept the mottd of
the Prussian evangelist “100 per cent
for Christ.”
Mrs. May Bennett made a most In
teresting address explaining the work
. of the Woman’s Society In the Central
BhptlEt ChUrch and thd use of the
"Oh, L’e Joyful ’ box for voluntary of-
fevings and of the “O. B. J." mark Jor
linen on baby bed 0 in the station. . .
Misses Daisy and Carrie Perkam
then fang a beautiful duct
Mrs. Lowther spoke on the necessl-; Brazil. ^ cured temporary leave of absence an
ty of training for service and empha-j After sinking a hymn the next hour city editor of tho Constitution for tlUa
sized the importance of prayer ror all | was turned over to tho young peoplo.
•work undertaken. She told of tho j They inarched into the auditorium
prophecy of a Chinese missionary,
that In 60 years there would bo no
Idols, no Brahlralns, no foreign pas
tors, but enough natives to,do all the
work, and compared this with what
the statistics show of the work In tho
home church, only four souls out ot
100 saved In a year.
Mrs. Cornell followed with an in
teresting talk on the need and oppor
tunity for workers 1q the different
fields Carrying out tho command to
Mrs. Bladen then led in prayer and
a talk, asking for personal service at
home and In the neighborhood among
the i>oor. She ‘stressed the point,
“Whatsoever thy. band finds to do, do
It," and to GO not send to those who
are in need.
Bong, “1 love to toll tho Story".
Trinity and Deenwood Methodist
Churches occupied tho next hour, witn
Miss Emma Myers presiding.
speclul work. Mr. Ulm did magnifi
cent work in' tWo campaigns for Mr
Brown, and as private secretary to
the governor he enlarged his acquain
tance all over the state.
He will bo co-campaigh manager
with J. R. Sitaith and from now on the
work will fairly hum. Just now tho
work of organizing Joe Brown clubs
In every county in the state is going
forward with a rush and, occordln*
to Mr. Ulm, with complete satisfac
The big rally day on Saturday, No
vember 11, Is expected to aropsli en
thusiasm for Little Joe in all parts
r.ug "All Hail 1 the State.
Judge Langley's View.
| Judge F. Mi I.ongley, of LaGrnnxo
A few ladies romhined for a ’ytsspoi*! celled at the Joe Brown headquarters
service and planned for future meet-; and in ebnvcrsation said;
ings in union, s j • ‘\J y observation has been that the
At .7:30 a mass meeting of both men I supporters of Kx-Governor Brown iu
r.nd women was held at tho church j tho last primary will stand by him
and a’ most interesting address was 5 in the approaching one. [ know of
liiado by the Rev. JI. Graybill of the; no Brown no; ■ .«. iv 'I ■>, bid
singing "Onward Christian Soldier’’,
and prayer for all young peoplo and
all tholr work was offered by Rev.
Miss Eula Ladg, representing an
earnest Inquirer after a truo religion
was accosted by several young ladlos
representing tho different religions of
and countries of tho world and seeks
information of each, made a very In
teresting service.
A quartette was sung by Misses
Browiv Myers, lllppard and Ixtng,
"Tell It Out Among the Natidns."
Tho congrftfiallcj
The Power of Jesus Sonic" and ;v
dismissed by tho Mizpath bcnoftlclio:
Miss Myers- as president of the First Presbyterian Church of Jack-.quite
with an unsurpassed record as gover
nor, the highway for a socond term
for Ex-Governor Brown looks lumi
nous—93,000 to start with and more
to follow.”
Home Mission Soclety r made a most
earnest appeal for a 'united' effort of
all the churches to “fight sin". Shq
urged tjfomen to greater forgetfulness
of self and deeppr consecration for
service’ to greater sacrifice and moro
.giving of self.
A beautiful vocal solo, “Nearer,
Still Nearer," was rendered by Mrs.
Mrs. Thrasher then, ns president of
tho Foreign Society, took charge, of
the meeting and Introduced Mrs. Ar
thur Moore who talked on evangeliza
tion by the aid of preachers, native
workers. She gave some touching ex
periences aleo t>f the work
Home Mission fields.
Mrs. Thrasher then spoke on Evan-
elization by the aid of schools and
teachers. She pointed out. the dense
Gnoranee of the adult convpri aqi
rhowed that to develop a well round
ed Christian manhood or womanhood
we must reach the Children, and how
this was being done by the aid of our
sonviHe. Ho was introduced to the |agaljnst himtho testydltfttott BfS
congregation in a most pleasing'man-' nr<\. for him/ HU wise; confer . u‘ive
nor by Rev. O. IN, Cook, tho flan tor.. ? dr.n bus lutes ndminisUaiion, pad or
Mr. (Jraybill’s -subjoct was “Whero which prosperity abounded, ha.* In-
There 13 No Vision tho People Per* jcpired tho peoplo as never before wMi
ish’’. | real confidence irvjho man. Tho spfr-
Tho combined choruses of the city jit of ridicule, personal and otherwise,
under tho direction of Prof. Zelzlcr Jheretofore hurled at h’lm by the Cno-
furnished most excellent and beaut*-1 my, for political aggrandizement, like
ful music. Mr. Laniols at the organ j the chaff beforo tho wind, pr tho froth
Tho picture programme for tonight
will ho ps follows.
Film No. 1. “A Gay Bachelor." A
very laughable comody picture by tho
"Solax" Company.
Film No. 2. "As A Boy Dreams."
A dramatic production by the ‘Imp’
Plctitro Company.
Tho vaudovlllo foaturo will be “Fox
and Rlondln", a novelty act consisting
of flinging, talking and dancing. Fea
turing Mlsa Daisy Blondin, America’s
:;t flonhrcftc. Miss Blondin wears
'tnplctn change of wardroho every
perfprmanco. Wo* alao call your at
tention to Eddie- Fox who Is some
commedian and dancer.
j Mr, Perry Barber killed a/big black
j hear in the Okofinokeo swamps, about
! nix miles south of Wuycross Monday.
Tho dogs chased tbo hoar for some
timo and th4 animal took to a tree
when closely pursued^ Mr. Barbor
flhot tho animal four times before
bringing him to the ground. The bear
had been devouring hogs In tho vidn-
ty of Mr. Barber’s homo. Tho bear
weighed about three hundred pounds.
was very fine and tho Bunn-Bell Or-'of 1 dl j hub, hen vani«bed, leanni*
chestra added tlieir share to the rn- wheat and cream, an t tho country
joymept of the occasion by two beau- j now sees in him a man ot the people,
tiful numbers. i ia full sympathy with their rt.;-.. ; Jee.
. Altogether It wa • pronounced by. secs in him the beat elements of
all tht: . -;. t ticIi; .itfui and inspiring .oarhood, go mixed and tempered with : Get tbs
day cn reoCrd ..i.-'u; t'tho ladies qf vieUoni, justiefi and moderation as to j* Original and GcnuSnO
the various churn':*ctcmpiffy Grorgfa's noble motto.
— -- ; “i’urthermeri-/tho people are nb;
A. H. ULM GOES TO THE • ludndful of an unbroken'custom of
• J9E BROWN HEADQUARTERS U’ e party, to eudp.e an execwLive
Atlanta, Nov. -There ;v<-/c j whose administration raeaeared
developments in the gubernatorial ah i 1 .» to ibeir demands, End -will fibt In
nation today. fnctance.. Now that the exccu-
For Meeting Ware County-
Democratic Executive
All members of the Democratic Ex
ecutive Committee of Ware County
are iioroby called to moot at tho
.County Court Houso in Waycroas ca
Wednesday morning, November 8th,
1911, at 11 o’clock to provide .. ways
end moans for holding tho guberna
torial primary on December 7th. 1191 r
and to transact such other husfnesl
ns may come before the meeting,
j Chairman Ware County Democratic
Executive Committee,
J 2td ltw . '
Jr. O t Ur A* M.
o-Jtry Monday evening la R*f
Had, Lort-HttcV. hulJdlng at S
" i
V MMng brothers cordially invited
to most rlth ns.
ri her id Coll Ins, L. C*rl Collins.
Roe-Secty ^ Conncilo*.
Advertise in The Waycross Evening
From now on A. H. Ulm will he di
rectly connected with the Joe Brown
She made ^^sp^iai pi^a f ^ campaign headquarters, haring sc-
’ ’OlfioiA a te Jmitaticnd'
The Food Drink forAll Ages
t ve committee has eliminate.] the 11*11 ijL*
KaUkex. question, r» fusing to sutnnli J™ ln any^jmLk iTOSt
M to tho.whlto roto_IWMni pSrWlftloa,