Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, November 04, 1911, Image 8
CM. coopeR, Pw'«n *■ W. BELLINGER, Caihl.r, PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Divine services and preaching at ll a. aend 7:30 p. m. Sah bath School at !M5. Special music tor pach service at •:« a. m. Special music tor each service. In addition to (he usual music Miss Daisy Strickland, of Atlanta, will render a vocal and violin,0010 at the morning service BAtfNG-POWDE Absolutely Pure^ Misses . RJppsrd and Drown will Bln, a duet at the even ing service. The pastor will preach at night from tho Golden Buis slvln to us by. our Saviour. The public Is cordially- In'- vlted 0 worship with us. To have pure and wholesome food, be sure that your baking powder is made from cream' of tartar and not from alum. Tho Label will guide you Royal is the only baking powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar Ho Alum Ho Ume Phosphates THE LEADINO GROCERY STORE. New goods are coming overy day. The housekeeper will enjoy an Inspec. lion of our stock. No store In Way. cross presents so many unusual fancy articles.- Every article must'have a Bean and clear title to enter our'store. ' Where are you buying your goods? The guarantee we give has no string tied to it. No "irs" .or "end's"; simply means that If tho goods a*- not good notify ns and we will send for them promptly and pleasantly; It also covers tho matter of full weights and full count. When you fully real- Ite the pleasure and profits of dclng business with such a trading p.-co you will come to our store as a regu lar patron. SPECIAL MENTION. Imported goods, such as Holland Herring, Dill Pickles, ltoqufort Cheese, Swiss Cheese, Edom Cheese, Umherger Cheese, Herring In bullion, BAPTIST TABERNACLE. Bunder morning 11 o'clock, preach ing by pastor, subject l“God's plan for every Christian." At'th<-T.y<>n!ng etc.. /hour (7:00), subject “M Remember, on Friday of each wee's as God Seed It." The public cordially we get our Tennessee butter, chickens and eggs. 4 Complete lino of grata, hay ■ and feed. We ere still selling nur Ism- snts C. C. D. butter at 23 cents a pound. . Wo extend to the public ail luvlln. tlon to visit our stb-j and compare prices, and ws wilt I,a rntltflcd with the verdict We guarantoo eaUai'ae nn nn.1 lii-al class service and to please ull who are afflicted with the eating habit.' THE WILSON GROCERY COMPANY W. M. Wilson, Manager \ Phone No. 128. Wl'ton Diock. ADVERTISE IN THE WAYCROSS HERALD * J T TURNER ARCHITECT. JDfflct LaGrand© Building. P. O. Box 2 Waycross, Georgia. Invited to hrorahlp with especial ly tho strangers within our^ gates. "Como thou wltl^us, and wo will do thee good, for the Lord hath spoken good concerning Isreal." * PIR8T BAPTI8T CHURCH. W. P. Price. Pastor. Corner Elisabeth and Remahart Sts. Sunday School, pi-45 a. m. Preaching, 11 a. m. Preaching, 7:30 p. ni. Dr. Price will speak at both gervi- ces tomorrow, and a cordial Invitation is extended tho public to attend. The music will be good, as usual, consisting of special selections by the choir, and good old time congregation singing. Every lady In tho city who visits Walker-Hood Furniture store Tuesday November 7th will bo given a beauti ful souvenir. 4 2t Your Grocer Likes Mis Cup of 1 "French Market Coffee! Ju Perhaps lie drank it in New Orleans before (' the war. i Perhaps his father had always stopped at the old French Market, when he was in New I Orleans, to sip a cup of that delicious beverage, j ^ Or his grandfather may have heard how vvell General Andrew Jackson liked this famous blend. Everywhere in the History of ibis most his torically interesting of all American cities—New Orleans—you find references to this marvelous coffee with a history— GRACE EPISCOPAL CHURCH Mary und Pendleton Streets. Tho Rev. Win. Hirst Heigham, Hector Twenty-first Sunday after Trinity, November 5. 7:30 a. m. Holy Eucharist. 11 a. m. Litany and Holy Eucha rist. 3:30 p. m. Sunday School. 7:30 p. m. Evening Prayer. At tho flight service, Mr. Jno. L. Eckersley Daniel will give an organ rectal—program as follows: 1. Cantlleno—Salome. 2. LaCinquantalne — Gabriele-Ma rie. 3. Narclasut—Nevin. 4. Salut d’Amour—Elgar. 5. March—Moore. All those without other definite church engagement* arc cordially In vlted. WEEK DAY SERVICES: Tuesday, 7:30 a. ni., Holy ' Eucha rist. Thusday, 10:30 a. m., Holy Euci)3 rist. Friday, 5 p. m., Litany and Mcdlta tion. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH. Gilmore pnd Reed Streets. Osgood F. Cook, Pastor. Services tomorrow at 11 a. m., and 7:30 p. m. The pastor will preach at both hours and administer the sacra ment of the Lord's supper after the morning sermon. A special song serv ice will precede the evening sermon. ^ Sunday School at 3 o’clock as here tofore. , Woman's Missionary Society will meet Monday afternoon at 3:30 p. m. Epworth League meeting, Tuesday 8 p. m. Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7:30 p Junior League meeting, Friday, 3:3d p. m. - fe= -- — It’s Too Easy to Save MERELY A MATTER OF 8PEND* • ING LESS THAN YOU EARN. KEEP8 GROWING EASIER TOO; BECOMES SURPRISINGLY EA8Y AFTER YOU HAVE PRCT1CED IT FOR A WHILE. PEOPLE FALL IN- TO THE HABIT OF SPENDING MONEY THOUGHTLESSLY, AND ( IMAGINE THEY CANNOT SAVE. CULTIVATE THOUGTHFULNE8S AND CAREFULNE8S AND YOU ARE BOUND TO SAVE. THERE'S PROTECTION, ENCOURAGEMENT AND SATISFACTION IN A 8AV- INGS ACCOUNT. 4 PER CENT, PAID ON 8AVING3. First National Bank OF WAYCROSS 1 OUR CAPITAL IS $200,000 PARK MOR RAND C O MGINEER3 AND CONTRACTORS. Lott-HItch Building. RE-INFORCEO CONCRETE. The game season (or wild animals now on, the office hunters season In Georgia has also oponed In lino shape. Before You Reach m« Limit of physical endurance and while your condlUon Is still curable, take Foley Kidney Pills. Their quick action and positive results will delight you. For backache, nervousness, rheumatism and all kidney, bladder and urinary troubles. Gem Pharmacy; T. S. Palno. Then—and for hundreds of years before—it could be had only at the old French Market in New Orleans. But now you are so fortunate as to be able to serve it, daily, on your own table. . For the rare old French blend is perpetuated in all its original smoothness and delicacy of aroma and flavor by , r .,- ,>\ -.MS ~ J £vw.‘ *»V-. v i u The Same Unique * • > Hygienic Roasting Process v. and since the establishment of the French Market Mills real old French Market Coffee it to be had At All Grocers J in hermeticallv-tealed tint. All the natural aroma 'I and delicious flavor is preserved in its full strength 4 and purity. No human hand touches French Market Coffee from the roasters to the cup. Try it, and you, too, will agree that there is only ont French Market flavor. Ask your grocer for French Market Coffee. Roasted, Ground and' Packed only at the French Market Mills Don't forget Tuesday, Souvenir ] Day for tho ladies at the Walker-Hood | ^ Furnituro more. 4 2t 1 s § m £1 Mrs. J. D. Rousseau. after a pleas it visit hero to hoi- daughter, Mra. K. Dickons, returned to her homo in Savannah this morniu . C:’. ' ’ -I'M. Toomer anil (laugh tor are in the city, from Jacksonville. Col. Toon or's many friends arc al ways glnd to see him. CHOIR REHEARSAL. All the membert of the choir of the First Baptist Church are urged to meet at the church this evening at 7:30 o’clbck. Something special in store. We extend an invitation to all sing ers iu the city not otherwise engageo, to join our chorus choir. ; R. F. Zeigler, Director. (Haw Orleans Coffee Co? New Orleans. Lr. .n SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH. Services conducted by Rev. Wm. Bladen at 11 a. m., and 7:30 p. m. Sunday School at 3 p. m. Superin tended by Brother Hobbs'. Ladles Missionary Society, Wednet- day at 3 p. m. Prayer, service, Thursday at 7:30 p. m. Everybody cordially Invited. You will And comfort and fltttni qualities If you buy E. P. Rood Co's, line shoes tor ladtea. Sold by 1 3t The Standard Shoe Co. Dr. 3. T. Carswell will address the Young Men's Christian Association to morrow afternoon. Every man In the dtp It urged to he present. UNION JEWELRY STORE Watchmakers and fa,re vers. All Kindt Of Jewelry Repairing. | For The Sake «S YOUR Appearance Andyour pocket book, you’d better come to this store soon and look over the new styles in Clothing, §h oes and Hats If you are looking for a suit that combines Style, Comfort, Quality and Service, then you are looking f6r The Steele Clothing Store. You’d Better Pick Out v Your Fall Suit NOW. A great many men are finding some very nice things here. Let us put one away for you. The color, the weave and the style you want is here. Suits From $15 to $30 > ' The Steele Clothing Store 40 PLANT AVE. - Y*Wi