Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, November 06, 1911, Image 3
ANNOUNCEMENTS. A. M. KNIGHT ANNOUNCES FOR OROINARY. Circumstance* force me toy get Inti tile “game" ttiia early and announce myaelf aa a candidate for Ordinary at the next Democratic primary elec- tlln. Should any one else ocer for this place I trust that he will be aa line a man aa my good friend B. H. Thomas, which would Insure a clean race. If elected 1 will see that the office la kept open all day. I solicit my abare of the votes. A. U. Knight. MAJOR McGEE FOR MAYOR The Herald la authorised to announ ce that Mr. F. H. McGee will be a candidate fjir Mayor of Waycrosa, subject to the action of the Demo cratic primary. Official announcement of his plat form will be published later. -■♦♦♦MMMSS FOR MAYOR. Waycrosa, Oa.. Sept 9. 1911 To the Citizens of Waycrosa: I will be a candidate for nomina tion as Mayor of Waycross in the approaching primary. Within a few days I will publish a short statement of the principles that I shall advo cate In asking the voters of the city to support me. (Signed) Harry D. Reed. Cadillac NO BETTER MACHINE MADE. AL WAYS READY FOR 8ERVICE. NOTHING TO BUY BUT GAS AND OIL AND GO A YEAR WITHOUT RE PAIRS. ONLY SIX MACHINES AL LOTTED TO THIS AND PIERCE COUNTY. ORDER NOW. M. KELLEY Agent FOR ALDERMAN SECOND WARD. To the Citizens of Waycross: I hereby announce myself a can31- dato for Alderman for the Second Ward, City of Waycross, subject to the ensuing white primary and ask the support of all classes of citizens. 1 promise fidelity to thelrust if confer red upon me. . W. C. Butler. FOR ALDERMAN. I beg to announce that I am a can didate for alderman from the second ward, subject to the white Democratic primary to be held later. If elected, I will do my part toward giving the city an Impartial, business administra tion. H. Hengeveld- FOR OROINARY. To the Citizens of Ware County: Heretofore I have stated that. 1 would not be a candidate to succeed myself aa Ordinary of Ware County, but since giving the matter more ma ture consideration, and the people having elected me to that position for one term, which has better fitted me to fill that position for a succeeding term, I have decided to yield to the solicitations of my many frlenda who have importuned me to stand for re- election and hereby make thla my announcement for Ordinary of Ware County, subject to the Democratic pr'inary to be called by the Democrat ic Executive Committee of Ware coun ty- Yours respectfully, B. H. Thomas. FOR ALDERMAN. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for Alderman from the Fourth Ward, subject to the Democratic pri mary. I solicit and appreciate the support of the voters of the city. W. E. Chandler. COFFE COUNTY FAIR, SOVOLA8, GEORGIA, November 14th-18th, 1911, A GREAT 8HOWI ' The Fair will be given on a bigger scale than ever. LOW EXCURSION RATES VIA A. B. A A. Tickets on tale November 14th to I8th, Inclusive, with return limit No- vember 19th, 1911. W. H. Leahy, a. P. A.. Atlanta, Oa A. D. Daniel, T. P. A., Atlanta, Ga. B. E. Camp, Ticket Agent, Waycross, Go. E. B. MITCHELL, D. O. M. D. OSTEOPATH, 1 , and Phyalclan and Surgeon. Office 419-21 LaGrando Building. Hours: 9 to 12 and 2 to 6 p. m Residence Phone 402; Office 321. CHICKENS! CHICKENS! THREE HUNDRED HEAD CHICKEN8 FROM 10 CENTS TO TWENTY CENT8 PER POUND, JUST RECEIVED AT J. W. S. HARDY’S. 3 u Big shipment electric tans recall Byck Electric Supply Co. 29 Lott Streot M tl RING 174 FOR WOOD. FIRE INSURANCE AND BOND8. C. W. PARKER FOR MAYOR. To the Citizens of Waycross: In making this, my announcemen of my candidacy for Mayor of the City of Waycross, I beg t„ say I do to with the kindest personal feeling for those who may oppose me. expect. If elected, to look closely after the affairs of the office of Mayor and to spend the larger part of my time In attending to the Important duties of the office. I expect to make a fur tier statement In regard to certain matters later. C. W. Parker. FOR ALDERMAN The frlenda of Mr. 8cott T. Beaton announce him ax a candidate for Al derman from the Fourth WonLsub- ' Ject to the Democratic primary to ha called later. We feel quit* sure it elected .Mr. Beaton will make a moat efficient and active official, and ask the hearty aupport of the voten of the city. MANY FRIENDS. BOWDEN IN SENATORIAL RACE. The Herald la authorised tod re qoeeted to announce that Hon. J. B. T. Bowden will ht a candidate for the State senator from tbo Waycrosa die Met In tht primary to be called later aid that a plain eraiement win ap pear some time liter It tt FOR ALDERMAN FROM THE SIXTH WARD. To the Citizens of Waycrosa: I hereby announce that I wUJ be a - candidate to incceed myself, as Al- xlsrmon for the sixth ward, subject to *'e Democratic primary, to be held •one time In December. In making thla announcement, I with id thank the good people of Waytroii for their many kind words, and worn support while, acting aa their repreeectetlva, end If elected, I win try and tern them ae faithfully for the next two FOR ORDINARY. I hereby announce that I wfil he a candidate for the office of Ordinary of Ware county, subject to the Dem ocratic primary to be held later. If elected, I j promise to give my atten- tlon to the office and keep It open. U will be no aide line with me. This early announcement la made neces sary by the fact that other candidate* have already announced for this of fice. Soholtjng the support of my friends, I am. yours to serve, O. P. FOLKS. FOR ALDERMAN SECOND WARD. I hereby annoucc myself a candi date tor Alderman from thef Second Ward, City of Waycross, subject to the Democratic primary to be held later." If elected I will at all times have the best Interest of Waycross and her people at heart, and will stand for a safe, progressive, Impar tial, business administration. 1 will appreciate the support of the voters of the city. , W. K. Meeks. Phone 135 ESL 1881 For nlco Georgia pork or any other kind of fresh meats I can please you. W. J. Parker, phone 288. 27 2t Get the habit, smoko “Y. B. S. ’ Clear Havana. 27- ir FOR ALDERMAN, hereby announce my canlldacy for Alderman from the Fourth Ward, aubject to the primary to be Tailed later. I will appreciate the aupport of the clltzena of Waycroaa, and lb elected will work for the Interesf and upbuilding of the city. W. H. Fendt. FOR ALDERMAN. To. my frlenda and citizens: I hereby announce myaelf for Al derman of Sixth Ward, subject to (be primary to bo held In December In doing so, I respectfully aak the rap port of on the citizen* of Waycrosz, and If elected. I will at all times use my vote to what I think la the beet Interest of Waycrosa and her citi zenship. Yours for progressive Waycross, E. P. Owens, Sr. FOR ORDINARY. To tho Voters of Ware county: 1 hereby announce that I am a can didate for tho office of Ordinary of Ware county, rabject to the Demo cratic primary to he held later, if elected I promise to give my entire time to the duties of the office and solicit the rapport of my friends. Respectfully, E. 8. Henderson. FOR ORDINARY. Waycross & Southern R. r. co. Schedules of Trains Eeectlve Septem ber 25, 1911. Notice: The arrivals and depar ture! are given aa Information and are not guaranteed. Sutbhound Train No. 1. Miles Station Hebardvllle Lv. ...... 10:00 a-m, Wayx. Albany ave. Lr. 10:05 a.m. Lavlnla Lv 10:20 a.m. 10 Fredel Ar, 10:30 a.m. Northbound Train No. i. 10 Fredel Lv 2:45 p.m. I Lavlnla Lv. „ 2:50 9.1 I Wayx. (Albany ave.) Lv. 2:10 p.m. 1 Hebardvllle Ar 2:16 p.m. 'Trains Nos. 1 and 2 dally excapt Sunday. John U. Hopkins, Oeneral Superintendent Don’t freeze. Wo havo blankets and comforts that will keep yon warm. Cash or easy payments. Home Furniture Company, 37 tt Plant and Albany Avenue. Victor-Victrola *15 A new Victor-Victrola is herci A genuine Victor-Victrola, bearing the famous Victor trademark, priced‘at only $15. Come in and see it and hear it. No obligation to buy, but after hearing it you won't want to be with out one. Other styles $25 to $250. Victors $10 to $100, liasv payments if desired. All the Latest Records 75c each FOR SALE BY J. C. Payne DRUGGIST . TIME TO SOW RYE RAPE, AND 0AT8 FOR YOUR CHICKEN8, TO SUPPLY GREEN FOOD WHEN THE WEATHER QET8 COLO, SOW NOW AND PREPARE FOR THE HIGH PRICE8 OF EGOS LATER. WE HAVE THE SEED, PHONE 315. 1 3t C. 8. HARDY A SON. A CLOSE INSPECTION to what, always happen* when yeu ire met tact to tics’ BY A LAUNDRY DRANK. Ha may be a friend, but be Insists «■ serattalrtng your linen. Be on the rife and rare side and have us do LAUNDRY WOR KTHAT IB IRRESISTIBLE. tt'f aa cheap aa “«lop“ work and •oka a “heap* bettor. Wilson STEAM LAUNDRY PHONE •. UW >our-». This to to notify my friends that 1 am In the race for the office of Or dinary of Ware county, rabject to tht DemocraUc primary. If raccaiaful I will not only keep the office opee tor the convenience of'the ptblk, hat y f- it 4 [ Voure truly, i ->•- ... i-*u , $4 .***‘*4.*- * * CmjmS- toff revolved at Harold. _ W ‘xi u FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS Will reach your Individual case if yoa have any form of kidney and bladder trouble or urinary Irregularities. Try them. Gem Phormaoy; T. P. MM. TAXE8I TAXES! I will be In my office at the Court Houee all day tomorrow for the pur pose of collecting stele and county taxes. Come early and' save the rush and don't forget to reglater. Remem ber only one day and the time will soon be closed. J. T. Strickland, T. C. W. C. REMOVAL NOTICE I Sam Lee’s Chinese laundry haa been moved to No. 5 Tebeau street, mar English block. Ha thanks bit many customer! for past patronage, nod solicits a continuance of the same. 28 6t A Great Advantage to Wo king Man J. A. Maple, 126 S. 7th 8L, Steuben. rUl*. 0„ lays: “For year* I suffered from weak kidneys and a severe bled der trouble. I learned of Foley Kid ney PWa and their wondftfnl oar**, 1 hem taking them end i enough I had ae good reinlti os any I beard about. My baokache toft me and to on* of my huslnese express-' man, that alont to a great advantage. My kfdneyi acted free tad normal, and that oared me a lot of misery. It to now a pleasure to work where It used to be a misery. Foley Kidnoy Pill* have cured me end have my hlfheet praise," Gem Pharmacy; T. B. Paine. NOTICK TO HOUSEKEEPERS. Don't worry any more about tha bed hugs, roaches, rate and mice. Call <2 or 301. No kill no pay. J. W. S. Hardy. ADVERTISE IN THE .WAYCROSS HERALD ■ -*<vifu pom# Furniture Co. Use it Wherever you Want Cleanline is, Sightliness & Durah lity THE U8E OF CEMENT IS A MATTER OF COST, NOT OF PRICE. S0UND8 8TRANQE, MAYBE, BUT LISTEN! , PRICE IS WHAT YOU PAY FOR AN ARTICLE, IT ENDS THERE. COST IS REPRESENTED BY WHAT YOU QET, THE SERVICE AND SATISFACTION, So white the price of cement walk may bo greater than of wood, thy coat la tar leas. There are many placet around every home and a*, pcclally on the farm, where It is simply a waste of money to uae any thing but cement. Aak ue how cement will save you money aud them aee how we will eave you money on cement. ,,, P. N. Harley Hdw. Co. i House Furnishers to the People 44 Plant Ave Phone 184 Young's Heal Estate Investments ISABELLA STREET: 2 CHOICE LOTS NEAR MARY STREET PARK. TWO YEARS TO PAY FOR THEM. PRICES EXTREMELY REASONABLE, CARSWELL STREET: ONE LAROB LOT, SOUTH* ERN EXPOSURE, TERMS OR CASH. THIS OPPORTU NITY WONT GO BEGGING, SEE ME AT ONCE. MeDONALD STREET: 2 BEAUTIFUL LOTS OPPO- *T~1 •ITS MR. B. M. NORVELL'S BUNGALOW. TERMS OR CASH. . < COLLEGE HILL: ONE TEN ACRE TRACT, BE. YONO LAROB OAKS, INSIDE CITY LIMITS, /IDEAL PLACE FOR SUBURBAN HOME WHERE PLENTY ROOM MAY BE HAD FOR ORCHARDS, VINEYARD, AND DARDENS. CO,LLEGE HILL: SEVERAL LOTS NEAR COL. LEGE AT BARGAIN PRICES, TERMS OR GASH. JANE ELIZABETH, AND MARY STREET EXTEN- SION: “TIB H*M YOU CAN PURCHASE A LARGE LOT NEAR INTO TH^BUBINEBS SECTION, NEAR THE*A. C. L. SHOPS, AND IN A SECTION OP THE CITY THAT IS ABSOLUTELY FREE OF COLORED RESIDENTS. TERMS *15 DOWN AND t» PER MONTH AND UPWARDS BUYS A LOT 70x100 FEET. "B" STREET: ONE CHOICE LOT, NEAR ALBANY AVE. TERMS OR CASH. Walter Af, Young, , - PHONE 270. i 1 ; ? ■m ,4,n ‘V”