Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, November 07, 1911, Image 6
Victor-Victrola Whereat, in retponte to a call is sued and timed by many citizens, there assembled at the Court House j in' the City of Waycross, on the. eve* i ning of October 12th., a representative i body of men, gathered from all walks and vocations of' life, composed of < ministers ot the Oospel, physicians, , merchants and • our credit preferred. Ne~'. *io the P reservation of our credit, at outlined bove, comes the needs for streets, sidewalks and drainage, and these should be Improved just as fast/as practicable, but the work should be done by a competent Supervisor, un- dAr bond for faithful, honeht work, so that the money spent for these CHAIRMAN issues call For Meeting Ware County Democratic Executive Committee lawyers, bankers, f A new Victor-Victrola is 'herd A genuine Victor-Victrola, bearing the famous Victor No obligation to want to be with- trademark, priced at only $15. Come in and see it and hear it. buy, but after hearing it you won’t out one,' Other styles $25 to $250. .payments if desired. All the Latest Records 75e e-eh FOR SALE BY J. C. Payne DRUGGIST Yoang's Rea) Estate Investments ISABELLA STREET: 3 CHOICE LOTS NEAR MARY STREET PARK. TWO Y^ARS TO PAY FOR THEM. PRICES EXTREMELY REASONABLE. CARSWELL STREET: ONE LARpE LOT, SOUTH ERN EXPOSURE, TERMS OR CASH. THIS OPPORTU NITY WONT GO BEGGING, SEE ME AT ONCE. MCDONALD STREET: S BEAUTIFUL LOTS OPPO- SITE MR. B. M. NORVELL'S BUNGALOW. TERMS OR CASH. COLLEGE HILL: ONE TEN ACRE TRACT, BE YOND LARGE OAKS, INSIDE CITY LIMITS, IDEAL PLACE FOR SUBURBAN HOME WHERE PLENTY ROOM MAY BE HAD FOR ORCHARDS, VINEYARD, AND GARDENS. COLLEGE HILL: akyil I FRIGES, ‘ LEGE AT BARdAIN I RAL LOTS NEAR TERMS OR CASH. COL- JANE ELIZABETH. AND MARY STREET EXTEN- > SION: TIS HERE YOU CAN PURCHASE A LARGE LOT NEAR INTO THEf USINEIS SECTION, NEAR THr A. C. L. SHOPS, AND In A SECTION OF THE CITY THAT IS ABSOLUTELY FREE OF COLORED RESIDENTS. TERMS SIS DOWN AND SS PER MONTH AND UPWARDS BUYS A LOT 70x100 FEET. , "B" STREET: ONE CHOICE LOT, AVB. TERMS OR CASH. Walter M. Young, Real Estate Bargains. - j phone*70. .jaaausK* All member! ot the Democratic Ex* ecutlve Committee of Ware County are hereby called to meet at tho Count/ Court House InWaycross on Wednesday morning, November 8th, 1911, at 11 o'clock to provide ways and means for holding the guberna* torial primary on December 7th. 1191, and to transact such other businesj as may come before tho meeting. J. S. WILLIAMS, Chairman Ware County Democratic Executive Committee. 1 2td ltw COALI COAL1 COAL! WHEN YOU WANT GOOD COAL, A8K FOR RED A8H. THE MONTE* VELLO 18 THE COAL THAT MAK* E8 RED A8H. I AL80 HAVE A CHEAPER GRADE OF COAL. HAVE THEM ON HAND AT ALL TIME8. AL80 DRY 8TOVE WOOD OF ALL KIND8. TELEPHONE 70 FOR PRI- CE8. QUICK SERVICE TO ANY PART OF THE CITY. GOOD WOOD. AN8LEY COAL COMPANY, 10 tf. W.. W. ANSLEY, PROP. FIRE IN8URANCE AND BONDS. you Want Cle inline s, Sightliness & Durab lity \ THE USE OF CEMENT IS A MATTER OF COST, NOT OF PRICE. BOUNDS STRANGE, MAYBE, BUT LISTEN: I PRICE IS WHAT YOU PAY FOR AN ARTICLE, IT ENDS THERE. COST IS REPRESENTED BY WHAT YOU OET, THE SERVICE AND -SATISFACTION. So white, the price of cement walk may be greater then of wood, tbs «oet la fir late. There are many placea around every home and ee- l>e«l«!ly on the firm,'where It li limply ■ waete’of money to nee any* thin* but cament Aik ue how cement will aare you money end then aee how we willeare you money on cement ... P. N. Harley Hdw. Co. i House Furnishers to the People 44 Plant Ave Phone 186 Pbont 185 EsL 1881 memoers or tne organizations ot non- improvements may be a permanent er Makers, Machinists, Ca Workers, j gain to the city. Weeding edges of Blacksmiths, Locomotive Engineers,[streets and throwing sand’in the mid* Conductors, Switchmen, Brakemen, J die is a waste of time and energy, Moulders, Inspectors, Carpenters, from which no benefit is derived. We Clerks, Travelers T. P. A's., Farmers’ stand for hard surfaced streets and Unl$n, U. C. T's., and the other ele-jfor the laying of good sidewalks for ments going to make up our cosmo* j the people who walk thereon, politan population; the object and j Resolved, III. That this organiza- purpose of this meeting being to con* tion stands for a "square deal" and sider matters political affecting Way- j for PROGRESS, but it advocates giv* cross, and to decide on candidates ing every proper help and encourage- and measures, to urge before the j ment to our schools, colleges and oth voters at the approaching municipal I er educational institutions. The needs primary, and I for a ppblic library Is apparent, and Whereas, by a majority ballot of | steps should be taken to secure one over one hundred voters, H. D. Reed | without delay. All our ellemosynary was endorsed for Mayor, Dr. W. K. [ institutions should be fostered and Meeks was endorsed for Alderman,) aided, and especially do we commend Second Ward, W. E. Chandler for the Kings’ Daughters Hospital for Its Alderman Fourth Ward, and C. A. noble work. For nice Georgia pork or any other kind of fresh meats I can please you. W. J. Parker, phone 288. 27 2t Get the habit, smoke "Y. B. S.' Clear Havana. 27 tf Don't freeze. We have blanket* and comfort* that will keep you warm. Cash or easy payments. Home Furniture Company, 27 tf Plant and Albany Avenue. WE PERSONALLY GUARANTEE OUR ACT TONIGHT TO PLEASE EVERY SINGLE PATRON OF THE MAJESTIC. t St BREWER A PHELAN. NO NEED TO STOP WORK. When your doctor orders yon •top work. It staggers you, "I c*»T Ton say. Yon know yon are weak, run-down and falling in health, day by day, but yon must work a« lent as you oan stand. What you need Electric Bitten to give ton, strength, and vigor to your system, to prevent breakdown and build you up. Don't be weak, sickly or ailing when Elec- trio Bitten will b/neflt you from the first dose. Thousands bless them for their glorioua health and strength Try them. Every bottle Is guaran teed. Only 50c at All Druggists. Common Colds mutt LeCount for Alderman, Sixth Ward,— those being tho only Aldermen to be elected at the ensuing election, and Whereas, by the endorsement of these candidates for nomination at the primary, as men deemed' worthy to bear the standard raised by this meeting; it becomes proper and right that the purposes for which this meeting stood, and for which the or ganization there effected stands, should be set forth In a declaration of principles. Therefore, be it resolved— I. That the Citizens League, form ed at said meeting, stands for a SQUARE DEAL, for both rich and poor, high and low,—No favoritism Resolved, IV. That this organiza tion stands committed to giving all due encouragement to dew enterpris* es, manufactories, public service cor porations and those things which make for the upbuilding of a city, yet no right to use city property should be granted without adequate compen sation, In money or service, to the city or its people. We believe the time has come for the city to own its City Hall, and favor the erection or purchase of such building as will be adequate to the needs of the city for the next decade at least, believing the-same to be conducive to economy In public service, and for the better management of city affairs. A cen* under the law, but JUSTICE to all. J tral City market should be provided That In order to meet out exact Jus tice our City Government should bo administered honestly, economically and equitably. The Tax rate should be do low as possible consistent with meeting the needs for revenue, and all property should be assessed alike. We condemfi all inequalities In as sessments' as rank favoritism, and, pledge oursel/et to an assessment based on value not on ownership. We believe that the Street Tax should be made not to exceed $2.00 per an num. Returns of property by Tax payers should be adjusted only after a full hearing and an examination oi the property. Resolved II. That this organisation stands for progrett. We believe In a progressive age, and In a progressive city. No backward step should be taken. Not only should our tax rate be at low as possible consistent with for as early as practicable; also the garbage of the City should be removed frequently, and cremated or other wise disposed of so as not to menace the public health. This declaration of principles Is put forth for the purpose of defining the position of those responsible for the Citizens league movement, and we heartily invite all who desire good government for Waycross, who be lieve In these principles, who dsslre equal rights to all, special prlvliges to none, to Join with na In carrying this banner to victory by nominating In the primary the candidates en dorsed, and who stand pledged to hsarty accord with tfie platform here enunciated. 21 tf THE CITIZENS LEAGUE. CHEAP FOR CASH. the city's legitimate needs, but the i Or will trade for city real estate 4 money so collected should be expend ed to the very best possible advan tage, with neither waste nor graft The 8inklng Fund provided to inset the outstanding bonds should bs kept Intact, and so Invested as to bring second hand automobiles in f running order. 1 fit Kelley's Garage. J TTURNER ARCHITECT. tta beat return., so that the payment Oftlc. LaGrande Building. F, O. Bos I ot bond, may b. raids-promptly and Waycross, Georgia. -r Ton ban to ba on you. guard It you ar ecaugbt napping, U Inrltw Hr aitar. Across business cot.t ebb GRADUATES ARB NtVBB ' SLEEPY HEADS.' They are sought after by men ot iffalra. You find tbem In leading position, of trust Our DIPLOMA Is an open se-samw :o position and preferment. Our tpeclalty Is to lit you for builneae; to make the pay-roll larger; to lu* erease the salary of the “big man." Enter At Any Time. Waycross Business College Waycross, Oa. R. 7. Zetgler, Free. You will find comfort and fitting qualities If you buy E. P. Reed Co’t- fine shoes for ladies. Sold by 4 3t The Standard Shoe Co. UNION JEWELRY STORE Watchmaker, and Engravers. All Kind Of Jewelry Repairing. 108 Plant Ave. Waycross, Oa. COFFE COUNTY FAIR, DOUGLAS, GEORGIA, * 1 November 14th-18th, 1811. A GREAT SHOW! The Fair will be given on a bigger scale than ever. LOW EXCURSION RATES VIA A. B. A A. Tickets on sale November 14th to- 18tb, Inclusive, with return limit No-' vember 19th, 1911. W. H. Leahy, G. P. A., Atlanta, Ga. A. D. Daniel, T. P. A., Atlanta, Ga. R. E. Camp, Ticket Agent, Waycross,. Ga. E. B. MITCHELL, D. O. M. D. 08TE0PATH, and Physician and Surgeon. Office 419-21 LaGraude Building:. Hours: 9 to 12 and 2 to 5 p. m Residence Phone 402; Oflce 321. A Great Advantaga to Wo King Mot. J. A. Maple, 125 S. 7th. 8L, Steuben ville, o„ says: "For yean t suffered) from week kidneys and a aarere blad der trouble. I learned ot Foley Kid ney pttli and their wondeztnl curia, to 1 began taking them and turn- enough t had aa good letufti a» any I heard about My backache left mo- end to one of my basin en express* man, that alona It a great advantage. My kidneys acted free and normal, and that eared me a lot of misery. It le now a pleasure to work where it used to bo a miiery. Foley Kidney PtUi hare cured ma and hart my highlit praise." Gem Pharmacy; T. Paine. FOR RENT BY Park Co. .... *2000 PER MONTH .. 115.00 PER MONTI* ... 58.00 PER MONTH TERMS EASY TERMS FROM $100.00 TO $400.00 ON TERM8 BO EASY YOU TAXE8 OR INTEREST YOU