Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, November 09, 1911, Image 2
'EXPLAIN, j T. >■ adverfltemeM, which filled the j BHraphptrs and the bulletin boarda In Atlanta Announced that Judge Ruaaeli *aa zolfig to "explain" Me position on the .liquor queetlon In a speech In an open house on Friday nlghL From the reports of that speech ere learn | that the explanation^ amounted to an i attack on Oorernor Broern'a* position | in favor Of referring that matter to For Infanta and Children. The Waycrosa Herald (onnded In till. The DaUy Herald founded in i IM2 by A. P. Barham. Sr. . Telephones Business Offlce 25 Editorial Offle 25 Residence 265. Fvary Afternoon Except I the people to pane jrn directly^ Ho (Russell) took the position that a State-wide rote pn that question would be contrary to local option prin ciples. tor letting for the time' per haps that he had already in this cam paign advocated a State-wide rote on other queetions and that his friends probably representing his rleVi,'wan ted the State committee to order a State-wide primary on the go ship. 1 The Judge should explain mote. Doesn't It strike the averse as being quite peculiar, thta Russell’s campaign, like that of. Pope Drown, Is directed against Joe Brown, while both profess to believe That the latter Is “not in It”, and that the light la between thi? two former? A newspaper turned up In the Tel egraph office a day or two ago which advocated Pope nrown ALCOHOL a PER CXNT. Catered at the Waycross, Oa, Posh ness and RrtLConuImbrifcr OpiuwKcrphine nor>toaL Not Narcotic. notice to subscribers Babtcrlbers to The Herald that do >t receive tbs paper promptly and early wilt please rlnt-up die circula ted Manege' and report the trouble la him. as this Is the only meant that we can assure you prompt and early some Wornu fonvulsions Jfwiisl- ness and LossofSleep. ntttdtiijniety NEW YORK. THE HERALD IS THE Official Organ of tbe United mates Court of tbe Southern District of Georgia. op one page and Dick Russell on another. Oil and water will not mix but wlbskey and water will.—Macon Telegraph. Exact Copy of Wrapper. EVENING Published By— «MI HERALD PUBLISH/ A. P. Parham, Sr. A. P. Parham, Jr. Editor* and Proprietor*. Mils Carrie Perham, Personal, 8ociety and Local. Gone Into retirement are the base- balllste and the football hero reigns- — Some of the fane are already figur- In* on next year's world's champion ship. * So, dearest, you don't have to go barefooted when you attend a corn ahow. 4* A man it solng to drift to the North Polo. Tliat'e n drift that leads to trou ble. i 4* Joe Drown, our candidate *nnd why Becauae we never fell In love with the "gal In the fountain." 4. Ty Cobb says hitting won the world's championship. Very lllutnl natlng. Wonder how Ty found that out? A great mnny people have put their Iruat in ateol, uimI now the Oovcji- ment Is polng io try and bust" that trust. If -the Jacks an vlllc Metropolis' Idea of ree^nini before r.innlgg Is adopted what will become of the office-hold er* who run for re-election. ——4* Aid now they nre trying to make eomebody believe that Little Joe Brown turn been telling liquor In At lanta. There is one thing about It certain. If you get any liquor from Little Joe, we'll guarantee that It le good. At the beginning o? tbe. war tho Arabs showed every desire to pTIy the war game according to rules. They even carried wounded Italian •oidiers hack to their camps under I flags of truce. But since the Italians I fogan their campaign of butchery, ’ their opponents nre retaliating In kina And there Is imminent danger of the fierce Moslem tribes beginning a ' tmly war. They cordially hj&o |Q Christians and should the smoulder ing Urea of fanaticism be fanned Into flames a wholesome tnassacro of ev ery Christian in Tripoli would foliar. The Valdosta Times hands out This t>t one: 'The Atlanta Journal has »ent Ralph* Smith to find out the truth about the "gubernatorial situ ation.” Ralph Is a clever fellow, but he couldn’t tell the truth about Joe ! Drown If he would, he wouldn't If be could, and the Journal wouldn't 11 rim li If he ehould." * j WAYCROSS COUNCIL' NO »1 Jr. O. U. A, M. Mvoi, every Monday aveolng In Raj ‘ Hall. Um-HItcb building at I i> m. Vlelting brotben cordially touted to meet rlth tu. rfberod Collin,, L. Can CoIUna ' * w! ' Beoff Counotloi Advertlee In 7bt Waycroai Evening Herald. ADVERTISE in the WAYCROSS HERALD ADVERTISE IN THE WAYCROSS HERALD A DREADFUL 8IQHT To H. J. Barnuro, of Freevllle, N T„ waa tbe fever-eore that had plagnad Me life for yean In ,?|fo 0 ( many remedlea be tried. AI hut he ueed Dunklen'e Arnica 8«l;c ntd wrote- It hai entirely healed with ecar- e|v e ecar left” Heah D'irna, Bolla, Ec- tvma. CnU, Bruleea. SweWngi, Own, »rd Pile, like magic. Only 25, at All Drugglite. v In ' Use For Over Thirty rears CASTORIA Ware County Light and Power Company. C. A. DOWNEY, M. 0. V. Vatenarian. I* Albany Avenue. Waycroia, Gv Day and Night Phona III. you Want Cle inline >s, Sightliness & Durab lity THE USE OF CEMENT IS A MATTER OF C08T, NOT OF PRICE. SOUNDS STRANOE, MAYBE. BUT LIBTENl PRICE IS WHAT YOU PAY FOR AN ARTICLE, IT ENOS THERE. COST IS REPRESENTED BY WHAT YOU GET, THE SERVICE AND SATISFACTION. So while the price of cement walk may be greater than of wood, the coet It far leei. There are many placet around every home and es pecially on the farm, where It le limply a waate ot money to ueo any thing bv* cement. Aek ue how cement will eave you money end then tet'how we will eave you money on cement ... . iC N. Harley Hdw. Co. House Furnishers to the People ' " 44 Plant Ave Phone 18f We Are Headquarters For Everything in the HARDWARES R. J. ANTHONY Hardware Co. We gladly join Col. Mlddltbrookl, of Newton, a former Hoke Smith leader, la hie plea tor "Little Joe" 1 Brown and 15 cents cotton”—not that I "IJttle Joe” can make cotton go up, but baeauae ha npreaenu policies conservatism and linearity which promote huelneie and make tot the 1 pibllc good. There It no from, bo ' •ut wind, no blight In the thlngt I which Joe Brown ttaade for, but oa! the contrary tuere le action, health. I !>«*♦, (troeperity. They are linked together. Tho condition, that existed | dories Hoke Jmlth'a admlnletntloo ' ood those Which exltted during Joe Brown'e. ore at natural as cause and offset It Is ap to tho people to cboooe between them again this year. I HOWS THIS? We offer • no Hundred DUI:.-, X* ward'for any cut of Catarrh that eeaaet bo cured by Holl'o Catarrh Cure.. P. I. CHENEY A CO.. Toledo, O. Wo, tho underlined, have known F. J. Cheney for the lavl 15 yean, and believe him perfectly honorable In all builneee traniactlon* and financially abla to carry out any obligation! made by hit firm. Welding, Klanaa A Marvin, Whotoaala Druggtatf, Toledo, O. Hatl’a Catarrh Cure fa taken Intern ally, acting'directly' upon tho blood and mucoua snrfacoa cf tho ayitoth. Testimonials bent fro*. Price Tic per bottle. Sold by all druggist*. Toko Halt'o Family Pills for coniU- ootlon. OFLEY’S HONEY AND TAR COM POUND ^ . v Still retains'tu high place 11 the beet houMhold remedy-Am. all cough, and colds, atthor tc^NXmildren grown persona. Ptivffi*» aorloui ulta from a cold. , Take only the geo lino Foley', Honey tnd Tor Don. ' pound, end refute euoetttuteo. Gem Fhamnoy; T. & Palso. HEADQUARTERS FOR STARRETT TOOLS There are no tools of finer adjustment and quality than Starrett Tools. They are made for use—they are accurate when you buy them—they last a lifetime and are still accurate. The best mechanics keep the high standard of their work by using Starrett Tools,—their high wage, too. We have selected a large line.’ If you don’t know and use Starrett Tools, come in and get ac quainted. It means money to you. ' Watt Hardware Company WAYCROSS, GAJ When You Stroll STROLL TO La Grande Pharmacy All the lateft HOT DRINKS, CIG ARS, High Class TOILET ARTI CLES, RUBBERGOODS and DRUGGISTS’ SUNDRIES