Newspaper Page Text
I Uf i
The following It m list of the gfhM
end traverse Juror* drawn tor the
December term of Ware Superior
Q a Parker )IB James
J p Lid* R Q Bennett
W B Ghbdr'rn D P Bryant
J J Hargrave* J A Tomberlln
C E Williamson Allen Jama*
J C Humphrey* T C Saul*
W K Booth N 0 Lang
J fi Glllon J E Vann
B P Hubert John G Steffei
W M Denton W J Carswell
Ella* Moore Jr. C Ratliff
J E Dicklns B D Finn
F B Trent H Hengevejd
P N Harley R P Peterman
P 0 Orlffln O P Folk*
Travera* Juror*—First Week.
■T W Morrison « C Seaman
B T Wllon
W A Strickland
Ja* L Jordan
E A Barber
Frank Middle-
C M Potter
P H Skelton
J A Rowell
John McClellan
Jaqk Music
J F Bennett
H J Waldron
H J J Marker
1 B Cribb
J M Beach
W L Harper
W L Hinson
W D GUUard
J Cannon - '*
J T Barnes
B J Sccklngef
H P Reddick
H M Pafford
E J Remley
H J Mullls
C M Eunice
L S Altrlend Ir
E M Cason
T M Purdom
Jit Ward
Alva Smith
W J Hulll*
R B Davis
1 L Wild**
Lonnie Jordan
W H Thrift
W T Royal
A F Files
T H Finn
U N Broole '
A J Music
W E Dempster
E J Seay
Berrien MU1*
W T Mlnchew
Jtp Starling
W& Paul
B W Lunceford
A A Allen
D A Jordan It.
H t; Jefforde
.8 C Morton
Q I Steel*
P A Edwards
! W Crew*
L R McFoy
M Sears
U M Webster
J A James
D M Josey
J F Austin
T S Paschal
E M Herrin
F B*McDonald
Second Week.
H E Henderson W R Strickland
H L Herrin E L Gorman
F L Parker .1 M Cox
S M Cannon Elisha Mloye §r
Henry Strickland Mil.'edder Music
8 J Stanton W It Slrmans
C M William* R L Strickland
Henry Jordan B W Holt
■G R Austin L R Pause
Five trains of nine cat* each leave
New York thla week to carry about
a thousand delegate! to the conven
tion of the American 1-ankers’ Asso
ciation, which meets In Pew Orleans.
The cars represent the latest conven
iences in traveling, mere will be
barber abops, valets, ir.alds, steno
graphic, telegraphic and telephonic
service and tickers to keen the guests
informed of the market quotations.
A really nice girl lake* It foi)
granted that everybody else knows
Che is nice, therefore does not'make
any effort to Impress the fact upon
others. '. ,
PoBsIbly the president did not mean
to intimate that there wr.e a possibil
ity of a Democratic victory next year,
but be didn’t lack much saying that
very thing.
It might be well to icttect that It
you dp your Cbristmaa shopping now
you won’t have to do It later.
Americans are to he protected In
China. Uncle Sam takes steps to
that end.
~ The Snitan of Turkey has Issued a
statement to the powers protesting
igalnst the killing of innocent peoplo
by the Kalians and dec'rrlng bit .’a-
| tentlcc to Cyst to the kilter a-.
Atlanta, Ga.
"f.ry Re: r Sir:—Realizing os 1 do
. the a’.solute consistency ol your po-
iftldge Russell will speak In Savan* E -|- on yf >j le prohibition question, anl
»»h Thursday night. It Is altogether tUt y0Br lTc;ot;tlcn t3 , u v tt i t u t0
likely that the Judge will come to t|K wb ,, e vitar , cf tte tomlnJt pri .
Waycros* before his pilgrimage la mar y , vaa not on ]y prlr, but would
ma<le - . ’ have divorced It from all personal
considerations and given us a fair and
What the government should do la ; rM 9 xpre«»lon on this question, thus
to make the trusts regard the viola- MUllng lt )n Ce orgla and preventing
tlon of the Sherman anti-trust law as a grelt mora | | Iiue tnm h*fng stalk-
the same that other Shtrman regard- M Geor , la B bob5y .
war. horse for designing politicians, I feel
— — con*tra!ned to give you my unquali*
Joe Brown’* platform baa eanfed fled , upport ^ ric# for
bis opponents to alt np and take or> ,
notice. They are trying to make be- « We are t00 prone to tekl mrnv
lief there ie nothing to It, but they vlaw ,. Tb9 prohibition!,*. bu .
know Wter.-Columb.e Enquirer- tbat , aw be 9bforc9(l . , be merc hanr,
Sun - the law egalnit cheating and swlnd-
ling; the former, lawe against vagran
The Shah of Penis has a pip* that cy and the breaking of labor con-
11 laid to be worth ell kind* of pre- tracts; each selecting and Insisting
clous Jewela and la constantly guard- upon the enforcement of the law,In
*d by * high court functionary, wbo which be I* directly Interested, end
hue no other duties: ’she pipe wa* overlooking or Ignoring tbo others. I
smoked by the «Sab’s father and like your clarion call to the manhood
gruudfutiier nnAWf how many more of Georgia for the enforcement of
rulers of the kingdom ic not known. ALL laws. What we need le, not a
—+ ’ fdnatlcal wave In favor of some spec-
At .a recent, banquet at Topeka, hl ,aw - but ,0 bulld •
Kan., State Superintendent of Schools for 3,1 ,aw *’ lhat w,l ‘ •“ «■*
Nelson of Utah, told of tho hardships 0,1 our book » “"forped.
endured by tho Mormons an thoy 0ur » a,ety lle * the for
wended their way to the Went. He * d obedience to the lawn; nnd on
said that bin mother -waked from your '" ttlform ‘ he ™ *" "»» tor all,
Omaha to .Hah and punned bin, In a ,awab,dlD *’ "oneat dtlaenz to aland,
baby btijny all tbo way.'' " M 0 " e * ho ,t0od for »">“•
WILLINGHAM C0MS3 OUT Ion InlSSMb, end again In 1002,
FOB "LITTLE JOE’ BROWN Wh * n * W “ “ l,,na ,lr OeorgU and
Atlanta, Nov. 7-Hon. Bartow Wll- u T fmUc ^ ,tb
llngham, cf Forsyth, one of the beet *“ ,tU> * now lh « °“ wh “
known prohibitionists m Georgia, ha. *'* ay * '"“'“'-‘'J W* for prohlbl.
proffered hi. aervice. to Governor Um ’ rat,,er th,n 0M wh ' J “* « “
Browtf in the pree'ent campaign, and a “"O' 118 ** for governor on
sayt lie Is ready to speak wher«7or 3 °" 1 C1>lloa idsHerm (but who
and whenever desirable. | • re "'' ,y fl,atcd 116 waa to
At .he Brown headquarter* today j te '»«“> f " ■>“">* ■«=•
the following letter of Mr, Willing-! 10na rMaoa *’ |
ham'* to Governor Brown wa* given) "Bartow Willingham.”
cut tor publication; |
rc?r-i%, Cil, Kcv, t, 1*11. * •
• -r.. ' V *'5r. *' Ji.cs Co
Atlantic Coast
• n .n Savannah
tin '.83 5:CO am
.-ain 1SS .. .-. 12: CO pm
•■ Vic '21 6:65 pm
Vain 57 10:10 pm
,M Aontgcmery
rein SI am
’’-ft 18U .0:40 pro
From «Uinhrld»* * Toon-
-•am 182 10:00 am
•-oiu * ’ban j
•rain 82 v »»
r.iti n 0:16 am
'rail! 07 1.0:00 pm
From Chicago and Nortw*».
C. Special (via Albany)....4:66 am
wal* Flyer (via Tlfum)....6:>6 am
.-.tb Atlantic Limited 6:16 am
’Ton: Brunswick
’•nib 06..'.. ..7:40 am
Train 00 0:00 pu
-*ri,in Jacksonville
■.am 22 0:00 pn
Train It 10:16 pm
Train 04 10:16 pm
'rain 01 10:41 pm
From Tampa, High Spring* vl* Do
Train 41 ...... ....7:80 pm
For through tcheouxa ®>j.Irene
G. II. North A. G. P. A
Sevan* Ml ,<K
Line fttitittclule.
ubr -utU’toKB. t
fov 1e«np sad Savannah
Train 58 ..66
Tide 162 ...10 41
Irwn .iv l:Ju
Train 22 1:10
iltt Montgomery
Train IsO ......6:10
Train 67 10:26
Fur Batnbridgs and t'noniasvlll
Train 185 1:00
For Albany
Train of W 50
Train 04 ..7:50
Train 00 fill
Fur Cbtcogo and Nonawm
I. C. Special (via Albany).- 10:60
Dial* Flyer (da Tilton; ....10:10
gcuth Atlantic Limited.. ..10:10
For Sruoiwhib
Train 01 ....10:10
Train 07 6:10
i it .UiCkSlibVtlle
Train 05 (Dixie riyer 6:46
Train 01 6:00
Train It 0:46
rain 81 ...6:16
For Tampa. High Sprint*
(Min 41 ....6:00
r**ervatlons, etc, Call On
R. E. Camp, Ticket Agent.
Ao-coan Ohb. .
To Ashvilifi ifr.d e! tte
Lv. Jacksonville 6:06 pm \Ar. Tyron 11:60 M»
Lv. Jesup'.... 10:60 pm Ar. Saluda 10:26 pa
Ar. Columbia 6:60 am . Ar. HendenonvUI* : • 00 pm .
' Ar. Aabevllle.......... 2:10 pm
Through Pullman, Drawingroom, Broiler-Buffet Bleeping Car and 6»
trie lighted coecb, Jeckeonvvlll* to
For full information concerning .eiwri >•»►. m.. -v: ire, or lO
1. I. MEEK. A. G P. A.. . C « • ■ llWON jrt v I’. A. ■
e'lahu. ria w,
:>* sin is sss sis nt ins