Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, November 09, 1911, Image 4
1 SEE No More Cold Hands PfRFEaiOM A woman often does not notice what a cold day it is so long as she is bustling around the house. But when she sits down to her sewing and mending, she soon feels chilly. feels chilly. It is then she needs a Perferoon Smokeless Oil Heater. Its quick, glowing heat warms up a room in next to no time. That is the beauty of a Perfection Smokeless Chi Heater. It it always ready for use; you can carry it wherever you please; and you light it only when you want it Hm Perfection 03 Heater is sookden and odotfew — • patented automatic drrice in— that. It ia reliable, aafe and economical —bums nin« houn on one njW Handsome; too—drama finished cither in blue enamel or pi ms Standard Oil Company Seal Shipt Oysters Riff THE LEDERLE LABORATORIES SUPERVISE SEAL-SHiypEO OYS TER BEDS. THE GREATEST AM ERICAN SCIENTIFIC 0RQANI7A TION FOR FOOD PURITY PROMO TION. ITS AN EXCLUSIVE SEAL- SHIPPED FEATURE. YOU KNOW YOU EAT, 0Y8TERS OF CERTAIN PURITY WHEN YOU GET THE 8EAL-PHIPPED. • FOR 8ALE ONLY AT J. W. S. Hardy SUCCESSOR TO HAODY BROS. MAY’S NEW BUCKWHEAT IN BARRELS, SELF RISINO BUCKWHEAT IN PACKAO- ES, NEW WARE COUNTY BYRUP.CORN MEAL FRE8H EVERY DAY, NEW CROP CALIFORNIA PRUNES. t OUR PRICES ARE AL WAYS FAIR AND OUR GOODS FIRST class. I NEXT TO WATER WORKS. ' PHONE NO. 3. ShctedlfcuMety! flat the Original and Genuine HORLICKS MALTED MILK The Food-drink for All Agoi. For Infanta, Invalid*, and Growing children. PureNutrkion,upbui!<fingthe whole body. Invigorate* thenuning mother and the aged. Rich milk, malted gram, in powder form. A quick hack prepared in a minute. Take no »nb*titote. AikforHORLICK’S. Not In Any Milk Trumt FRESH FISH 8c FRESH 0Y8TER8 30c 1-2 BU. 8WEET POTATOES ..$1.00 15 Ibc BEST 8UGAR | 24 lb. BAG BEST FLOUR J— .... $1.75 DAN T. COWART.—388. 8 3t CHILDREN INJURED. Ordinary Cathartics an1 Pills and Harsh Physic Causp Distracting Complaints. You Caunot ho over careful in the selection of medicine for children. Only the very gentlest bowel medi cine should over be given, except !u emergency canes. Ordinary pills, ca thartics ar.u ^ur^alives tire apt to do n^ore harm limn goc^. They mny cause griping, nausea and otheF dis tressing aftereffects that are 1 fro- duontly bealth-destroylug. 1 We personally recommend and guarantee RexaH* .Ordtliies us t$»e safest and most depnodable remedy, which we Know, for constipation and associate bowel disorders. We have such absolute faith in the virtues of this remedy that we sell it on, our guarantee of money bach in every lnttnnce where it .falls to give en tire satisfaction, ami we urge ail in At the close of Waycross Lodge No. D7, I. O. O. F., last night, those present were entertained with an oyster supper at the Waycross Cafe -lUC.Mr. L. K. Bailey. The occasion was ftfefetly enjoyed. Personal! |Mlsa Carrie Parham Social Editor; Get the habit, amoke "O. O. 0." Cigars. Clear Havana. 27 tf Mr. Charlea Foraen, of Chicago, la In Waycroaa on a prospecting trip. Mfa. P. N. Harley Is quite alck at her home on Reed street. Col. Bob Dickerson, of Hemervllle. i In the city today on bnainese. Mr. R. E. Hemby, of Savannah, a former resident of Waycross, was In the city yesterday. Fresh shipment of mules to arrive Wednesday, November 15th. 9 4t M. Downey. Mr. W. A. Cleland, the contractor, has Just completed a country Kbme for Mr. J. J. Smith near Haywood Mr. H. S. Guthrie, the well known turpentine operator of Manor, i uest of the Phoenix last night Miss Mary I. morning from Young returned thi , visit to GainesviU> \ J. W. WiBets’ friends will gret to learn of his illness at Coast Line Hospital. Regular choir rehearsal will held tonight Just after the prayer ser vice. Mrs. Eaton requests the choir members to be present. Mr. J. A. Tibbs, of Yellow Springs. Ohio, arrived this morning on a visit to his son, who is located on a Deen wood farm. Hon. A. H. Denmark, of Valdosta, was among the prominent visitors Waycross yesterday. He stopped LaGrcnde. Dr. D. E. Hoag, of JapUn, Mo., a guest of the Phoenix. He is here prospecting and may decide to make investments in this section. CASTOR IA Tor Infant* and Children. fhe Kind You Hats Always Bought The friends of Mr. Roy H. Walden ill regret to learn that he is siiil confined to his bed at his home Deenwood. Mr. Walden is suffering from a stroke of paralysis. An Interesting program has been arranged to be given tomorrow night at the Y. M. C. A. Miss Wood will .give several recitations and there •there will also be several good musl- {cal numbers. WALKER IS OUT FOR “LITTLE JOE” BROWN. “E. Creatore’s Band gave a magnificent program here last night. They should have been greeted by a pack ed house.. Miss Eunice Graves, of Douglas, and Miss Helen Fitzgerald, of Way- cross, were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Broadhurst. Fitzgerald Enterprise. H. Walker, of College Park, whose candidacy cut quite, a figure in the last gubernatorial campaign and who announced for the present race, stated yesterday that ho will not run but will give his support to ( Governor Brown. In a letter address- n«.,I of eueb medicine to try It at oar' ed cnmpalin Manager J. 1«. r'»>> | Smith, he say,; Rcxnll Orderlies are eaten Just j 'Uellevln, like enatty, are particularly prompt 1 > r . nroivn lo the governorship o! and agreeable In artlou, may he tak-1 Georgia over the other two candidate*, en nt any time, .lay or nl.ctit: .to rot at this critical time In the business cause diarrhoea, nausea, griping ex- conditions of our state and country, eesnlw looeeneM, or other un.lestra- nbtolutely ossentlnl to the welfare of bio erreets. The, Have a very mild our people, i ,holl M L.e a candidate! morrow CVl '" lns by iIr ' Ed H,tch •» bdt positive action mam tile organs j f 0r the gubernatorial nomination. , j hl ‘ b^* w'lth whirl) they come In contact, ap- ,shall support Mr. Brown who proved j * "~ parently acting ns a regulative tonic hlmtelf the most dependable govern- j ADVERTISE IN THE iisc.ilar coat o» . or qor state has had In ’natty* years. 1 ' WAYCROSS HERALD Grand Fall and Winter Display Prof. C. B. Howard, of Chnttanoo* ga, is In the city demonstrating the great Andesvemtidus. here for some days and can be found the election of Joseph jat the Red Cross drug store. Mr. Harvey Bunn whose marriage will take place shortly, and a number of his frieuds will bo entertained to ning by Mr. Ed. 1 i Williams street. upou the relaxed the bowel, thus overcoming js*;\kness, and aiding 10 restore the bowels to more vigorous and healthy activity. Rexall Orderlies commonly com pletely relieve constipation, except of course when of a surgical charac ter. They also tend to overcome the necessity of constantly taking laxa tives to keep the bowels In normal condition. Three sixes of pacnfget, 10 cents. 25 cents and 50 cent*. TTS 5 member, you can obtain Rexall Rem edies la Waycross only at our stor^-, The Rexall Store. Tbs Seal| Pbar- ' ~i.ua* Bloomsdale Onion Sets Winter Lawn Grass Seeds and Pansy Seeds V at, % THEISEALS PHARMACY ' ^ IIS BEX4L1 STORK Of Cadies Tailored Suits in all the Lead ing Colors. Ladies’ Suits Ladies’ Tailored Suits $15.00 Ladies’ Tailored Suits $20.00 Ladies’ Tailored Suits $25.00 Ladies’ Tailored Suits $30.00 Ladies’ Tailored Suits $50.00 Ladies’ Tailored Suits $60.00 We handle the best on the market i n Re ad y-to- Wear Suits. In Millinery 4 We have the vlatest and most up-t^ da^e styles, both in iReady- to-wear and Trimmed Hats. . t Our Millinery AND Suit Department is on the second floor, and we keep expert trimmers to wait on you. Make us a visit before buying your Fall and Winter needs. Humphreys & Williamson The Standard Shoe Store NEXT DOOR TO P08T OFFICE. Jane Street 18 NOW OPEN, AJXD WE EXTEND A CORDIAL INVI- TATIOW TO EVERYBODY TO CALL IN AND INSPECT THE BEST ASSOR TED, AND LARGEST STOCK OF SHOES EVER 8HOWN IN WAYCROSS. WE CARRY STACY*ADAMS CO'S., FINE SHOES FOR MEN, AND E. P. REED CO'S, FINE 8H0E8 FOR WOMEN. CALL "AND TAKE A LOOK AND BE CONVINCED THAT YOU CAN GET AS GOOD VALUES IN SHOES, AND AS NICE STYLES AS ARE SHOWN IN THE LARGER CITIES, AND THE PRICES ARE RIGHT. SOLICITING A SHARE OF YOUR PATRONAGE AND ASSURING YOU OF A SQUARE DEAL, WE ARE, The Standard Shoe Store NEXT DOOR TO POST OFFICE. Jane Street CLASSIFIED BOARDERS WANTED—-Good board can be secured ac 64 Reed street. 7 tf -FOR RENT—Rooms for light house keeping or for young men. All con veniences. Couple without children: preferred. Ring 149.* 4 tf WANTED—Position as stenograph er or cashier by competent young la dy. Address “H’V'care Herald office, 19 tf. ' BOARDING—New furnished rooms; table first class. Apply 60 Carswell fitenu* ', 2 1$ FOR RENT—The Vlrdie stables, corner Tebeau and Ewing streets.. Fine place for garage. Apply to J. S. Williams, Waycross, Ga. 3 Ct LOST—Ladles gold watch with the Initials “I. S. from D. M.” Reward If returned to this office. 4 tf WANTED—Three funlsbed rooms for light housekeeping; must be <011 second floor. By couple with one child. Address p. O. Box 613, City. 5 5t WANTED—6 or 6 more 1 boarder* tt 51 Folks. 7 St rr;B K * 4 -T—Comfortably furnished •**" sit conveniences; rates , Gentlemen preferred. 67 street Phone 454. 7 6t FOR RENT—Rooms for light house keeping at 32 Jane street Reasona ble rent*. s 3t WANTED—Each and everyone to take advantage of my special offer for photos. Get coupons from represen. fative. M. J. Dolan, Photographer. 8 3t NOTICE! i sife. Col. Harry D. Reed, candidate for M *y° r wl » »Peak in Phoenix Park The friend* of Dr. L. J. Birch COPY OF NEW GAME LAW FREE | S * tur4 * 5r evening, November Uth at will regret to !e*ro that he it itlit AT C, S. HARDY & SON’S.' 1 ltd Itw l"^?' unite *ick at hla home on Plant ave- ■ ! No “***•* *kom yon expect to inp. one. Two of hia brother* from Amijrifivr mx ■ t>ort com ® o'* 1 «n4 hear CoL Heed. Rat, Ga., are here at hi* hedilde. JtyAElSIflanuIiaX&ilt. . I . , \ . < 4 < 1 A • i { i