Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, November 09, 1911, Image 6
/ 2 Churchwell’s S A L E Continues until Sat urday night,Nov. 11 Gel Ready for It We are going to make these the blggeft bargain days of all. Continues Four Days Look for the Big Page Ad. 10 yds good flll ApronGingham ill For Only UU Only 10 yds to a customer Be here Rsjg or Sbiue Don’t Put It Off Be Here Every. Day ] Churchwell Brothers’ S A L E ! Continues Until Saturday Night, Nov. 11 We have been asked by many ot our beSt customers to continue our Sale until Saturday uigbt,* as they were unable to take advantage of the sale at the beginning, so we have decided to Continue four Daysl ’ •• • ■*< tr Bargains are now here for you. Look for our page Ad. and Circular New Coat Suits, hew Coats, Dresses, Dress Goods, • Arriving every day, Freight and Express Cnurchwell Brothers “The Store that Sells It for Less” Churchwell’s S A LES Continues untfl Sat urday night,Nov. 11 COME! Thursday, IFrida^ and Saturday, 3 days, we will sell 10 yds best Calico for 29c Only 10 yds. to a customer 9:30 to 10 a. m. Remember we guar antee satisfaction or your money back* ChurchwelUs Phone 38 CITIZENS LEAGUE. dorsed, and who atand pledged to hearty accord with the platform here ! enunciated. .. ■ . . 21 tf THE CITIZENS LEAGUE. Whereas, In reaponae to a call I* ailed and alined hy many citizens, there aaaembled at the Court llouao in tho City of Waycrosa. on the eve ning of October 12th.. a reprcaentntlvu tody ot men, gathered from all walks and vocations of life, comiKiaed ot mlnlatere of the Coupe!, physicians, lawyers, hanker., morchnnts and membera of the organization, of Holl er Mater., Machinleta, Ca Worker., money ao collected ahould be expend ed to tho very boat possible advan tage, with neither waste nor graft. Tho Sinking Fund provided to meot the outstanding bonds should be kepi Intact, and so Invested as to bring tbe best returns, bo that the payment of bends may bo made promptly, and our credit proservod. Next to tho preservation of our credit, aa outlined above, canics tho henda for streets, Blacksmiths, Locomotive Engineers, - sidewalks nml drainage, and those Conductors, Switchmen, Hrakolnen. rlould be Improved just as fast Moulders, Inspector., Carpenter., j practicable, but the work ahould be Clerks, Travelers T. P. A'a., Farmers’ j done by n competent Supervisor, un Union, U. C. T‘a„ and the othor tie- J dor bond lor faithful, honcht work, snoot, going to make up our cosine- j so that tho monoy spent for these polltan population; tho objoct nad | Improvement, may bo a permanent purpose of this meeting being to con-i tain to tho city. Weeding edge* ot alder matters political affecting Way- .trews and throwing sand In the mid- cross, and to decldo on candidates and measures, to urge boforo the voters at the approaching municipal Brimary, and Whereas, by a majority ballot of over ona hundred voters, II. D. Iteed was endorsed for Mayor, Dr. W. K. Meeks was endorsed tor Alderman, Second Ward, W. E. Chandler for Alderman Fourth Ward, and C. A. LeConnt for Alderman, Sixth Ward,— theta balng the eoly Aldermen to be elected at the aliening election, end Whereas, by the endorsement of theee candidates for nomination at tha grimary, aa men deemed worthy to hear the standard raised by tMe nesting; It becomes proper and right that tha purpose, for which this meeting stood, and for which the or- sanitation there effected stands, ahould be set forth in a declaration of principles. I Therefore, he It resolved— L That the Citizen. League, form as at aald meeting; atanda for a, SQUARE deal, for both rich and Boor, high and low,—No favoritism under the law, but JC8TICE to ell. That in order to meet out exact Jue- ,rice our City Government should bo die Is a waate of time and energy, from which no beneflt I* derived. We •land for hard surfaced streets end for tbe laying of good sidewalks for the people who walk thereon. Resolved, III. That this organisa tion a Linda for a "square deal" and for PROGRESS, but it advocates giv ing every proper help end encourate- meat to our schools, colleges end oth er educational Institutions. The need! for e ppbllc library It apparent, and Heps should be taken to secure one without delay. All our eUemosynwy Institutions ehould bo fostered and aided, and especially do we commend the Kings' Daughters Hospital for It* noble work. Resolved, IV. Thtt this organiza tion standi committed to giving all due encouragement to new enterprt* ca. manufactories, public tarries cor poration. and tboia things which traka for the upbuilding ot t clfy, yet no right to use city property should be granted without adequate compen sation, In money or service, to the city or tu people. We believe the time hae come for the city to own Its City Hall, and favor the erection or purebnzo of such building as will be administer, d honestly, economically I adequate to the needs of tho city for tbe next decade at least, believing the Hue to b» conducive |o economy in public service, end for the better management of city affaire. A cen tral City market should be provided far as early ee practicable; alto the garbage of the City should he remored frequently, end cremated or other wise disposed ot to as not to menace tbe public heultb. This declaration of principles la put should he adjusted only after' anh ,or tha purpose of ’(leaning thv a toll bearing and an cxntnlasiion at’ '*ltlcn cf titotc rcspoujlble tor tbe the property. ) 'itirenn Leayuo movement, and we Received II. That this organisation i beertlly Invite all-wbo desire gooo atanda fer promts. We believe in j 1 lovornment for Waycrots, who be- progrecrive am. end in a promtslv* ,(,r ’ in these principles, who desire city. No bar) rard step should he! K "*l rlzhtt to all, special prlvllge* taken V-t rw.S >’ mr Ux rate,"’ ’’ei'e. to ! ‘In with u» tn carry in. ha a* lew c- • ’b'* l*a»r lo victory by nomlaatia. tha city’s ifsltlmstc sards, tut tbe >’ I r: rant> (he Candida’» «n- stnd equitably, "'to Tax rate should he ns low as por.lble conaistant with meeting the aced-i tor revenuo, and an property aboLld be assessed alike. '■We condemn all Inequalities In nt- Boasmenta at rank faro rig] am, and -pledge ourealfea to an aaaasamant based on veluo not ya ownership. We believe that the Street Tax ahoald be made not to exceed $2.00 per an- nnm. Returns of property by Tax NO NEED TO STOP WORK When your doctor urdhra' you to .-top work, It staggers you, "I can’t’ you ray. You know you are weak, run-down apd failing n, health, day ’•y day, but you must work ca long ns Ton can stand. What you treed la Electric Hitters to giro ton, strength, and vigor to your eyst-tm. lo prevent breakdown and build you up. Don't be weak, sickly or ailing when Elec tric Dlttera will benoflt you from the Oral dose, Thousands bless them for their glorious health and strength Try thorn. Every bottle In gunnur toed. Only SOe at All Druggists. Common Colds must be taken 8er lounty. For unices cured they lap the vi tality and lower the vital reel a tan •• id more serious Infection. Protect yowr children nod yon reelf by the prompt see at Foley’g Honey nad Tar Ocnguund ad note Its qnlck sod de clare results. For roughs, cold* croup; whooping cough, bronchitis sad affection ot tbe throat, cheat and loam R h an ever ready ad value- Gem Pharmacy; T. 8 PARK MOR RAND CO. •NttiNISffS AND CONTRACTORS. Lott-Hlteh Bonding. RE-INFO RCED CONCRETE. FOLEY** KIDNEY REMEDY Ik a groat medicine at proven value tor both ante ad chronic kidney and bladder afltnenta. It Is aapedany re- ooDSModed to rtderty people for lt> wonderful toufe and reooariroctlre qoautlaa, and tho permanent relief sod comfort It gives that Gem Phar macr; T. 8. Paine. - A CLOSE INSPECTION I* what always bappese when yon ‘.re met face to face BY A LAUNDRY CRANK. He may bo q friend, but ho lnel-sts on ■eroMriring your Una. Be on the eats end sure ride ad have tie do LAUNDRY WOR KTHAT 18 I IRRESISTIBLE. 't’e ee cheep as "slop" work and inks a "has* batter. !! ' Wilson STEAM LAUNDRY PHONE ». ft FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS Will teach yo& Individual case If yon have ay form of kidney end bladder trouble or orintry Irregularities. Try them. Own Pharmacy; T. 0. Paine. Big supply of card board, aO «e> on. Just received at Herald. a SEE THE DESCRIPTION OF OUR SHOW FOR TONIGHT IN ANOTHER COLUMN, COME OUT AND IF YOU ARE NOT PLEASED LET US KNOW. WE ABSOLUTELY BELIEVE THAT THIS IS ONE CF THE VERY BEST ACTS EVER PRESENTED AT THE MAJESTIC. , S 3t BREWER A PHELAN. Woycross & Southern R. r. co. Schedules of Trains Ecective Septem ber 25, 1011. Notion: .The arrivals and depart lure* are given on Information and are not guaranteed. Suthbound Train No. 1. MU** station 0 Hebnrdvllle Lv 10:00 am. 2 Ways. Albany «ve. Lv. 10:05 a.m S Lavlnla Lv ...10:20 am 10 Fredel Ar. 10:30 a.m Northbound Train No. 2. 10 Fredel Lv 2:45 p.m 3 lavlnla Lv 1:50 p.»v 3 Ways. (Albany aval Lv. 3:10 p.m 0 Hehardvltla Ar 3:15 pm ‘Trains Noa 1 and 3 dally except gtutdsv. -■ John M Kopklna General Superintendent ' SPECIAL NOTICE! For tbe convenience of railroad peo ple and other* t have decided to open my hooka on Thursday evening No vember 9th, at Cltlsasa Bank from 6:30 to 1:30. Coma and pay yonr state and county taxes and don't for get to register. J. T. Strickland, Tax Collector Ware County. $4. 15 TO Savannah, Ga., and Return Atlantic. Coast Line *utomobile Races Nov. 27-30 NOVEMBER 27th: W. K. Vanderbilt, Jr., Cup Race. Tiedeman Trophy Race and The Savannah Challenge Trophy. NOVEMBER 29th: Georgia-Auburn Football Game. NOVEMBER 30th: Grand Prize Auto- A mobile Race. $20,000 hi Prizes Tickets on 8ale: November 2<Sth, 27tb, 2Sttr, 29th and for trains scheduled to reach Sevennnh before noon ot * November 30, 1111. Final Llftt: Tn reach original starting point retdFn, lng not later than midnight of December 4, 1911. For. farther Information In regard tn rates, sched ules, Pullman oar reaervatlojia, private oer parties, eta, ■ee your nearest Ticket Agent, or communicate with E. M. North. A. G. P. A. B. T. Morgan, T. P. A. SaTsnnsb, Ga. Savannah, Ga. U h. Green, T. P. AA. Thomeevllle, Ga. Young's Real Estate Investments ISABELLA STREET: 2 CHOICE LOTS NEAR MARY •I STREET PARK. TWO YEARS TO PAY FOR THEM. . ITOj PRICES EXTREMELY REASONABLE. CARSWELL STREET: ONE LARGE LOT, SOUTH- FRN EXPOSURE, TERMS-OR CASH. THIS OPPORTU- MCDONALD STREET: 2 BEAUTIFUL LOTS OPPO SITE MR. B-*M. NORVELL*S-BUNGALOW. TERMS OR CASH. FALL CABBAGE PLANTE Onr tall eabbage plant*, Wakefield and Flat Dutch, ar* now reedy for shipment, and wa want your orders. Price* tab, Meggett: t.000 to 2,900 at11.60 par l.OOo 4.001 to 3,000 at .... 11.25 par 1,000 To,000 and over at .... 11,00 per 1,000 Wo ndvlpe that yon place your or der! promptly ta the supply Is very limited this tall. Satisfaction guar anteed. 8. M. Glbaon Co, Meggett S. C. RINO t74 FOR WOOD. 28 t« *nvr:»7iSE IN THE WAYCRQSS HERALD COLLEGE! HILL: ONE TEN ACRE TRACT, BE YOND LARGE OAKS, INSIDE CITY LIMITS, IDEAL PLACE FOR SUBURBAN HOME WHERE PLENTY ROOM MAY BE HAD FOR ORCHAR08, VINEYARD, AND GARDENS. COLLEGE HILL: SEVERAL LOTS NEAR COL LEGE AT BARGAIN PRICES, TERMp OR CASH. JANE ELIZABETH, AND MARY STREET EXTEN- ■ SION: TI8 HERE YOU CAN PURCHASE A LARGE LOT jt NEAR INTO THE BUSINEhS SECTION, NEAR THE A. Ci' L. SHOPS, AND IN A SECTION OF THE CITY THAT IS ABSOLUTELY FREE OF COLORED RESIDENTS. TERMS SIS DOWN ANDTS PER MONTH ANO UPWARDS BUY8 A LOT 70x100 FEET. “B” STREET: ONE CHOICE LOT, NEAR ACDANY AYE. TERMS OR CASH. • ’ Walter M. Young, Re i* E tats Bargains. •V PHONE 270.