Newspaper Page Text
You came and looked through our
store yesterday. We hope you were
pleased with what you saw and that
you will come again and again and again
Walker-Hood Furniture Co.
Mercy Circle Number Four, King'll
Daughters, will hojd a rummage sale
Friday and Saturday .In the storo in
LaGrande Hotel building occupied
sirae time ago by the Ladies Ex
change near post ofllce. The salo
will continue through the two days
9 2t
FRESH FISH 8c | And in addition to that, in his ca-j AT THE MAJESTIC.
FRESH OYSTERS 30cpacity as best man, ho is going to | The .picture programme for tonight
1 1*2 BU. SWEET POTATOE8 ..$1.00 bring the interstate marriage to At- will bo as follows:
There is no apparent Improvement
In the condition of Dr. L. J. Burch
today. He has been confined to bis
bed for several days with fever.
' The friends of the family will be
pleased to learn that Mrs. D. A.
McGee Is much better today.
15 lbs BEST SUGAR | jlonta artd isgoing to have it perform-
24 lb. BAG BEST FLOUR!—.... $1.75 ed with all of the frills and furbelow J
of the uniting of a plutocratic maid
en with a British peer. He wants
Atlanta to see the show, so he has
arranged to have it right in Atlanta's
newest theater. Homer George, raaa-
Young Mens Christian Association.
An unusually interesting program
is prepared for ail interested people *uger of tho Atlanta theater, who Is
tonight. Two special selections in j himself an arden advocate of inatrl-
special music will be given by Misses mony, has fallen into the scheme and
Adams and \$Hlor. Thus giving a J has donated tho use of his playhouso
splendid assortment of home talent for the solemn ceremony,
music that will be very interesting. I Several days ago the Kentueky
Remember that this Great'entertain* wooer wrote the mayor asking him
Col. A. B. Spence has returned from
a visit to Florida. Mrs. Spence re
mained in Florida for a few' days lon
ger with relatives.
ment is free to alt members. The
smiles from the $5 pretty girls are
worth $10.00, but they are free.
to find the writer a-Georgia mate. Tho
mayor sent out the word through the
columns of The Constitution,
young woman of Waycross, saw the
notice, declared that she was perfect-
BUT MU8T GO TO ATLANTA, jly willing to go to tho mysterious
Atlanta Constitution. j bachelor, whose address is box 223,
Interstate nuptials are not an un- < Richmond, Ky., and tho final act in
common thing, but when the inter
state nupials are officially conducted
Hymen may look for unusual methods
being employed before the knot is
The many friends of Mr. Roy Wal
den were pleased to see him on the
streets yesterday afternoon,
the first time Mr. Walden has been j methods when the Kentucky gentle-
down town since he had a stroke of man who asked Mayor Winn, of At
paralysis several weeks ago.
lanta, to find him a Georgia bride,
gets the bride.
The Atlanta executive has proved
not only an excellent John Aldcn for
Messrs George D. Rosser, and M.
W. Abernathy, of Rocky Mount, N.
C., and Scott Cameron, of Savannah, : the swain from Blue Glass, but now
and Thomas Nolan, of Portsmouth, he proposes to be best man at the
Va., are guests of the Phoenix Hotel, marriage and the officiating officer as
——■ well.
the play is being arranged.
Yesterday'the mayor, through bis
secretary, Harlee Branch, wrote tbo
anxious bridegroom. He told him of
his good fortune In finding a Georgia
bride, and also invited him to hold
the ceremony In Atlanta and offered
to perform the rites himself. Tile ans
wer of the Kentuckian is eagerly
awaited t>oth In Atlanta and at Way-
Film No. 1. “Society Hobos.” You
will finch this a very laughable como-
dy picture produced by the Yankee
Picture Company.
Film No. 2. "Follsbead As A Mod
ern Guest." Anqther one of thoso
famous comedy pictures by tho Italia
Picture Company.
The feature act for tonight and the
balance of tho week will be ‘Italia’
the girl who writes the songs sbs
sings, and "Ben J. Greene" in their
own absurdity, “A Snap", presenting
fomedy, -character changes, singing
and dancing.
Savannah, Ga., Nov. 10.—Additional
racing teams that are entered In the
bis events to be pulled off In Savan
nah during Thanksgiving week are j
expected to arrive on Sunday. The*
Benz team is looked tor at that (Info j
&w.b: Drew Co.
Stationery, Book & Art Store
45-49 W. Bay Street
Jacksonville, Fla
Wedding and
Society Engraving
■ Everything for the Office
Full Line Artistic Material
Foot Ball & Athletic Goods
Kodak* and Photo Supplies
and when It'gota hero there should I Scalp »nd Hair Trouble Generally
Mr. G. D. Pugh, superintendent of*
the Savannah division of the Atlantic
Coast Line, was among the visitors *
to Waycross today.
r * Mr. W. H. Cason, one of the best
known and most popular salesmen
In the city, is now with the Wilson
Grocery Company.
' Hazel Elliston, Maude Miller, Helm
GriCn, Ncr'ma Hargreaves, Mary
Lewis, Marie Allen. Ruth Miller*-*
Boys: Dekle York.
Shop In Savannah
Ensel & Vinson Company
Refunds Your Railroad Fare
Write Us'for Particulars
See Us When in Savannah.
be something doing. Their greatest
rivals, the Fiat team, liaii already
mme and some of the members of It
ibvc r-ad< trips around tho course.
They pronounce^ it very fine and all
sure that some new records ar<
'going to be hung on It.
Additional interest has been added
to tho races by tho annoucement
that a prize of $1,000 in gold has
been offered by an unknown Savan-
nahian for the car that wins the
Grand Prize race.
Last year such a prize was given
to the car which came in first regard
less of time limit, handicaps lapsed
t!jr.e or anything else but this year
the money is to g oonly to the cat
that wins theVace.
One of the little Case cars entered
in the small car race fell into the
Irle of Hope River this morning but
Van not badly dsmaceu. It was soon
out and put in shape again.
Caused by Carelessness.
Dandruff is a contagious disease
caused by a microbe which also pro
duces baldness. Never use a comb
or brush belonging to somo one else.
No matter how clenaly the owner
may be, these articles may be- infec-
ted with microbes, which will infect
your scalp. It is far easier to catch
hair microbes than it Is to get rid of
them, and a single stroke of an In
fected comb or brush may well lead
to baldness. Never try on anybody
eise’s hat. Many a hat* band la a
resting place for microbes.
It you happen to be troubled with
dandruff, itching scalp, falling hair
or baldness, we have a remedy which
we believe will 'completely relieve
these troubles. We are so sure of
and hair troubles, and we know ot
nothing,else ^hpt equals it for affec* .
tiveness, because of the results It has
produced in thousands of cases.
Rexail "93" Hair Tonic Is devised
to banish dundruff, restore natural
color when Us loss has boon brought
about by disease, and make the hair
uaturally silky, soft and glossy. It
does this because it stimulated Che
hair folides, destroys the germ mat
ter, and brings about a free, healthy .
circulation ot blood, which nourishes
the hair roots, causing them to tighten
and grow now hair. Wo want every
body who baa apy trouble with their
hair or scalp to know that we think*
that Rexail ‘*03" Hair Tonic Is Ufe
best hair Tonic and restoratlYo to
existence, and no-one should scoff at
or doubt this statement until they
have put our claims to a fair test,
with tho understanding that they pay
this that we offer it to you with the us nothing for the remdey if it does
u.riers.andlng that it will cost you j not give tull and complete satisfaction
nothing (or the trinl l( It don, not In every particular. Two aizea,
iroToce the result, we claim. TJitj cent, and ll.'j'i. Remember, you
I c.i.edy I, called Retail "9i" Hair obtain Retail Remedtee. nl Wayi
! Tonic. Wo honeetly,beUere it to be only at our ,tore—Tb eRexall
'the moat aclsntlsc remedy (or acalpTha S tli Pharmacy.