Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, November 13, 1911, Image 6
MW r—-T- Churchwell’s SALE Continues until Sat- ptrday night,Nop. 11 Get Ready for It "We a re going to make these tiie biggeti bargain days of nil. Continues Four Days s J^ook for the Big Page Ad. JO yds'good fl|j uApronGingham ill For Only UU Only 10 yds to a customer Be bete Rain or Shine ] Don’t Put It Off Me Here Every Day - . j » Churchweil Brothers' S A L E ! Continues Until Saturday Night, Nov. It We have been asked by many ot our bedt customers to continue our Sale until Saturday night, as they were unable to take advantage ef the sale at the beginning, so we have decided to Four Daysl BiggJ" and Better Btrgainsare now here for you. Look for our page Ad. and Circular New Coat Suits, hew Coats, Dresses, Dress Goods, Arriving every day, Freight and Express Ckurchwell Brothers “The Store that Sells It lor Less” Churchwell’s SAL E<i Continues until Sat urday night, Nov. 11 COM El Thursday, |Frida^ and Saturday, 3 days, we will sell 10 yds best Calico for 29c Only 10 yds. to a customer 9:30 to 10 a. m. Remember we guar antee satisfaction or your money back. ChurchwelVs Phone 58 For further Information In regard to rates, ached- ulst, Pullman osr reservations, prints car parties, ole., see jour'Marsel Ticket Agent, or sommunlcato with E. M. North, A. G. P. A. B. V. Morgan, V. P. A. Savannah, Ga. Savannah, Oe. L. P. Green. T. P. AA. Yhomaavllto, «a. Big soppljr ot card ooard, all eat- PARE MOR RAND CO* *MG**IEK»S ANS\«JRTRNeTOI», Wwryiyy^Se»ttfii Sthsduls* of'Teatne Essstlvs Septan- CITIZENS LEAGUE. f Whereas, In responso to a call I* |med and algnod by many citizens, there assembled at the Court llouie |a the City of YVaycrots, on the ore- hUng of October 12th.. a representative «wdy of men, gathered from all walks and vocations ot life, composed of gnlnlsters of the Goepel, phystclans. Sawyers, bsnkers, morchante and ■umbers of the organisations of Doll ar Makers, Machinists, Ca Workers, Blacksmiths, Locomotive Kngtseors, Conductors, Switchmen, Ilrakomcn, ■Could ars, Inspectors, Corpenlsrs, darks. Travelers T. P. A's.. Farmers' KJnlon, U. C. T’s, and the other elo- going to mako up our ooetno- popuhtllon; the object sod t of this meeting being to oon- ' matters pollttcel affectloK War- and to decide on candidates Had measures, to urge boforo the waters at the approaching municipal primary, and Whereas, by a majority ballot of over one hundred rotors, H. D. Head was endorsed for Mayor, Dr. W. K. Masks was endorsod for Alderman, Second Ward, W. E. Chandler for Alderman Fourth Wirt, end C. A. BeCount for Alderman, Sixth mud,— these being the only Aldermen to be started at the ensuing election, and Whereat, by the endorsement of thane candidates for nomination at the primary, aa men deemed worthy to bear the standard raised by UUs ■easting; It bsoomsa proper and rtJBt that the panoses for which this ; stood, and for which tbs or bs sat tomb W a declaration of be It resolved— wader the brw, but JUSncB to ML That In order to meet on exact Jna fine our City Ooverntrihtt should be money so ootlactod should be oxpend ed to the very best possible advan tage, with neither wasto nor graft. The Sinking Fund provided to meet the outstandlog bonds should bo kept Intact, and eo Invented ns to bring the beet returns, so that the payment of txxule may be mado promptly and our oredlt preaervod. Neat to the prooervatlon ef our credit, gs outlined above, cornea the needs sidewalks sod drainage, should be improved fast as fast ss praotl cable, but the work aboaM be dona by a competent Supervisor, un der bond lor faithful, honeht work, to that Ust money spent Cos these Improvements mag be a permanent gam to the olty. Weeding edges ef Wrests end tlisowtng staid In tbs art- dto It a waste of time and from which no benefit Is fMWM. We stand for hart strfaeed ■ atissta and for the laying of good stodwalto for the people who walk thereon. Heeolred, III. That tbla organiza tion stands for a ''square deal" and for PROGRESS, but It advocates giv ing every proper help end encousngs meat to our schools, ooltegee and out er educational lost!tattoos. The needs for s ppbllc library la apparent, and steps should be taken to secure one without delay. All oar aUamnaynary Institutions should be lot elded, and especially da zee command the Kings' Dautotsm Hospital for Ms noble work. Rsaolred, IV. lilt shje organisa tion stands eomuMUd to tataG all due ceoougagtomeot to MW dates as, usnufaotoriea, potato service aor- POWtfaM 'and those thtags whtok make tor the uptitalAtad at a tab, Hgtot it aae totagwitato stntai be g 1 nail I ndeount" m. la money or Mnsiba, to toe Of to psopto. We betieve the • not to exceed 1100 per a» (he patdto health. MM. Maria ol property by Me 'Mayors should be adjust«i only alter SS fan bearing and an eaamtnation ot I D. That this organtsatlea ' groweta. Wa belters la a ' *CW and to a Olty Han, and Mm* «m sssiltoo or BORtWM of sash bwhdtag as art be wtotitata to Ms needs of Ma alto tor The Taa rats should i the neat decade at oaifble oanststmt wtfh tbs wssflng the need* (or revenue, sol *D Property should to aasasssd talks. WO condemn ell tnequtaUss In a*. rank fivoeVtan. and to an on vattw not on Wa tolls re that tits street Tea shtaM dorsed, and who stand pledged to hearty accord with the platform hers enunciated. 21 tf THE CITIZENS I-EAQUR NO NEED TO STOP WORK. When your doctor ureters yon ti • top work. It staggers yon. "I can't 1 you say. yfou know you are weak, rturdown and filling in health, day »y day, hut you moot work ee long aa yea oeu stand. What you need Weetrlc ratters to glee ton. strength, <tad rigor to your, system, to pre and Mid yon up. Don't Ms »Man will Inna yon tram tbs AM doss, TTinasanils Mess them tor health a Only 90s ta Al to toton Isusly. For unless eased they sap tbs vi- by tbs ■soaps tan oi Folsg's Honey and Tar Oea*°<R>d sad nobs Ha qnlsk and d* smelts. . Mr coughs, ooMa oroop, whooping mngb, bronchitis and on* of IDs ttooat, cheat ' to"to an sets rsedy and sah» M.- nmi(tan Phantasy; j s A CLOSE INSPECTION what always happens wtton yot see met tsoa to tooe BY A LAUNDRY CHUNK. Os may be s frtasd, bail to taagsts ot esrsttalitaa yot* ttasn. Be on IB stah nil soot sSds and tom m do LAUNDRY WON KTHAT IS IRRESISTIBLE. as aheap ss "stop" wash sgs Wilson STEARTLAUNORY POLSY KISNETY PILLS Will reach your knfUktaul asm U you have any tom it khtaey and bladder trouble' or urinary hregtaartotaa. Try them. Gem manway; T. B. Falsa total'tot .toll Bto ^tos m. ...rwjjl A>* Hsu. l ad a tojtor Mtopfr! mm mm «*•>• am,. is Jew dtok « Vt AN VMRir fp gUgkutdktg w ■» “fc prtoani Mtotoftf «» .-a; 1 . ff?.^:^.totos»fjfsy>r!li>totort SPECIAL NOTICE! For the convenience of tall road pso pto and ether* i have distort to open ay books oa Thursday evsnftu No vember tab., at Ctofriua •rSO to S;t0., Coma and pay yot* ■SUB and county tan* and don’t for get So register. 19. BMektond, Tax Collector Warn TO Savannah, Ga., and Return —VIA- Atlantic Coast Line tulsmobile Races Nov. 2740 NOVEMBER 27th: W. K. Vanderbilt, Jr., Cup Race. Tledoman Trophy tooe and The Savannah Challenge Trophy. NOVEMBER 29th: Georgia-Auburn Football Game. NOVEMBER 30th: Grand Price Auto mobile Race In Prizes Tickets on Sato: November 3«th, 37th, 28th, 39th end lor trains scheduled to seacb Savannah before noon of November 30, 1911. Final Liftt: Be reach original starting point return ing not later t>on midnight of December 4, 1911. tM8^R^£BtatelB?estiieDts ISABELLA STREET! t OHOIOE LOTB NBAR MARY STREET-PARK. TWO YBARB TO PAY POR THEM. PRICES BXTRBMBLY REASONABLE. CARSWELL STREET: ON? LAROB LOT, SOUTH. BGN EXPOSURE, TERMS OR CASH. THIS OPPOHTU- NtTY AVON* SO BEGGING, BBS MB AT ON«E. MCDONALD STREET: 2 BEAUTIFUL LOTS OPPO. ■ITS MR. B. M. NORVBLL’B BUNO^VzOW. TBRMB OR CASH. COLLIDE HILL! ONR TIN ACREVrRAOT, BB. YONO LARGE OAKS, INB1DE CITY LIMPS, IDBAL PUAOI FOR SDBURBAN HOME WHERE PLENTY ROOM MAY BE HAD POR ORCHARDS, VINEYARD. AND GARDENS. COLLEGE HILL: SEVERAL , LOTS REAR COL- LEGE AT BARGAIN PRICES, TERMS SR OASH. JANE ELIZABETH, AND MARY ..STREET EXTEN- '. MON; tis Mere you can purchase a large lot NEAR INTO THE BUSINESS SECTION, NEAR THE A. C. U'SHOPS,. AND IN A SECTION Of THE CITY THAT IS .ABSOLUTELY FREE OF COLORED RESIDENTS. TERMS AND UFWAR08 BUYS ! i % ! T T fid:DOWN AND IS PER MONTH A LOT 7Q*H0 pWt. . <*. STREET: ONE CHOKE LOT, NEAR ALBANY AVB. TERMS OR CASH. 89«$Sffi,i, Wakor M. Young,