Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, November 13, 1911, Image 8
You came and looked through our store yesterday. We hope you were pleased with what you saw and that you will come again and again and again Walker-Hood Furniture Co. 80 ►LANT AVE. * PHONE 499 women than men In Georgia, and you rny the reverse Is true of Kentucky. “The mayor keenly appreciates the delicately expressed compliment to Georgia when a Kentucky bachelor turns to this state for a wife. Sever* • al times in the recent past the mayor Jhas politely declined to act in the . . 'capacity of matchmaker In romantic The second number of the Lyceum | , „ A t ., „ . . ., ... i cases similar to the one presented by coarse will be the Parland Newhalll „ . . „ . you. However, Inasmuch ss Georgians -Company, which comes this evening. FINE ATTRACTION ' FOR TONIGHT JOE BROWN MEETING TONIGHT (The third number will be tba Vaaaar Ctrl, on November 23. Tba Parland Mftall Company bu riven eminent •atlslactlon ar.r,where It bu bean Md thoie who attend tonlgat are prom lied a rare treat. Elfht o'clock 49 the hour. 'i BACHELOR NOTIFIED THAT V WAVOROU LADY IS WILLINC. (Atlanta Constitution.) ' The negotiation, for the raarrlsgo of *he Kentucky bncbelor and tba lady «C Waycroaa, da., are tirojroa.lng rap-1 ,. ' .”7,'" 'Z T* — ... I" 1 * 1 01 • w,, « to » >on. Kentucky (cnerally look with favor and e.teem upon the woman, blue grass, blooded horaca and Hoe whlakay, ha la Inclined In thla Inatance to uae bta good office to brlog about o closer relation, be tween two of the beet etatea In the union. "Complying with your suggestion, r.o mayor banded your letter to The Atlanta Conttltutlon for publication, and ae a result The Constitution baa received a communication from a lady In Waycron, Gs., who ovIdencM L"ti Intereat In your propotaL She unhraltatlngly saya that ahe hot no objection to being a real dream aid and Mayor Winn hopes to have ...... wadding polled off In Atlanta at b * C ‘‘* k>r ' tnd h “ "O'""* 1 weuuing puueo on in Atlanta at , 0 ^ wUh y0|]r ^ ud ma early data Ha baa written to box Sts, Richmond. Ky„ the addreea of the (Kentucky bachelor, tnd told him about O* lady of Waycroaa. The Conatitu- Ska fcaa written to Waycron to aa- i tf the lady will consent to mar- i Kentucky bachelor In Atlanta. Aa stated In The Con.tltutlon Fri- tome fact, concerning yourself. She Is withholding her own name and his tory until ebe obtain* farther infor mation concerting yott ,“tf you will be ao kind aa to forward photograph and a etatement of facts concerning youraelf, wa will be pleas- the wedding will occur I. the * '° 0P “ ” p ,he , *“ nd cb * pt,r or the.!.,. and Mayor Wlna will, 3*** Th. Con.tltutlon ha. been I he,rt " * U » flUt,,r wUh eiucipatioa by prominent Atlanta mar- CADINET WORK. eflant* of several weddlni preaenta if ghe couple dedd* to wod ta thla city. > The letter sent to the Kentucky ffiacMor from the Mayor'* office ta ae I am still at th* tamo old aland, u Sellawm: I Wwwer etreet, and prepared to do all “Dear «r:-«*v*ral daya ago yon klnda of eebtnet wort, aphatataafng. anoda a letter to Mayor Winn request- troe* repairing, etc. Haifa* dost Sag ktaa id aid yoa la aalntas th* ac-' -'oar work lor th* peat Mb yarn I RRilafinna of a Teal dream and .Ideal think l know how to ffivw ywn th* of ■ Oaorgta woman, who weald ha ‘od of work you waat Whoa.yoa to wad a loo# Kentucky bach- *ced any repairing dan*, remember | ar.* J. I. WAITS, JJa yoar laitar ysn mat. known Th* oU rettabl* CaMoat^fakor. M f mr dtacovary that th.r* ar* uera Brewer etreet, paona Vd II U WAYCfiOSS AND WARE III BBOKLET Aa many of tba frisnda and auppor- ter of Got. Jo*. M. Brown In Waycroaa and Ware county, a* can do ao are requested to meat at Wade'a Hall In the Southern building, at 7:30 o'clock . „ , .. . .... Board of Trade. The advertising mat- on Monday night neat, the 13th tn-1 , . . .. atant. to confer together relative to the puuJrug campaign for governor., Three pages of a general booklet of counties and cities of South Georgia will be fllled with a write-up of Wav- cron and Ware county, according to arrangement* just completed. The write-up will be furntabed by This November 10, Mil. C. M. Sweat, Preaidant. V. L. Stanton, Secratary. JOE MATSON TO DRIVE IN RACES. (Continued from Pago 1.) of the trio to George W. Hanson of Atlanta. A thorough and painstaking Inspec tion of the grand stands tor the race* was mad* today by City .Building In- ■peetor Bartlett and Contractor Artley who made a written report to Mayor t Tltdenun and President Granger of th* Savannnh Automobile Club to th* effect that the etande ere sound, eat*' and aubatanttal In every particular. No question had be*a salsad by any | one, a. the' ttanda which were built last fall at a coat of S20.500.are meet substantial, but th* Mayor and offic ials cf be Automobile Club wanted to exercise every precaution and give the public every aaauranc* of abso lute eafetly. ter was secured frdm several of the leading real estate agenda and banka of thegity. The booklet will be Issued by -an 'Atlanta concern shortly ana will be used In general publldty tot Georgia. It will be a very neat publi cation and will no doubt do this coun ty and city much good. HARMON PREDICTS DEMOCRATIC VICTORY. Iw.aDrew Co. Stationery, Book & Art Store 45-49 W. Bay Street Jacksonville, Fla Wedding and Society Engraving Everything for the Office Full Line Artistic Material Foot Ball A'Athletic Goods Kodak and Photo Supplies =s= Baaing hla opinion on the results tn Massachusetts, Kentucky, Ohio - and other points -When Democratic candi dates were elected. Governor Judson Harmon predicta a national Democrat ic landslide next year. “The results pleased me very much,” he laid, consider them a forecast of what ta coming next year. ,It ta th* etrongeet endorsement cf Democracy by th* vot er* In recent year*. Not only th* lo cal elections ar* altnlUcant, but th* election* tn Kentucky, Uassachusetts and other points Th* Otfto election show unquestionably that lk* public la pleased arflh tba present adminis tration and signs of national victory FRESH OYSTERS, 30c! of the Democratic parjy are evident ' 14 BU. SWEET POTATOES . .11.00 j everywhere: Naktyitar 1 predict that IB lbs BEET BUOAR | (the Democrats will wta all natioaal 84 lb. SAG BEET FLOUR I— ....I1J6 office*. Including the presidency.' It ta DAN T. COWART - ADVERTISE IN THE WAYCR05S HERALD an andoraamant or Democrat!* adala- titration policies aad th* Mart al ready perforated by that party.” HERBERT S HOPKINS *TT?RNffw AT I AW. Room 313. LsOraada funding. fT Atlantic Coast Line THROUGH SLEEPERS TO ATLANTA AND POINTS WEST. LEAVE WAVCR08SS 10:30 P. M„ ARRIVE ATLANTA 7:07 A. M. LEAVE ATLANTA BtSO P. M. OR 10:20 P. M, ARRIVE - WAVCR0S8 5:35 A. M. OR 6:35 A. M. WAYCROSS IS ASSIGNED AMPLE SPACE IN OUR ELECTRIC LIGHTED PULLMANS. SAVE TIME BY TRAVELING OVER THE Atlantic Coast Line E. M. NORTH, A. a P. A, SAVANNAH, GA. R. E. CAMP, TICKET AOT. WAYCROSS, GA. Advertise In the