Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, November 14, 1911, Image 2
THE EVENING HERALD —■ PubIJib.d B, [ HERALD PUBLISHING CO. A. P. Perham, Sr, A. P, Parham, Jr, Edltora and Proprietor!. Mill Carrie Parham, Pononil, Society and Local. Tbo Waycroii Herald founded Is 1885. The Dally Herald founded la IMS hy A. P. Perham, Sr. Telephone! Bualnua Offlce IS Editorial Offil 25 Reildance 208. fvary Attarnoon Except Sunday. Rntarad at the Wayuroaa, Oa„ Poll- elf M aa aecond claaa mall matter.- Since No. S' Jane Street RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. . Month * .45 I Months 81.25 S Montha 12-80 I Tear ; 85.00 NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS Bobacrlbara to Tho Herald that do lot receive the paper promptly and early will ploaae rlngup the Circula tion Manncrr and report the trouble te him, a> tbte la the only ueana that we can aaaure you prompt and early delivery. SPECIAL NOTICE All obituary notleea, card! of thnnka, reeolutlona nnd notices of entertain ments, where chargee are made, will he charged at advertising rates of " cents a line.. THE HERALD IS THE Official Organ of the United hlatea Court of tbo Southern District of Oeorgla. WAYCROSS, UA„ NOV. 14, 1011. Tho farmora who have a good many crops thin year nrc a great rlnnl hotter off than thoae who. have nil cotton Hay Is bringing better prices than it has over brought before. Harmon alock Mao gone way alnco tho election last Tuesday. Is the choice of Democrats for the presidential nomination, and seems to be growing stronger dally.—Brunswick New a + It Is nearly time for our friend, Dtickworlh, of the Farmers' Union, t rosolute the price up again. When evor cotton goes up Duckworth always atlrlhuca the credit to hliusclf and hla crowd.—Valdosta Times. Tho Moultrie Observer Is of theopln Ion that the liquor question tvni brought Into Ibis campaign for the ex press pttrposo of boosting somo ono Into the gubernatorial chnlr. And Hint Is the opinion of thousands also. * On® of the Savannah politicians says that Joo Ifrown'a recent platform filled with platitudes, hut ho will liavo 'to admit that “Little Joe" made him self borough)? understood by every body who can understand anything.— Valdosta Times. * U you have been a resident of Brun swick for many years, you cannot help but know that the city, In a business way, ns well os others. Is In the best condition In her history. We are grow Ing steady and substantially, snl tho outlook was never brighter.—Bruns wick News, Yes, we have seen such weather be- GOVERNOR BROWN'S PLATFORM IN TABLET FORM. Strict enforcement of tre laws of Georgia. The return to the people of the pow er* to rule In their gvoernmental af fairs. Advancement of the facilities for the education of the youths of ty* State aa rapidly aa possible. Re-esabllshment of harmony between Income and outgo at the State Treas ury. , Rigid econofy in handling public funds. Strict pursuit of a policy of non-in terference by one department with the affairs of the others. Restoration of the “county unit" rule In making nominations for State offices. Development of the public roads. Strengthening and strict enforcemen* of the laws against vagrancy. Modification of our public utility laws so that local concerns may be regulated by the people affected. Full co-operation with ti»e new do partmeht of. commerce and labor. Conservation In administration so that none will fear Injury from hasty or III advfsed actions. Children Cry for Fletcher’s MSM MH I -a A UU J HOW COUNTIES COUNT IN GOVERNOR'S RACE. Total of 368 Votes by Delegates—Tak es 124 to Win If Race is Close. It will require at least 124 unit votes to win in the gubernatorial pri mary on December 7th, If the three candidates run neck and neck, ami that is not probable. Tho winner will, no doubt, have to go ubout 150. Under the apportion ment of representatives In the lower house of the legislature, there are 184 members, and each county will be en titled to two votes for each, represen tative It will.have In the next general assembly, not the jrrcBe'nt one, the 1911 reapportionment governing in the guberntaorial primary. That win mean 3CS unit votes. Six «ounties will have six votes each, 26 will have four votes each, and tho remaining 114 two votes each. Fulton, Chatham, Richmond, Bibb, Floyd and Muscogeo are the six-vote counties. The Kind Yon Have Always Bought, and which has been In use for over 80 years, has borne the signature of i and has been mode under his per sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “Jnat-as-good” are but Kstp<$riments that trifle with nnd endanger the health at Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Caatorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops-and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nun-otic substance. Its ago Is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and nllays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea uud Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. " GENUINE CASTOR IA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of THIRD AND LAST ROUND AND DON'T FORGET TO REGISTER will be at following places on dates named for tho purpose of col lecting state and county taxes: Manor, Ga„ November 13. Glenmorc, Ga„ November 14. Brnganza, Ga., November 15. Court house, November 16. Waresboro, November 17. Millwood, November IS. Fairfax, November 20. Beach, November Bolen, half day, November 2i. Haywood, half day, November 22. Jamestown, half day, November 23. Hebardvllle, half day, November 23. Court House, November 25. Court House, November 27. Tel more, November 28. Bckloy, November 29. Court House, November 30. Court House, November 31. J. T. Strickland, if* T. C. W. C. The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years THE CCNTAUH COMPANY, 77 UUNrUY STRICT NEW YORK CITY. • - . HBsaoBHaHiaiiHBBesRsaBaai Use it Wherever you Want Cle inline >s, Sightliness & Darah lity Have your automobile and buuy top work done at J. T. McGee's hy j loro Op the 13th of November. 1S7G , arat-elaaa trimmer.. 21 Albany avo-1 (and wo remember It aa If It was yea- nuB _ 12 SOt I torday, although It has been 35 years _______ next Monday, and that 13th was on tf A VCAOSt COUNCIL Monday, too) It was a hot day. the ! , Jr. O. U A M thermometer registering over »o.-Da- Htot , „ Itry Mao<u , |n)h| ta Ru rleu Gazette. Dick Grubb we had no , bulldlB| ' M , ,| Idea you were that old. ^ a j 4, 1 THE USE OF CEMENT IS A MATTER OF COST, NOT OF PRICE. SOUNDS STRANGE, MAYBE, BUT LISTEN: PRICE IS WHAT YOU PAY FOR AN ARTICLE, IT ENDS THERE. COST IS REPRESENTED BY WHAT YOU GET, THE SERVICE AND SATISFACTION. So while the price of cement walk may be greater than of wood, the cost is far less. There are many places around every home and es pecially on the farm, where It Is simply a waste of money to use any thing but cement. Ask us how com ent will save you money and then see how wo will save you money on cemont. P. N. Harley Hdw. Co. House Furnishers to the People 44 Plant Ave Phone 18f no. ti Francisco Madero has been formal ly Inaugurated as president of the Mex | Visiting brothers cordially hivftad to meet with us. Sberod Cmitas, L. Carl CoUina. lean Republic. Ho assumes olfico iUeflecty Councllc* amid stormy conditions and the rutur«-1 Advertise In The Wa/croM Evening ; la not bright with promises. At least * Herald. five states are In open rebellion. It is a — ■ reported that General Reyes who has CABINET WORK. taken up a position at San Antonio, / —« Texas, Is regarded with suspicion, the I am still at the same old stand, 2} belief being prevalent that he Is et£ Brewer street, nnd prepared to do all couraglng another revolution—thla I kinds of cabinet work, upholstering, * time against Madero, the liberator ot trunk repairing, etc. Hiring done I Mettled* front th* depot ism of vJiai. your work for the past six yean I President Madero has a difficult lasu ’ M nk I know how to give you the : »fore him in the rostoratfon «f Uta f n d of. work yon #ant. When you .untry io peace and prosper!!/. la any repairing done, remember * effort to do so Ue will have the ' J. I. WAIT®, jest wishes Cor seccesa cf tho peo- The M rell-th!* P Maker, 22 ,e of thla country. Brewer street, pnone *94. 22 tf @ HEADQUARTERS FOR STARRETT TOOLS There are no tools of finer adjustment and quality than Starrett Tools. They are made for use—they are accurate when you buy them — they last a lifetime and are still accurate. The best mechanics keep the high standard of their work by using Starrett Tools,—their high wage, too. We have selected a large line. If you don’t know and use Starrett Tools, come in and get ac quainted. It means money to you. i Watt Hardware Company WAYCROSS, GAJ — — Ware County Light and Power Company. Cows On The Streets! WHETHER THEY BELONG ON THE STREETS OR NOT, YOUR FRONT YARD IS NOT THE PLACE FOR THEM. I Pittsburg Lawn Fenee 18 THE 80LUTION OF THE PROBLEM, KEEPS THEM JN OR OUT, BESIDES, IT ADDS TO THE LOOKS AND VALUE OF YOUR PROPERTY. THE PLACE TO GET IT IS W ff. J. ANTHONY Hardware Co. 98-100 PLANT AVENUE. When You Stroll STROLL TO La Grande Pharmacy All the latent HOT DRINKS, CIG ARS, High Class TOILET ARTI CLES, RU B B E R G O O D S and DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES I*