Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, November 14, 1911, Image 3
\ Free F r e e F r e e Beginning Saturday Nov. 11, Lasting until Saturday, Nov. 18 To familiarize you with our new location and to advertise cur big stock of New up-to-date Fall Goods we make the following offer: i / With every $5.00 PURCHASE we give you FREE 10 YARDS OF GOOD APRON GINGHAM. With every $5.00 PURCHASE we give you FREE 5 YARDS OF 12 l-2c BLEACHING. READ ON! With evdry §5.00 PURCHASE we will give FREE 5 YARDS OF 10c SEA ISLAND. LISTEN! with every S5-GO. PUR CHASE we will give you FREE 10 ^ ARDS OF GOOD CALICO. With/ every .$5-00 PURCHASE we will give you FREE A PAIR OF SILK HOSE. With [every $10.00 PURCHASE we will give you FREE 1# YARDS OF BEST 12 l-2c 36-inch PERCALE. With every $10.00 PURCHASE we will give you FREE 10 YARDS OF BEST 12 l-2c BLEACHING. With every $10.00 PURCHASE we wil lgive you FREE 10 yds ot OU1, ING, tl colors to choose from. BEST 12 1-2 QUALITY. With every $10*00 PURCHASE we will give you FREE one Ladies’, Misses or Children’s SWEATER. t 7 here will be no 30-minute limit on any of these offer ings. When you make your purchase you get your FREE Goods. Remember the Place Phoenix Block 9 Pendleton St A. M. KNIGHT ANNOUNCES FOR • Jjh ORDINARY. ClrJunratancei force me to get Into the "game" this early and announce myself as a candidate for Ordinary tho nest Democratic primary eleo- tlln. Should any one else ocer for this place I trust that he will be as fine a man as my good friend B. H. Thomas, which would lnsuro a .clean race. It elected I will see that the offlce la kept open all day. I solicit my share of the votes. A. M. Knight FOR MAYOR. Waycross, Ga„ Sept 9. 1911. To the Citizens of Waycross:. I will be a oandtdate for nomina tion as Uayor of Waycross In the approaching primary. Within a few days I krill publish a abort statement of the prlnclplee that I shall advo- cate tn asking the voters of the city to support me.' (Signed) Hairy D. Reed. FOR ALDERMAN FROM THE SIXTH WARD. To the Classes of Waycross: I hereby announce that I win be a candidate to succeed myself, as Al derman for the sixth ward, subject to the Democratfo primary, to be held some ttm- fa December, tn making this announcement, I wtah to thank the good people of Waycross for their many kind words, and warm support while acting as their representative, and If elected, I will try and serve them as faithfully for the next two sears. Vhry truly yours, C. A. LeCount nnnoontiCIlitm an a candidate tor AV desann from the Fourth Wordjub. jeet to the Democntln primary to be ^eaikd Mart We feel quite suss tf / slotted ,ur. Deaton wtn make a nest eflMant and settee official, and ask the hearty eupport at the voters of the dty. ISKfDE. FOR ALDERMAN. I beg to announce that I am a can didate for alderman from the second ward, subject to the white Democratic primary to be held later. If elected, ! will do my part toward giving the city an Impartial, business administra tion. H. Hengeveld. C. W. PARKER FOR MAYOR. To the Citizens of Waycross: In making this, my announcemen of my candidacy for Mayor of the City of Waycross, 1 beg U. aay I do so with the kindest personal feeling tor those who may oppose me. I expect, If elected, to look closely after the affairs of the offlce of Mayor and to spend the larger part of my time In attending to the Important duties of the office. I expect to make a far ther statement 1b regard to oastato matters later. C. W. Parker. FOR ORDINARY. I hereby announce that I will he a candidate for the office of Ordinary of Wars county, subject to the Dem ocratic primary to be bold later. S elected, I ; promise to gin my atten tion to the office and kesp It open, U will be no side line udth me. This early announcement la made neon- sary by the fact that other candidates have already announced tor this of- flea. BaHctttng the support of my friends, I sm,'yours to serve, 0. P. FOLKS. FOR ORDINARY. To the ClUsess of Were County* Heretofore I have stated that 1 would not ba a candidate to succeed myself sv Ordinary of Wars County, but sines giving ths matter more ms- . tore consideration, and tho people * isk- having elected me to that position for TBI fiends of Mr. Beott T. Beaton “* ... . .... one term, which has better fitted me to fill that position for a aooqeedtng tehn, t have decided to. yield to the rolleltatlons of my many friends who have Importuned me to stand for re- election and hereby make this mjr announcement for Ordinary, of Wars County, subject to Om^b*mon5e : primary'to be «*n«4 by'Jffle democrat ic Executive Committee of Ware coun ty. Yours respectfully, B. H. Thomas. FOR ALDERMAN 8EC0ND WARD. To the Citizens of Waycross: I hereby announce myself a candi date for Alderman for the Second Ward, City of Waycross. subject to the ensuing whits primary and nek the support of all classes of citizens. 1 promise fidelity to thelrust If confer* red upon me. , W. C. Butler. FOR ALDERMAN. I hereby anoounoo my conlldacy for Alderman from the Fourth Weird, subject to tho primary to b« tailed later. I will appreciate the eupport of the clltsons of Waycross, and U elected wlU work for, the interest and upbuilding at the city. W. H. Vendt. ! FOR ORDINARY. This Is to notify my friends that I am In tjie race for the office of Or dinary of Ware county, subject to the Democratic primary. If successful I will not only keep the office open for tho convenience of tho public, but wHl stay In It myaelf. Youra truly, M. J. Carswell. FOR ALDERMAN SECOND WARD. I hereby annouco mytolt a candi date for Alderman from the Second Ward, City of Waycross, subject to I the Democratic primary to be held later. If elected I will at all times have the best Interest of Waycross end her people at. hourt, and will stand for a safe, progressive, Impar tial, business administration. 1 will appreciate the support of ths voters of ths city. , W. K. Meeks. BOWDEN IN SENATORIAL RACE. The Herald Is authorised end ro quested to anoounoe that Hon. 1. E, FOR ALDERMAN. To my friemis and ottlzeas: I hereby ananmxin myself tor A)- j T. Bowden wig ht a candidate for the deemeti at Sixth Wksd, subject to the j Stet, senator from' the Wgiycron dls primary to ha held In December !> dob* an, I respectfully nek ths sup port of efl the ottlseos of Whjmsosa, aid If etootoiTwiU at all tlmw use my vote to what I think la the bast eat of Waycross sad bar cla- ■tolhlp. , Tours for progressive Waycross, E. P. Owens, Sr. FOR ALDERMAN. I hereby announce myself as e can didate for Alderman from the Fourth Ward, subject to tho Democratic pri mary. I aoltclt and appreciate the support of the voters of the city. W. E. Chandler. :t in the primary to be ignited liter end ibat a plain statement will ap pair soma time b tor 13 St FOR ORDINARY. Tq the Voters of Ware county: I hereby announce that lima can* dJBote for the office of Ordinary of Wars county, subject to the Deco- Stotts- primary to be held later, it ad I promise -to give my entire a to the duties of the office and 1 the sapport of my friends. Respectfully, „ M,JG %'fi. Don’t freeze. We have blankets and comforts that will keep yon warm. Caeh or easy payments. Home Furniture Company, 2? tf Plant and Albany Avenue. Blomsdale Pearl, (tre best onion yet). Winter Lawn Grass seeds at Seals Pharmacy. IS tf FOR SALE. One of the uezt small farms In Ware county, one mils from city llm- hr,-on R. F, D. rente, about thirty* fi.e acres cleared and stumped, good bouse, barn and cane mill, male end all necessary farm Implements, heal thy and fins locality. Any reasonable terms accepted. Addreet Box B, C tq. 28 3t eod Slipper tolet from Infants to mens alzs, at 12 2t Miss Eddie Parnell s. Victor-Victrola A new Victor-Victrola is herd A genuine Victor-Victrola, bearing the famous Victor trademark, priced at only $15. Come in and see it and hear it. No obligation to buy, but after hearing it you won’t want to be with out one. • . Other styles $25 to $250. Victors $10 to $100. Easy payments it desired. AJltbe Laic si Ecuids 75c each FOR SALfE BY JL C. Payne DRUGGIST Never Build a Boose Unless you have a first class ar chitect, as It Is cheaper to study ths plan on paper than to waste ths tlma of your mechanics and lumber. Owing to catarrh and hay fever In my family It became necessary for me to move my office from the north, and am now located at 427-429 La- Orande building. I have a large stock of plans for all kind* of buildings, alther private or public, Drwpraof, •eml-flre-proof and otherwise. CALL IN asl see what we have got; It may assist yon In making up your mind whnt you want; and than wa can make It for you. Offlce Phone 177, Residence Phone 4S7 P. O. Box 112. D- S. SCHURjEMAN, Architect and Structural Engineer. m ' ~ i j 111