Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, November 14, 1911, Image 6
FOR RENT BY The Riverside Park Co. ONE 3-STORY 8-ROOM HOUSE FOR 820.00 PER MONTH ONE 2-STORY 7-ROOM HOUSE FOR *15JX),PER MONTH jOME 1-STORY B-ROOM COTTAGE, FOR 88.00 PER MONTH FOR SALE ONE BEAUTIFUL 2-STORY HOME 82,750.00, EA8Y TERMS ONE 8-ROOM COTTAGE .... '• ' 81,000.00, EASY TERMS ALSO FOR SALE A FEW VACANT LOTS RANGING IN PRICE FROM 8100.00 TO 8400.00 ON TERM8 SO EASY YOU WILL HAVE NO DIFFICULTY IN MEETING SAME. 'WITHOUT PAY I NO TAXES OR INTERE8T YOU WILL BECOME A FREE-HOLDER BEFORE YOU REALIZE IT. PHONE 468. m RIVERSIDE PARK CO. LA GRANDE BLDG. ITH. FLOOR. Waycross, Ga. CITIZENS LEAGUE. r Whereas, la responso to a call la- Sued and signed by many citizens, dbsre assembled at tbe Court House In the City of Waycross, on the ove- * fling of October 12th., a representative ttody of men, gathered from all walks And vocations of llfo, composed of ministers of tho Gospel, physicians, lawyers, bankers, merchants and members of the organizations of Holl ar Makers, Machinists, Ca Workers, fSlacksnilths, Locomotive Engineers, Conductors, Switchmen, Hrukcmcn, Moulders, Inspectors, Curpcntors, Clerks, Travelers T. l\ A‘s„ Farmers' (Union, U. C. T’s., and the other ele ments going to mako up our cosmo- folltan population; tho object and purpose of this meeting being to con sider matters political afreetIng Way- cross, and to docldo on candidates and measures, to urge before the grotera nt tho approaching municipal primary, and Whereas, by a majority ballot of fever one hundred voters, H. D. Rood fivna endorsed for Mayor* Dr. W. K. (Meeks was endorsed for Aldorraan, fiecOud Ward, W. E. Chandler for Alderman Fourth Ward, and C. A LeCount for Alderman, Sixth Ward,— these being the only Aldermen to be jelected at the ensuing election, and Whereas, by the endorsement of these candidates for nomination at |he primary, as men deemed worthy to bear the standard railed by this meeting; it becomes proper and right that tbe purposes for which this meeting stood, and for which the or ganisation there effected stands, Should be set forth 111 a declaration of principles. Therefore, be It resolved— * L That the Cltlsent League, fdrr fed it said meeting, stands f SQUARE DEAL, for both riel poor, high and low,—No favorlusm gmder the law, but JUSTICE to all. tThat in order to meet out exact jus tice our City Government should be administered honestly, economically *nd equitably. The Tax rate should ft# as low as possible consistent with -meeting the needs for revenue, end *U property should be assessed alike. |We condemn all Inequalities in as sessments as rank favoritism, and Eledge ourselfes to an assessment t*eed on value not go ownership. We believe that the Street Tax should 2>e made not to exceed $2.00 per an- pum. Returns of property by Tax payers should be adjusted only after m full bearing and an examination ot tho property. Resolved II. That this organisation stands for progress. We believe In a progressive age, and in a progressive irity. No backward step should be taken. Not only should our tax rate ft# ns low ea possible consistent with dorsed, and who stand pledged to hearty accord with the platform here enunciated. 21 tf THE CITIZENS LEAGUE. money so collected should be expend ed to the very best possible advan tage, with neither waste nor graft. The Sinking Fund provided to moot the outstanding bonds should bo kept Intact, and so Invested as to bring the best returns, so that tho payment of bonds may ho m&do promptly and our credit preservod. Next to the preservation of our crodlt, as outlined abovo, comes tho needs for streets, sidewalks and drainage, and these should bo Improved Just as fast practicable, but tho work should be done by a competent Supervisor, un der bond for faithful, honcht work, so that tho money spent for those Improvements may bo a permanent guln to the city. Weeding edges of streets and throwing sand In the mid dle Is u waste of time and energy, from which no benefit is derived. We stand for hard surfaced streets and for tho laying of good sidewalks for tho peoplo who walk thereon. Resolved, Ill. That this organiza tion stands for a "square deal” and for PROGRESS, but It advocates giv ing every proper help and cncourubo- mont to our schools, colleges and oth er educational Institutions. The needs for a ppbllc library is apparent, and steps should be taken to secure one without delay. All our ellemosynary Institutions should be fostered and aided, and especially do we commend the Kings' Daughter! Hospital for Its noble work. Resolved, TV. That? this organiza tion stands committed to giving til due encouragement to hew enterprls- manufactories, public service cor porations and those things which r the upbuilding ot a city, yet to use city property should .-anted without adequate compen sation, In money or service, to the city or Its people. We believe the time has come for the city to own its City Hall, and favor the erection or purchase ot such building at will be adequate to the needs ot the city for the next decide at least, bellsvtng the same to be conducive to economy In public service, and for the better management ot city afTalrs. A cen tral City market should bo provided for as early as practicable; also the garbage of the City should be removed frequently, and cremated or other wise disposed of so as not to menace the public health. This declaration of principles Is put forth for the purpose of defining the position of those responsible for the Citizens League movement, knd we heartily Invite all who desire good government for Waycross, who be lieve In theee principles, who' desire equal rights to all, special prlvliges to none, to join with ns In carrying this banner to victory by nominating PARK MOR RAND CO '“(.INEERS AND CONTRACTORS - Lott-HItcb Building. RE-INFORCED CCNCRE-'E. "Grandma” Sausage We hare Installed an electric «au- •age mill, and will make a specialty of -GRANDMA- SAUSAGE. We have an up-to-date market and propose to bead tbe procession. Try us and be convinced. We have Installed a HOBART ELECTRIC BONE GRINDER, and will make a specialty of furniiblng our customers with this valuable egg producer at a very small cost. We urge you to try a small lot and see tbe Increase In your egg supply. Tben It will pay you to arrange for a regular weekly supply so that you will not be disappointed. T. H. Blizzard, 108 Plant Avenue. Phone WAYCROSS LODGE No. SOS. F. & A. M. REGULAR COMMUNICATIONS ON IECOND AND FOURTH TUESDAY EVENING AT 7:30 P./M. All Masons Invited to Attend. J. M. BELL, W. M. W. J. CLARK. 8EC, FALL CABBAGE PLANT& Our fall cabbage plants, Wakefield ami Flat Dutoh, are now ready for shipment, and wo want your orders, Prices f. o. b., Meggett: 1,000 to 3,000 at $1.50 per -l,00o 4,000 to 8,000 at .... $1.25 per 1,000 10,000 and over at .... $1.00 per 1,000 We advise that you place your oi^ ders promptly ns the supply Is very limited this fall. Satisfaction guar anteed. S. M. Gibson Co., Meggett, S. C. Our New Stock Of Cut Glass, Sterling Silver China and Brass Novelties JUST RECEIVED. 8elect your wedding present, nnd gifts from our NEW CLEAN STOCK SOMETHING NEW AR. riving daily. J#w»!»r* and Optician#. Little & Um A CL08E INSPECTION Is what always happens when iron ire met face to face BY A LAUNDRY CRANK. He may be a friend, but he inshts on icruttalzlng your linen. Be on tbe tafe and sure side and have us do LAUNDRY WOR KTHAT 18 IRRE8ISTIBLE. (t’s os cheap as "slop" work and ookt a "heap" better. Wilson STEAM LAUNDRY PHONE S. FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS Will i each your Individual case if you have any form ot kidney and bladder trouble or urinary Irregularities. Try them. Gem Pharmuy: T. P. Paine. Big supply of card soard, all col- ora. ]uit recalved at Rerald. tf SPECIAL NOTICEI For the convenience of railroad peo ple and otbera I have decided to open my books on Thursday evening No vember 9th.. at Cltitena Bank from 6:30 to 9:30. Come and pay your state and county taxes and don't tar get to register. J. T. Strickland, Tax Collector Ware County. RING 174 FOR WOOD. ADVER' WAYCRO! clty-a legitimate needs, but tbs In tb, primary tbs candlda-va so- 1^^ &*w.b* Drew Co. Stationery, Book & Art Store 45-49 W. Bay Street Jacksonville, Fla Wedding and Society Engraving Everything for the Office Full Line Artistic Material Foot Ball S Athletic Goods Kodak and Photo Supplies On Christmas Morning as on any other winter day, you can make your home more comfortable and cheery by using a Perfection Smoke less Heater. ;rfectio Its genial wannth b quickly at your service, ready for use in any emergency. You will need it as a supplementary heater when those extrs cold spell, come. Later you will find it just the thing for the changeable weather of early spring. The Perfection Heater b fight and easily earned. It b safe in the hand, of a child—the aafest and most reliable heater made. Drum, finished either in blue enamel or- plain Reel, with nickel trimming, — an ornament to any room. A medal automatic device nuke, .moling rimpoadble. Afl perta eaaily -y»~t Gdloo loot: buma tune hours. Cool hudle: dvupea top. mil. torJmrtutn. dtakt to w now <4 >•» Standard Oil Company (Incorporated) $4. 15 TO Savannah, Ga., and Return —VIA Atlantic Coast Line automobile Races Nov. 27-30 NOVEMBER 27th: W. K. Vanderbilt, Jr., Cup Race. Tiedeman Trophy Race and The Savannah Challenge Trophy. NOVEMBER 29tk: Georgia-Auburn Football Game. NOVEMBER 30th: Grand Prize Auto mobile Race. Tickets on Sale: November 26th, 27th, 28th, 29th and for trains scheduled to reach Savannah before noon of November 30, 1911. Final Llfit: To reach original starting point return ing not later than midnight of December 4, 1911. For further information in regard to rates, sched ules, Pullman car reservations, private car parties, etc., see your nearest Ticket Agent, or communicate with E. M. North, A. G. P. A. B. T. Morgan, T. P. A. Savannah, Ga. Savannah, Ga. L. P. Green, T. P. AA. ThomasviUe, Ga. Young’s Reg) Estate Investments ISABELLA STREET: 2 CHOICE LOTS NEAR MARY STREET PARK. TWO YEARS TO PAY FOR THEM. PRICES EXTREMELY REASONABLE. CARSWELL STREET: ONE LARGE LOT, 80UTH- ERN EXPOSURE, TERMS OR CASH. THIS OPPORTU NITY WONT GO BEGGING, SEE ME AT ONCE. in, Fifths MCDONALD STREET: 2 BEAUTIFUL LOTS OPPO SITE MR. B. M. NORVELL’S BUNGALOW. TERMS OR CASH. Safi COLLEGE HILL: ONE TEN ACRE TRACT, BE YOND LARGE OAK8, INSIDE CITY LIMITS, IDEAL PLACE FOR SUBURBAN HOME WHERE PLENTY ROOM MAY BE HAD FOR ORCHARDS, VINEYARD. AND GARDENS. COLLEGE HILL: SEVERAL LOT8 NEAR COL. LEGE AT BARGAIN PRICES, TERMS OR CASH. | StiY: JANE ELIZABETH, AND MARY STREET EXTEN SION: TIB HERE YOU CAN PURCHASE A LARGE LOT NEAR INTO THE BU8INES3 SECTION, NEAR THE A. C. L. SHOPS, AND IN A SECTION OP THE CITY THAT 18 ABSOLUTELY FREE OF COLORED RESIDENTS. TERMf SIS DOWN AND 85 PER MONTH AND UPWARDS BUY* A LOT 70x100 FEET. “B" STREET: ONE CHOICE LOT, NEAR ALBANY AVE. TERMS OR CASH. Walter Me Young, Real Estate Bargains. f- . . PHONE STD -- /•