Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, November 15, 1911, Image 4
Grand Pall and Winter Display Seal Ship! Oysters Personal 1 Mix Carrie Parham Social ESrtor; The Wflycrozs market la belnj well supplied with fine sweet potatoes, Fresb'lot of horses and mulei. M. Downey, negr eourt bouse. 15 Jf P&stmaster .8. r.. WilsAo. of Olen- more, was' a visitor to Wuycroii to day. The frlende of Dr. I.. J. Burch will be pleased to learn that he la much better. THE LEDERLE LABORATORIES SUPERVISE SEAL-SHIPPED OYS TER BEDS. THE GREATEST 'AM-i ERIC AN SCIENTIFIC ORG ANITA-! TION FOR FOOD PURITY PROMO- 1 TION. ITS AN EXCLUSIVE SEAL-; SHIPPED FEATURE. YOU KNOW j YOU EAT OYSTERS OF CERTAIN PURITY WHEN YOU GET THE SEAL-SHIPPEp. FOR- SALE ONLY AT L Mr. 1- H. Dozier, of Klnderlou, Qa, waa among the visitors to Waycro3S yesterday. I Rev. J. O. Harris, field agent Mr the Georgia Industrial Home at Macon, was a guest of the Phoenix today. Mrs. Whitley Langston and children will return tonight after a pleasanV visit to friends at Thomasvllle.' It is a very serious matter to ask for cne mwiiciuo ani have the wronj ©no yea. For this fetacn \73 rrja ycu in buying to Tfce repwistioa eft!;!3 old, reila- ple ttedicine, far constipation* io» .u-*- :mu stance **t iv,.*» m ; rtaws ,?-wJa5WiowL«Y. 1 I • * <1E cm* ii *«.*< t»i J VUE RE.UL1 SKIIIF | LICE T«M« Itefeet clean ep* paiasHsa KRESO DIPHo DEPENDABLE inexpensive USB WMlhhNM. MAY’S NEW BUCKWHEAT IN BARRELS, SELff RISING BUCKWHEAT IN PACKAG ES, NEW WARE COUNTY SYRUP,CORN MBAL FRESH EVERY DAY, NEW CROP CALIFORNIA PRUNES. OUR PRICES ARE AL WAYS FAIR AND OUR- GOODS FIRST CLASS., NEXT TO WATER WORKS. PHONE NO. 3. BALKED AT COLD STEEL. "I wouldn't let a doctor cut my foot off," mill 11. D. Ely, Ilnutnmj Ohio, “although n horrible ulcer bod been the plague of my life for four yean, lottefd 1 uaed Buchlen'u Arnica Salve, ud my foot wn» non completely cured." Heals Burni, Bolls, Sore*, Bruizes, Eczema, pimple*. Coro*, Sure*! Pile cun. *5 cent* at All Drat- gists. Backache, Headache, Nervoutnes* Ami rhciiTintbfm. both In men and wo men, menu kidney trouble. Do not allow II to progress beyond the resell of medicine but (top It promptly with Foley Kllney PUI*. They regulate the action of the urinary organ*. T.lno Inaction, qulsk result*. Gem Pharma cy, T. 8. Palno. Serious wrong buying be carsfui Cii the genuine-” Ti JED BUck ly eslabll Jbej. It dsn not Imitate J Uha- medtatt*. It la tetter than others,, cr it would not be the Ca- voeitj Lvov powder, with a larger 1 “in tnan LL otbern ccmblned. SOLD IS TDV.TJ Fa fEWMir--:. PATENTS WAKEFIELD LODGE, NO. V KNIOHTS OF PYTHIAS. Me*'* * Ta T Itondaj V / ^ov'i rT,nln * ot 8:00 la ■' t O \Vl Costl# H,r 1 > J’Sf r i-| Heathen S’" requested y110 attend, and vUltlng • f-lJjr Knight* are molt ~jn dlally Invited to meet with u>. J. I* CRAWLEY, C. C. - ,T H. Millet K in rt. & S. dr M. ot P. SmOke! . “Oran Chico’s”, “Yer Best Smokers”, and ’Pitman’s Best Smok- i ers ” Clear Havana Filled Cigars. *t|mufscti/>id In Woyerosa, Os. Bp PITTMAN CIGAR CO SPECIAL DETECTIVE WORKI Ex-Deputy Sheriff John P. Caaon will rasng* In >peclal detective work P- Waycron and South Ooorfl*. If you good hit Mrvlco* toltphono No C, court bout*. * 8-3-tl Big shipment tlMtrle fan* ncelv * r r . Byck Electric Supply Cc. 20 Lott Street IS U FOR SALE. My elegant home on the corner of Gilmore and Howe streets* large and commodious dwelling with 12 rooms, all modern Improvements; servant house and large barn on lot; size of lot, 181 feet on Gilmbre and running back on jlowe street 200 feet. All in^.good 'condition. Knpwn as the C9I, \v. M. Tooraer residence. Also a grand lot on Brunei street, lying between the residence of T. W. Mor rison and tho Central Baptist church. No better locality In the city of Way- 'crostf Size of lot, ou Brunei^, 66 feet and S Inches, running back 150 feet. Can you find equal, muen less superior property ta the city. Apply to me by letter or otherwise, at No 1500 S. 10th, Ave., Birmingham, Ala R. M. Weteott. Miss Winnie Quarterman’s friends will regret to learn that sh© is quite sick at the home of Mr. and Sirs. J R. Whitman bn Williams street. Mr. John T. Sale, of Richmond, Va., has arrived in the city and is now with the Ware County Light & Power Company. Messrs. R. B. Taylor and Frank Thompson, of Cincinnati, are guests of the Vlrdie. They are here on a pros pecting trip. The friends of Mrs. T. L. Brow, will regret to learn that she Is quits sick at her home on Quarterman street.. Mr. A. A. Rainwater, of Rocking ham, is in the city and will move his family to Waycross to reside perma nently. Mrs. W. M. Taylor returned This morning from a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J, A. Ford, at George town, Ky. Mr. Cicero Wilkinson, who was for eight years popular clerk In the store of the Wilson Grocery Company, is now with Mr. George S. Finch where he will be pleased to see his friends. Rev. aud Mrs. K. D. Stukenbrok will leave tomorrow morning for a visit to The former's mother at Bremen, Germany. Mr. Stukenbrok Is mission ary for the Piedmont Baptist Associa tion. It hat been eighteen years since Mr. Stukenbrok saw his mother, and lie and .Mrs. Stukenbrok will spend three months with her. Mr. and Mrs Earl Boyd, of English, Ind., arrived In Waycross this morn- ins end are stopping at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Connor on Albany avenue. Mrs. Boyd is a niece of Mrs Connnor. They will«wpend the winter in Waycross. and may decide to locale here permanently. Of Ladies Tailored Suits in all the Lead ing Colors. Ladies’ Suits Ladies’ Tailored Suits $15.00 Ladies’ Tailored Suits $20.00 Ladies’ Tailored Suits $25.00 Ladies’ Tailored Suits $30.00 Ladies’ Tailored Suits $50.00 Ladies’ Tailored Suits $60.00 We handle the best on the market i n Ready-to- Wear Suits. In Millinery * We have 'the latest and most up-to date styles, both in Ready- to-wear and Trimmed Hats. Our Millinery AND Suit Department is on the second floor, and we keep expert trimmers- to wait on you. Make us a visit before buying your Fall and Winter needs. 1 .The Standard Shoe Store NEXT DOOR TO POST OFFICE. Jane Street IS NOW OPEN, AND WE EXTEND A CORDIAL INVI TATION TO EVERYBODY TO CALL IN AND IN8PECT THE BEST ASSOR TED, AND LARGEST 8T0CK- OF SHOES EVER 8HOWN IN WAYCROSS. WE CARRY 8TACY-ADAM8 CO’S., FINE SHOES FOR MEN, AND E. P. REED CO'8-, FINE SHOES FOR WOMEN, CALL AND TAKE A LOOK AND BE CONVINCED THAT YOU CAN GET AS GOOD VALUE8 IN 8HOE8, AND AS NICE STYLE8 AS ARE 8H0WN IN THE LARGER CITIE8, AND T[HE PRICES ARE RIGHT. SOLICITING A 8HARE OF YOUR PATRONAGE AND A88URINQ YOU OF A SQUARE DEAL, WE ARE, The Standard Shoe Store NEXT DOOR TO P08T OFFICE. ..w Jane Street O OOOOOOOOOo » BYCK ELECTRIC ° SUPPLY CO o All Kind* of Electrical Work O tad Supplier O ALL WORK GUARANTEED. 0| 10 Lott 8tre«t. Phono 29£ oj Get the habit, *utoke “O. O. O.' OOOOOOOOOO O If’lgar*. Clear Havana. SI t f Perhnps not all the pretty girls in Waycross will be at the Oyster sup per Saturday night, but It will be your fault If your's doesn't get there. See to It that she does. Saturday. November 18th, at 11 Jane street, supper from 4 to 10 p. in. Oystecs in nil stylf*s.'H5 cents; eake and candy for sale. Remember the time, place and—the girl! Bloomsdale Onion Sets Winter Lawn Grass Seeds and Pansy Seeds <j> I i Shop In Savannah Ensel & Vinson Company (THE GARMENT STORE) Refunds Your Railroad Fare WritelUs For Particulars See Us When in Savannah. CLASSIFIED WANTED—Position a* stenograph- j or or cashier by competent young la dy. Address “H”., care Herald office. 19 tf. .,rf LOST—Ladles gold watch with tho Initials "I. S. from D. M." Reward If returned to this office. 4 tt , LOST—Saturday evening between Bunn-Bell and No. 9Hlcks street, a shirt that belongs to a football sulL Finder please return to 9 Hick* St, or phone 430. 13 4t LOST—Geld, open face Waltham watch, no clasp on chain, K. of' F. charm “C. F. to Papa.” Liberal re- warl if returned to 12 Howe street or Herald office. 13 3t Good time to buy your warm blan ket* and comfort*. Big stock to select from. Humphrey* & WlllUmson. REGISTRATION NOTICE! Office Clerk of Council. Book* tor the registration of voter* are now open and will remain open from October 20th to November 20th. exclusive, tSunday's excepted) from S a. m. to 12 tm, and 2 p.*m. to 8 p. J. W. Strickland, Clerk of Connell. All wool blankets, 14.99, $5.49. to 810.00. Humphrey* & Williamson. FOR RENT—Room at 21 Jane street. 15 3t CASTOR IA . for Infants and Children. Ihs Kind Yob Hare Always Bought FOR RENT—Three tenements, con taining three rooms each; company's water laid on; situated on Glenmore Avenue, and Just been rebuilt. Rents j 16.00 to $8.00 per - month. Apply, Ware County Light & Power Com- I l*ny. u ot J FOR ®ALE—Several large ferns, . nleo 2 rooms Jo rent for light house keeping *to couple without children preferred. For information apply at this oCce. io 6t LOST—Antomobile top cover. Re ward if returned to Dr. M. M. Johnson. 14 it. LOST—On way to school auditorium last night. Cameo Brooch. Finder will please return to Mrs. H. H. Bur net, corner Carswell, and McDonald streets, and receive reward. 14 3t Bears the Signature of HERBERT s HOPKINS ATTORNEY AT I .AW. Room 325. La Grand« Building. Big stock of ladies a&l children’s underwear to show you. Humphreys & Williamson. FOUND—On Mary street, handsome pair gold rim glasses in case. For in formation apply this office. 14 3* FOR RENT—Nice furnished 17 GUmore street 3t FOR RENT—Rooms for light house keeping, convenient to A. C. L.- shops. No children. References ex* For coughing, dryresa nad tickling changed. 32 Glenmore avenue, of the throat, hoarseness and all ■ — - L — ;—c—■—— coughs and colds, take Foley’s Honey FOR SALE—Household goods, furni- The things we don't haVe to do ai : and Tar Compound. Contains no Ipl- tun ?. etc* also cows and chickens,, way a looks the easteit. ates. Gem Pharmacy, T. S. Paine. cheap for cash. 32 Gleiupore avenue. Humphreys & Williamson