Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, November 16, 1911, Image 4

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Seal Ship! Oysters w THE LEDEriLE LABORATORIES SUPERVISE SEAL-SHIPPED OYS TER BEOS. THE GREATEST AM ERICAN SCIENTIFIC ORGANISA TION FOIf FOOD PURITY PROMO TION. ITS AN EXCLUSIVE SEAL SHIPPED FEATURE. YOU KNOW YOU, EAT OYSTERS OF CERTAIN PURITY WHEN YOU GET THE SEAL-SHIPPED. FOR SALE ONLY AT J. W. S. Hardy SUCCESSOR TO HAODY BROS. NEW BUCKWHEAT IN BARRELS, SELF RISING BUCKWHEAT IN PACKAG ES.'NEW WARE COUNTY SYRUP,CORN MEAL FRESH EVERY DAY, NEW CROP CALIFORNIA PRUNES. OUR PRICES ARE AL WAYS FAIR AND OUR aOODB FIRST CLASS. NEXT TO WATER WORKS, PHONE NO. S. -J WAKEFIELO LODGE, NO. a KNIGHTS OF PYTmAS. Meets itIfoflda: y^v*C'y', evening at 8:00 to y ; r $ \ r Castl* Hal' ?iant an 1 * * ‘V r K t Member* •*** requested ** attend. aad vtoltlni * Knights are most dlally Invited to meet with aa. J. L. CRAWLEY, C. C. r II Mtliei K ul rt. & 3. *r M. of IV BALKED AT COLO 8TEEL. “I wouldn't let n doctor cut my foot off," sold II. D. Ely, Bantam, Ohio, “although u horrible ulcer hod been the plague of my life for four yean. Intscad I used Bucklen'a Arnica Salve, and my foot was soon completely cured." Heals Dqrns, Molls, Sores, Bruises, Eczema, Pimples, Corns, Surest Pile cure. 25 cents at All Drug* fists. SmOke! “Oran Chico’s”, "Yer Best Smokers”, and 'Pitman’s Best Smok ers.” Clear Havana Filled Cigars. M.nuf.etv-td In WiyeroM, am Bp PITTMAN CIGAR CO Personal Ml,, C.rrl. Parham-Social Editor £ THE GAME OF LIFE. I wlah fd practiced peara a,o and v leaned to lire on graee, I can’t keep pace with prfcea, «o t EUeaa til have to paaa;- t haren’t e-en a look-in In Uile old game ot tlfe, ^ I- onljr have a bob-tail flueh In this great "grab-ell’’ strife. Sometime, I think I’ll cash my chips; but when I do. slack! My payday comes along, and then I -buy another stack. , _ Mre. J. M. Fevperman spent today at Jacksonville. Mr. A. M. Knight spent yesterday at Jacksonville. Mr. R. L. Pratt, of Atlanta, Is now night clerk at I-aUrande Hotel, Grand Fall and Winter Display[ In Millinery Senator* George W. Deen Is spend ing several days In Atlanta. Col. J. E. T. Bowden has returned to the city after an absence of sever al days. Fresh lot of horses and mules. M. Downey, dear court house. 15 tf Col. It. R. Hopkins, of Brunswick, Is a visitor to the city today. Mrs. George W. Barnes has return ed after spending some days at Char* lotte, N. C. Mr. W. E. Bates, of Waycross, spent yesterday in Valdosta.—Valdosta Tim* Backache, Headache, Nervousness And rheumatism, both in men and wo* men. mean kidney trouble. Do not allow it to progress beyond the reach of medicine but stop it promptly with Koley Kllney Bills. They regulate the action of the urinary organs. T'.ino In action, quick results. Gem Pharma cy, T. 8. Palue. Very Serious It fa a very eerioua matter to ask for one have the j wronj cna jjlvca you. For this I reoian u.jj jou iu Laying to I bo eateryi: > jot the ccnulac— TriscronDs BUicf^feiAUGHT Liver rkiiicfae Tfco rcpwUtton <1 t'i.'v old. ro’.la- WomedlSne. f. r can«lp.t,ii I digestion e: J l.vcr fouUe, U firm. I ly etublijfceJ. It dc.s not imitato I other medicines It f, tetter than 1 othrm. cr it would net bo the fa- I woritn liver powder, wish a larger I aalo uaa til rnhera ccmbinaj, SOU) m TOWN FJ PATENTS * ^ t: *». i .'rrMjB^eaaMfc m3| SPECIAL DETECTIVE WORK1 Ex-Deputy Sheriff Joho P. Cason will engage In special detect Ire work P* Waycross and South sGeorgla. If yon need hie senrlces telephone No t, court bouse. 6-2-tf Big shipment electric fans rtcalv ed. Byck Electric Supply Cc. 20 Lott StrecL. 11 U FOR SALE. My elegant home on the corner of Gilmore nnd Howe streets, large and commodioua dwelling with 12 rooms, nil modern Improvements; servant .house and large barn on lot; size of lot, 131 feet on Gilmore and running back on Howe street 200 feet. All In good condition. Knpwn as the Col. W. M. Toomer residence. Also n grand lot on Brunei street, lying between the residence of T. \V. Mor rison nnd the Central Baptist chuich }io better locality In the city of Way* Vrosry Slzo of lot, on Brunei, C6 feet and 8 Inches, running hack 150 feet. Can,you find equal, muen less rupcrlor property in the city. Apply to me by letter or otherwise, at .Vo 1500 S. 10th, Ave., Birmingham, Ala R. M. Wescott. The E. V. Jones Produce Company, of this city, Is handling the very finest and freihest fruits and vegetables to he found. There will be a good tent show In Whycross all next week. If the price of admission Is not more than 25 cents, think we, will take her In one time. Of Ladies Tailored Suits in all the Lead ing Colors. Ladies’ Suits Ladies’ Tailored Suits $15.00 Ladies’ Tailored Suits $20.00 Ladies’ Tailored Suits $25.00 Ladies' Tailored Suits $30.00 Ladies’ Tailored $50.00 Ladies’ Tailored $60.00 We handle the best on the market i n Ready-to- Wear Suits. Spits Suits k We have the latest and most up-to date styles, both in Ready- to-wear and Trimmed Hats. Our Millinery AND Suit Department is on the second floor, and we - keep expert trimmers to wait on you. Make us a visit before buying your Fall and Winter needs. Humphreys & Williamson Mrs. Charles Kirkland, of Waycross, Is spending a few days In this city with Mrs. D. J. DuRant.—Valdosta Times. * » Mr. G. E. Shults has sold his grocery store and bottling works near the court house to Mr. J. M. Orrel. Mr. and Mrs. Shults will leave next week for Savannah, whero they will proba bly locate permanently. Mr. H. C. Blaine, of Brunswick, is now the courteoua, efficient chief clerk at taGrande Hotel. Mr. Blaine a nephew of Mrs. G. R. Brinson, this city. O OOOOOOOOOo o o BYCK ELECTRIC <> ° SUPPLY CO o ^ All Kinds of Electrical Work O O and Supplies. O o ALL WORK GUARANTEED. O O 20 Lott 8trect. Phone 292. O yooooooooooo "Just one girl?” Well, that's all right for a drive on n moonlight night, but when it’s an oyster supper, "the more, the merrier." So come bring them all.—"your sister* amt your cousins and your aunts," to the oyster supper nt 11 Jane street. Saturday. November ISth. Supper from 4 to^l* p. m. Oyster* In all style*. 25 cents; cake and candy for »ale. Proceed* for Grace Church choir fund. The Standard Shoe Store NEXT DOOR TO ROST OFFICE. Jane Street IS NOW OPEN, AND WE EXTEND A CORDIAL INVI TATION TO EVERYBODY TO CALL IN AND INSPECT THE BEST A3SOR TED, AND LARGEST STOCK OF SHOES EVER 8HOWN IN WAYCROSS. WE CARRY 8TACY-ADAM8 CO’S., FINE 8HOES FOR MEN, AND E. P. REED CO'S., FINE 8HOE8 FOR WOMEN. CALL ANOTAKE A LOOK ^ND BE CONVINCED TI^AT YOU CAN GET AS GOOD VALUES IN SHOES, AND AS NICE STYLES AS ARE SHOWN IN THE LARGER CITIES, AND THE PRICES ARE RIGHT. SOLICITING A SHARE OF YOUR PATRONAGE AND ASSURING YOU OF A SQUARE DEAL, WE ARE, The Standard Shoe Store NEXT DOOR TO POST OFFICE. Jane Street Shop In Savannah Ensel & Vinson Company (THE GARMENT STORE) Refunds Your Railroad Fare WriteiUs For Particulars See Us When in Savannah. CLASSIFIED WANT IDS FOR RENT OR HIRE—We have sev eral mules that we will let out by the day or week with or without wagons. Ware County Light & Power Com pany. 16 2fc FOR SALE—Horse and p'uaet^L horse Is perfectly gentle, phaeton near ly new. J. G. Bird. Ware County Light & Power Company. 16 2t LOST—Saturday evening between Bunn-Bell and Vo. 9Hicks street, a shirt that belongs to a football suit. Finder please return to 9 Hicks St, or phone 430. 13 It FOR SENT—Three tenements, con taining three rooms each; company's water laid on; situated on Glenmore Avenue, and just been rebuilt. Rents $6.00 to $8.00 per month. Apply, Ware County Light & Power Com pany. 11 tit FOR SALE—Several large ferns, also 2 room ; to rent for light house keeping ~to couple without children preferred. I or information apply at tills office. 10 6t — J Bear on roller skates Is nt present ntertainlng the amusement seekers of Berlin, and is quite a favorite with the gcod citizens of the German capi tal. Get the habit, smoke »*Izars. Clear Havana. Bloomsdale Onion Sets Winter Lawn Grass Seeds and Pansy Seeds at 'jfLIE SEALS PHARMACY . \ MIX IU:\\U 4TURF CASTOR IA Tor Infant. and Children. fhe Kind You Have Always Bought WHY LOOK OLDER THAN ; YOU ARE? Bears the Signature of SOME PEOPLE ALLOW THEIR UAIK TO BECOME GRAY BEFORE IT SHOULD. ' Gray hair Is a mark of age, and nothing that can be said as to its beauty will effect the disadvantage of this mark ot age set upon your brow, % 1 Wyeth’s Sage and Sulphur Hair i Remedy darkens the hair and re stores It to iu youthful beauty. Our REGISTRATION NOTICE! Office Clerk of Council. Books for the registration of voters are now open and will remain open grandmothers and their grandmothers from October 20th to November 20th, exclusive, (Sunday's excepted) fron» before them used Sage and Sulphur for darkening their hair. Nothing hat ever been found more effective 4 H m t* «4 m 9 « m ♦#» - ,, tot this purpose thuu these two a. m. to 1. m., and - p. m. to 5 p. time-honored remedies, but Wyeth. I a modern chemist, has combined the two with Other Ingredients , which make a delightful dressing for I the hair, and which not only remove every trace of dandruff but promote LO.ST—On way io school auditorium is: night. Cameo Brooch. Finder Ml please return to Mrs. H. H. Bur* ner Carswell and McDonald ets. and receive reward. 14 3t let, h 2:t J. W. Strickland, Clerk of CouifciL FOUND—On Mary street, handsomo pair gold rim glasses In case. For iu- formation/apply this office. 14 3c FOR RENT—Nice furnished room. 37 Gilmore street. 14 3t FOUND—Two keys on chain. Own- or can have same by calling and pay- Ing for this ad. 16 3t FOUND—One key tied on string Owner ‘can have same by calling And paying for till. ml. HERBERT S HOPKINS ATTORNEY AT ».AW. t**ou* -3:5. ijuTwni« Building. fOlEYSKQHlYPlIM fji Bamv«k( Kiewm the growth of the hair as well. All druggists are authorised to re fund the money If it falls to do exact ly at represented.* Tbit .preparation Is offered to the public at fifty cents a bottle and to recommended and sold by CHEROKEE PHARMAcV FOR RENT—Room at 2i Jane street. 15 3t SPECIAL AGENTS. Fcr coughing, dryness and tickling of the throat, hoarseness and all ccughs and colt!*, take Fotey’s Honey ar d Tar Compound. Contain* no Ipi- a‘.:~ Gem Pharmacy, T. S. Paine. i s k> W. ■ • *• - £ v'., .