Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, November 18, 1911, Image 2

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fflSMMHVMPMMMPW THE EVENING HERALD Publlthed B> ! HERALD PUBLlSHINC A. P. ■ P.rham, 8r. A. P, P.rham, Jr. Cditcra and Proprietor*. Miss Carriv P.riiam, Perunal, Society and Loci The Waycroa* Herald' founded lo 1185. Tba Daily Herald fouodad Id 1185 by A. P. Parham. Sr. * , —Fitxgerald Loader. Telephonea Buainoa Once 55 Editorial Offla 55 Realdence 555. rvary Afternoon Except Sunday. Entered at the Waycroia, Oa.. Poet' off ta aa aecond claaa mall matter. Silica No. I Jana StraaL RATES OP SUBSCRIPTION. . Mouth . 5 ■« I Mon the 51M I Mont ha 55.60 I Tear i... 55.00 NOTICE to subscribers Subecrlbera to The Herald that do Tat receive the paper promptly and early wljl plcuee rlng-up the Circula tion Manager and report tba trouble la blm. a> tbla la tba only meant that me can aaiura you prompt and early delivery. SPECIAL NOTICE All obituary notlcei, card! of thanka, reaolutloni and nottcea of entertain- menu, where choree* are made, will be charged at advertlalng ratal of 5 aanta a line. THE HERALD IS THE Ofldal Organ of the United State* Court of tba Southern Dletrlct of Qeorgta. WAVCR0S8, OA., NOV. 18, 1011. Report* from Atlanta arc to tbo effect that Joseph M; Brown v.aa in the governor’!, office yesterday. Voa, and lie will ho there agaljl In a few day*. The oldest active ldiyelclan Maine la Dr. Amos It. Dun Inn of Rip ley, who Is nearly W years old. Dr. Dunlap has hoen practicing medicine for sixty years. and naked that the people be allowed to eettle the prohibition question r.t the ballot box when the election for Governor came off, at a time no ex pense would hare fellen on tts and no time lost to the people; hut mo ans wer' wai no, and why’ They wern afraid to truartbe people tyho hare a God-given right'to a voice in. their own governmental or local affairs In mattera that pertain to their welfare or .their detriment; but the aniwer was "no!" All right, Mr. Ulngater. we will show you aomethlng In tho near future that will not Pc palatable to you. We are ready tor the fray; our guna are plimed against hobby rldcri and ring politicians who woull attempt to rob ua of our privilege to apeak as well ns to vote. We ha/a tu rn fed long enough on that kind of mud. We have thirty men here, all qua 1 !- fled voters, who hate voluntarily signed a pledge to '''support Joseph M. Brown, and only two of all that have uen the list have failed to sign It. How does that sound, my good friends. Well, here's to "Little Joe. ’ A. H. 8. DAVIS. Stevens' Pottery. * Children Cry for Fletcher’s The Kind You Have Always Bought, nnd which lias hecn in use for over 30 years, lias Borne tho signature of i nnd lias hcen made under Ills per sonal supervision since Its Infancy, Allow no one to deceive you In tills. All Counterfeits, Imitations nnd “Just-ns-good" are lint Experiments that trine with nnd endanger the health of Infants nnd Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops,nnd Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, hlorplilno nor other Narcotic substance. Its ngo Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea nnd Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation nnd Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach and llowels, giving healthy mid natural (deep. The Children’s Panacea—Tho Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS (Bears the Signature of TIDE RUNNINO TO JOE BROWN. (Macon Telegraph.) Hon. James L. Anderson, of Atlanta, formerly of Macon, tho man who was the manager of Hoke Smith's first two campaigns,, and who supported him Theodore Mcnso of Milwaukee thinks ho has tho largest beet ever grown in tho United States. The beet weigh 21 pounds 12 ounces and is 2C Inchei In circumference, 4, There is a jiowurful movement in Gornwny, headed by Frnuloln Pnullnu Werner, to require all girls, regard less of station, to do compulsory do mestic service, Just ns the young men •re requlrod under the Inw to do compulsory military service. Dick Russell wore a frock root with a flower in the lapel when he address* od his Savannah audience, and The Press of that city enthusiastically In* timates that his plain friends would scarcely have known tho Judge, so gracefully did he “place the right Stand of oratory in the breast pocket of statesmanship." Dick had hotter save all bis (lowers to place on his political grave—after the election.— Griflln News. * Reports from Tift, Turner, Dooly, Crisp, Coffee, Wilcox, and Irwin coun ties leave no doubt In tho minds of the friends of “Little Joo" that ho will carry these counties up to date. Hen Hill county Is also a Buro Joe Drown county, numbers of Hoke Smith’s former supporters having al ready declared thetr Intention fo vote for “Little Joe" and wo have heard of 1 hut one of Joe Brown's supporters in m * the past, who will not vote for him again. As Mr. Brown carried Uosi 1 ~ * * * HIM on the two previous occasions. 1 last year, adds his name nnd influence to the long roll of those who formerly opposed Governor Brown, but who now testify In strong language to the high character, ability and fnlthful- nqfH of the ex-Governor, since he has been tested. • , There are H. H. Cabanlss, Hojce Smith's former partner nnd personnl friend, Judge W. R. Hammond, who always supported Smith; L. I* Middle brooks, Z. I. Fitzpatrick, J. Gid Mor ris, Fletcher M. Johnson and others that have written letters to tho press j>r have taken the stump in bohnlf of the ex-governor. Tho evidence multi plies every day that tho tide is sot ting strongly in favor of giving a second term of IndoBemont to tho man who proved his sterling qunlltlc? while he was in the executive ofllce, Backache, Headache, Nervousness And rheumatism, both in men nnd wo men, mean kidney trouble. Do not •How It to progress beyond the reach of medlclns but atop It promptly with Foley Kiiney Pills, They regulate the action of the urinary organa. T-.Ino In action, quick results. Gem Pharma cy, T. 8. Pains. The Kind Yon Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years ■■■ MMA* 8TART8 MUCH 1 ROUBLE. If all people knew thot neglect of constipation would result In severe in digestion. yellow jaundice or virulent liver trouble they would soon tnko Dr. King's New Life Pills, and end It. Its tho only safe way. Best for bll- lloutnets, headache, dyspepsia, chills and debility. 25c at All Druggists REGISTRATION NOTICE! Ofllce Clerk of Council. Books for the registration of \ voters nre now open and will remain opoti from October 20th to November 20th, exclusive, (Sunday’s excepted) from 8 a. ni. to 12 m., and 2 p. m. to 5 p. Use it Wherever you Want Cle 'inline >s, Sightliness & Durab lity THE USE OF CEMENT 18 A MATTER OF COST, NOT OF PRICE. 80UND3 STRANGE, MAYBE, BUT LISTEN: PRICE 18 WHAT YOU PAY FOR AN ARTICLE, IT ENDS THERE. C08T IS REPRESENTED BY WHAT YOU GET, THE 8ERVICE AND SATISFACTION. 8o while the price of cement walk may be greater than of wood, the cost is far less. There are many places around every home and es pecially on the farm, where It la simply a waste of money to use any thing but cement. Ask us how cem ent will save you money and then see hoft we will save you money on cement P. N. Harley Hdw. Co. House Furnishers to the People 44 Plant Ave Phone 18f J. W. Strickland, Clerk of Council. . GOVERNOR BROWN THE MAN. .Ta the Kdltor ol The T.legraph; Tbo enlightened voter, ol tho state of * Georgia will never turn down „ iru ■ nnd tried man like Governor Joseph 05, Brown has proved to v.e. Ho doesn't ride "hobble," nut deal. In the living truth and It the very high- r eat type ot a true and noble man. Ilia j Merlin* character la portrayed In nil f WAVCR0S1 COUNCIL Jr. O. U. A. M. Meet, erery Monday evenlaa tn Ret Wen's Hall, Lott-IIltcb building at > ,. m. Visiting brother* cordially welter to meet vtth u*. Sherod Coille., U C«rl Collins Kec-Sect, Connclkn Advertise la The Waycroa. Evening I Herald. CABINET WORK. announcement and platform published f 1 * m ‘"'I nl ftt **me old stand, 55 to tho eotera of Georgia, which In It self ta an embodiment of jewelled, crowned truth! that reflect* honor tn ' the fair name of Georgia and to It *r noble end bright .tar v.bo I, destined * lo be htr next Governor. Joseph H. Drown Is alwaya right; ■ / be atari* (or nothing lo**; he woe right when ho called on the Democrat. ; 1c Executive Committee of the state Brewer rtreet, and prepared to do all kinds ot cabinet work, upholstering, trunk repairing, etc. Havln* done your work for the naat tlx yenrv I think 1 know how to give you the Ind ot work you want Whan yon need any repairing done, remember I J. 1. WAITE. The old reliable Cabinet-Maker, 55 Drawer itreet, phone IN. 55 tt' HEADQUARTERS FOR STARRETT TOOLS There are no tools of finer adjustment and quality than Starrett Tools. They are made for use—they are accurate when you buy them—they last a lifetime and are still accurate. The best mechanics keep the high standard of their work by using Starrett Tools,—their high wage, too. We have selected a large line. If you don’t know and use Starrett Tools, come in and get ac quainted. It means money to you. 1 Watt Hardware Company WAYCROSS, GA. Ware County Light and Power Company. Cows On The Streets! WHETHER THEY BELONG ON THE STREETS OR NOT, YOUR FRONT YARD IS NOT THE PLACE FOR THEM. Pittsburg Lawn Fence IS THE SOLUTION OF THE PROBLEM, KEEPS THEM IN OR OUT, BESIDES, IT ADDS TO THE LOOKS AND VALUE OF YOUR PROPERTY. THE PLACE TO GET IT IS H. J. ANTHONY Hardware Co. 98-100 PLANT AVENUE. When You Stroll STROLL TO La Grande Pharmacy All thelateift HOT DRINKS, CIG ARS, Hhh Class TOILET ARTI CLES, RUBBERGOODS and DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES