Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, November 18, 1911, Image 8
WE ARE GLAD You came and looked through our store yesterday. We hope you were pleased with what you saw and that you will come again and again and again Walker-Hood Furniture Co. 80 PLANT AVE. 9 PHONE 499 V» GOV. BROWN ISSUES STRONG ADDRESS; f bellov these views I will have the approval j of tiie overwhelming majority of the 'conservative sentiment of the peopio i—especially* of the great masses who — | are most Interested In protecting Former Govornor Joseph M. Brown Uiclr (ranchtee and In putting it on a yesterday Issued a stirring address to ( llxcd basis where it may not He used the peopio of Geofgla on the Impor-j as the plaything of machine politic- tant questions involved In the present iaus and political tricksters, campaign. He urges n direct rtfferen . “Joseph M. Urown, ilmn on the liquor Issue and gives his | “Marietta, Ga., Nov. 17, 1911.” views as to tho handling of pardons; . takes note of tho State committee, and advocates uniform nud State-wide primaries to till Important offices. The address Is a forceful nnd convincing document nnd we regret that lack of apace prevents us from printing It in Monday afternoon November 20th Tull. The concluding paragraphs are Miss Emma Myers wtlF conduct regu- aa follows: lar Home MIesIou Meeting at thft that in giving utterance to j STANTON’S STORY OF OLD A. C. L. STATION AND ITS WRECKING. Tho Picture Of The Old Station Ap pears On Another Page. Ono Sunday morning In 1883 Mr. V. L. Stanton was sitting In hlB office writing a letter to his brother and his assistant, Wilbur Beaton was selling tickets. There was a rusf-o nnd pulf iof enclnos nnd In another minute the We... ' : Fast Mall on the Plant TRINITY CHURCH FOREIGN MISSIONARY SOCIETY OBSERVES WEEK OF PRAYER. I System had plunged InUr the B. and W. passearer train which was cross- Very Serious It Is a very serious matter to ask for one jnedidne and have the wrong one c- vea you. F° f this reason wo u-gc you In buying to be carefui to "el the genuine— . THE DWORD’S Liver ?£aficiae The refutation clC.io old, rclia- , [ b!o medicine, fir constipation, in- I digestion and liver trouble, Is firm ly established. It docs not imitate other medicines. It 2.1 better than others, cr it would not be the fa- I vorite liwr powder, with a larger *T will urgo tho general assembly ? clu,roh * to enact a law eatabll.hlng a. a j.or-) Wedneotoy t-rtemoon, November 32, mnnoncy the county unit system «!» " Rh1, >" ht ' "eM «t tho tmrson- State primaries, establishing a ftscl| nr ‘ The now members and Indies of date on which primaries may o ■*“ > hurt >> »»° » re not »' sole lean til othera combincJ, SOLD IN TOWN heM, and on which the do.V;.ites elected by the people to* formulate their views, shall assemble in Stato convention—a right now denied them by n usurping State committee; to provido that the same principle that applies to regular primaries shall likewise apply to apodal election*, filling vacancies either for govermr or United States senator. I will urge that the utmost care be •x*rctRKM>y the legislature In framing such a law 00 that the interests of every voter In the 8tate may be protected, with the fullest freedom of access to thaj ballot box that may be consistent with fCMonable registration regulation. . “More than this, I believe that the Stato Itself shonld pay for the expen- One of the primary election, which. ! lie* society are especially invited to be with us at this time. Mrs. O. P. Murphy, secretary of the Waycross District will take part on .tho pro gram at this hour. Friday Nov. 24th, Mrs. A. J. Mooro, as tedder will conduct an Interesting program at the church. All of the members of the society nnd ladies of the church are cordially invited to each of these sendees. Time: 3:00 o'clock p. m. Mrs. J. B. Thrasher, Pres. lug at tho time. Engineer Bill pi- vino’s attention was attracted Uy some commotion near the old Sattlla Houso and in the brief moment that ho look- ■ ed nway with his hand on the throttle of his engine It had plunged into the j baggage car of tho B. & W. passen ger train, raising this car almost bod ily and thrusting it over on the depot. ‘ Mr. Stanton and Wilbur Beaton, with the passengers were entrapped in that part of the depot you see in the pic ture not completely demolished. Their lives were saved by the build ing falling against the telegraph pole, standing at angle of 45 degrees aa seen In the old picture. In this old depot the Unit newspaper ever printed In Waycross was pub lished, “The Waycross Headlight.** ADVERTISE IN THE WAYCROSS HERALD “Jumt Say'* HORLICK’S it Qrlflaii ni (Mata* »«■. til, mum moM to th. (tat. MALTED MILK (but . regular election, became It it ( Tin Fitd-MA fir IS JfM. ■IT the primary ajratam that the men Mon ^ Ten or who are to almlntatar tho lawa of thei Amo with dm weakest ilia.i dim State are chosen. i Delicious, invigorating and nutrition. 1 am aware of tha tact that the.. Rich m3k. mated sain, powder term, suggestions will not meet the approv- A nick lock Pmill ta a n|nk •« of the machine polltleiane of rti TlbnallHMl tkfcfBOBICK Stato. hut that very tact lead* me to QfJmn an imitation. %= Union; Pressing Club R. E. SWILLING, Manager and Owner German THE ARTIhTIC CLEANSER AND DYER Chemical Cleaning, French Dry. Cleaning, 8team Cleaning Dyalng. v ^ Preaslng, Repairing, Altering. Cleaning, Dyalng and Curling nt • * Ostrich Feathers. 33 Tehaan Street, Half Block From New P. O. Bldg. Phone No. 507 SUITS MADE AT HOME. BIG TEAT THEATRE All Week Long Commencing Monday, Nov. 20 JEWELL-KELLEY 3TOCK COMPANY A CLEAN HIGH-CLASS FAMILY THEATRE, PLAYING TO THE BEST PEOPLE OF THE SOUTH. THE LARGEST TENTE D THEATRE IN THE WORLD, 8EAT- INC 2,000 PEOPLE. Monday Night, Nov. 20 “Way Down East” TtfE ORIGINAL Wm. BRADY VER8ION AS PRODUCED BY HIM IN NEW YORK CITY. Admission, 10c to all BEST SEATS, Including ADMISSION 35c Entire change of program nightly. Big Matinee Saturday, 3 p. m., 10c to All Don’t Miss the Grand Prize Automobile Races Savannah, Ga., November 21-30, 1911. AM EXCURSION RATES VIA A. B. A A. RAILROAD. Tledeman Trophy Race, Monday November 27th. Savannah Trophy Race, Monday, November 27th. Vanderbilt Cap Race, Monday, November 27th. International Grand Prise Race, Thursday, November 30th. Racee on the narenteen mile course, the fineet In the world. Admlsaion tickets to the races will be sold In connection with railroad tickets.. Tickets on sale November ICth to Ith, In elusive, with return limit Decameet 4th, lilt See the nearest tlckti seen: for further Information. W. H. Lathy, O. P. A. E. H. Fell. A. O. f. A. A. D. Daniel, T. P. A.