Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, November 20, 1911, Image 2

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> f '• V; H ' , .. ^gjPr 5 - E v A ,• •••-.,* — TOE EVENING BERAIB Publl,h!d By THE HERALD PUBLISHING CO. A. P. Perhim, Sr. , A. P. p«rh«m, Jr. " Cdltori and Proprlttora. Mila Carri! Parham, Paraonal, Soclaty and Local: Tba Waycrou Herald founded In 1885. Tba Dally Herald founded 4n ISM hy A. P. Parham^ 8r. Telephone! BnalntJi OITIce 25 editorial Oils 25 Uealdenca 258. Pvary Afternoon Except Sunday. Entered at the Waycroee. Oa., Poib off la aa second class mail matter. Since No, 8 Jana Streak rates of subscription. Mouth { Months }'-J5 Month! J2-5® Tear 55,00 NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS Subscriber! to The jlerald that do *)ot receive the paper promptly and early will please rlns-up the Circula tion Manager and report the trouble le him, aa this la the only means that can assort you prompt and early irilvtry. SPECIAL NOTICE All obituary nottcea, carda of tbanka. resolution* and notlcea of uotertaln* inastf. where charge* are made, will ha charged at advertising rate* of * cents a line. THE HERALD 18 THE Official Otgsn of the United btatea Court of the Southern District of Georgia. WAYCR088, QA., NOV. 20, 1911. Ilccent blizzards should serve i reminder to get busy with that early Christmas shopping. Wu Ting Fang Is writing a book about us. Can It be possible that this Chlneso revolution was the work of his press agent? * A burglar In New York entered a house and stole live volumes of poe try, thus personally providing punish ment to fit the crime. —+— Senator Jones of Washington snys he never heard of a public man who sold his vote or Influence. Senator Jones is probably deaf. Wo trust Chancellor Day’s Illness Is not serious. We assume he Is sick localise ho has not come to the de fense of the steel trust. —*— Owen Wlster's Vlrglnlaan has at tultied tho dignity of a * definite" edl- /(Jon. Hitherto it has reached the public merely In the form of art edi tions and popular millions. 4* Fernando Jones died at his home In Chicago recently. He was Chica go's oldest Inhabitant, and for years the most plcturosque |.erson among the survivors of tho city’s pioneer days. The Smithsonian Institution says the earth will he hnhitable for mil lions of years to come. Meins thus releved of a weight of worry, let us all go cheerfully about our business once more. 4* C. C. Fskridge of Fills of Roush Ky„ Is oxhbjtng a jar of honey that was put Into the jar by the bees themselves. A hole was cut in the top if the hive, the glass jar wns placed over the hole and the bees filled the < MMWli DR. NUNNALLY’8 VIEWS. Dr. Xunnally, former president of Mercer University and one of the ablest Baptist minister* In tho South, lias written a card on the pdTltlcal situation in Georgia, the concluding paragraphs of which are as folldws: "What we need is cot more leglsla- ton. but a better enforcement of all the laws we now have. We need of ficials jvho will attend to their duties and not waste their time dnd energy peddling our present patronage to purchase prospective promotion, and who will stick to the Job the people have given him until his term of of fice explref. We need men In au thority who will not bo continually running otat Info strange and danger ous governmental waters Just to shov the people how a political athJet* can manage a new* canoe made of jrtifteboard, or t aeroplane made of poa< cards against adverse party currents, and perpetrate some peculiar gyra tions and wonderful stunts in the |>o- lltlcnl sky to the amazement of the gaping populace. • "We need a consistent, conservative considerate and competent man fo, governor at this time. A man whose efficiency In the past Is sufficient evi dence of his ability to direct the af fairs of State In the future and who, as far as any executive can, will give pecce and prosperity to the entire commonwealth, and such a man we have In the person of Joseph M. Brown. Vote for him and let tie people have a rest.” November 7, 1911, appears to have been a field day for tho Independent voter. Massachusetts choso a Demo crat f$r governor and Republicans for other state offices. Philadelphia smashed the Penrose slate by elect ing the Domocratlc-Keystone candi dates and city solicitor. Maryland elected tho Republican candidate for governor nnd the Democratic nomi nees for other stato offices. Missis sippi Democrats appear to have elect ed a Socialist lieutenant-governor be cause of dissatisfaction with their own candidate. Taken as a whole, u seems to have been a bad day for all kinds of political bosses. —*— Backache, Headache, Nervousness And rheumatism, both in men nnd wo men, mean kidnoy trouble. Do not fllloiv it to progress beyond the reach of medicine but stop It promptly with Foley KUney Pills. They regulate the action of the urinary organs. T-.lnc In action, quick results. Gem Phsrma* cy, T. S. Pslne. STARTS MUCH TROUBLE. If nil people know ihot“ neglect of constipation would result in severe In digestion, yellow jaundice or virulent liver trouble they would soon take Dr. King's New Life Pills, and end it Bs the only snfe way. Best for bil- lloiisness, headache, dyspepsia, chills ami debility. 2Ge at All Druggist* REGISTRATION NOTICEl Office Clerk of Council. Books for the registration of voters aro now open nnd will remain open from October 20th to November 20th, exclusive, (Sunday's excepted) from in. to 12 m., and 2 p. m. to 5 p. J. W. Strickland, 5t Clerk of Council. Tho negroes at a banquet at liglouH oonwntlon in Milwaukee A/AYCROSS COUNCIL Jr. O. U. .... . , ' Meets every Monday evening in Red seated at tables separate from the I / » Wen's Hnll Lott-Hltcb building st » A m. Visiting brothers cordially tovtisd to meet rRh us. tiberod Collins, L. Carl Collin* Ree*8ecty Coundloi Advertise In The Waycros* Evening Herald. white banqueters, whereupon one of them complained that "there are no black seats in heaven." The incident shows that tho color lino is moving North, however. —Yados' i Times. —+— Claus Spreckles has been a Demo crat for 30 years but he didn't know IL For all that time he lias been training under tho Republican banner and endeavoring to reform that party. Now he has given It up as a T>ad job and come over where lie belongs. Mr. Spreckels says the Republican party eftnnot be depended upon to mar.e s proper reduction of tarlfT duties, and that tariff reform Is die big reform which will put the country on Its fhet. Ho seer no hope for this ex cept In Democratic success. CABINET WORK. I am atll! at the same old stand, 22 Brewer street, and prepared to do all kinds of cabinet work, upholstering, trunk repairing, etc. Having done vour work for the past six years I think I know how to give yon the 'nd of work you want When you need any repairing done, remember. f J. I. WAITE, Th! old rellabl. Cablnet-Miker. 22 \ Brewer itreet, phone 2*4. 22 tt Children Cry for Fletcher’s The Kind You Hove Always Bought, and which has been in us© for over 30 years, lias horn© the signature of , and has been mad© under Ills per sonal supervision sine© its infancy. ^ Allow no on© to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good** are but Experiments that trifle with mid endanger th© health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Costorln Is a lmmil.HH substitute for Cnstor Oil, I’nro- gorlc, Drops and Sootlilnif Syrups. It is Pleasant, ft contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic Hubstimec. Its npo Is its guarantee. It destroys 'Worms nnd allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation nnd Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho Ntomnch and Bowels, giving healthy anil natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA always iBears the Signature of The Kind Yon Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years THK CKWTSUS COMPANY. TT MUSSAY STStCT. NEW V Use it Wherever you Want Cle inline >s, Sightliness & Durab lity THE USE OF CEMENT 18 A MATTER OF COST, NOT OF PRICE. SOUNDS 8TRANGE, MAYBE, BUT LISTEN: PRICE IS WHAT YOU PAY FOR AN ARTICLE, IT ENDS THERE. COST IS REPRESENTED BY WHAT YOU GET, THE SERVICE AND SATISFACTION. So while tho price of cement walk may be greater than of wood, the cost Is far less. There are many places around every home and es pecially oa the farm, where It 1b simply a waste of money to use any thing but cement. Ask us how cem ent will save you money and then see how wo will save you money on cement. P. N. Harley Hdw. Co. House Furnishers to the People 44 Plant Ave Phone 18( HEADQUARTERS FOR STARRETT TOOLS There are no tools of finer adjustment and quality than Starrett Tools. They are made for use—they are accurate when you buy them—they last a lifetime and are still accurate. The best mechanics keep the high,standard of their work by using Starrett Tools,—their high wage, too. We have selected a large line. If you don't know and use Starrett Tools, come in and get ac quainted. It means money to you. 1 Watt Hardware Company WAYCROSS, GA. Ware County Light and Power Company. mB Cows On The Streets! WHETHER THEY BELONG ON THE STREETS OR NOT, YOUR FRONT YARD IS NOT THE PLACE FOR THEM. Lawn Fence IS THE SOLUTION OF THE PROBLEM, KEEPS THEM IN OR OUT, BESIDES, IT ADDS TO THE LOOKS AND VALUE OF YOUR PROPERTY. THE PLACE TO GET IT 18 ( 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I 1 I I 111 ii 11111111111111111 i 11111111111111 ■ mu ff. J. ANTHONY Hardware Co. 98-100 PLANT AVENUE. When You Stroll STROLL TO LaGrande Pharmacy All thalatefft HOT DRINKS, CIG ARS, Hi'-h Class TOILET ARTI CLES, RUBBER GOODS and DRUGGISTS’ SUNDRIES