Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, November 20, 1911, Image 3
Phone us Your Wants No. 12 3 DICKENS 9 PENDLETON ST RE E T McCall’s Patterns Shoe Specials f New Lot Aviation Caps HAND BAGS DRESS GOODS PATTERN LENGTHS Fringes tf CHILDREN'S TAN, BLACK AND IN SUEDE, TAPESTRY, MOIRE, —NO TWO ALIKE. SILK AND CHENILLE, ALL JUST IN. WHITE LISLE HOSE. THE COLORS 65c to $1 yd WHITE BUCK AND WHITE CAN- Tassels Girdles VAS BUTTON, TAN, CALF AND NEW LOT OF DRESS VELVET IN ITE BEADED DESIGNS. A BEAU- ALL COLORS SILK SILK AND CHENILLE CORDS AND BROWN VELVET BUTTON. MOST OF THE POPULR COLORS. TIFUL LINE TO SELECT FROM. TASSELS 25c each TASSELS, ALL THE LEADING COLOR8 35c and 50c FANCY DRESS TRIMMINGS: THE M0ST beautiful line of dress trimmings ever shown in this city. PEARL AND ORIENTAL BEAD BANDINGS, PEARL AND ORIENTAL BEAD FRINGES, GARNITURES TO MATCH. MANY OTHER NEW THINGS. WE WILL ALSO HAVE PLENTY OF GOOD SENSIBLE THINGS PUT UP EXPRESSLY FOR XMAS PRESENTS. hoenix Block a E IM S 9 Pendleton St candidate for the office of Ordinary { ORDINARY, ot Ware csunty, subject to the Deni-j This is to notify my friends that I ocratic primary to bo held later. If 1 am In the race for the office of Or- A. M. KNIGHT ANNOUNCES FOR 0 lecte<] v I jpromise to give my atten-l dinary of Ware county, subject to the ORDINARY. I tion to the office and keep it open, li j Democratic primary. If successful I Circumstances force me to get into J w jjj j, 0 no 8 | ( | e j| ne mc# This "'ill not only keep the omce open for the convenience of the public, but will stay in it myself. Yours truly, M. J. Carswell. '•* T-llWYj I n the “game" this early and announce [ ear jy announcement is made neces- myself as a candidate for Ordinary j gar y by the fact that other candidate the next Democratic primary elec- J have already announced for this of- tiin. Should any one else ocer for| flcef soliciting the support of my this place I trust that he will be as fine a man as my good friend B. H. Thomas, which would insure a clean race. If elected I will seo that the office is kept open all day. I solicit my share of the votes. A. M. Knight. FOR MAYOR. Way cross, Ga., Sept. 9, 1911. To the Citizens of Waycross: I will be a candidate for nomina tion as Mayor of Waycross in the approaching primary. Within a few’ days I Will publish a short statement of the principles that I shall advo cate in asking the voters of the city to support me. (Signed) Harry D. Reed. friends, I am, yours to serve, G. P. FOLKS. FOR ALDERMAN SECOND WARD. I hereby annouce myself a candi- jdate for Alderman from the Second | Ward, City of Waycross, subject to FOR ORDINARY. To the Citizens of Ware County Heretofore I have stated that lj lho Democratic primary to be hold would not be a candidate to succeed myself ns Ordinary of Ware County, but since giving the matter more ma- turo consideration, and the people having elected me to that position for one term, which has better fitted me to fill that position for a succeeding term, I have decided to yield to tho solicitations of my many friend-3 who have importuned me to stand for re- election and hereby make this my announcement for Ordinary of Ware later. If elected I will at all times have the best interest of Waycross and her people at heart, and will stand for a safe, progressive, impar tial, business administration. 1 will appreciate the support of the voters of the city. , W. K. Meeks. OOOOOOOOOO • H LESTER MARV1L > Formally Lott, Fain & Co > FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS. 1 Telephone COO Day or Nght * Private Chapel and Morgue OOOOOOOOOO L®BJ Victor-Victrola *15 O' o o o o o <> o o o o W L HINSON & CO UNDERTAKERS BOWDEn IN SENATORIAL RACE. The Herald is authorized and ro quested to announce that Hon. J. County, subject to the Democratic | Puwden will be a candidate for the ‘ | pr'mary to he called by the Democrat- j State senator from tho Waycross dis FOR ALDERMAN FROM THE SIXTH | lc Executive Committee of Ware coun-j tr,ct tn tho Primary to be called later WARD. To the Citizens of Waycross: I hereby announce that I will be a candidate to succeed myself, as Al derman for the sixth ward, subject to the Democratic primary, to be held some time In December. In making this announcement, I wish to thank the good people of Waycross for their many kind words, and warm support while acting as their representative, and if elected, I will try and serve them as faithfully for the next two years. Very truly yours, C. A. LeCount •y. Yours respectfully, B. H. Thomas. and that a plain statement will ap ■ pear some time li t<v 13 6t > '* AND > &MBALMEF.S. t Phone 91 and 153. ooooooooo •sj O ; O Oj . I OOOOOOOOOO O > WILSON o BENNETT Oj & LAMBDIN © > Attorneys & Counselors At Law O OOOOOOOOOO© A new Victor-Victrola is here! A genuine ictor-Victrola, bearing the famous Victor Victor-Victrola, bearing trademark, priced at only $15. Come in and see it and hear it. No obligation to buy, but after bearing it you won't want to be with out one. Other styles $25 to $250. Victors $10 to $100. liasy payments it desired. All She Latest Records 75c each FOR SALE BY FOR ALDERMAN SECOND WARD, To tho Citizens ot Waycross: 1 hereby announce myselt a candi-1 date for Alderman for the Second I -" ! * Ward, City ot Waycross, subject to the ensuing white primary and ask the support of all classes of citizens, 1 Don't freeze. We have blankets and comforts that will keep you warm. Cash or easy payments. Home Furniture OSmpany, Plant and Albany Avehue. Blomadale Pearl, (tre best onion yet). Winter Lawn Grass seeds promise fidelity to the trust If confer [® cal * l’* larmiic y, 18 tf red upon me. W. C. Butler. FOR ALDERMAN. I hereby announco my canlldacy FOR ALDERMAN [ f 0r alderman from the Fourth Ward, The friends of Mr. Scott T. Beaton | , ub j ect t0 tho primary to be called announce him as a candidate for A l-1 later. I will appreciate the support derman from the Fourth Ward,sub-( of lho cmzen , of Waycross. and II Ject to the Democratic primary to boi electcd wlll work for th0 interest and called later. We feel quite sure If elected ,Mr. Beaton will make a most efficient and active official, and ask tho hearty support ot the voters ot the city, MANY FRIENDS. FOR ALDERMAN. I beg to announce that I am a can didate for alderman from the second ward, subject to the white Democratic primary to he held later. It elected, I will do my part toward giving the city an Impartial, business administra tion. H. Hengeveld. C. W. PARKER FOR MAYOR. To the Citizens of Waycross: In making this, my announcemen of my candidacy for Mayor of, the City of Waycrost, I beg W eey I do w W ltn the klndeet personal feeling A^thoee who may oppose me. I ■latect, If elected, to look eloeely after tie affairs of the office ot Mayor end tl epend the larger part of my time tn attending to the Important duties of the office. I expect to make e fur ther etatament 1h regard to certain matter* later. C. W. Parker. FOR ORDINARY. I hereto eutnotmee that I wfO he a upbuilding of the city. W. H. Fendt. FOR ALDERMAN. To my friend* and citizen*: I hereby announce myself for Al derman of Sixth Ward, subject to tho primary to be held in December !• doing so, I respectfully ask the sup port of all the citizens of Waycross, und if elected, I will at all times use my vote to what I think is the best interest of Waycrosa and her citi zenship. Yours for progressive Waycross, B. P. Owens, Sr. FOR ALDERMAN. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for Alderman from the Fourth Ward, subject to the Democratic pri mary. I solicit and appreciate the support of the voters of the city. W. E. Chandler. FOR ORDINARY. To the Voters of Ware county: I hereby announce that I am a can didate for the office of Ordinary ot Wart county, subject to the Demo cratic primary to be held later, if elected X promise to give jny entire time to the duties ot the office and solicit the support ot my Trleada. Respectfully, „ E. S. Henderson. FOR SALE. Ono of the uest small farms In Ware county, one mile from city lira- ftp, on R. F. D. route, about thirty- fi.e acres cleared and stumped, gooJ bouse, barn and cane mill, mule and all necessary farm Implements, heal thy and fine locality. Any reasonable terms accepted. Address Box B, CJtq. 28 3t Cod RING 174 FOR WOOD. 28 tf STATE OF OHIO, CITY OP TOLEDO, LUCA3 COUNTY. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he Is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State afore said, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall’s Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed In ray presence, this 6th day of De cember, A. D. 1896. (Seal) A. D. GLEASON, Notary Public. Hall’s Catarrh Cure Is taken Intern ally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces if the sysem. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 76c. Take Hall’s Family Pills for consti pation. Hava your automobile and buggy top work done at J. T. McGee’s by, a first-class trimmer.. 21 Albany ave- , 12 ICt O OOOOOOOOOO o A FLEMING M D <> O Office ovsr Gem Pharmaoy O In Southern Building. O O OOOOOOOOOO J. J. E. KNIGHT, M. D. Office 226-228 Southern'Bulldlnj. Office Hours: 9 to 11 a. m; 2:30 ts 4 p. m.; 7 to 8 p. m. OOOOOOOOOO o JOHN S WALKER o Attorn.y and Ceuni.lor At O Law, O Office up-Malrz gjutbern © Hotel. O WAYCROSS. — GEORGIA. © OOOOOOOOOO« C. Payne DRUGGIST OOOOOOOOOOO J B BAGLEY M D ° ■ PHYSICIAN A SURGEON O Office n Southern Building o OFFICE HOURS. O Ml A. M. 8-4 P. M. 708 P. W. O © OOOOOOOOOO O » OOOOOOOOOO o O ANDREW B ESTES ° ATTORNEY AT LAW O O Room 27, Southern Hotel Bldg. © WayerCM, Oa, O OOOOOOOOOO o Never Build a Bouse Unless you have a first clnHs ar chitect, as it is cheaper to study tho plnn on pnper than to waste tho time ot your mechanics and lumbor. Owing to catarrh and hay fover in iny family it became necessary for mo to movo my office from tho north, and nm now located at 427-429 La- Grande building. I have a largo stc**k of plans for all kinds of buildings, either private or public, flroproof, semi-fire-proof and otherwise. CALL IN anl see what we have got; It may assist you In making up your mind want you want; and then wo can mnke It for you. Office Phone 177, Residence Phono 467 P. O. Box 182. D. S. SCHUREMAN, Architect and Structural Engineer. OOOOOOOOOOOo © BenJ. O. Park.. Harry D- Reed O PARKS & REED ♦ ATTORNEY8 AT LAW. O Southern Hotel Building. O WAYCROSS. — GEORGIA. O OOOOOOOOOOo » OOOOOOOOOO * ° DR LEWIS o > JONATHAN BURCH ° O PRAUATICE limited to o O Eye, Ear, Noaa, Throat and O O Chronic Dleoaaea, O O Realdenco 168 Plant Ava, O Office Redding Building. O O Office Hour*: from » to 12; O O and from 8 ‘till 4 and by ap- O O polntment O OOOOOOOOOO• 10 TO THE BON TON FOR CLOAKS AND SUITB. KINO 174 FOR WOOD. DR. J. T. DIXON, Phyaldan and aurgton. Special attention to chronic dlaeaeee of women and children, OBSTETRICS, CANCER AND DROPSY. Office Third Floor Lott-HItch Bldg. Office houra: 9 to II a. m. 4 to 6 p. m. Phone, office 223. Realdence 393. Waycroaa. Georgia. ♦OOOOOOOOOOo O CL REDDING <> © ATTORNEY AT LAW. O O Upatalra Redding Black. O O WAYCROSS, — GEORGIA. O ♦OOOOOOOOOOO WILLIAM R. THOMAS, M. D. OOcee 329 and 331 LaGranda Building. Houra: » to 11; 3 to 4. Got tho habit, amoka Clgara. Clear Havana. o. O.- 27 tf OOOOOOOOOOOd O G R LOVELACE « © DENTIST O O Offlca tn Redding Block, Over O O Star Clothing Store O OOOOOOOOOOOo OOOOOOOOOOOo O W J GASSETT « O CONTRACTOR A BUILDER O O Reedonce 48 Margaret Street O O Phone 103 Wayeroae, Oa...© © ©,©©©©©©©©© © © OOOOOOOOOO © o DEEN & BURNETT « O ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE O O Room SOS La-Grande Bldg. <> © Waycroaa, 0a © © ©©©©©©©©©© © HERBERT S HOPKINS ATTORNEY AT I.AW. Boom 835, LaOrand. Bolldlng, - C. A. DOWNEY, M. D. V. Veterinarian. II Albany Avenua. Waycroaa, Gk, Day and Night Phona ili.