Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, November 21, 1911, Image 4
BBgg Seal Ship! Oysters THE LEDERLE LABORATORIES SUPERVISE SEAL-SHIPPED OYS TER BEOS. THE 0REATE8T AM- ERICAN SCIENTIFIC ORGANIZA TION FOR FOOO PURITY PROMO- TION. ITS AN EXCLUSIVE BEAL SHIPPED FEATURE. YOU KNOW YOU EAT OYSTERS OF CERTAIN PURITY WHEN YOU GET THE 8EAL-SHIPPED. ■ FOR SALE ONLY AT J. W. S. Hardy 8UCCE880R TO HAPDY BROS. MAY’S CRANBERRIES, MALAGA GRAPES, PRUNES BUCKWHEAT, LOOSE AND IN PACKAGES, OATMEAL, LOOSE AND IN PACKAGES, COCOA NUTS, BUTTER NUT8, ALMOND8, WALNUTS, MACKEREL, PIGS FEET, NEW GEORGIA SYRUP, OUR MEAL, FRESH EVERY DAY, NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY'S FRUIT CAKE, IN ONE AND FIVE POUND 8IZE8. ALL FRESH GOODS. ALICE STREET. PHONE NO. 3. J REGISTRATION NOTICEI Office Clork of Council. Books for the registration of votors nro now open and will remain opou from October 20th to November 20th, exclusive, (Sunday's excepted) rrom 8 a. m. to 12 m., and 2 p. m. to 5 p m. 24 2St J. W. Strickland, Clork of Council. AROUNO-THE-STATE GOOD ROADS TOUR, Atlanta, (la., Nov. 20.—Today will completo the entry list for the 1911 flood Itoads Tour Around Georgia. Tho entries will cIoho at midnight tonight and tho list will then bo com* plete, ready for Wednesday morning's ■tart. The start will be made from Tho Constitution building between 7 and 8 o’clock Wednesday morning, Novem ber 22. Participants In tho tour have been asked to bo on lmtid at 7 o'clock In order that thorfc may be a prompt start The pacemaker, the big Tholhns Flyer, will leave shortly before 7, and the other curs will bo checked out for tho start of the tour n« rapidly as possible. Tho Class A cars, the big fellows, will bo checked out first; Class I) noxt and so on. This will obviate much of the trouble experienced as a result of big cars passim: small ones on the road. Time cards will be furnished each participant In the tour aa they ar? checked out, aud their time recorded therein. WAKEFIELD LODGE, NO. 27 KNIGHTS OF PYTNrAi. j’ 1 Meets ev <rv Mu*da evening at 8:00 la 'j ^ V : , Castle Hal ?lant avr < •* 3^ i l-l Members a*® requested to attend, aad visiting Knights are most “m Jlally Invited to meet with us. J. L. CRAWLEY, C. C. f II. Miiiei K ul K. ft S. fr M. of F. SmOke! “Oran Chico’s”, “Yer Best Smokers”, and ‘Pitman’s Best Smok- — ers.” Clear Havana Filled Cigars. Manufactured In Wayoroas, Ga* Bp PITTMAN CIGAR CO BALKED AT COLD STEEL. “I wouldn't let a doctor cut my foot off," said H. D. Ely, Bantam, Ohio, 'although a horrlblo ulcer hod been the plaguo of my life for four years. Intscad I used Bucklen’s Arnica Salve, and my foot was soon completely cured." Heals Burns, Bolls, Sores, Bruises, Eczema, Pimples, Corns, Surest Pile cure. 25 cents at AP Drug gists. f Personal! £MJss Carrie Perham Social Editor Grand Fall and Winter Display BBT Iialllnerv Mr. J. 8. Knight made a business trip to Offenuan today. f Conductor C. L.. Morgan, * of the Coast Llhe, who has been off sick for a,week, will resume his run tomorrow. Mr. Percy Clark, of Fitzgerald, spent last glsht In the city, leaviuj this morning for Savannah. Judge John C. McDonald has r turned from Clinch Superior Court ; Hcir.ervllle. Rev. W. P. Price, Rev. G. E. Jones and Col. John W. Bennett le/t last nigln for Rome to atteud the State Baptist Convention. Hon. Henry Banks, a prominent cit izen of LaGrange, Ga., accompanied by his wife, was a guest of I«aGrande last, night. * dol. S. C. Townsend, of St. Mary* was among the visitors to Wayc?osj yesterday and stopped at the Phoenix Hotel. It will require one hundred tons o? iron rod in the construction of the Bunn office building on Elizabeth street. Tonight at LaGrande Pharmacy magnificent night blooming fern wi! be exhibited. You are invited to see Of Ladies Tailored Suits in all the. Lead- ing Colors. Ladies’ Suits Ladies’ Tailored Suits $15.00 Ladies’ Tailored Suits $20.00 Ladies’ Tailored Suits $25.00 Ladies’ Tailored Suits $30.00 Ladies’ Tailored , Suits $50.00 Ladies’ Tailored Suits $60.00 We handle the best on the market i n Ready-to- Wear Suits. the latent up-to date We have and most styles, both in Ready- to-wear and Trimmed> Hats. Our Millinery < AND Suit Department is on the second floor, and we keep expert trimmers to wait on you. Make us a visit before buying your Fall and Winter needs. 20 Mr. J. L. Grady w’as shaking hands with his many Waycross friends day. Mr. Grady formerly resl ded here, but Is now a traveling salesman, and makes his homo at McRae, Ga They say Judge T. A. Parker' speech at Homerville yesterday was the hit of the occasion. In other words^ he literally skinned Judge Russell to a finish. Frishuls of Mrs. J. M. Lee will gret to learn of her illness at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Morton Mrs. Lee has been quite ill for some days. , Mr. Frank Miller has returned from Norman Park and will again maku his home here. Franks friends hers are glad to have him back among fhem. ^ The gentleman who picked up purso In front of Wilkes Dry Goods store For coughing, dryness and tickling a f ew days ago f 8 requested to return same to Miss Maggie Crawley and re ceive reward. 21 It of tho throat, hoarseness and ail coughs and colds, take Foley’s Honey and Tor Compound. Contains no ipl- ales. Gem Pharmacy, T. S. Paine. 8TART8 MUCH TROUBLE. If all people know' thot neglect of constIpntIon would result in severe In digestion, yellow jaundice or virulent Hver I rouble they would soon tfcke Dr. King's New Life Pills, and end It. Its the only safo way. Best for bil- liousncss, headache, dyspepsia, chills and debility. 25c at All Druggists J T TURNER ARCHITECT. Offict LaGrande Building, p. O. Box X Waycross, Georgia. Mr. L. P. Green, traveling passenger agent of tho Atlantic Coast Line, with headquarters in Thomasville, was visitor to Waycross today arranging for a special train to Savannah* on Thanksgiving day for those who desire to attend the big auto races. Soo ad vertisemeut In the Herald. CASTOR IA For Infant, and Children. Die Kind Yoa Hava Always Bought The night blooming cerius at La- Grande Pharmacy last night was well worth going to see., The beautiful blossoms begin to unfold just after dark and at midnight the great white blossom Is perfect. After midnight It [ slowly begins to close aud early In the morning It is tightly clbselJ, never opening but once. There will be sev oral blooms on the plant again tonight at LaGrande Pharmacy. Bears tho Signature of Pope Brown, says tho Jackson Pro gress, has ale-ays oeen for local op t!!n until he ran for governor. The Jacksonville Times-Unlon Phil- E. B. MITCHELL, D. O. M. D. OSTEOPATH, and Physician and Surgeon. Otlce 41M1 LaGrande Building. Hours: 9 to It aad 2 to 5 p. m Residence Phone IT*. Office S21. Bloomsdale Onion Sets Winter Lawn Grass Seeds and Pansy Seeds at THE SEALS PHARMACY V OB RKXALI STORK Humphreys & Williamson The Standard Shoe Store NEXT DOOR TO POST OFFICE. Jane Street IS NOW OPEN, AND WE EXTEND A CORDIAL INVI TATION TO EVERYBODY TO CALL IN AND INSPECT THE BEST A8SORTED, AND LARGEST 8T0CK OF SHOE8 EVER 8HOWN IN WAYCROSS. WE CARRY STACY-ADAM8 CO'S., FINE SHOES FOR MEN, AND E. P. REED CO'8. PINE 8HOE8 FOR WOMEN. CALL AND TAKE A LOOK AND BE CONVINCED THAT YOU CAN QET A8 GOOD VALUE8 IN SHOES, AND AS NICE 8TYLES AS ARE SHOWN IN THE LARGER CITIES, AND THE PRICES ARE RIGHT. SOLICITING A 8HARE OF YOUR PATRONAGE AND ASSURING YOU OF A SQUARE DEAL, WE ARE, The Standard Shoe Store NEXT DOOR TO POST OFFICE. Jane Street ~ CLASSIFIED L08T—Small black puree with some money in it. Rew'ard If return ed to this office or to Miss Maggie Crawley. 19 5t LOST—Locket with initials "J. C.” on one side "For Recitation" on the other. Reward If returned to Mrs. W. J. Carswell or this office. * 20 31 FOR RENT—Two story six room house, four fire places, bath room, hot and cold water, eight electric lights, corner Francis and McDonald street. Apply to J. L. Cockfleld, or write me at Millwood, Ga. Possession given Dec. 10th, 1911. S. F. Mller. 20 lOt Shop In Savannah Ensel & T Vinson Company (THE GARMENT STORE) Refunds Your Railroad Fare WriteiUs For Particulars See Us When in Savannah. MILCH COW WANTEb—A-Bood cow in milk wanted at once. Apply to B. B. Wooten at LaGrande Hotel. 20 3t LOST—String of gold beads. Reward tf returned to Herald office. Lost somewhere on streets. 21 3i FOR RENT—Three desirable rooms to parties without children. Apply 95 Lee avenue. 21 6t FOR RENT—85 Eads street, $15.0.» per month. A. M. Knight & Son. Phone 286. t 21 3t Parker Theatre 8^ Tuesday, Nov. 23 THE BIGGEST COMEDY HIT OF THE SEASON, “The Chorus Lady” ?Y JAMES FORBES. AUTHOR OF "THE TRAVELING SALESMAN" AND “THE COMMUTERS.’ tine year at Hackett Theatre. New York Metropolitan Cast headed by MISS ELIZABETH DUNNE See the famous Dressing Room Scene j Water Commissioner Lord has re ceived a unique gift from hla son, jJchn, who is located at Waycross, Ga. It is a large Japanese persimmon. The piece of fruit is quite a curiosity in the north. The ’ persimmon weighs fourteen and three-eighths ounces, measures 11 1-2 inches one way and 12 Inches the other way.—DuBols, Pa. Dally Express. The persimmon above referred to was raised by Mrs. W. H. Cason, 5S Tebeau street. 4VAYCR08S COUNCIL NO. *1. Jr. O. U. A. M. Monday evening la Rei Men's Hall. Lott-HItcb building at I » m. Visiting brothers cordially invite* to meet rlth aa. dberod Corllns, U Carl CoUtoa ««e-8e<sty Conncilot Advertise In The Waycross Evening Herald. ADVERTISE IN WAY