Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, November 24, 1911, Image 1
AYCROSS ERALD VOLUME XIX WAYCROSS, GA., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 24, I9J1 'NUMBER 3 =J^II-■!- PACKERS’ REQUEST Beattie Electrocuted; REACHED HERE AT NOON Given Royal Welcome—Will Spend Topight At Baxley ~ Eighteen cars, containing forty of the citizen! of, Waycross, met the Around-Thc-Statc'Tourists below Ma nor thti morning and escorted them to the city, reaching here at noon. There were thlrty-alx care checked in at Waycroes with one hundred and twenty-eight occupant!. Mayor John M. Cox and other citizens were at the hotel to welcome the tourists.. They took dinner at LaQrande, after which they were entertained by the Board of Trade. Dr. O. P. Folk! met the to/uriiti at HomervBle and accom panied them to Waycross. The cars left here at 1:30, and expefijtto Spend tonight in Baxley, and froz?fliert will go to Savannah to remain until after the races. The Overland Car No. 14, containing Miss Jtegtna Rambo, Mrs. Joseph It. Brown, Mrs. S. D. Rambo and/ Mlses! Standlter and Faby, of Marietta, was delayed but arrived later and left for Baxley at 3 o'clock. WAS REFUSES BY - JUSTICE - WHITE d i v —‘ Court Will Not GrantfS In Trial of Chicago \ Meat Packers ' Washington, p. C„ Nov. 23.—Chial Justice Vfhlte today refused to grant a stay in the trial of the Chicago beef packers,, but referred the attorneys making the application to the entire bench, with the statement that the matter was of too much importance for him to pass upon individually. Attorney Miller announced tha such an application to the entire court would be made at the first sitting December 4th. _ Attorneys for the packerB indicated that efforts will be made to have Judge Carpenter, of the United States Dis trict Court at Chicago, before whom the indicted packers have been sum< moncd for trial on Monday, to grant a further postponement until the Si- premo Court passes on the application for a stay. PIK SPEAK. Harry D. Reed, candidate for mayor, will 6neak t at the band stand on..Fri day evening November 24th at 7:3D o’clock.,Everybody Invited. The Way- cross Band will fuynlsh music. 21 4v ■4f-._L.-J.:- .■JS.-L CHARGES AGAINST BANK OFFICER Special To The Merald. Corvallis, Ore., ifov. 24.—The case of James Evars, cashier of the defunct First National Bank, of Pilomatb, will be taken dp by the grand jury which met today. Evars Is charged with receiving and accepting deposits after he h'ad know, ewge that the bank was Insolvent Get the habit, smoke Clear Havana. •Y. B. S.’ 27 tt Made a Confession Special To The Herald. Richmond, Va„ Nov. 24.—Henry Clay' Beattie, Jr., betore his death the electric chair at 7:23 a. m., today confessed to the murder of his wits. The statement, which was given out in the rotunda of a down town hotel follows: , Henry Clay Beattie, Jr., d'estr- ious it standing right'betore Cod and man, do on this the 23rd day of No vember 1911, confess my guilt of tbo crime against me.. Much that was published concerning the details was not true, but the awful fact, without the barrowing circumstances, remains For this action, I am truly sorry, anf TO SAVE HIS SOUL Ndw‘ York, Nov. 23.—As a witness in her . own behalf Mrs. Frances O'- Shaugnessy took the stand today and told'the jury, which will decide wheth er slid shall live or die, of the events which? led up to her killing her hus band,* George, “to save his soul.” A,Jpear after her marriage, sho believing that I am at peace with [said,;;George began to stay out late at God and am soon to pass into hie* * niglit." She suspected another woman, presence, this statement la made." she said, but was not sure- until she Beattie’s confession was followed by this statement by the attending ministers: “This statement was sign ed in the presence of the two attending ministers and is the only statement that can and will be madd" public by them. saw George with this woman, tho cashier at the store where he was employed. A bundle of notes which Mrs. O’Shaugnessy said she found under her husbands pillow was handed to the jury. Tho notes were from BAD WRECK ON THE SOUTHERN THREE'MET DEATH And Several Seriously In jured, According To Re ports Received Meagre details of a wreck on the Southern Railway this mornnig at 4^ o’clock at Scotland, Ga., were received In WaycrosB today. According to information receiven three were killed, and several i3r* lously wounded. Among the kill<)d was Engineer Brantley, of Macon. Definite information in regard to tho wreck could not be obtained. The wrecked train was en route to Jack sonville. “Mr. Beattie desired to thank the Tcssle Hayes, the other woman, sho many friends for kind letters and expressions of interest and the publTc for* whatever aympathy was felt or expressed." . STRAWBERRY PLANTS FOR SALE, Fine, healthy strawberry plants for sale at $2.50 per’thousand plants- Lady Thompson and Klondike varie ties and prolific bearera. Speak quick if you want plants for they are going fast. Enquire at the office of the Deen Realty Company ifflee, LaQrande building. 24 6td 2t\v A Look at The New Fall Clothes, Shoes, Hats and Furnishings Will Convince You That You can get as good goods and as nice Styles as are Shown in the larger cities The Prices Are Much Less. H. C. SEAMAN. New LINE OF LADIES, MIMES AND CHILDRENS SHOES COMING IN EVERY DAY. ALL THE LATEST STYLES AND ANLL THE LATEST LEATHERS. •aid, and in them the writer call si George endearing names. Mrs. O’. Shaugnessy had read them all, she said, then prayed for guidance before slib shot her husband. She declared that by filling her husband sho would koep him from violating the seventh commandment and thereby save his soul. TO HOLD JOE BROWN RALLIES ALTER THE BIG, TRUST Washington, D. C., Nov. 24.—That Morgan, Rockefeller and other trust magnates consider themselves too sa cred to be prosecuted for violating the law has been known for some time. But that the, considered themselv es too sacred to bp even Investigated was not known until the Stanley in vestigating committee was politely asked by the steel trust attorneys to please abandon Its inquiry because of the Wickeysham suit to dissolve the trust * Should this request be gratified it would mean that the Wlckershain salt Is a God-send to tho trust, inas much an It sidetrack* an honest and searching investigation of a monopoly that Attorney General Wtckersham himself claims to be illegal. That tbo trust fears a continuation of the In vestigation by a committee that is not packed with special rnterest servers, more .than It does a "suit to dissolve' conducted by an attorney general woo was a former trust attorney, his been known for some time. Thanks to a Democratic majority on the Stanley committee, thn investiga tion will proceed. But wishing to be entirely fair to all concerned, the-eom mittee has discontinued public bear ings until a foil commutes can pus on the proposition. It Is already known that the committee favora a continuation of the probe. On Wednesday, noxt the 29tb Inst, public meetings to which everybody in the city and county is Invited, will bs [held commencing at 10 o'clock n. m ' In the court bouse, and at 7:30 o'clock j at night In the baud stand' park, to bo addressed In tho Interest of the candidacy of Hoa. Jos, M, Brown for Governor, by Judge J. L- Sweat, Mr. V. L. Stanton,, Judge John T. Myers, Hon. John W. Bennett and others. And on Saturday, December 2, next, meetings will also be held in Way- cross In the Interest of Gov. Browns candidacy, to be addreAod by sever al prominent out of town speakers of the state, whose names wilt be an nounced inter, from the nancf atand commencing at 10 a. m. o'clock, and again at 7:30 o’clock.at night, or if disagreeable weather prevails both the coUTt house in the day and opera house at night will be used. Musle by the Waycrou Band'. This November 22, 1011. C. M. Sweat, prestdehL V. L. Stanton, Secretary, . Ware Joe Brown Club. HELD LAST NIGHT- EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE- Named To Serve For Two Years'-Majority Vote To Rule In Primary PUBLIC 8PEAKING. Harry D. Rood, candidate for May or, will speak at tbo Band Stand this evening at 7:30 o'clock. Everybody cordially invited. In tho event the weather will not permit an opsn air meeting Wade’a Auditorium In tho Sou there Building will be used. Let everybody come out. The Waycross forthcoming primary.” Band will furnish music. Tho*mass meeting, called by Mayor John M. Cox, met at the Court Houae last night fir the purpose of electing an Executive Committee to arrange- for thp primary, Alderman C. 13.,' Dunn, In the absence of Mayor Cox, calling the meeting to order. Aider- Jsmes. Sinclair was elected chairman and John W> McGee, secre tary. A nominating committee was apt pointed as follows: First Ward—J. L. Crawley, Harry Wilson. * l Second Ward—T. J. McClellan, Frank Drexler. Third Waril—W- E. Dempster, J., . Magnlls. Fourth Ward—A. R. Pittman, F. Inman. Fifth Ward—John Youmans,, J. J., Woods. Sixth Ward—John W, McGoe, J. 3. Creamer. The fallowing committee, to servo for a term of two years, was elected:; First Ward—Jamos Sinclair, J. [ . Crawley. Second Ward—T. J. McClellan, Allen James. Third Ward—A. W. Owens, J. E. Phelan. Fourth Ward—W. K. Goodyear, A., R. Pittman. Fifth Ward—A..P. Goodwin, John Youmans. Sixth Ward—F. H. McGee, J. R«' Kr earner, City At Large—H. H. Burnet, O. B. Dunn, John T, Myers. The committee, at tho expiration of - their terms, are to he elected in tho primary. Several epeechee were made, and the following reeolutlon woe adopted:, "Believing In thS 'recognised do* triad of Democracy, that the majority shall nils.—Wo tho" registered cltl- zone of Waycrozs, in maze meeting as sembled announce ae our opinion that. all candidate* for ofBoe In City of Waycrou abould be eleoted by our citizen* and tberefdire tnetrnct tho Executive Committee of the City of Waycrose to adopt euch rules In com. Ing city primary, that will require tho •eourlng a majority vote by the in* cessful candidate for Mayor, Alderman and member* Board Education In Western Intercollegiate Run, low* City, la.. Nor. 24,-^Tb* annual cross-country championship of tho Western Intercollegiate Association will be run bore tomorrow as a sort of a preliminary to tha Northwestern Iowa football gam*, u The ran this year win bring to gether teams from Pardo* Amu, Northwestern end the univereltle* ct Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Nebras ka, Illinois and Chicago. The last lap will bo mad* on tbo Iowa university track,with the finish in front of the grandstand. MANY SPEAKERS ON STUMP; JOSEPH M. BROWN LEADING. Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 24.—H. H. Cab- anlss, Judge Moee* Wright, ot Rome, and J. R. Smith, will leave tomorrow morning for Griffin, where they will take part in a rally which I* being planned for Governor Brown’e Mentis in Spalding county. The thru will make addrepsu. It It probable that Jndgt Wrignt will deliver hie thirl epeech of tho campaign at Carrollton Mbnday. Mr, Cabanlss and Juijge W. R. Jones Into Monday for a tour ot Crawford and Taylor countlu In the Intereet of the former governor's candidacy. They will apeak at Knoxvill* Monday morning; at Roberta in the afternoon, probably at Fort Valley that night at Butler next morning and pouthiy at Reynolds Tuesday. It wa* stated at Governor Brown'* headquarters yesterday that many a» luring roports are coming In. Hr*. J. J. Holtzendorf, of Naylor, wilt arrive tonight to bo the guest of Mr. AM Iff*; Bam filter. ; OYSTER SUPPER. Saturday afternoon and night tho ladles of tha First Baptist Church will serve oygtora at number 11 Jans street, next to poetoffle* The ladle* will also bare on ule oak# and fancy, work. Be sura and have your supper, with the ladles on that evening, Baton lay Uth. Real Estate Renting , and ,3- Fire. Insurance A.M. Knight & Son Phone 266 LqGrande Bldg*