Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, November 24, 1911, Image 4
Personal $Mlts Carrie Parham Social Editor £ CRANBERRIES, MALAGA GRAPES, PRUNES BUCKWHEAT, LOOSE AND IN PACKAGES, OATMEAL, LOOSE AND IN •PACKAGE8, COCOA NUTS, BUTTER NUTS, ALMONDS, WALNUTS, MACKEREL, PIG8 FEET, NEW GEORGIA SYRUP, OUR MEAL, FRESH EVERY DAY, ' NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY’S FRUIT CAKE, IN ONE AND FIVE POUND SIZES. ALL FRESH GOODS. IS wfli do the work. „ DEPENDABLE SURE INEXPENSIVE y ro USE ALICE STREET. PHONE NO. 3. CASTOR IA for Infests and Children. Die Kind You Han Always Bought Bignaturo of LOW PRICES Bleudcd with high quality is the bait I use to catch you. These two fadtors are the main apjing ■ Mrs. R. F. Sbriver will spend Sun day with frtende at Ludowlci. , Mr. W. H, Fendt left flila mornint tor a trip of several day# to Wilming ton, N. C. j The Ladle# Exchange will tie please 1 to All joqj- order tor Xmas fruit cako. Phone 32, 331 or 23. Mr. Sam Wplker hae been Quito alck tor aome day# at bis home on Brunei etreet. The ctewards of the Flrat Methodist Church will meet tonight at the church at 7:30 o'clock. The services at the Flrat Methodlat Church Sunday will be In tho nature of a reunion of the memberahlp. The date of the next Lyceum num ber haa been changed from Monday to Tueaday evening nexL Mr. Lynn Burnett, of Wilmington, N. C., waa a guest at tho home of Mrs. Ernest Dunn this week. Mr. Florlo of Florie & Purdom, of Screven, spent last night and today m the city. Seasonable Dry Goods In all the leading Fabrics, Color and Quality to Suit your Pocket Book. Ladies' Suits Grand display of Ladies Suits ■ $15 to $60 Ladies' Sweaters In all the loading shades and styles Misses and Childrens* Sweaters and Knitted Caps Shoes We are head quarters tor Zeigler Shoes for Ladies. All the leading styles from $3.00 to $5.00 Hand Bags In all the lead ing styles. Low est prices. Millinery Department We have a full line of the latest in Fa shio n, Trimmed and Ready-to- Wear Hats. Our Suit, Cloak and Millinery Department is on the 2nd floor Sensible Xmas Gifts. Come and See. of my business. Read these low prices andgive me your orders. An ounce of proof is worth ton of i>romise., Coffee, Barrington Hall, the beat Coffee on the Waycroas markcL Reg nlar price 40 cents. Price cut to 33 cents for 30 days. , cants tor dfi days only. Royal Scarlet Coffee, extra fine A 40 cents Coffee for 35 cents. Basts Tip Top, Whit# Rouae, and loti of others. Lualanne Coffee, 17 cants a can. If you eat good grocelres you know what Nabob canned goods are. SOo can of Nabob Salmon ito Nabob Asparagus Tlpa .,. ISo Robin Hood Asparagua Tlpa 10c I cans Nabob Corn iso 1 cana Nabob Peas, largo also.. IBe 1 cans Nabob Pass, largo alio .. SOo IBe Nabob Green Caga.Plums ....lie 1 tall cans Pink Salmon. Alaaka ..Ito 1 flat can good Salmon .......... lOo 1 Clipper Tomatoes ..., 15c 1 doien Clipper Tomatoes SOo I 1 doien Eden Tomatoes IBe S Octagon Soap 25c 0 Pearline .... 15a 0 Washing Powders . IBe 1 cans Corn, good Quality ISo 3 cana Pet Milk ..IBe I Dime Milk 150 10 pouni bucket good Lard .... 11.00 10 pound Bucket Snowdrift .... 11.20 24 pound sack Obelisk Flour .... tie Gold Medal Flour 75c 10 pound bucket Cottolene ....*11.33 4 pound bucket Cottolene BOo Beat Whits Bacon, cut 12 t-2c Special prices on largof Quantities. 1 Old Virginia Fish Roe. 20c Cana for 15c I cana Desert Peaches 25o Best Calotornla Desert Peaches, large cans, Brownie Brand ....76c 75c bottle Mauachena' Cherries ..BBo 50c bottle Cherries 40c 1 barrel Dill Pickles to go ® 10c dox 3 doien sour Cucumber Plcklei . ,25c Flue fresh Cranberrits 15c qL -Big let borne mrfde Preserves, Strawberry, Cherry, and Damson, In glass, to go at low prices. Alio homo made Jellies. It's worth your time to call and see them. 35c cans Cherries best quality.... 25c A barrel Dutch Herring 0 25c jtrt Cooking Butler la Town Olio, 5 pounds 11.00 A Good Medium Balter Olio, 5 pounds 11.00 Our Deaklns Butter by bucket 25o lb. Mrs. J. C. Nichols and Miss Meta Nichols will leave tonight for Pensa cola, Fla., where they will apend a few days. Miss Daisy Strickland, of Atlanta, whose vocal and Instrumental solos have been so much enjoyed In Way- cross, Is expected to sing st the First Methodist Church Sunday morning. The Ladles Exchange have some splendid fruit cake juat made an.l will be delighted to bill your Xmas' or Tbmksglvtng order. Phone 32 ait Humphreys&Wiliiamson 25. Mrs. Nettle Langley, accompanied by Mlaa Creiton, who la violin teacher at the Presbyter!al Institute, and Mrs, Daniel, attended the meeting of the Georgians this afternoon. Mr. A. F. Crosby, ot Jacksonville, Is In the city spending a few daya the guest ot £ti mother st 45 Perbam street. Mr. J. W. Bontwell, representing , the old reliable Savannah Morning 3 cans Campbells Soups ........25cI New ». '* » sueit ot the Phoenix to- 3 bottles Campbells Catsup 25c 3 bottles Campbells gjdad Dressing 25c 2 cans Heins Baked Beans Cut Prices on Hams Swift Hams 17 i-2o Orange Hams 17 l-jc Klngan Hems * 17 i-2c Special pries on 100 pound lots. Armours Colonial Breakfast Bacon by the piece 15c lb Watch this ad. These prices are subject to change. Take advantage of theee prices while they are on. Six hundred cases nice fresh cannel goods on'hand to select from. Lot of Prunes, Dried Peachee, Rais ins, etc., arriving every day. day. Solicitor-General M. D. Dickerson was a guest of LaGrsnds yesterday, returning to bougies from Clinch Su perior Court at Homorvllle. J. Franklin Caveny, cartoonist and lmperaonator will be 1 the next number of the Lyceum course. Note that he will be here Tuesday evening next, Instead of Monday as at flrat announc ed. The attention of patrons Is -directed to the fact that the next Lyceum num ber—the Caveny Company—will he here on November 28th Instead of on November 27th aa at flrs announced. «J. W. S. Hardy PHONE 62 OR SOIa Invitation! have been lstued in the city to the marriage ot Mias May Day Dekle to Mr. Albert Horace Reddle* on the afternoon of Tuesday the fifth of December at half pa-tt five o'clock* at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. - on Jane street. The Standard Shoe Store * NEXT DOOR TO POST OFFICE. Jane Street IS NOW OPeN, AND WE-EXTEND A CORDIAL INV|. TATION TO EVERYBODY TO CALL IN AND INSPECT THE BEST ASSORTED, AND LARGEST STOCK OF SHOES EVER SHOWN IN WAYCRO88. WE CARRY 8TACY-ADAM8 CO’S, FINE 8HOE8 FOR MEN, AND E. P, REED CO'8, FINE SHOES FOR WOMEN. CALL AND TAKE A LOOK AND BE CONVINCED THAT YOU CAN GET A8 GOOD VALUES IN 8HOES, AND A8 NICE STYLES AS ARE SHOWN IN THE LARGER CITIE8, AND THE PRICES ARE RIGHT. SOLICITING A SHARE OF YOUR PATRONAGE AND ASSURING YOU OF A SQUARE DEAL, WE ARE, The Standard Shoe Store NEXT DOOR TOR08T OFFICE. «lane Street CLASSIFIED FOR RENT—Two story six room house, four Are places, hath room, hot and cold water, eight electric lights, corner .Francis and McDonald street. Apply to J. L. Cockfleld, or'write mtli„ at Millwood, Ga. Possession glvTn Dec. 10th, 1911. S. F. filler. 20 lOt i LOST—String of gold beads. Reward It returned to Herald oOce. Lost somewhere on streets. . 21 St J FOR RENT—Three desirable rooms j to parties without children. Apply 95 | Lee avenue., 21 Ot FOR RENT—85 Eads street, $15.00 per month. A. M. Knight 4b Son. Phone 266. - , , 21 St Shop In Savannah Ensel & Vinson Company (THE GARMENT STOR£) Refunds Your Railroad Fare Write Us For Particulars See Us When in Savannah. Buy of us and save money. Satis faction In goods, pries and terms, or vour money back. Home Furniture Company, j 27 tf Plant and Albany Avenue. -.J SmOke! "Oran Chico's”, “Yer Best Smokers”, , and 'Pitman's Best Smok ers.” Clear «aviua Filled Cigan. Sai^wn wl IK Weysrwea, Oa, Bp nmMN CIGAR c* DOLLS! DOLLSI We now have on display some nice Dolls. Let us show you. The Seals Pharmacy '•The Recall Store” PROCLAMATION. wrtEREAS, The Honorable Hoke Smith dtd, on the 15th day November 1911, resign the office ot Governor of this State thereby creating a va cancy In aald office: THEREFORE, L John M. Slaton, President of the 8enate, exercising tha executive powers ot the govern ment ns provided by Pur. 8, Section ot the 6th. Article of the Constitution ot this State and laws In pursuance thereof, do Isaac this my proclamation ordering a special election tor Gov ernor to Ell the vacancy so occasion ed for Use unexplred term, to be held on the 10th day of aJnnary, 1112, un der the laws of this State gov erning geiseenl election!. I also con voke the General Assembly of Gorgla In extra ecu Ion, 'at the Capitol of this state. on*the tlth day of January 1912, at 10 o'clock a. m, to receive tha, returns and declare the result ot said special election or to elect a Governor In case no person shall receive majority of the whole number of votes at such special election, aa provided In the Constitution of this State. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Great Seal of the 8tate to be affixed hereto, this 20th day ot November, 1911. JOHN M. SLATON, President ot Senate Exercising the Executive Powers, of the Government, 11-22 tf. Before You Risen me unit of physical endurance and while youi condition la still curable, take Foie) Kidney Ptlla. Their Qnick action. an< positive results will delight yen. For backache, nervousness, rbeuma’Jt( and-all kidney, bladder and nrlaaty trouble!. Gem -Pharmacy: T. B Paine. —5 E. B. MITCHELL, O. O. M. D. OSTEOPATH, and Physician and Suroeon. Office 419-21 LaGrande Building. Hours: 9 to 12 and 2 to 5 p. m Residence Phone 373. Office 321. .LOST—Man browns kid glove. Un der please return to thle office. WANTED—By young married cou ple, two or three furnished, or unfur nished rooms for light housekeeping, in good neighborhood. Address Box 34, City. 22 If FOR RENT—Rooms for rent; or board. Apply 17 Stephsnson street. 24 2t LOST—Some where between Ccptral school and Albany Avenue, sausage cutter, lamp, and nui other articles in It Addressed to "W. J. Stewart.” Finder return to this office and receive reward. ■ v 24 2t FOR SALE—6 horses and 2 wagons, cheap, 75 Washington avenue, Gil-