Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, November 24, 1911, Image 6
^T®S= Brunswick & Florida Steamboat Company. p (CUMBERLAND ROUTE), TOUCHING Brunswick. Jekyl,Cumberland, Fernandina, *■ v (CLOSE CONNECTIONS WITH ALL TRAIN8 TO AND FROM BRUNS , WICK; ALSO 8. A. L. AT FERNANDINA, FLA. $l Ena view of the Club houie st Jekyl; the H«ne of the Cxroeglec tat | the ffneet Beech on the Atlsntle CostL !• , LEAVINQ: . ' RETURNING: ' .Casts Brunswick .,..'..1:10 s m. Leave Fernsndlns t:M p. • Arrive Cumberland ...... 10:10 a. m. Arrlre Cumberland 5:10 p. a. , Hrrfre Fernsndlns 1:50 p. m. Arrlre Brunswick ...... 7:*4 p. m. | FIRST CLASS PASSAGE TO FERNANDINA, FLA. ....»1AS| ROt/NO TRIP SPECIAL SATURDAY ONLY, ROUND TRIP ... RAILROAD MILEAGE HONORED. 52.50 ..760 NIGHT SERVICE-NEW TRAIN to To Ashville and"The Land of the Sky” , Country SOUTHERN RAILWAY LAND OF THE SKY SPECIAL LY. Jscksonrllle 1:05 pm Ar. Tyron 11:60 so la. Jeeup 10:50 pm Ar. Ssluds - «'•** P» !hr. ColumWs 5:50 am Ar. HenderaonvilU 1:00 pm Ar. AsherlUe 5:10 pm Through Pullman, Drswinfroom, Broiler-Buffet Sleeping Csr end et*» trio lighted coach, JicksonTvtlle to Aaherllle. For full Information concerning ratee, schedules, etc., call on or t* J. L MEEK, A. O. P. A. ' Atlanta. Ga. C. 4. CARSON, JR., T. P. 4. Macon, Ca. per ooth . ' Why pay $1.00 to have your tooth extractod when you can have it done for 50c and witho pain All other wor k done at very reasonnj) charges. Everything guaranteed Folks’ Block Off. DANIEL The Dentist, IDOOOCOOCOOOOOOOOCvOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO^ OWN A HOME WE LOAN YOU MONEY TO BUILD. PAY BACK IN FIVE YEARS; MONTHLY PAYMENTS. WILL SELL YOU A LOT ON SAME TERMS—SEE USI Waycross Savings and Trudt Co •OSOOOOv - - vveOeoOOOOOOOOOOOOO<>CK>l Atlantic Coast L,lne Schedule. DEPARTURES. For Jeeup and Sarannah » ARRIVALS AT WAT CROSS. Prom sayanoab •rain lit 5:50 am Train 185 .15:50 pm Train II «... 6:65 pm (Train 67 10:10 pm Frtm Montgomery Train 61 5:16 am Train 110 6:40 pm From Balnbrldi* 4k Thomaerllle Brain lit 10:05 am From Albany* Tralii 11 4:11 am min n 5:55 Train 17 .. ..6:00 pm From Chicago and Nortwest C. SpeelU (rta Alban/)....4:65 an> Ditlo Flyer (via Tlfton)....(:16 am loath Atlantis Umltad 8:16 am From Brunswick Train N ..T:40 Train 90 5:00 From JackeonvUla Train U 5:51 TTala II 10:15 Train N 10:15 train It 10:41 From Tampa, High Sprlaga via Du pont train 41 ....7:15 pm Train 61 ,.,..*:I6 an Train 111 10-U as Train 180 7:JO pn Train I/.,.; 6:10 pn For Montgomery Train 180 6:10 at. Train 67 10:15 pn- For Cambridge and Thomas Tills. Train 185 liOO' pw For Albany Train 91 10:80 pc Train 91 7:60 aw Tram 10 1:10 pw h er Chicago and Northwest L C. Special (?la Albany),, 10:50 yn Dixie Flyer (via Tlfton) ....10:10 pm South Atlantlo Limited.. ..10:10 ym For Brunswick Train 01 10:10 am Train 97 0:10 ym For JaCksosTlUs , Train 05 (Dixie Flyer ........5:00 am 61 ’ .....5:10 am <5 0:44 am rain 11 ...till pa For Tampa, High Springs Train 41 1:00 am FOR WARE SUPERIOR COURT The following le a Met of the gran-/ and 1 tHveree jurors drawn for the December term of Ware- Superior Court: - . O O Parker I R B James J P Lido R G Bennett W B Goodr*Cb B F Bryant U Hargravef J A Tomberlla C E Williamson J C Humphreys W K Booth 1 H GUlon B F Hubert W M Denton Ellas Moors Jr. J E Dickies F B Trent P N Harley P G Griffin Allen James T C Sauls N G Lang J E Vann John G Steffea - W J Carswell C Ratliff B D Finn H Hengeyeld R P. Peterman G P Folks Travsrie Jurors—First Week. T W .Morrleon H C Seaman Alva Smith W J Mullls R B Davis J L Wildes Lonnie Jordan W II Thrift WT Royal A F Falei T H Finn U N Broom A J Music W E Dempeter E J Soay Berrlan Mills W T MInchew J W Starling W C Paul B W Lunceford A A Allen D A Jordan Jr. H F Jeffords S C Morton O I Steele P A Edwards W Crews I, R McFoy M Sears U M Webster J A James D M Josey J F Austin T S Paschal E M Herrin F B McDonald Second Week. H E Henderson W R Strlcklnnd II L. Herrin E L Gormnn F L Parker J M Cox S M Cannon Elisha Mlore Sr Honry Strickland Mll.'ondcr Musi- S J Stanton W E Simians C M Williams R L Strickland Henry Jordan G R Austin S Y Wilon W A Strickland Jns L Jordan E A Barber Frank Middle- brooks C M Potter P H Skelton J A Rowell B W Holt L R Roues W L Harper W L Hinson W D Gllllard J Cannon J T Barnes B J Sccklngcr H P Reddick H M Pnfford E J Remley John McClellan H J Mullls Jack Music J F Bennett H J Waldron H J J Markey J B Crlbb J M Beach O M Eunlci L S Alfricnd Ir ET M Cason T M Purdora J1- Ward Fur through Schedules Pullman reservations, etc, Call On B. M. North, A. 0. P. A. B. ■- 0»»P. Ticket Agent tensed ,OV. Waycroee. Ga Advertise In the HERALD! AT THE FRONT ron barn to ha on yont guard- it ton ar ecaoght napping, It Invitee Greater. WAYCROSS BUSINESS COLLS** GRADUATES ARE NEVER SLEEPY HEADS. They art sought alter by men of effatrs. You Snd them In leading ,-oaltlons of trust. Our DIPLOMA Is an open ee-eame 0 .position and preferment. Our ■peclalty is to St you for business, o make the pay-roll larger; to In weaae the eelary of the “big man." Enter At Any Timm Waycross Business College Waycroee, Ga. R. F, zelgler, P»e NoMore Gray Hair Wyeth, m modern chemist, hoe discovered an ideal Hair Restorer which removes dan* draft, relieves Itching scalp, stops hair falling and Restores Gray Hair to Natural Color WYETH'S saGE 1 SLILPHUk HAIR REMEDY All healthy hair contains sulphur. When the hair does not contain asullicientanyount of sulphur. It loses its color, dies and falls out. Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy quickly corrects this condition. A Wonderful Curs Mr hair w«» setting quite erar snd falling out rapidly, and 1 wm troubled with a terrible Itching of the scalp. My head was full of dandruff. 1 heard I got a bottle and u* at once wit benefited by It. A few appllcatlone relieved the Itching, my hair stopped falling out and gradually came back to Its natural color. It Is ' brown color, aoft, nosfc. glowy and pllahii Sharon, Mercer Co., Pa. Pries 50c. snd $1.00 a bottle ' At All Druggists £55f tEUflE In stamps WYETH CHEMICAL CO. » .4 Cortland! SI., N. Y. City and yqa will receive m targe bottle express prepaid. rnrr A Uc Calca of Wyeth'S Sage tlfrl* and Snlphur Toilet Soap Free tllkb to nnytnc who will eend us this § »«/ert Isement with 10c in atamps to cover jt ot wrapping and r'ailtng the soap. CHEROKEE PHARMACY SPECIAL AGENTS." BUck-IrmighT 1 Liver rfeffltctfle ‘ l The ropulstimi cf thia old, rclla- ' We medicine, Or constipation, in* digestion snd liver trouble. Is firm ly established. It does not imitatq other medicines. It Is better than I others, or it would not bo thp ts- SOLD IN TOWN FI r** "V s FOR SALE. • -V 5 My elegant home on the corner of Gilmore and Howe Btreets, large and commodious dwelling with 12 rooms, all modern improvements; servant house and large bam oh lot; alse of lot, 131 feet on Gilmore and running back on Howe street 200 feet All In good condition. Known aa the Col. W. M. Toomer residence. Alio a grand lot on Brunei attest, lying between the residence ot T. W. Mori rison and the Central Baptist church. No better locality In the city of Way* 'cro>y Site of lot, on Brunei^, 66 feet and 8 Inches, running back 150 feet. Can you And equal, muca less superior property In the city. Apply to me by letter or otherwise, at No 1500 S. 10th, Ave., Birmingham, Ala R. M. Wescoth WILLIAMS' BLACKSMITH Shop CORNER SCREVEN AVENUE AND KNIGHT STREET, OPP08ITE WILLIAMS STREET. WHEELRIGHT AND REPAIRING. HORSE 8HOEING A SPECIALTY, RUBBER TIRES PUT ON WHILE QEO ROIA SOUTHERN AND FLOiRDA RAILWAY The Popular Route Fa SM Points North And Wert. ThroughTralna In connection with A. C. L„ from Waycross via Tlfton to Macon ATLANTA, KNOXVILLE, CHAT ANOJ)GA, NASHVILLE, ST. LOUIS, CHICAGO, LOUI8VILLE, AND CINCINNATI. Coaches and Pullmar. sleepers go through without change. Dining Car Service. TRAINS OF A, I. t A. R. R„ CONNECT AT 9ORDELE WITH TR/flNS OF G. 8. & F„ RAILWAY FOR MACON ATL'AN,TA AND ALL POINTS NORTH AND 80UTH. FOR INFORMATION 58 TO RATES, ROUTE8, OR SCHEDULES TO ANY POINT NORTH OR WEST,'APPLY TO ANY AGEMT OF THIS COM PANY, OR ADDRESS. C. A. DEWBERRY. T. P. A, VALD08TA, GA. C. B. RHODES, G. P. A. IJ. W. JAMISON, T. ?. A. MACON GA. MACON ^A. J) pfltfli g^intltuol College G. R. GLENN, A. M., LL. D., President ■ Dahlonega, Georgia SPECIAL ADVANTAGES AT THIS INSTITUTION: lst-Total Expenses Less Than at Any Other College, -SI2S to tI7B Covett Board, Lodging, Bookn, Fuel, Lightt, etc., For Entire Year. 2d—MagnificentClimatc; Mountain Location; Free from City Distractions. 8d—O^dipnce, Order, Regularity and Self-Dependence Taught Every ^th“Finest* Military Department and Cadet Band in Geoigla. Both Under Supervision of U. S. Army Officers. • 6th—Thorough Instruction in A. B. and B. S. Courses and. In addition, Full Courses in Agriculture, Mining, Engineering, Commercial Science, etc. 6th-Boys Live in Our Own Dormitories, At All Times Under Control of , Officers. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, ADDRESS G. R. GLENN, PRESIDENT • Big shipment else trie fast race!* ed. , Byck Electric Supply Co. 10 Lott Stmt. 11 U SPECIAL DETECTIVE WORK1 Ex-Deputy Sheriff John P. Caaor wm engage la spedal detective wort to. Waycroee and South Georgia, n jtqi ml Us mi $ hit tiliplQH No «, eeurt Muse. Htl CABINET WORK. I am still at the same old etand, II Brewer street, and prepared to do all kind! ot cabtoat work, upholstering, trunk repairing, etc. Having done your work tor the past six yean I think 1 know how to gtra you the tnd ot work yon want. When yon need any repairing done, remember J. I. WAITE, The old reliable Cabinet-Maker, II Brewer afreet, phone 2P4. II tf OOOOOOOOOOOO O BYCK ELECTRIC <> o SUPPLY CO 0 O All Kinds ot Electrical Work O O tad Supplies. O O ALL WORK GUARANTEED. O O 20 Lott Street Phone 299. O 0OOOOOOOOOOO Atlantic Coast Line THROUGH 8LEEPER8 TO ATLANTA AND POINTS . WE8r LEAVE WAYCR08S8 10:30 P. M, ARRIVE ATLANTA 1 7:07 AT M. LEAVE ATLANTA 8:50 P. M. OR 10:20 P. M, ARRIVE WAYCR08S 5:35 A. M. OR 6:35 A. M. WAYCROSS' IS A8SIGNED AMPLE 8PACB IN OUR ELECTRIC LIGHTED PULLMANS. GAVE TIME BY TRAVELING OVER THE Atlantic Coast Line E. M. NORTH, A. G. P. A, SAVANNAH, GA. R. E. CAMP, TICKET AGT. WAYCROSS, GA. ADVERTISE IN THE WAYCROSS HERALD Efxarordinary Annuoncement Steeping Car 8ervlce Between Way. " cross and Atlanta, via: A B.h& A. Re Re Effective wtih Brat car laavlng Way- cross 8:00 p. m„ Monday September 4th. The A. B. A A. have secured to rthla service elegantly appointed electric-lighted sleeping ears, equip ped with all modem conveniences One Big Advantage Yon may secure your deeping car diagrams arc kept contlnnoculy open, space at the ticket office. Union Sta. tlon, at any time prior to your trip, TheA. 6.44 Railroad represents the 'Standard of Excellence In Service." Schedule of Sleeping Car Line. Lease Waycross 8:25 p. m. Arrive Atlanta, 6:40 axn. Leave Atlanta 10:15 p.m. Arrive Waycross 8:15, a. m. ' TRAVEL *TH« RIGHT WAY.» W. R Leahy, O. P. A, Atlanta, 04. A. D Daniel. T. P. A., Atlanta, Ga. K. I. Camp, T. A, Wayeroaa, Ga. 000-000000000 0 J H BREWTON « O DENTIST. O O 420-422 LaOrande Building O O Office Phone 321; Residence 243 O O Waycross, Georgia. O OOOOO OO OOOOO Waycross & Southern R. R. CO. Change of Schedule Effective Nov. 17, 1911. Notice:. The arrivals and dcpan turns are given as Information and are not guaranteed. Southbound Train No L ' Miles Station Hebardrille Lv. 9:00 u, 2 Wayx. Albany ave. Lv.. .9:05 rjn. 8 Lavlnla Lv. 9:20 Am. 10 Fredel Ar 0:30 an. Northbound Train No. 2. 10 FradelLv 1:00 pA 8 Lavlnla Lv ...'. I:b5 pjne 2 Wayx. Albany are. Lv..t:05 ajjff,- 0 Hebardrille Ar 1:80 p.fA •Tralaa Noe. 1 and 2 dally except Boo day. John M. Hopklas, Owaeral SwyerlxtandaL