Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, November 24, 1911, Image 8
' MORRIS CHAIRS , We have the Royal Push Button kiod, the Automatic, kind and the Regular styles, in all the different finishes and upholdterings. An ideal Christmas gift for father or husband. Prices from $10 to $25. We have a large line of Davenports and Couches, in Genuine or Chase Leather at We have been fortunate itt secur ing the sale agency for 1912 of the famous F. A. WHITNEY' and the FULTON lines of Go Carts and /Car riages, We are .now showing these handsome Carts and Carriages at no larger price than is usually paid for the, ordinary kind. We have them from ! $4.50 TO $35.00 DRESSERS With chlffloncrs and dressing ta ble! to match, In all jvockIb, finishes ind styles. We have a truly bean- line, at prices to fit any purse. Stops Neuralgia Pains Sloan’s Liniment has a soothing effect on the nerves. It stops neural* gia and sciatica pains in stantly. Here’s Proof Mrs. C. M. Dowker of Johannesburg, y . tV'n.Sloan’s Liniment Is t . xine in the world. It has tmkved me of Neuralgia. Those pain* have all com and I can truly say your Llnlmont did stop them." Mr./odrcw F. Lear of CO Gay Streets Cumbe'lat Md., writeet—**! hare wad hloan's Liniment for NaunW* and < certainly do {misa it very ■web.” SLOANS LINIMENT is the best remedy for rheu matism, backache, sore throat and sprains. At all dealers. PrtetiSe^SOe.and f1.00 .SW.booko. toy Met tree. We are showing a handsome iae of Comforts, Blankets and the '•nsW ' Single Comfortables. The as. ort- ment both in cotton and wool is large, and the prices from $1.60 to $7.50 make them all great values. We have a large assortment of the famous FLORENCE O i 1 Heateas. N o smoke, no odor. Prices from 4.50 TO 10.50 We are now prepared to give you better seitice than ever before, the kind that will merit your contin ued and increasing patronage. Our large new &ore is filled with the largest and, we believe, the bedt assorted I and MOST COMPLETE line of Home Furnishings ever shown in this section of the State. Our buyer has been busy for months selecting for our chain of stores, from the leading factories of the country, the mammoth stocks we are now showing, and each and every article has been seledteJ with the view of giving our customers the BEST VALUES for their money. The immense quantities we buy enables us to offer you these gcods at much LOWER prices than the small dealers. Walker-Hood Furniture Company 80 PLANT AVE. PHONE 499 The Store of Great Vaiues Where Your Credit Is Good” < r # RAT I\AN ROCKERS, with Settees, Tables, Cofner and Reception Chairs to match, finished in light shellac; also a large variety in brown in all the pop ular styles. ,, OIL STOVES The wlcklM. automatic kind. No wick, to char or amoka. Wo aell tbam on 10 daya trial. S8.00 to $16.00 ROCKERSI The largest line ever shown in this city. We have them In *11 styles and finishes, from a large heavy solid oak one at $1.98, like cut, up to the genuine leather Turkish kind at $25 TO $30 VTHANKSQIVINO ENTERTAINMENT AT WARE8BORO, GEORGIA, The Grady Literary Society will Eire an entertainment at Wareaboro achool hou.e, November 30th, 1011, beginning at 7:30 p. m. Everybody Invited to coma The following pro gram will bo rendered: Opening Addreaa—Mr. Otla Miller. L Song—"In The Old Thanksgiving Stale"—School. II. Recitation, "Grandma,”—Leon Crlbb. 11|. Recitation, "Who Made The Speech"—Ruth Margrave.. IV. Recitation, "Thnnkaglvlng Day" «—Jennie late Berry. V. Recitation, "The Dog’. Confes sion"—Freddy Macy. VI. "Willie'. Breechea" — Oacar Strickle. VII. Song, "lkey Small And Hla float"—Quattetle. VIII. Rectatlon, "Orumbla Corner and Thankagtvlng Street”—Emma Car "Will’* Deelrc"— IX Recitation, Rennet Jeffords. X Recitation, "When Mama Waa A Utile Olrl"—Loreta Bailey. XL Recitation, “Tha Beat Tima Ot The Year"—Belly Thomaa. Xlt. Recitation, “Turkey'and Pie" —Rani Macy. XIII. Radiation, "Learning To 8*w"—Orrle Mnllla. XXV. Duet, “Billy Roy"—Haiti Ma ty and Bill Nye Mnllla XV. Recitation, "Thanksgiving Prayer"—Pearl Bennett. XVI. Song, "Singing Tra La La"— Quartette. XVII. Recitation. "Laaca"—Jewel The story told by McEachern, whlon Mr. Andersin Mr. Plentiful ... Mr. Herbort Jefforda Charles Soberly ... Mr. Illdton Route Toddy Mr. Plerco Crlhb Arabella Blowhard Mitt Jostle Jefforda Pertervancd Miriam McCosland Mr.. Plentiful Bessie Jeffords XXII. Recitation, "Vallb'a Court, ship"—Poarl Mullta. XXIII. Rocltation, “Why He Dldn i Die"—P. M. Lewis. XXIV. Dialogue, "The Bug-n-hoo' Misses Alice Jefforda and Gertrude McCosland. XXV. Jtpaneie Parasol Drill—Ten Glrle XXVI. Duet. “Tell Me Dusky Maid en"—Josle Jefforda and Mr. Couch. XXVII. Recitation, “The Fire Man's Wedding"—Mra. Houeulcko. XXVIII. Song, "flood Night Ladiaa" —Quartette. Admitalon five and ten cents. IS A FREE MAN Savannah fla., Nov. 14.—Walter Ms- Eachern, tha young' man who killed hla step-father-inlaw, John R. Fennell, on tha morning ot August 11th, last, waa acquitted in tha Superior court of tha chart* ot mnrdar alter a trial [ lasting nil day yesterday and pCrt of last night Roberta. xvm. Scarf Drill—Eight llttl. Clrta. XIX Song, "Band ot Jolly Qlrla"— Eight Girls. XX Plano Solo, "Baa Bar’s Chariot Race'—Maud Murray. XXI. Play, “Persecuted Dutchman. Three eceaea. Cast* ot characters: John Schmidt Mr. Couch Captain Blowhard ,. Mr. Henry King Boa. Augustus Clearstarch waa to the affect that he killed Fennell in eelt-defense, mad* a good Impres sion on the Jury and had much to do with hla prompt acquittal. Tha cast mad* out by the detent* waa not a very strong one, tha boat witness being the coroner who told nt finding the deed body on the bed where McEachern left U. McEachorn'a parents earns hare from North Carolina whera they re side to be preteat at the trial and then waa much rejoicing when the verdict waa announced. The fish ttoriee multiply. Now Dr. Andrew D.'Whlt*. former pntldentof Cornell, former ambassador to Germa ny* and head ot tho American delega tion to the first Hague peace confer, ence, declarer that It waa while on a fishing trip with htta that he persuad ed Andrew Carnegie to furnish tho fuide tor the tempt* of peace. Rev. W. J. Leach, recently appointed to the pastorate ot the Spencer Me morial Methodist Episcopal Church, ot Rdck Island, III., had. forsaken the ,clhrg/ for newspaperdom. Resigning hla charge, be will begin hla Journal istic cateer In Pekin, Ill., hit former home, vti reporter for a local news paper. The recent elections having been a victory for the Republicans, Democrats ,and the soctalhta, according to the partlslan predilections ot the one viewing the returns, everybody ought to be satisfied. V A patent baa been granted In Eng. land to a man who <lalma he baa in vented an airship that' will be Invisible 1,000 feet In the air, ht> Idea being to coat It with a metal that will reflect the atmosphere surrounding It.’ ■Hr DON'T PULL OUT THE GRAY HAIRS - NO LONGER NECESSARY, SAYS A • WRITER. "Pall out one gray hair and a dosea will take Us place" la an old paying, which It, to n great extant, true, If no steps art taken to etop the cause. When gray hairs appear It la a alga that nature need* assistance. It la nature's call for help. Gray hairs, dull llfelee* hair, or hair that lalall- Ing out la not necessarily a alga ot advancing ago, tor there are thous ands of elderly people with perl set heads of hair without a single streak ot gray. When gray halra come, or when the hair teems to be lifeless or dead, some good, reliable hair-restoring treatment ahould ho retorted to nt once. Specialists say that one ot the best preparations to use Is the old- fashioned “sage tea," which our grand parents used. The beet preparation of this kind la Wyeth's Sage tnd Sulphur Hair Remedy, a preparation sit domestic saxe. and sulphur, scien tifically compounded with later dis covered hair tonics and atlmutaata, the whole mixture being carefully balanced and tested by experts. Wyeth’* Sage and Sulphur la clean and wholesome and perfectly harm- lets. It refreshes dry, parched hair, remove* dandruff and gradually re stores faded or gray hair jto Its nv tural color. This preparation la offered to tne public at fifty cents a bottle and la recommended and eold by CHEROKEE PHARMACY SPECIAL AGENTS. Make your chri&mas selections now. We will deliver it when you are ready Don’t Miss the Grand Prize Automobile Races Savannah, Ga., November 21-30, 1911. EXCURSION RATES VIA A. B. A A. RAILROAD. ' Tledem&n Trophy Race, Monday November 27th. Savannah Trophy Race. Monday,'November 27th. ' Vanderbilt Cup Race, Mofiday, November 27th. International Grand Prlxe Race, Taunday, November 80th. Race* on the seventeen mile course, the llneat' In the world. - Admission tlcketa to tho races will be told In connection with railroad tickets. Tlcketa on sale November 26th to S9h, in elusive, with return limit Deeemoet 4th,'1911. See the nearest ticket agent fpr further Information. W. H. Leahy, O. p. A. E. H. FeX A. G, P. A., A. D. Daniel, T. P.'A. > Union Pressing Club R. E. SWILLING, Manager and Owner THE ARTISTIC CLEANSER AND DYER German Chemical Cleaning, French Dry Cleaning, Steam Cleaning 1 Dyeing. / Pressing, Repairing, Altering; Cleaning,. Dyeing and Curling of Ostrich Feathers. * 23 Tebean Street, Halt Block From New P. O. Bldg. Phone-No. 60*7 ; SUITS MADE AT HOME. > FROST PROOF CABBAGE PLANTS < GUARANTEED TO SATISFY CUSTOMERS . FBOM THE ORIGINAL CABBAGE PLANT GROWERS. agKftSigg JBAnlri JSliMSTS C. Geraty Co^ Box gig Yonges IsltK. S. C.