Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, December 01, 1911, Image 2
Children Cry for Fletcher’s —— Publlshsd By I HF.RACD PUBLISHING A. P. Parham, 8r. A. P. Perham, Jr. Editors and Proprietor*. Mli> Carrie Perham, Personal. Society and Local. The Waycroes Herald foupded Is 1885. {The Dally Herald founded In 119: *iy A. P. Perham, Sr Telephones Baal nus Offlee It EdHoibl Cfie *5 Residence 281. rvery Afternoon Except Sunday. RATES, OP SUBSCRIPTION. . M.mrii I S Month * S Months I t Tear .' * NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS Bnbaeribers to The Herhld that do ■Jot rcetlre the paper promptly and early will pleuae rln*-up the CIrcui*-. Hon Manager and report the trouble IS Mm, as this la the only menna that •to can assure you prompt and early Eelteery. SPECIAL NOTICE All obituary notices, cards of thanks, resolutions and notlcaa of entertain- manta, where chargee are made, will ha charted at sdrertlatns rates ot I aanta a Tine. tbo enforcement of law to hare a firm executive, one who cannot be swayed front his duty by tbo appeals of a maudlin sentiment. There were aiany who honestly belltered Beattie was n«, guilty of the crime of kllllnt Ms w'fe and there were others who tmouth mere eympathy wanted to sea Mm neat to tho penitentiary. The r suit uhowed that these people srere mistaken. Beattie confessed his crima It la all rifht to fea a eym- P*thy for a condemned man. That Is human and right, hot then la a duty that the chief executive owes society general. People an to be protec ted from Crimea such as this, ft may he seven punishment, but under the conditions of cfvlltmttca In this ate. WIREGRASS LODGE NO. 1SS INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OP CARWORKERS. Meets STOTT second nad fourth Tuesday night Is each month. 1. W. VUllnerwee, PreeldenL W. J. Lsnsy, Recording Secty. f THE HERALD It THE Ofllclnl Organ of tho United btstss Court of the Southern District of , 0 *° r,l ‘- WAYCROSS, OA., DEC. 1, 1911. An Indiana preacher gays that Naif Yorkers have small souls—but the alee of their pocket-book* makes up for the difference. <•——* An earnout appeal Is made for vol unteers to manage the Elbert county etecjtion. One writer Is afraid the polls will not open and tho people will ho denied the right! for which their ancestors **pllt their hearts' blood upon the battle fields of Brandy wine, Germsntown, Valley Forge and Yorktown.” + After 48 years, Mrs. Ellxnketh F. Tote of Csinden, N. J.. bus recelv-ed a United States government warrant for 92.81, representing one day'* army pay due her hunhnnd since 1883, with Interest The principal was 43 1-3 cents. The husband, Wlllnm Toft wns a soldier In the Tenth Pennsylv* nla Cavalry, end has bean dead slmo years. + Athens Banner: "Quite a number of the men who. heartily eupported Governor Smith In all hie recent race* an now lust as heartily supporttn* Joe Brown. This ought to show that tho factional tight among Georgia Democrats Is fast disappearing and . that many men ot the stale are voting for tho man they think will make the beet governor regardlese ot the fact that they opposed him In former race*.’’ One of "Dick" Rnssell'n campaign circulars shows son* little children suffering for school boohs because oft the loss of tho liquor tax to the State. Our vlown on prohibition do not got down to the commercial side of tt merely. Wo aro not prohibitionists, but If we were "Dick" Russell wo would call In nil of our circulars that the liquor dealers had sent out with JUDGES ON THE BENCH. The Brunswick Journal asks how In this for contrast?: In 18ft Judge Spencer R. Atkinson won lodge of the Brunswick circuit. He entered the race tor congrons, and Immediately after becoming • candi date he resigned as ludge. Some personal friends were strong fy opposed to bis'resignation. They urged him nit to rellnquah hie posi tion on the beach, .because In. the event of his defeat for centres* they desired hie eminent services as a Ju rist. Hot Judge Atklr.son declased that a man should not become a candidate for political offlee and at the same time continue an a Judge. In announcing his resignation be’ said: Feeling that the properties of Judicial position will constrain a silence upon occasion when I should sjeak In vindication cl tho vlown I have upon the public questions, I have reached the conclusion to resign. The Journal then calls on Judge Atkinson to explain how Judge llussell did not follow bis example. We have not heard whetbek Judge Atkinson replied to this part of The Journal’s Interpolation. Tho Macon Telegraph reprints from Mrs. Felton's Memoir* ot Georgia Politics, page 254,- nn extract from a letter of Robert Toombs ( 8ept. f 20, 1878.) to n Democratic rally a Adalrsvllte, Ga.,Horo la the extract Tberb Is another Important point In this connection which should bo considered by the peo ple. No Judge of tho superior court of tho state should bo elect ed to any polltlcol office while ho occupies a seat on the bench. However honscst such Judge might he, his position necessarily Im pairs his freedom ot elections. Ha has great power over the lives, liberty, property and happi ness of large numbers of the people! This power will nffvct and Is calculated to affect the action of many of thorn, and thereby tends to lessen, perhaps destroy, tho purity of the ballot box, the boat safeguard of the people. > Dig shipment slsctrio fans recelr Dyck Electric Supply Cc. 20 Volt 8treet. jg u FIRE INSURANCE AND BONDS. / Lott-Psabody Insurance Agency. Phoaa 111 KsL »M ADVERTISE IN THE WAYCROSS HERALD For coughing, dryneu and tickling ot tbo throat, hoarseness and nil coughs and colds, taka Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. Contain* no Ipl- ate*. G«m Pharmacy, T. B. Pain*. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. CAMP ISA Marie first and third Thursday *a any suggestion at all about suffering „ ch aoMh . u>eonlo H ,„ evil! Ill (•salt W« ims.Ua that Richard L. Singleton, c. C. ft P. Woolley, Clark. children. Wo Imagine that not oven tho bums will like thaL—Valdosta Times. * UNION JEWELRY STORE The Athens Banner says Governor Watchmakers and Engraver*. AH Kind Mann's firmness in the Beattie ctee Of Jewelry Repairing. ■howe what It la worth to a State In 1 The Kind Yon Ilavo Always Bought, and which has been In tun for over 30 years, has homo tho signature of . i and lias been made under his per- noii:il supervision since Its Infancy. AUoxv no one to deceive you In tills. All Counterfcitn, Imitations and “Just-as-good” are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger tho health of Infanta and Children—lixjicrtenco against Experiment. •What is CASTORIA Caatorla Is a harmless substitute lor Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant, It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago Is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness, It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It rollcvcs Teething Troubles, enroll Constipation and 1-Tatnlcnoy. It asstnillutcH tho Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children’s Panacea—Tho Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA always i Bears the Signature of The Kind Too Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years i n ■ i Use it Wherever you Want Cle t nline iSy Sightliness & Durab lity THE USE OF CEMENT 18 A MATTER OF COST, NOT OF PRICE. SOUNDS STRANGE, MAYBE, BUT LISTEN: PRICE 18 WHAT YOU PAY FOR AN ARTICLE, IT END8 THERE. COST IS REPRESENTED BY WHAT YOU GET, THE SERVICE AND SATISFACTION. So while th* pries of cement walk mny bo greater than of wood, ths cost la far less. There are' many places around every horn* and es pecially on thn farm, where It Is simply a waste of money to use any thing but coment. Ask us how content will nave you money and then tee how we will-save you money on cement. P. N. Harley Hdw. Co. House Furnishers to the People 44 Plant Ave Phone 18f YOUR HUNTING OUTFIT IS WAITING HERE FOR YOU GUNS, AMMUNITION, REVOLVERS—ALL NECES SARY HUNTING ACCOUTERMENTS—GOODS NEW AND MODERN. A SUCCESSFUL HUNTING TRIP* NECESSARILY DEPENDS LARGELY CN YOUR OUN AND AMMUNI TION. WHEN YOU START 00 PROPERLY PREPAREO WITH GOODS PROM OUR WELL ASSORTED STOCKS —VOUR'S ARE WAITING FOR YOU AND THEY ARC REASONABLY PRICED. Watt Hardware. Company WAYCROSS, GA. Ware County Light and Power Company. Cows On The Streets! WHETHER THEY BELONG ON THE STREETS OR NOT, YOUR FRONT YARD 18 NOT THE PLACE FOR THEM. Lawn Fence 18 THE 80LUTI0N OF THE PROBLEM, KEEPS THEM IN OR OUT, BE8IDE8, IT ADDS TO THE LOOKS AND VALUE OF YOUR PROPERTY. THE PLACE TO GET IT IS ft. J. AISITHOm Hardware Co. 08-100 PLANT AVENUE. When . You Stroll STROLL TO LaGrande Pharmacy Ail thelateft HOT DRINKS, CIG ARS, High Class TOILET ARTI CLES, RU BB E R G O OD S and DRUGGISTS’ SUNDRIES