Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, December 01, 1911, Image 5
Plant Avenue O’clock A. Everything for Both Young and Old Shop Early Will Be Open Every Night until Christmas Will Be Open Every Night . until Christmas > FROST PROOF CABBAGE PLANTS^ GUARANTEED TO SATISFY CUSTOMERS __ FKOMTOBORIGINALCABBAGEPLANTGBOWEBS. «£>f PERSONAL AND LBCA1. MA80N—PARKER. The moet brilliant event of the au tumn eeaion was the wedding of Mlae Frances Maaon and Mr. Jamea Hamp ton Parker, which was aolemnlaed last evening at the home of the bride’s parents on Union street The entire lower floor of the handsome homo was thrown together for the occasion and decorated most artistically In a charm tag color scheme of green and white, attractively carried out In festoons ol white tulle and smllax with banka of ferns and palms and other potted shower bouquet of bride roses and lilies of the valley. The groom and his best man, Mr. R. 1,. Phillips, entered from the li brary and met the bride at the altar, whero the ceremony was 'performed. Afte tho ceremony a delightful recep tion was held. Misses Keszle Cono- ley and Mattie Nelson presided at the punch bowl and Mrs. J. P. Harrel and Mrs. Arthur Mltchelson at the other. The reception was not a large one, but was thoroughly brilliant and en joyable. The bride and.groom left over the Southern for their wedding Journey to the Mast Coast of Florida and to Cuba. The bride wire a handsome blue cloth coat suit with hat to match. The wed ding of these popular young people has been the center of much interest in social circles here. The orlde is one of Brunswick's fairest daughters and Is unusually popular because of her many lovable traits and strong character. The groom Is tho son of Judge T. A. Parker, of Waycross, and ful of conations, with her father, Mr. She looked lovely In her handtom . tailored down of white corduroy with Mrs. Mason for the winter.—Bruns wick Now's. The hall was a bower of vines and palms, the beautiful'stairway espe cially attractive with trailing ivy and smllax. The punch bowl was placed hero and was hung with grapevines and clusters of white and pnrple grapes. The dining room and library were equally lovely In their decora- tions, while the large parlor was ex- ^ ^ ^ m qutsite in soft drapings of tulle and ^ ^ return Mr and Un quantities of palm, and chrysanthe-1 ^ bo ^ home ^ ^ ^ mums. The large mantle was trim med with tulle and smllax and formed a lovely improvised attar with num bers of white candles burning brightly throwing a soft light over the pretty scene. Ferns and palms were banked at either side while over head a can opy was draped from the mantel to the chahdclier. s Miss Janie Symons presided at the piano. Just before the wedding, Miss Annie Laura Safford sang ’’Madrigal'’ and "Until You Came” and then Miss Symons played the wedding March, and the bridal party came down the stairway. The maid of honor. Miss Ethel Mason, entered first, a picture of girlish grace and beauty taanes qulslte white embroidered chiffon over NOTICE! All water takers west - of D. and Folks street 'are notified that water will bo cut off tomorrow (Saturday) morning 7: .10 a. m. to 12 m. B. D. Finn, Supt. AT THE MAJE8TIC. Tbe following Is the pictures for tonight: Film No. 1. “The Miner's Wife.’ A melodramatic masterpiece of west ern Ho as It used to be. Produced by the "American" Picture Company. Film No. 2. "Her Uncle’s Will. Good wholesome comedy. He would not marry her even to get her money. Don't miss It. Produced by tbe “So las" Picture Company. in' the Woy of vaudeville we offer “Miss Ethel Talbott", doing a very clever act.consisting of singing and toe dancing. Also “Danny White” the kid with the educated feet, doing a song and dance act, featuring tbe far mer's breakdown at tbe Huskln Bee. Come out where It Is warm and com fortable and havo an hours -enjoy , FIREMEN ENTERTAINED. Proprietor E. B. Wooten of La Grande, as a token of appreciation of the fine work they did Tuesday In saving the hotel from destruction, en tertained Chief Halt and the members of the fire department at a supper last night Policeman A. P. Padgett was also' a guest of the supper. Mr. Wooten's hospitality was greatly en joyed by the fire fighters. The Mends of Hon. A. M. Knight are pleased to see him out again at- large white picture hat which was | m recen t severe Illness. This little rhyme from an exchange illustiptes very forcefully and beauti fully the Importance of patronising home enterprises: There was a man his place and he was wondrous wise, he marked a silver dollar and gave It to Llze; she went to seh the butcher and blew the dollar In—It wasn’t longhefore tho coin came back to him. He took* It to the merchant and bought a dress for Jane—before the week had finished up back came the plunk again) ho spent the coin In Waycross full fifty times or more, but always got It back again and spent It o’er; but when ho sent the dollar down to the big city store, ’twos gone for good—forever and he never saw It any more. 4 DR. HALL LECTURES TONIGHT Dr. Edwin Hall, one of the finest lecturers In the country, and who Is known to many Waycross people, will deliver a humorous lecture tonight In the Auditorium at Bunn-Bell Institute. Dr. Hall’s subject wlU be "How To Get Harried And Stay Married.” A rare trett Is In store for all who at tend. Admission, 25 cents. Relieves Backache Instantly - Sloan’s Liniment is a great remedy for backache. It penetrates and relieves tho pain instantly—no rub bing necessary—Just lay it on lightly. nere s rTOOl. SLOANS 121lu I is the best remedy for rheumatism, neuralgia, sore throat and sprains. Miss E. Rnt of Brooklyn, N.Y., writes: "Sloan’s Unlm.nvi.tb.brrl for rheumaUim. lbarauredrlxbot- tbs ollt and It Is grand." Sold by sS Dealers. Pries, 23c., 50c., end $1.CO. ness. She wore a diamond LaValllree,! C tpL L. Johnson Is In the clly from the gift of her father, and carried a[g L Marys today. Brunswick &Florida Steamboat Company. (CUMBERLAND ROUTE), TOUCHING Brunswick. Jekyl,Cumberland, Fernandina, CL08E C0NNECTI0N8 WITH ALL TRAINS TO AND FROM BRUNS. WICK; ALSO 8. A. L. AT FERNANDINA, FLA. A fine view of tbe Club houae at Jokyl; the Home of the Camegioa sad the finest Bsaeh on the Atlantle CoosL LEAVING: BETUKNINO: Leave Brunswick ......8:20 a m. Leave Fernandina ...... 1:80 p. » Arrive Cumberland 10:80 a. m. Arrive Cumberland/ 8:80 p.m. Arrive Fernandina 1:30 p. m. Arrive Brunswlek ...... 7:80 p. m. FIRST CLA88 PASSAGE TO FERNANDINA. FLA* ....S1.BS ROUND'TRIP (2.50 SPECIAL SATURDAY ONLY, ROUND TRIP .. 7So RAILROAD MILEAGE HONORED. NIGHT SERYIC£-NEW TRAIN To Ashville and*Tbe Land of the Sky” ' Country SOUTHERN RAILWAY ' LAND OP THE SKY SPESUL. Lv. Jacksonville 8:05 pm Ar. Tyron 11:80 MS Lv. Jesup 10:50 pm Ar. Salads 18:85 pm Ar. Columbia 0.-50 cm Ar. Hendersonville 1:00 pm Ar. Asheville..... 1:10 pm Throoih Pullman. Drawingroom, Broiler-Buffet Shaping Car and ties, trio lighted coach, Jacksonville to Asheville. For tall Information concerning rates, schedules, ete., call on or iSr J. L.- A. G. P. A., Atlanta. Oa. C. A. CARSON, JR., T. P. A. Ca.