Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, December 02, 1911, Image 3
70-72 Plant Avenue O’clock Everything Both Will Be Open Every Night until Christmas Will Be Open Every Night until Christmas CABINET WORK. I *m (till at tbs aame bid stand, 2d Drearer street, and prepared Co do all kinds ot cabinet work, upholstering, trunk repairing, ate. Haring don* roar work for the past six rear* 1 think I know bow to glr* ran th* Ind of work, rou want. Whan rau coed anr repairing' dona, remember J. L WAITS, The old reliable Cabinet-Maker, It Brewer street, phone Vt. 21 tf BALKED AT COLD STEEL. "I wouldn't let a doctor cut mr foot off." said H. D, Ely, Bantam, Ohio, ‘although a horrible ulcer hod been the plague of mr life for four ream. Intsoa.d I used Bucklen's Arnica Salve; and mr foot was soon completely I cured." Heal* Burns,' Boils, Sores, Bruises-, Edieraa, Pimples, Cornu Surest Pile cure. 25 cents at Alt Drug gists. > FROST PROOF OmGlT PLAItTS ^ GUARANTEED fOSATISFV CUSTOMERS Before You Reach me limit ' of phrilcti endurance and while rom condition Is still curable, take Pole] Kidney Pills. Their quick action ant positive results WTll delight rou. Pa backache, nervousness, rheumatisf and all kidner, bladder and urinarf troubles. Gem Pharmacy; T. g Palno. j G. R. GLENN, A. M., LL. D., President ■ ■ Dahlonega, Georgia SPECIAL ADVANTAGES AT THIS INSTITUTION: 1st—Total Expenses Less Than at Any Other College, —fI2S to $ 17S Coosrs Board, Lodging, Books, Fuel, Lights, ate,, For Entiro Year. 2d—Magnificent Climate; Mountain Location; Free from City Distractions.' 3d-Obedience, Order, 'Regularity and Solf-Dcpendenco Taught Every Student . 4th—Finest Military Department and Cadet Band In Geoigia. Both Under Supervision c? U. S. Army Office ft. 6th— 1 Thorough Instruction fn A. B. and B. S. Courses nad, in addition* Full Courses in Agriculture, HfrunSV En^ir*cerinp, Coir mcrcial Science, etc.. 6th—Boy si /.vc in Our Cvm Dormitories, A1J 71 mos Under Control of If/ all people knew tbot neglect of constipation would result In severe In digestion, yellow Jaundice or virulent liver trouble they would soon take Dr. King's New Life Pills, and end It. Its the only safe wsy. Best for WF Ifonsness, hcadacho, dyspepsia, chills and debility. 25c at All Druggist* »-► Established 1008. Paid fn Capital Stock $30,000.00 . Wtsrrtwttyflr»tMOOTWtOOf PtAffVSieUM, SowUraarrr»w«tftUpanmt* mstwwrs. W.btrgjraiirtMtfMUwnaMMItVMNtiiniilwkirpwMirtlBlk* Si (Ijitswntbt/. WHY! S-wmo*»o»rpluitama<>orwotad towwwrtBcfc. Or# !lL f, T.V ' fit **•«• *>»*«• l* yw R«ti<>u to «>tm tarty Maga, aa4 umjt in u nut tnl for tit RIMt mnwf, fl.c* parUbdaJH. to-b. T.. V *l«U»4. get ctmUIMrs;*r.tw ta afciifc U V 5 ry Wa. C. Cernfy Co., Bex '.y*r%C£IfsTnr.fi', S. C, o o o o o oo ooooo O JBBREV/TON «. o dentist. 1 o O 42(M22 LaCrande Building O ^Office Phone 321; Residence 213 O <*> W'flvCrorS. OoutcIb, O I ooooooooooocl ADVERTISR IN THE VYA '.'CR'JSD : IERALD M 50c per ooth Why pay $ 1.(10 to have your tooth extracted when you can have it done for 50c and witho pain All other wor k done at very reusonab charges. Everything guaranteed DR. DANIEL The Dentist. Folks’ Block Union Pressing Club R. E. SWILLING, Manager and Owner THE ARTISTIC CLEANSER AND DYER Osrman Chsmlcsl Cleaning, Prsneh Dry Cleaning, Steam Cleaning Dyeing. Pressing, Repairing. Altering, Cleaning, Dyeing an* Curling ot Oitrlch Pea there. ' 22 Tebeau StrccL Halt Block From New P..O. Bldg. Phone No. 507 * SUITS MADE AT HOME. FOR SALE. My elegant home on the corner ot Gilmore and Howo streets, large and commodious dwelling with 12 rooms, all modern Improvements; servant house and large bam on lot; size of lot, 131 feet on Gilmore and running back on Howo street 200 feeL All -In good condition. Known as the Col. W. M. Toomer residence. Also a grand lot on Brunei street, lying between the residence of T. W. Mor rison and the Central Baptist church. No better locality in the city of Way- ’crotij Slxa of lot, on Brunei). Cd feet and 8 Inches, running back 150 feet Can you find equal, muen less superior property In the city. Apply to me by letter or otherwise, at No 1500 S. 10th, Ave., Birmingham, Als R. M. Wescott SPECIAL DETECTIVE WORKI Ex-Deputy Sheriff John P. Cason will engage In .pectnl detective work K Waycross and South Georgia. II you need hie services tslsphone No t, court bouse. 6-2-tI Waycross & Southern R. R. CO. Change of Schedule Effective Nov. 17, 1911. Notice; The arrivals and depar lures are given ae Information and are not guaranteed. Southbound Train No 1. Miles Station Hebardvllte I.V 0:00 s.m. 2 Wayx. Albany ave. Lv. ..9:05 r.m. 8 Lavlnla Lv 9:20 a.m. 10 Frodel Ar 9:30 n.m Northbound Train No. 2. 10 Fredel Lv 1:00 p.m. 8 Lavlnla Lv 1:05 p.m. 2 Wayx. Albany ave. Lr..9:05 a.m. 0 Iiobardville Ar ........ 1:30 p.m •Trains Nos. 1 and 3 dally sxcspt Sunday. John M. Hopkins, General Superintendent Brunswick &Florida Steamboat Company. , I (CUMBERLAND ROUTE), TOUCHING Brunswick. Jekyl,Cumberland, Fcrnandina, CLOSE CONNECTIONS WITH ALL TRAINS TO AND FROM BRUNS< WICK; AL80 8. A. L. AT FERNANDlllA, FLA. A fine view of the Club house at Jekyl; the Home of the Oaraeglos and ths tlnost Beach on th* AUaatlo CoasL LEAVING: RETURNING: leave Brunswick 8:30 a m. leave Fernsndlns 2:30 p. » Arrive Cumberland 10:10 a. m. Arrive Cumberland 5:30 p, m. Arrive Fernsndlnn ..:... 1:30 p. m. Arrive Brunswick 7:80 p. m. FIRST CLASS PASSAGE TO FERNANDINA, FLA. ....81.6* ROUND TRIP 82,60 SPECIAL 8ATURDAY ONLY, ROUND TRIP 7So RAILROAD MILEAGE HONORED, NIGHT SERVICE-NEW TRAIN To ftshville ardTbe Lard of fhe Sky” Country /