Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, December 04, 1911, Image 2
Sg-j'JgJ to attend, tad visiting Knights are moat lap 41*11? Invited to maat with a*. J. I* CRAWLEY, a a r K. HUltt. K ol K. ft S. * M. Of r. Enquire rSun. J. W. VI A few dnyn mo It ertt believed that , W.I. lane Judi* Russell would cerrr Mutcoiaa — count}, but sentiment ha* changed O O O O C and It la now (bought that tba count} O FIRE IN8UI will h* la lb* Jo* Brown column, da- O LOTT < talopmcnl* of tba paet few dime bar O IN8URA Ua greatly etrauitbenad bln candid**,- O Phone 155. In this count}. O O OO O T.;E iVffiG HERALD Publlehed By- «HE HERALD PUBLISHING CO. A. P. Perhem, 8r. A. P. Perhem, Jr. Editor* * and Proprietor*. Mitt Carrie Perhem, Pertonal, Society and Local. i JOSEPH M. BROWN A I DEMOCRAT OV DEMOCRATS (Cordate Rambler.) .Tba. gubernatorial campaign ha* at laet begun to Ufcoab Interact; a few wec)t* back the eubject waa discussed very little and the prediction wae ult'Wm SS U '^,} made that not twenty-Ov. pe, 1883 by A. P. Perhem. 8r. 1 eent of the legal voters would go to ! the poll*. < From the Interest now being taken I wo believe that n good vote will -be polled and we further predict that Telephone! Buelnu* Office 85 Editorial Offl* 88 Reeldcnce 888. * Every Afternoon Except Sunday. "iMtervd et the Waycroee, On.. Poet- toll, «» P" « nt ° f »• f .° rmer Joe gift* aa eecond elaea mall matter. J Brown men will not only go to toe j pollrf but will vote for Utile Joe; the fact that he haa alwaye been a aane RATES OP SUBSCRIPTION. __ | problbltloniet will hold the problbl- Sfflce No. S Jane Street w.-atti ..... . .7 8 .48 ; Month* 81.25 | ■I 25 lion element In line while thoueanle 82.80 of coneervallve local option men will 88.00 NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS Subscriber* to Tb* Herald that do » receive the paper promptly end y wl|l plead* rlng-up tho Circula tion 8l*n«xer end report tbe troublo I* Mm, ae this Is tbe only mesne that wa can aaenr* you prompt nod early •silvery. ’ SPECIAL NOTICE All obituary notices, card* of tbanke, (eaolutlone end notice* of entertain- manta, where charge* are made, will *e cbargdV at advertlelng rate* of I •ante a line. THE HERALD IS THE Official Organ of the United btetee Court of tba Soathern District of e WAVCROS8, OA„ DEc7^8tT PRESS COMMENTS. Oovemor Brown's Strength. ' (From Tlie Dawson Now*.) Governor Brown'* strength Is la the record that be hue made rather than It la anything lie promlees to do or any Isaue for wblcb ho elands. Many will voto for him on tbe ground that hav ing serve! tbe stale so well at gov ernor bo la entitled to another term by way of IndoraomonL Tho Inevitable Choice. (From tho Mooroo Tribune.) Tako out tbo prohibition bobby horse and oonsldor the men from tbe standpoint of true merit and worth to the atate. Then your Inevitable choice will b* Joseph M. Brown. Prohlo For Jo* Brown, (From Tbo Athena Danner.) Tba prohlbltonlsta of U.e state are seeing clearly that Joe Brown'a posi tion as to that question It the correct one and that the only light that should bo waged on that quedtoa la one In wblcb tbo while people of tho state ahatl express their will at th* ballot' box on tho Issue Itself. Cant Dtllvtr Th* Goods. (From Tbo Commerce Nows.) *Mr. Russell It running on local op tion, and If elected, be can noL to tar* hia life, deliver th* goods, and .Pope Brown la running on n prohibition platform, and law alroatly on th* (tat- nt* books. The real fact It,, both of them have at raddled a hobby to rid* In on. That's th* milk In th* ooooa- nut. Crltlcn Have Failed. (From Th* Winder Newn.) The ntUha have looked In vain for some official net of Governor Brown whereby they m(ght Snd fait had panda It before the public, but the} have failed Ignomlnloualy. Prefers Jot Brown Typo. (From The Blackshmr Time*) Although wa see no excuse tor th* liquor question (n this gubernatorial support bins because they realize that tbe Injection of tbo whiakey tssuo Into the campaign was merely to catcb votes and v-'UI really mean noth ing. Dick Ruttell'a election will not bring barrooms back to Georgia-while Pope Brown'a election will not ellml nnte the blind tlgen. Joe Brown It sane on every proposi tion; be believe* that a public officer la tbe servant of tbe people and If our Republic It to be preserved and her Institution* remain permanenet It must be done under the leadenhlp of men who respect the people's will. Joe Brown Is a Democrat of Demo crats. Prohibition Is only Incidental In thin campaign. Bright Outlook. (From Tho Marietta News.) But everything now polnta to tbe election of Governor Joaoph M. Brown to succeed Jack Slatdn In January. Mott of tbe original Joe Brown force will follow him again. Children Cry for Fletcher’s The Kind Yon Have Always Bouprht, and which has been In use for over 30 years, has homo tho signature of i and has been inado tinder his per sonal supervision since Us lntancy. Allow no one to dcceivo you In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “Jt).tt-n3-good” are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger tho health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Costorla Is a harmless substitute lor Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops nftd Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nop other Xnrrotto ' substance. Its ago Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tlio Food, regulates tba Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children’s Panacea—The mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTOR IA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years thc cxwvxua con ewr. sum sraxxv. mw vo«« ciw.■ NOTICE! Tho Bricklayers, Masons and Plan lorort bare changed tbo ncnle from (8 centt per hour and 9 hours; to 50 cents per hour and 8 hours. Going Into’ effect Jan. 1, 1912. 2 2t J. W. Carter, Deputy. Big shlpmoat alootrio tans racalv Byok Elootrlo Supply Cc, 20 Lott StreoL 12 U FIRE INSURANCE AND BONDS. Lott-Pubody Insurance Agency. Phone 188 B*L 1881 For coughing, drynoes and tickling of the throat, boerseneat and nil coughs end colds,.take Foley's Honey and Tar Compound Contain* no lpl- ate*. Gem Pharmacy, T. 8. ^alna. THE WOODMEN OK WORLD. GAMP 18A Uvytn Brat and third Thuradny >a each jtonth. Maaonle Halt Rlchxrd L. Singleton, 0. C. D. P. Woolley, clerk. UNION JEWELRY STORE Watchmaker* and Engravers. All Kind Of Jewelry Repairing. 108 Plant At* Waycrosa, 0*. WAKEFIELD LODGE, NO. 0 KNIGHTS OF PYTmAS. ek-cton, w* do prefer the Joe Brown ' **** Moada, typo of prohibition to the Pop* Brown 7/ JBOm evening at 8:00 la lyp* because Joe voteo prohibition end leave* the rest with the people while Pop* has been shown up to b* p little Jmgnlar aa to Me rating, but vary strongly prohibition politically. A Foregone Conclusion. (From The Athens Banner.) ■ — 1 1 1 Two more weeks and the people 8t, WIRECRASS LODGE NO. 1S3 Georgia will vote on Uto governorship. ’ INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION Tho election of Jo* Brown I* a fora-' OF CARWORKERS. ion* oonclaalon. | Maat* every second and fourth Tuesday night to each month. Use it Wherever you Want Clewline >s, Sightliness & Darab lity THE USE OF CEMENT 18 A MATTER OF COST, NOT OF PRICE. SOUNDS STRANGE, MAYBE, BUT LISTEN; PRICE 18 WHAT YOU PAY FOR AN ARTICLE, IT EN08 THERE. COST IS REPRESENTED BY WHAT YOU GET, THE 8ERVICE AND SATISFACTION. Bo while the price of cement walk may bo greater than of wood, th* coat la far less. There are many places around every home and es pecially on the farm, whore It Is simply n waste of money to use any thing hut cement. Ask us how cement will save you money and then see bow w* will save you money on comesL ... P.N. Harley Hdw. Co. • House Furnishers to the People 44 Plant Ave Phone 18t YOUR HUNTING OUTFIT IS WAITING HERE FOR YOU OUNS, AMMUNITION, REVOLVERS—ALL NECES SARY HUNTING AQCOUTERMENTS—GOODS NEW AND MODERN. A SUCCESSFUL HUNTING TRIP NECESSARILY DEPENDS LARGELY ON YOUR OUN AND AMMUNI TION. WHEN YOU START GO PROPERLY PREPARED WITH OOOOS FROM OUR WELL A8SORTED STOCKS —'VO UR’S ARE WAITING FOR YOU AND THEY ARE REASONABLY PRICED. Watt Hardware Company WAYCROSSy GA. Ware County Ugh! and Power Company. Cows On The Streets! WHETHER THEY BELONG ON THE STREETS OR NOT, YOUR FRONT YARD 18 NOT THE PLACE FOR THEM. Pittsburg Lawn Fence IS THE 80LUTION OF THE PROBLEM, KEEPS THEM IN OR OUT, BE8IDE8, IT ADDS TO THE LOOK3 AND VALUE OF YOUR PROPERTY. THE PLACE TO GET TT 18 irjsf. ANTHONY Hardware Co. 98-100 PLANT AVENUE. When You Stroll STROLL TO La Grande Pharmacy All thelatetf HOT DRINKS, CIG ARS, High Class TOILET ARTI CLES, RUBBERGOODSand DRUGGISTS* SUNDRIES - ■ - ..