Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, December 04, 1911, Image 5

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jOur Store "Will be doled all day on Thanksgiving Day. Plans give us your orders as early In the week as possible. .We Have Ihe Largest and most up-to-duto ■took of groceries ever ^Ahown in any retail store in ^Vaycross. 200 Fine Turkeys For sale cheaper than the other fellow. Tuesday and Wednesday we will have California Cele ry, Cranberries, etc., for your turkey dinner. California dried fruits of all kinds, 19U. packs. ,gf| Also Fresh shipment of our fa mous C. C. D. Butter, only to cents pound. Good Butter 30 cents. Better Butter, da cents and Best Buter, 45 cents Pound. v , Chickens and Tennesine Butter always on hand. All at Rock Bottom Prices. „ ttEDTHG Wilson Grocery co. W.M. Wilson, Mgr. Phone 128, Wilson Block flit till Original and Bunina HORLICK’S MALTED MILK Tin Food-drink (or JD{ dgit# Forlnfants.InvsEdi, and Growing children. PureNutrition,up buSding the whole body, fc-^rtateslhenuniig mother and the aged. 'flfrTMk, malted grain, in powder farm. A qnkk inch ^SSS&dAdkforHoklCK'S. Mot in Any Milk Trust STRAWBERRY PLANTS FOR SALE Fine, healthy strawberry plants for sals St (2.50 per thousand plants Lady Thompson and Klondike varie ties and prolific bearer*. Speak quick If you want plants for they are going that Enquire at the olllce of the Deen Realty Company Mice, LaGrande building,- 24 6td 2tw STATE OF GEORGIA, EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, ATLANTA. The First Natlontl Bank located In the city of Waycroaa, having been ap pointed.a State Depository, and har ing executed and filed In this offleo a bond In the sum of FIFTY THOUS AND DOLLARS, conditioned for the faithful discharge of lta duties, whin has been accepted and approved by the Governor, It Is therefore ordered: That the Tax Collector of the Count? of Ware be and Is hereby instructed to pay over to aald bank all monera collected by him for and on account of State texea, except such as may be paid directly Into the State Treasury and that notice of this order be given by publication In some newspaper ot general circulation published In the city where said bank Is located. This 24th day of November, 2911. JOHN iL SLATON, President of Sonata and Acting Gov ernor. E..B. MITCHELL, D. O. M. D. . ^ OSTEOPATH, and Physician and Surgeon. • , Office 419-21 LaGrande Building. ' . ‘ Hours: I to 12 and 2 to 6. p. m Residence Phone 972. Ofllce 121. NOTICE! Election of officers at the Junior Order tonilht. Very Important that every member be present—Smoker, J 1t Sherod Collins, Secty. PERSONAL MO LOCAL. Hr. J. M. Riggins, ot Ideal, Ga., ar rived thin morning on a visit to rela tives. Mr. Riggins Is doing a flour ishing turpentine business at Ideal. Don't fall to see the pretty things st the Bon Ton. 4 3t I STAND FOR THE ENFORCE MENT OF ALL THIS CITY'S LAWS WHICH PROTECT 80CIETY, WHICH INSURE THEIR PROPER RIGHTS TO CAPITAL AND LABOR AND WHICH CONDUCE TO THE UP BUILDING OF THE MATERIAL RE SOURCES OF THIS CITY. CALVIN W. PARKER, CANDIDATE FOR MAYOR. The ladles who are Interested In the Old Ladles Home wish to express their thankB and hearty appreciation ot the public spirited generosity of Mr. Calvin W, Parker In donating to thin worthy cause the use of the opera house for the musical which will ’be given at an early date- , AT THE MAJESTIC. The following Is the pictures for tonight: Film No, 1. "The Indian Rustler". X feature Indlau picture prlduced by the "Powora" Picture Company. Klim No. 2. “Thou Shalt Not A feature Indian plciuro produced by the "Bison" Picture Company. The vaudeville feature will he "The Lar-Rasers ”, in their European novel ty act. Presenting singing, original dancln:;, talking and travesty. This act will pleaBe the old ns well as, tbe young. Come out where It is warm and have an. hours enjoyment with your frlende. Battenberg and drawn 'work and centre pieces at Bon Ton. Suitable for Christmas presents, and at reas onable prices. 4 3t The Bon Ton Is the place to get your Christmas handkerchiefs. 4 3t MRS. W. 8. LUCA8 DEAD. Nrs. Lucas, the wife of Ur. W. S. Lucas, of this city, died yesterday at the home of her mother near Slaugb- tervllle. The deceased had only been sick for a short time. .She Is surviv ed by, her husband and a number of relatives. The funeral and Interment occurred today sear Slaughtervlllo. Get the habit, smt>ke.“7. B. S.'' Clear Havana. 97 tf NOTICE KING’S DAUGHTERS. Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock at First Methodist church there will be a meeting of the City Union Kings Daughters. Every member la urged to he present. 4 2t BEAUTIFUL PAINTINGS. Prof. Hiller has an exhibit of his paintings at the Bon Ton for this week that la worth seeing. The window display of paatela at 95 la beautiful. Prof. Miller needs no Introduction In Waycroaa an<T every art lover will go to >ee bis collection. It Is a closing out sale and yon can buy at. a third of their value. Go and seq the display anyway. VOTE FOR CALVIN W. PACKER FOR MAYOR. HE WILL REPRE SENT THE HIGH AND THE LOW, THE RICH AND POOR. NOTICE* All cmrpontera of Local 779 ars re quested to meet at the city hall Wed nesday, December 9, at 7:27 sharp. Business of Importance.. *” A. V. Houseman. F. A. Morton, B. F. Hearn, 4 3t —Committee. chief McDonald resigns. Mr. Frank McDonald, who has made a most eillclent chief of police, has tendered his resignation to take ef fect tomorrow. Mr. McDonald will engage In Jhe turpentine hualneaa. One of the regular police force. It Is understood, will set as chief until the flrat of the year. 4 PROTEST AGAINST CONVICT LABOR BEING USEO IN ANY WAY IN ANTAGONISM TO FREE LABOR, OR FOR PRIVATE INDIVIDUALS, OR ENTERPRISES, AND INSI8T THAT THEY BE SOLELY EMPLOY ED IN WORK ON PUBLIC HIGH WAYS. CALVIN W. PARKER, CANDIDATE FOR MAYOR. Backache, Headache, Nervousness And rheumatism, both In men sod wo men, mean kidney trouble. Do not allow It to progress beyond tbe reach of medicine but stop It promplly with Foloy Ktlney Pills. They regulate the action of,the urinary organs. T Inc a action, quick results. Gen: Pharma cy, T. S. Paine. CLD PEOPLE'S HOME FAILS. Inmates Thrown On Charity. A "home for old people" recently became bankrupt In Detroit, and many Inmates who had paid Into It every dollar they had In the world, expect ing to be assured of a comfortable old age, were thrown on charity. We say that every institution ot this nature ought to be under super- lslon of tbe state so such things could not happen. It Is tbe duty ot the young and strong to safeguard the welfare of the old and feeble. Their health and vigor, for example should bo kepi up as much as posti ls, Nothing la to good for this pur pose oS Vlnol, our delicious cod liver andjron preparation without oil. Mias A. H. Ralston of ML Vernon, N. Y„ says: "An a tonic, I think Vlnol la excellent and especially for an old person. A condition of general debil ity which had luted for month! yield ed promptly to Vlnol and this gives me the fullest confldence In It.” Vlnol Is not only pleasant to taka hut always agrees with the stomach and we guarantee It absolutely. The Seals Pharmacy. CAU8E8 SICKNESS. Good Health Impossible With A Disor dered Stomach. There la nothing that will create atekneaa or cause more trouble than a disordered stomach, and many people dally contract serious maladies aim- ply through disregard or abuse of the stomach. We urge everyone Buffering from any stomach derangement, Indigestion or dyspepala, whether acute or chronic to try Rexall Dyspepala Tablets, with t(:e distinct understanding that we will refund their money without ques tion or formality, If after reaaonable use of this medicine they are not sst- Jsflod with tbe results. We recom mend them to our customers every day, and have yet to hear of any one who has not been.beneflted by them. Three alses, 26c, 60c and Si.OO a box. Bold In Waycroaa only at our store— The Rexall Store. The Seals Pharma cy. “DOCTOR" "Doctor" R. S. n orly resided In Ware arretted Saturday at Dudley, Ga., and held for tbe authorities here. "Doc tor" Wllkerson left this section over a year ago. He is charged with gaging property that did not belong to him.. Constable O. W. Brady went after Wllkerson and Is expected back tonight with the prisoner. St A VC ROSS COUNCIL NO. 91 Jr. O. U. A. M. Meets every Monday evening la Ke Men's Hall. Lott-HItcb building at ■ S. in. VMltlog brotbers cordially tovuv Co meat rlth us. Sberod Collins, u. Carl Collins Kec-Mecty Council. Advertise la Tbe Waycroaa Bvealnr Herald. A DREADFUL SIGHT To H. J. Barnum, of Freevllle, N Y was tbe fever-sore that bad plagued hit lire for year* in apl'e of many rrmedlea he tried. At last he used Juoklen’s Arnica Salee and wrote It has entirely healed with acar-elr o scar left” Heals Burns, Bolls, Kp run, Cuts, Bruises, Swellings. Corns a A Files like magic. Only 25 J al 111 Druggists. »OOOOOOOOOO« o BYCK ELECTRIC ° o SUPPLY CO o O All Kinds ot Electrical Work © O and Supplies. O O ALL, WORK GUARANTEED. © O 20 Lott Street Phono 199. © o 0 0 00*000000 o Very Serious JIM a very serious matter to ask one medicine and have the L wrong one g^ca you. For this | reason vro irgo you In buying to •ba carefcUo get the genuine— BUck-BrausMT ]>"■ Liver Medicine The reputation of this old. rclle- ble medicine, for constipation. In digestion and liver trouble, M Ann* ly established. It docs not Imitate other medicines. It is better than others, or It would not be the fa vorite liver powder, with a larges | sale than all others combined. SOLD IN TOWN F2 SWIFT & GO »■JOT,'®!®. g >ets nives * Ra.it OF EVERYTHING IN YOUR HOME, THERE IS NOTHING ELSE WHICH 18 80 HARD FOR YOU TO TELL IF IT IS REALLY GOOD, AS CUTLERY. The material In a carving act or bread knife Is only a small part of the cost The tempering and grinding caste (or more and Is ot 'equal or greater Importance. - OUR KNOWLEDGE OF THESE G00D8 18 SUCH TIJAT WE GIVE AN AB80LUTE GUARANTEE OF SATISFACTION WITH EVERY ARTICLE WE SELL. NOT ONLY ARE SUCH GOODS LESS EXPENSIVE IN THE LONG RUN WHEN BOUGHT AT OUR STORE, BUT YOU HAVE THE ADDED SATISFACTION WHICH EVERY TRUE WOMAN ENJOYS IN HAVING NICE THINGS AND GOOD THING3 |N HER HOME. P.JL HarleyfHdw. Co... Bouse Furnishers to the People 44 Plant Ave Phone I8t The Road to Independence is not the spenders route. Deposit your Biliary with us, we Ibbuo you a pass-book and check book; pay ail your bllla up by check, tliua avoiding tho necessity and worry of making your monoy stretch to next payday. You know how it Ib, money in your pocket never lasts. YOUR SINK ACCOUNT Will atop the leaks, and. If It Is your desire to get ahead, will eventually - make you Independent. Start an ac count wlfh us today; a largo amount not neceaaary; Just your week’s or month’! salary. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WAYCROSSS RESOURCES 5800.000.00 CAPITAL ..* 9200,000.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS .* OB ORQIA SOUTHERN AND PLOSROA RAILWAY The Papular Route Is AN lalnta North Anri H'nf, ThroughTralna In connection with A. O. L., from Waycross rl* Tlftos to Mason ATLANTA, KNOXVILLE,. CHAT OA, NASHVILLE, . ST. LOUIS, CHICAGO, LOUISVILLE, AND CINCINNATI. Coaches and Pullman sleeptfs go through without chug*. Dining Car Berries. i TRAINS OF A, B. A A. H. R, CONNECT AT CORDELE WITH TRAINS OF 0. S. A P, RAILWAY FOR MACON ATLANTA AND ALL POINTS NORTH AND SOUTH. FOR INFORMATION ( AS TO RATES, ROUTES, OR SCHEDULES TO ANY POINT NORTH OR WEST, APPLY TO ANY AGENT OF THIS COM PANY, OR ADDRESS. C. A- DEWBERRY. T. P. A, VALDOSTA, GA. C. B. RHODES, O. P..A. J. W. JAMISON, T. P. A. MACON GA. * MACON GA. Atlantic Coast Line THROUGH SLEEPERS TO ATLANTA AND POINTS WEST, LEAVE WAYCROSSS 10:30 P. M, ARRIVE ATLANTA 7107 A. M. LEAVE ATLANTA 9:50 P. M. OR 10:20 P. Me ARRIVE WAYCROSS 0190 A. M. OR 0:98 A. M. WAYCROSS IS ASSIGNED AMPLE SPACE IN OUR ELECTRIC LIGHTED PULLMANS. SAVE TIME BY TRAVELING OVER THE Atlantic Coast Line E. M. NORTH, A. 0. P. A., SAVANNAH, GA. R. E. CAMP, TICKET AQT. WAYCROSS, GA. WILLIAMS’ BLACKSMITH Shop CORNER SCREVEN AVENUE AND KNIGHT STREET, OPPOSITE WILLIAMS STREET. WHEELRIOHT AND REPAIRING. HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY. RU33ER TIRES PUT ON WHILE