Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, December 04, 1911, Image 6
r*® FOR RENT BY The Riverside Park Co. •NEMTORY 8-ROOM HOUSE FOR 820X8 PER MONT — ONE 2-STORY 7-ROOM HOUSE FOR »15X0 PER MONTH ONE t-STORY B-ROOM COTTAQB FOR *8X0 PER MONTH FOR SALE ONE BEAUTIFUL 2-8TORY HOME. ONE 6-ROOM COTTAGE $2,750.00, EASY TERMS $1,000.00, EASY TERM3 ALSO FOi: SALE A FEW VACANT LOTS RANGING IN PRICE FROM 8100.00 TO $400.00 ON TERMS 80 EA8Y YOU WILL HAVE NO DIFFICULTY IN MEETING SAME. WITHOUT PAY ING TAXES OR INTEREST YOU WILL BECOME A FREE-HOLOER BEFORE YOU REALIZE IT. "Grandma’’ Sausage We have installed an electric sau sage mill, aqd will make a specialty Of “GRANDMA" 8AU8AGE. We hare an updo-date market and propose to head the procession. Try ns and be convinced. We have Installed a HOBART ELECTRIC BONE GRINDER, and will make a specialty of furnishing our customers with this valuable egg producer at a very small cost We urge you to try a small lot and see J the Increase In your egg supply, j Then it will pay you to arrange for a ! regulaV weekly supply so that you I will not bo disappointed. T. H. Blizzard 108 Plant Avenue. Phone ! FALL CABBAGE PLAN”* Our Gill cabbage plants, V ■ oOold and Flat Dntoh, are now re ny for •hlpment, and we want youi urden. Prices f. 0. b., Meggett: 1,000 to 3,000 at $1.80 I - t.OOo 4,00$ to 8.000 at .... $1.26 J'.-f 1,000 10,000 and over at .... $1.00 per 1,000 Wo advise that rou place your or ders promptly as the supply Is very limited this fall. Satisfaction guar anteed. S. M. Gibson Co., Meggett, 8. C. TUQUE 168. RIVERSIDE PARK CO. w -‘ yc " KI - G i- LA GRANDE BLDG. 4TH. FLOOR. WAYCROSS LODGE No. 309. F. & A. M. . REGULAR COMMUNICATIONS ON 1ECOND AND FOURTH TUESDAY EVENING AT 7:30 P. M. All Masons Invited to Attend. J. M. BELL, W. M. W. J. CLARK, SEC. SAVED MANY FROM DEATH. w. L. Mock, of Mock, Ark., believes he has saved many livefj in his 25 years of experience in the drug busi ness. "What I always like to do,” he writes, “Is to recommend Dr. King's New Discovery for weak, sore lungs, hard colds, hoarseness, obstinate coughs, la grippe, croup, asthma or other bronchlcal affection, for I feel sure that a number of my neighbors are alive and well today because they took my odvlce to use it I honestly believe its the best throat and lung medicine that’s made.” .Easy to prove he’s right Get a trial bottle free, or regular 50 cent or $1.00 bottle. Guar anteed by All Druggists. A FATHER'S VENGEANCE Wonld have Cullen on any one who ntf tacked the son of Peter Bondy, oB South Rockwood, Mich., but he waft> powerless before attacks of Kidney trouble. "Doctors could not help* him” he wrote, "so at last we gave bin* Electric Bitters and he improvel rap~ ( idly and wonderfully from taking slr >^. / bottles. Its the best Kidney medicine- ; \ I ever say.” Backache, Tired feeling Nervousness, Loss of Appetite, warn- of kidney trouble that may end tfy. dropsy, diabetes or Bright'# disease. Beware: Take Electric Bitters and be- safe. Every bottle guaranteed: 50o? at All Druggists. RING 174 FOR WOOD. A HOU8EHOLD MEDICINE. That stops coughs quickly and cores' colds Is Foley’s Honey and Tar Com- pound. Mrs. Anna Pelzer, 2526 Jef ferson St., So. Omaha, Neb., says: “P can recommend Foley’s Honey and Tar Compound as a sure cure for coughs and colds. It has cured my daughter af o bad cold and my neigh bor, Mrs. Benson, cured herself and 1 her whole family with Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. Everyone In our neighborhood speaks highly of it"' Gem Pharmacy, T. S. Paine. For first-class rubber tire and wir» tf wheel work at prices right, see J. T. McGee, Albany avenue; IK 30t Shop at the BIG STORE Our store is unsurpassed as a HOLIDAY STORE Every department is laden with good things For Xmas Leather Goods, Novelties, Cut Glass, Toilet Cases, Fine Stationery, Books, Calendars, Pictures, Kodaks, Dolls, Etc., Etc. Mail Orders Receive Prompt Attention. Jacksonville Florida w ' * ThU declaration of principle* la put waver, ihould be adjusted onlv after 11 y .. ” , forth for th* purpoet of dtdnlnc Urn a foil hearing and an examination at property * po,l,l<m of *W>»Uble for th* Citizens Learie movemenL and wa JUeolred IL That thlt organisation heartily In vita all who daatra good •Brads for ptosraaa Wa believe la a government tor Waycroaa, who be- •patereaslve ate, and In a prosraaalva ’Her* In than* principle*, who daatra «ttj. No backward etep ahould bo oqual right* to all, apodal privllsai Bakes. Not only abonld our tax rata to none, to Join with u« In carrying i Me aa low *j poaaible eooaltteat with thla banner le vlctoTy by nominating fka dty’a legitimate need,, bat tha In 'the primary tha candlda'va an- Advertise In t he 45-49 W. Bay St. CITIZENS LEAGUE. ' Where*,, In reaponie to a call la- pned aod dgned by many cltlzena, there aaaembled at the Court House |a the City of Waycross, on the eve- plat of October 12th.. a representative of men, gathered from all walka of life, compoied ot of the Gospel, phyalclana, banker,, merebanta and organization* of Boll- Machinists, Ca Worker*, Locomotive Engineers, 8wttclimon, llrakeu.cn, Inapectora, Carpenter,, Travelcre T. P. A'a., Farmora' U. C. T'«„ and tho other elo- to make up our coimo* population: the object and thla meeting being to con- matters political affecting Way- and to dpcldo on candidates to urge boforo the at th* approaching municipal and , Whareaa, by a majority ballot of |DT*r one hundred voters, H. D. Rend Una andorsod for Mayor, Dr. W. K. waa endorsed for Alderman, Ward, W. 13. Chandler for JAlderman Fourth Ward, and C. A. ILaOount for Alderman, Slztb Ward,— • (tha** being the only Aldermen to he •brlad at the ensuing election, and Whareaa, by the ondoraement of ghMl candidate, for nomination at Sho primary, a* men deemed worthy 40 hear the atandard railed by thla g; It become, proper and right ...the purpoaea tor which thla •tood, and tor which the op atton there effected stands, I be act forth Id a declaration ot •rtadplea. . !• Therefore, be It resolved— 1. i That the Cltlzena League, form 1*8 at aald meeting, atanda t •QUARK DEAL, for both rich •oor, high and low,—No favortt.am SMder (he law, but JUSTICE to all. Ohatln order to meet out exact Ju» ■0ee our City Government should bo money so collected should be expend ed to the very beat poaaible advan tage, with noither w&sto nor graft. The Sinking Fund provided to meet the outstanding bonds should be kept intact, and ao invested aa to bring the beat returns, ao that the paymon*. of bonda may bo made promptly and our crodlt preserved. Next to tho preservation of our crodlt, aa outlined above, comes the needs for streets, sidewalks and drainage, and those abohld be improved just as faat aa practicable, but the work ahould be done by a competent Supervisor, un der bond for faithful, lioncht work, ao that the money spent for these improvements may be a permanent gain to the city. Weeding edges of streets and throwing sand In the mid dle Is a waste of time and energy, from which no benefit is derived. We stand for bard surfaced streets and for the laying of good sidewalks for the people who walk thereon. Resolved, *UI. That this organiza tion stands for a "square deal” and for PROGRESS, but It advocates fir ing every proper help and encourage ment to our schools, colleges and oth er educational Institutions. The needs for a ppbllc library la apparent, and steps should be taken to secure one without delay. All our ellemosynary institutions should be fostered and aided, and especially do we commend the Kings' Daughters Hospital for its noble work. Resolvod, IV. That this organisa tion stands committed to giving all due encouragement to new enterpris es, manufactories, public service cor porations and those things which .*r the upbuilding of a city, yet to use city property should ranted without adequate compen sation, in money or service, to the city or Its people. We believe the time has corns for the city to own Its City Hall, and favor the erection or purchase of such building as vtA be dorsed, * and who stand pledged to hearty accord with the platform here enunciated. 21 tf THE CITIZENS LEAGUE. PARK MOR HAND CO. '“UINEERS AND CONTRACTORS. Lott-HItch Building, RE-INFORCED CG^CRE^E. A MAIL CARRIER'8 LOAD. Seems heavier when he has a weak back and kidney trouble. Fred Duelt- ren, Mail Carrier nt Atchison, Kas„ says: ”1 have been bothered with kidney and bladder troublo and had a severe pain across my back. When ever I carried a load, my kidney troti- l>lo increased. . Some time ago, I start ed taking Foley Kid'nOy Pills and since taking them I have gotten entirely rid of all my kidney trouble and am as cound now as ever.” Gem Pharmacy, T. s. Paine. frfmlnlstered honestly, economically adequate to the needs of ths city for Our New Stock 0/ Cat Glass, Sterling Silver China and Brass Novelties JUST RECEIVED. Eelect jour wedding present* and (tfta from our NEW CLEAN 8To'0K 80METHINQ NEW AR. RIVING DAILY. Jeweler, and Optician*. little & Od)m A CLOSE INSPECTION Is wba* always happens when you »re met race to face BY A LAUNDRY CRANK. Re may be a friend, but he Insists on tcruftfoizlng your linen. Be on the safe and sure side and have us do LAUNDRY WOR KTHAT 18 IRRE8I8TIBLE. It's as cheap ns “slop” work and eoks a "heap" better. • Wilson STEAM LAUNDRY PHONE B. COUGHING AT NIGHT. Means lose of sleep which la bad for everyone. Foley’e Honey and Tar CompounI stops the cough at once, re lieves the tickling and dryneia In tha throat and koala the Inflamed mem- tonnes. Prevent, a cold developing In- to hronchltla or pneumonia. Keep ah Ways In the house. Refuse substitut es. Gem Pharmacy, T. S. Paine. Big aupply ot card hoard, all cob if*, Just recalvad at Herald. J. E. Parker, 2021 No. lOtb SL, Ft. Smith, Ark., rays that b* had taken | many kinds of kidney medicine, but he did not get better until he took Foley Kidney Pllla. No matter how long you have had kidney trouble, yon will And quick and permanent beneflt by the use of Foley Kidney Pills Start taking them now. Gem Pharma, cy, T. S. Paine. equitably. The Tax rate ahould •b aa low at possible consistent with ■Mating the needs for revenue, and «n property ahould ba assessed alike. fW# condemn all inequalities In aa- .■aasaMBt* aa rank favoritism, and •■edge ouraelTca to an assessment Waned on value not go ownership. 1W* believe that th* Street Tax ahoald •a Made not to exceed $2.00 per aa- msm Return* ot property by Tax •aaran ahould bo adjusted only aRar a Ml hearing and an • saint nation 01 tha next decade at least, believing lb* same to b* conducive to economy In public service, and for the batter mawgetnant ot city affairs. A cen tral City market ahould' ba provided for aa early as practicable; also tha garbage ot tha City ahould be removed frequently, and cremated or other wise disposed ot so as not to menact the public health. Atlantic Coast LJne Schedule. DEPARTURES. t ARRIVALS AT WAYCR03B. f rom Savannah Tain 189 - 6:60 am Train 186' 1......11:50 pm Train 21 6:65 pm I'raln 67 .10:10 pm /tew Montgomery Train 58 6:16 am .Vain 180 6:45 pm From Bainbridgi fc Thom^svlHe Train 182 10:06 am t^roni Albany Train 93 4:65 am Train 91 9:65 am Train 97 ..6:00 pm Troro Chicago and Noriw««t C. Special (via Albany)....4:66 am Dixie Flyer (via Tifton)....5:35 am fouth Atlantic Limited 6:35 am f'rou? Brunswick fralu 96 7:40 am Train 90 6:00 pm r'rom Jacksonville Train 22 6:55 pm Train 82 -.10:16 pm Train 94 10:26 pm Train 92 10:45 pmP' rft,n 83 From Tampa, High Springs via Du pont $ Train 42 ....7:25.pm For through Schedule* Pullman v ro«ervatlon«, etc., Call On E. U. North, A. G. P. A. R. «■ ^-nip, Ticket Agent Bavanaak .Ok Wayerese. Ga. For Jasup and Savannah Train 68.. .... ,...»:66 am Train 182 10-26 aas Train 18(1 ...7:J0 pa Train ii? 6:10 pa For Montgomery Train 189 .' 6:10 at* Train 67..... 10:25 pm For Balnbrldge and TbouasTlII*. Train 185 1:00 p*» For Albany Train 92 10:30 pnt Train 96 7:60 am Train 90 0:10 p» For Cbtcugohad Northwen I. C. Special (via Albany) . 10:60 pm Dixie Flyer (via Ttfton) ....10:80 $M South.Atlantic Limited.. ..10:10 i For Hrunewtck Train 91 ; J...10:10 as* ’ Train 97 .0:10 pm at Jacksonville 1 Train 96 (Dlxl* Flyer 6:40 sea Train 93 6:00 aa rain 21 8:1$ pm Far Tampa, High Sprinn Train 43 ....' 8:00 am Young’s Rea) Estate Investments ISABELLA 8TREET: 2 CHOICE LOTB NEAR MARY STREET PARK. TWO*YEAR8 TO PAY FOR THEM. PRICES EXTREMELY REASONABLE. CARSWELL STREET: ONE LARGE LOT, SOUTH ERN EXPOSURE, TERMS OR CASH. THIS OPPORTU NITY WONT GO BEGGING, SEE ME AT ONCE. MCDONALD STREET: < 2 BEAUTIFUL LOTB OPPO SITE MR. B. M. NORVELL'S BUNGALOW, TERM8 OR CA8H. COLLEGE. HILL: ONE TEN ACRE TRACT, BE YOND LARGE OAKS,, IN8IDE CITY LIMIT8, IDEAL PLACE FOR 8UBURBAN HOME WHERE PLENTY ROOM MAY BE HAD FOR ORCHARD8, VINEYARD, AND GARDENS. COLLEGE HILL: SEVERAL LOTS NEAR LEGE AT BARGAIN PRICE8, TERMS OR CASH. COL- JANE ELIZABETH, AND MARY STREET EXTEN SION: TIS HERE YOU CAN PURCHASE A LARGE LOT NEAR INTO THE BUSINESS SECTIOfj, NEAR THE A. C. L. SHOPS, AND IN A SECTION OP THE CI1Y THAT IB ABSOLUTELY FREE OP COLORED RESIDENTS. TERM8 SIS DOWN AND $S PER MONTH AND UPWARDS BUYS A LOT TOxtOO FEET. “B" STREET: ONE CHOICE LOT, NEAR ALBANY AVE. TERMS OR CASH. , Walter M, Young, Real Estate Bargains. PHONE 270l