Newspaper Page Text
We ace showing a handsome.,J(ae
of Comforts, Blankets and the i'rw
Single Comfortables. The as** rt-
ment both in cotton .and wool is
large, and the prices from
$1.60 to $7.50
make them all great values.
We have the Royal Push Button
kind, the Automatic kind and the
Regular styles, iu all the different
finishes and upholdterings. An ideal
Christmas gift for father or husband.
Prices from $10 to $25. *
We have a large line
of Davenports and
Couches, in Genuine
or Chase Leather at
We have been fortunate in secur
ing the sale agency for 1912 of the
famous • F. -A. WHITNEY and the
FULTON lines of Go Carts and Car
riages. We are now showing these
handsome Carts and Carriages at no
larger price than is usually paid for the a
ordinary kind. We have them from \
$4.50 TO $35.00
RATTAN ROCKERS,with Settees,
Tables, Corner and Reception Chairs
to match, finished in light shellac; also
a large variety in brown in all the pop
ular dtyles.
Make your chridtmas selections now.
We will deliver it when you are ready
With chlffloncrs and drawing U-
We are now prepared to give you better, smic*
than ever before, the kind that will merit yrur contin
ued and increasing patronage. Our large new Acre is
filled with the largest end, we believe, the bcrit assorted
and MOST COMPLETE line of Home Furnishings ever
shown in this section of the State. Our buyer has been
busy for months selecting for our chain of stores, from
the leading factories of the country, the mammoth stocks
we aro now showing, and each ar,d every artide has
been seledts J with the view of giving our customers the
BEST VALUES for their money. The immense quantities
we buy enables us to offer you these goods at rpuch
LOWER prices thac the small dealers. i
i* bias to match, in all wood,, Anlshei
w and style,. We have a truly beau
tiful line, at price, to fit any pane.
We have a large
assortment, of the
O il Heatcas. No
smoke, no odor.
Prices from
4.50 TO 10.50
The largest line ever shown In
this city. We here them In all
atylee and Antibes, from a
large heavy solid oak one at
11.98, like cut, np to the genuine
leather Turklah kind at
Walker-Hood Furniture Company
The Store of Great Values Where Your Credit Is Good”
i — i
' Northeulern, blase., Dec. I.—Death
Atoms suddenly here to Rear Admiral
tOeorga Ftancls Fusion Wilde, U. 8. '
S», retired. He suffered from heart'
meeam. He wae 67 yens old. }
Bear Admiral Wilde commanded the I
gtoltod Slates marines during the Boa-
tor uprising In Chins. He graduated
Aram the Naval Academy In 1666 and
da 1165 was on the flagship Sueque-
toaaaa when she want to Havana tor
Efce Confederate ram Stonewall Jack-
tooa,Ho commanded the United Sut
ton steamship Dolphin on bar cruise
i the world, which was hnlshed,
As secretary of the lighthouse board
Sear Admiral Wild* Intrlduced gas
•nays on the Brest Lakes, established
mm electric light veeeel on the dan-.r-
toaa Diamond Shoals and InCfOSu.-el
Aha Installation and operation ot tele-
tohaaes connecting the vessel with the
Mr. Oeorge Andrews, who win con
Sant the Sunday School Teachers’ lo
st the First Baptist Church
i week, ha, arrived and would ilka
meat all of the teachers and super
at the church this after*
tonne at 6:60 o'clock. The Institute
asm ha In session every afternoon this
•week, from I to g o'clock, and It Is
Moped that every Sunday school tetch
ier In the city, will take the coons.
There to nothing denominational In
aagard to the Institute; all of 'the
wsevk will ha on the line of teaching
toad how to conduct a Sunday school.
At 7:00 o'clock every evening; Dr.
Magedale. 0 f Locust Brava, will deliver
toto address, and the public to cordially
JavKafl to attend.
Those “Deestrlck Skule” people muit
bo having a world of fun.. I could
beer thou laughing a block tram the
Y. M. C. A. building", said a well
known business man this morning.
There Is no doubt about Its being a
groat fun maker. Dr. Oue Folk! eras-
ltd many toughs at the rehenraa! Sat-
urday night. J. 8. Elkins, Young
Todd, Hay and Cattin, Dr. Thomas and
all the "ekollare" are entering hear
Illy Into the eptrtt ot the “skule",
whet goes to show that men and wo-
men are only grown up boys and girls
after all.
The '.'skule" will be given at Par
ker'! Theatre Monday night. Decern-
her 11 instead of Wednesday, so as
not to conflict with the elections and
the 3unday School Institute work.
Qcvernor Brawn's Strength.
(From The Dawson News)
r " -rnor Brown's strength te in the
record that he has made rather than
.... anything he promisee to do or any
Issue for which he standi. Many wUl
vote for him on the ground tout hav
ing eervel the state so welt as gov
amor ha to sntltlsd to another term
by war of Indorsement
Crttlon Hava Failed. ,
'(From The Winder News.)
The rrlllhe have looked In vain tor
some oBctal act dt Governor Brown
wkerahy they might And fait and
parade It before the 'public, but they
have tolled Ignominiously. -
Can’t Deliver The Goods.
(From The Commerce News)
Ur. Russell to running on local op-
tlon, and It elected, he eta not to save
Ms Ufa; deliver the goods, and Pope
Brawn to running on n prohibition
Pisiform, and tow already on too stat
ute books. The real fact to, both ot
illlY COURT 10
t Chambers, Waycross, Georgia, No
vember 29th, ltlL
It appear that the eecond week ot
the December term 1 ot Were Superior
Court will be In aeselon on the ehcond
Monday In Decomber and probably
continue through that r.cck, end as
there la not eudlcleut rcca iu toe
County Ccirt House to accommodate
both courts at the same time,- It Is
therefore hereby ordered that too Do-
comber term ot toe City Court ot
Waycross be. and toe same to hereby
adjourned tram ton second Monday
In December 1911, until toe second
Monday In January 1912 at 10 o'clock
a. m. And aU Jurors, parties, wit
nesses and others Intarcatad In said
City Court are bereby excused until
toe eecond Monday la January 1912
at 10 o'clock a. m.
The Clerk ot said court will spread
toto order on too Minute* thereof and
publtak noUco ot too tamo.
john c. McDonald,
2 2» Judge City Court of Wnycrasu.
>12, at 10 o'clock a. m., to recelvo toe hereunto set my hand and caused tba
-‘turns and declare toe result of raid j Great Seel of too State to be afflxed
WHEREAS, The Honorable Hoke
Smith did, on toe 15to day November
1911, resign ton offlee ot. Governor
ot toto 8tale thereby creatine n va
cancy In laid once:
THEREFORE, I, John M. Slaton,
President of too Senate; exercising
tot executive powers ot too govern,
moat as provided by Par. t, Section
of too 5th. Article of to* Constitution
ot tola State and town tn pursuance
thereof, do Inn* tola my proclamation
ordering n special election tor Gov
ernor to All too vacancy so occasion
ed for toe nnexplred term, to bo held]
them hay* straddled n hobby to rldo on too 10tU day of aJnuary. 1912. ns-1
In on. That's tos milk In the cocoa- der tho tows ot tola stale gov*]
| trolng geneeral elections. I also con.’
Woke tot General Assembly of Qorgla.
'y. ... . 'tff-\ I 1 " * ,t '* «t to* Capital of
tola 8Ute, on toe 2tth day ot January
>cclal election or to fleet a Governor
u case no person shall receive a
lajorlty of too whole number ot votes
t such special election, ns provided
n toe Constitution of this State,
hereto, toto 20to day of November,
1911. *■
President ot Senate Exercising to*
Executive Powers of too Government.
Tha Inevitable Choice.
(From the Monroe Tribune.)
Take out too prohibition hobby
horao and consider toe men from toe
standpoint ot true merit and worth to-
the state. Then your Inevitable choice
will be Joaeph M. Brown.
MART attractive “Dorothy Dodd”
styles for Autumn and Winter now
display in our window.
Designs of unusual merit, such as you
have become accustomed to expect in this
line, and in addition many exclusive^'
novelties far surpassing all former
achievements. ■ •
Churchwell Bros. .