Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, December 05, 1911, Image 2

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B&Sri ’ „ U/tSTLINC REVELATION. The most startling development bow Published By ever, occurred but week when the THE- HERALD PUBL18HINO CO. Stanley Investigating committee got A. P. Perhsm, 8r. A. P. Perham, Jr. Editors and Proprietors. Miss Carrie Perham Personal. 8oclety and Local. gfiF'JK'SS Herald "gSSS £i~ vir.unn New York on bnalnes. hold of Wharton Barker of Philadel phia, a well known banker. Mr. Dar ker etated that a few weeks before the Presidential elctlon of 1903 he ISM by A. P. Perham, Sr. , . Telephones Busin.js Ofllce SS editorial Offle IS Kealdence 308. Fvery Afternoon Except Sunday. "Vlntered et the W.ycrou, Ga., Post-' er tand he •“ t0 »«"™> • th » t •!Pte aa second elass mall matter. | looked to be cn Important railroad | reform but which In reality was only I nnd In talking with ono or the great ■honey k!n;:s of that city was told that the. railroads had made a deal I with Roosevelt by which they were to support and elect him nnd on the otb- Since Ne. S lane Street. RATES OP SU38CRIPTION, • Months ( Months t Year .. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS snbbcrlbpra to The Herald that do lot receive Ibe paper promptly and early will please rlng-np the Circula tion Msnsger and report the trouble te him. as this is the only means that we can assure you prompt and early , delivery. ~ j n bluff. This law was to be so drawn as to permit pooling, to do away with free paisea which' had grown lo be Intollerable and a few other minor provlelons. While this Is the flrst time the Information has been given to the public It has nevertheless, gradually on the public of this c try that Roosevelt win ‘.Is ‘trctlon by n corrupt deal. SPECIAL NOTICE All obituary notices, cards of thanks, fMOlutloni and notice* of ontorfaln* Bant*, where charges art made, will he charged at advertising rates of I cents a line. THE HERALD IS THE Oflclel Organ of ths United states Court of the Routbcrn District of Georgia. “WAVCrtOSST OA., DEC. B, mi. Thle looke Ilkff Christmas weather. * GTVH3H SSOHDAVM 3HI NI 3SLLH3AGV QTVH3H SSOHDAVM 3H1 NI 3SI1H3AOV 4. NOTICEl The Brlcklayen, Masons nnd Plas terers have changed the scale from 41 cento per hour and S hours; to SO cents per hour and 8 houra. Going Into effect Jan. 1, 1911, 3 St J. W. Carter, Deputy. Big shipment electric fast recelv Byck Eleetrto Supply Co. 10 Lott Street 11 It look* mere end more like “Utile Joe" and H. M. Stanley. 4. It makes no difference what good roads cost, bod roads always coot more. * The man whose wooden leg le ran over by the train might sue tor men tal anguish because he bee nothing to get damages about 4*- The Congressional Record of the Chinese Republic would make nice reading for those versed In flgurlug out hieroglyphics. + Beulah Blnford haa to talk occas ionally, else her ueefulnese on the gtage ss a poser, for moving pictures will begin to wane. 4. Now they ere talking about rormlng a farmer's trust The beet thing the farmers could do would be to trust no body nor anything. — + — Mr. Carnegie la lo present the Ar- genltue Republic with a Dlplodocne. Now If he will kindly explain what that la. there won't be any fuas made about tho nxmo. N + The Dawson New* says thera la no aerlous doubt that the fair-minded people of Oeorgla will give a second term‘of endorsement to the man who proved hie sterling qualities while he was In the executive ofllce. ■“+ Of oourae It's a good.plan to do jour Chrlatmai shopping early—and the plan la twice ns good, at leaat. If yon keep posted by reading The Her ald ads, and plan your gift program according to the Information the ade give you. 4. Better not make gifts than to make the buying or them a matter of anxi ety, of dread—or of laat moment pan ic. Buy In time—buy advertised | things—buy as prudsnlly and wisely as though buying dally necessities, I nnd you'll make a success of your giving. 4. 11 Is our opinion that thousands will vote for Joe Brown (Imply on account of the splendid record that he made during his two-year term aa governor. The people were Impressed with the way In which Governor Brown ran things while he was their governor, t WIREGRAS8 LODGE NO. 153 CONGRESS AND THE PRESIDENT. Congi?** bas reaumod business at the same old stand, and the battle between It and the President from now on will rage with increased In tensity until the sweltering days of next summer. The President as usual Is fish tin? for the trusts and capital ists, and In fact almost everybody who wants to plunder tfaer public as he expects .them to "buy" him another term. On the other hand Congress passed seversl goods tarlg bills last summer which would have greatly benefited the public. Preslden Taft vetoed those bills as is well frnown, simply fecause he thought It was the wrong quarter of the moon or some thing of that sort Children Cry for Fletcher’s The Kind Yon Have Always Bought, nnd which has been in use for over 30 years, lias homo the signature of , and has boon made under lilo per sonal supervision, since Its infuncy. Allow no ono to "deceive you In tills. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “Just-as-good” nro but Experiments that trifle with nnd endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrnps. It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age Is Its guarantee. It destroys "Worms nnd allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation nnd Flatulency. It assimilates the Fowl, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The mother’s friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind Yon Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. vms cswvxua con., wt, rr sums, evxssv. any vows cm. For coughing, dryness and tIckHng of the thrdat, hoarseness and all coughs and colds, take Foley'a Honey and Tar Compound. Contains no Ipl- ate*.. Gem Pharmacy, T. B. Paine. WOODMEN OF THE . WORLD. DAMP IIS Mags flrst end third Thursday >a each month. Masonic Halt Richard L. Singleton, a c. D. P. Woolley, Clerk. UNION JEWELRY STORE Wetehmakere and Engraven. All Kind Of Jewelry Repairing. 108 Plant Ava Waycross, Ga. WAKEFIELD LODGE, NO. 87 KNIGHTS OF PYTwiAS. Meats evwr Moadaj evening at »:00 In Cattle KaT ’tint ave Members S"» requested ** “ 4 vMIttaj Knights are moat J tally Invited to meet with us. J. U CRAWLEY, a o. r H. Millet. KMH.ftS.ftM.otF We believe he te a winner. It la also our opinion that the Hon. J. pope Brown will he second in the race. 4. News has been received of Che death' at Montclair, N. J., of Colonel Frank Warren Hawthorne, a veteran news paper man who was once editor of the Jacksonville Times, which later be came the Times-UhtSh. Mr. Hawhorne was editor of the Jacksonville pager durioj the yellow fever epidemic. For the.lam fourteen, yean he had been leading editorial writer of the- New York Commercial. | * INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION * OR CARWORKERS. Meets every second and fourth Tuesday night In j*ch month. J. W. Vtlllnerwee, President W. J. Lansy, Recording Secty. OOOOOOOOOOOO O FIRE INSURANCE and BONDS O 0 ‘LOTTPEABODY o 0 • INSURANCE o 0 AGENCY o Phone IS5. Set 1814. O OOOOOOOOOOOO Atlantic Coast I_lne Schedule. DEPARTURES. ARRIVALS AT WAYCROSS. from Savannah Tain 189 5:50 am Train 185 18:50 pm Train 81 5:56 pm rnln 57 10:10 pm Aim Montgomery rnln 58 6:15 am .’rain 180 6:45 pm From Balnbrtdgv ft Thomsavtlle Train 188 10:08 am —> tlhxn,- Train 01 4:55 am [tain 91 8:55 am Train 97 8:00 pm From Chicago ard Nortweat . C. Special (via Albany)....4:66 am Diile Flyer (vis Ttfton)....6:35 am loutb Atlantic Limited d:SS am rrout Brunswick Train 88 7:40 am Train 80 6:00 pm From Jacksonville Train 88 6:55 pat Train 81 10:18 pm Train 84 10:85 pm Train 81 10:48 pm From Tamps. High Springs via D» For Jesup aad Savannah Train 68.. .... .i:56 Train 188 .......10'K aa Train 7-.It fa Train it .6:10 pn for Montgomery Train 189 6:10 aa* Train 67 ,. ...10:85 pn For Balnbrtdge and ThomasvIUs. Train 185 1:00 pn For Albany Train 08 .... 10:50 pn Train Bfl 7:60 an Train 80 5:10 pn For Chicago and Northwest L C. Special (via Albany)., 10:d0 pa Dixie Flyer (via Tlfton) ....10:10 pm South Atlantic Limited.. ..10:80 pn For Rruuswlc’a Train 01 .' 10:10 an Train 87 5:10 pn For Jacksonville Train 05 (Dlgla Flyer 6:40 an Tpaln-93 8:00 no Train 38 4:45 aa rain li 6:1b p». For Tampa, High Spring! Train 48 8:00 nn Tram 43 7:36 pm For through Schedules “oilman reservations etc. Call On E. M. North. A. O. P. A. °* m », T,ok * t Bmna^l A Witptoii Advertise In the HERALD! YOUR HUNTING OUTFIT IS WAITING HERE FOR YOU GUNS, AMMUNITION, REVOLVERS—ALL NECES. 8ARY HUNTING ACCOUTERMENTS—GOODS NEW AND MODERN. A SUCCESSFUL HUNTING TRIP NECES8ARILV DEPENDS LARGELY CN YOUR GUN AND AMMUNI TION. WHEN YOU START GO PROPERLY PREPARED WITH GOODS FROM OUR WELL ASSORTED STOCKS —’TOUR’S ARE WAITING FOR YOU AND THEY ARE REASONABLY PRICED. Watt Hardware Company WAYCROSS, GA. Ware County Light and Power Company. jr Cows On The Streets! WHETHER THEY BELONG ON THE STREETS OR NOT, YOUR FRONT YARD IS NOT THE PLACE FOR THEM. Pittsburg Lawn Fence IS THE 80LUTION OF THE PROBLEM, KEEPS THEM IN OR OUT, BE8IDE8, IT ADDS TO THE L00K8 AND VALUE OF YOUR PROPERTY. THE PLACE TO GET IT 18 e@r r '\ Rfl, ANTHOiW Hardware Co. 08-100 PLANT AVENUE. When You Stroll STROLL TO LaGrande Pharmacy All thelatert HOT. DRINKS, CIG ARS, High Class TOILET ARTI CLES, RUBBERGOODS and .DRUGGISTS’ SUNDRIES