Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, December 05, 1911, Image 6
PGR RENT BY The Riverside Park Co ONE MTORY 8-R00.M HOUSE FOR .' 120.00 PER MON~ ONE 2-STORY 7-ROOM HOUSE FOR...* $15.00 PER MONTH J0Ht 1-STORY SROOM COTTAGE FOR ' 18.00 PER MONTH ONE BEAUTIFUL 2-STORY HOME $2,750.00, EASY TERMS ONE S-ROOM COTTAGE ... $1,000.00, EASY TERMS ALSO FOR SALE A FEW VACANT LOTS RANGING IN PRICE FROM $100.00 TO $400.00 ON TERMS 80 EASY YOU SVIllL HAVE NO DIFFICULTY IN MEETING SAME. WITHOUT PAY INO TAXES OR INTEREST YOU MOLL BECOME A FREE HOLDER BEFORE YOU REALIZE IT. RIVERSIDE PARK CO. w * ycro, ’’ Ga - LA GRANDE BLDG. 4TH. FLOOR. "Grandma” Sausage We have installed an electric san* sage mill, and will make a specialty of "GRANDMA* 8AU8AGE. We have an up-to-date market and propose to head the procession* Try us and be convinced. -We have installed a HOBART ELECTRIC BONE GRINDER, and will make a specialty of furnishing our customers with this valuable egg producer at a very small cost We urge you to try a small lot and see the Increase In your egg supply. Then It will pay you to arrange for a regular weekly supply so that you will not be disappointed. T. H. Blizzard 108 Plant Avenife. Phone CITIZENS LEAGUE. C*U !>- ettlMM, Hou«. Waycron, on the ova- October 12tb., a representative Body of man, gathered from nil walka f* vocations of life, composed of JMlnlaten of tha Gospel, physicians, dairysrs, bankers, merchant* and . Hambcra of tha organisations of Boll- Or Makers, Machinists, Ca Workers, -MfsckamlthB, Locomotive Engineers, Conductors, Switchmen, Uraken.cn, Would era, Inspectors, Carpenter!) IClarks, Travelers T. P. A'a., Farmers' , U. C. T'a., and the other cle ats going to make up oar cosmo- populatlon; the object and i of this mooting being o con- .Odder matters political affecting Way- cross, and to decldt on candldata* Mad measures, to urge before the waters at the approaching municipal •rimary, and JBlorcas, by a majority ballot of invar one hundred voters, H. D. Reed eras endorsed for Mayor, Dr. W. K. was endorsed ton Alderman, Ward. W. E, Chandler for Fourth Ward, and C. A*. XaOoont tor Alderman, Sixth Ward,— i being the only Aldermen to be I at tha ensuing election, and Whereas, by the endorsement of ghass candidates for nomination at dha primary, aa men deemed worthy go bear the standard raised by this ■Mating; It becomes proper and rfgfit Oat tha purpose* tor which this : stood, and for which the or thorn effected stands, I he set forth Id a declaration of money so collected should he expand ed to the very beat possible advan tage, with neither waste nor graft. The Sinking Fund provided to moot the outstanding bonds should b* kept Intact, and so Invosted ns to bring the best returns, so that the payment of bonds may bo made promptly and dorsad, and who stand pledged to heart), accord with tha platform here enunciated. 21 tf THE CITIZENS LEAGUE. PAKK MOR RAND CO. •WLINERRS AND CONTRACTORS Lott-Hltch Building. RE.INFOKCED CJNCRE-E. WAYCROSS LODGE No. SOS. F. & A. M. REGULAR COMMUNICATIONS ON' iECOND AND FOURTH TUESDAY. EVENING AT 7:30 P. M. All Masons invited to Attend, «f. M. BELL, W. M. W. J. CLARK, SEC. A MAIL CARRIER'S LOAO. Scorns heavier when he has a weak our credit preserved. Next to the I bac ' : and kidney trouble. Fred Dueh- preservation of our credit, aa outlined I reI b 31**1 Carriej at Atchison, Kas., above, comes the needs for streets,! - *7s: “I have been bothered with sidewalks and drainage, and these kidney fcnd bladder trouble and had should be Improved Just as fast as. ,evero Pain across my. back. When- practicable, but the work should be' eTer 1 carried a load, my kidney trou- pur atalalsti be It resolved— I. That tha Citizen* League, form' •S at said masting, stand* l •OUARB DEAL, for both riol f**i Ugh and low,—No favoriLam saSar tha law, but JUSTICE to all . In order fo meet out exact low > our City Government should b* Stared honestly, economically id equitably. Tha Tax rat* ah i a* low as possible consistent with tha needs for revenue, and 4dl property should ha assessed alike. T’a condemn nil Inequalities la as- oaaaments aa rank favoritism, and .pdadco ourselves to an aas*samMt *“•* on min* not ownership. -Ts believe that the street Tax should *• made not to exceed $-oo per an- saint Returns of proparty by Tax Payer* should be adjusted only after • fail hearing and an examination ot the property. ddhe by a competent Supervisor, un der bond for faithful, honcht work, •o that- the money apent for these Improvements may be a permanent gain to the city. Weeding edges of itroeu and throwing sand in tha mid dle la a waste of Amo and energy, rrom Which no benefit la derived. We stand for bard surfaced street* and for the laying of good sidewalks for ,he people who walk'thereon. Resolved, III. That this organlza tlon stands foV a "square deal" and tor PROGRESS, but It advocates giv ing every proper help and encourage ment to our schools, collegos and oth er educational Institutions. The needs for a ppbllc library la- apparent, and steps should be taken to secure one without delay. All our ellemoaynary Institutions should b* fostered and sided, and especially do w# commend tha Kings' Daughters Hospital for Its noble work. ble Increased. Some time ago, I start ed taking Foley Kidney Pills and alnco taking them l have . gotten entirely rid of all my kidney trouble and nm aa sound now as ever." • Gem Pharmacy, T. S. Paine. solved It That this organisation '• for pros revs W* believe In a vvslve are. and la a progravalve No backward step should be Roaolved, IV. That this organisa tion stands committed to giving gll duo encouragement to now enierpri*- •a. manufactories, public lervtqe cor poratlons and those things which ■ c tha upbuilding of a city, yet to uaa city property shoulu .-anted, without adequate compen sation, In money or service, to the city or Its people, W* believe .tha time has com* for the clty_to own Its City Hall, and favor tha erection or purchase of auch building M wilt b* adequate to th* need* of tha city for the next .decade at IcaaL believing th* sum* to b* conducive to economy In pubUc service, end tor the better management of city attain. A cen tral City market should be provided for as early as practicable; also the garbage of the City should he removed frequently, and eremated or other- wife disposed of to pa not to menace the public health. walk by the store, we wish you’d stop a minute and take a look at Big Ben. He’s the finest sleep me ter made—the best looking —the best built—the best running.. You needn’t take our word for it, we keep 'him in the window; you can see for yourself. This declaration of principles It put forth for the purpose of deffnlng the position of .those responsible for the Citlseu* League movement, had we beertlly Invite eU who desire good (overement for. Way cross, who ■be lieve tn ,these principles, who desire eqokl richts to all (pedal ■prlvllges $2.50 Tkl* 1$ tfc« dock ttoy are *4*er> Mat la M W Little & Odtm PHONE S. •**“*- Not only alee Id aur tax rate 'o none, in Join with us la carrying •■a* low as ;>oeslMe consistent with this tanner te victory by aoalnatlag T * le EIcc! etty - * legitimate seeds, hat the .'u the primary tha casdlls'ss am ** 1 *' Et *' 7 botU * * a* Alt Drat - A FATHER’S VENGEANCE Would have faUen on any on* who at tacked th* con of Peter Boudy, of Sooth Rockwood, Mich, hut he waa powerless before stuck* of Kldnoy trouble. "Doctors eonld not help him" he wrote, "so at last w* gave him Elactrie Bitter* and he Improve! rap idly and wonderfully from taking six bottles. Its th* beet Kidney medicine t ever nay." Backache, Tired feelin-. Nervousnesx, Loss of Appetites warn of ktdnay trouble that may end fti dropsy, diabetes or Bright’* dismsa Itewsre: Take Electric Bitters and be guaranteed. S$c at All DnAgilta. A CLdsE INSPECTION 'a wba* always happens when you we met face to face BY K LAUNDRY CRANK. It may ba a friend, but he Insists on icruttalilng your linen. Ba on th* cafe- and sure aide and have as do LAUNDRY wor kthat is IRRESISTIBLE^ t'» a* cheap as “slop" ’ work and wika n "hesn" better. • Wilson STEAM LAUNDRY PHONE 0. JOSEPH M. BIOWN’S LAST WORD TO THE PEI PIE BEFORE ELECTION COUGHING AT NIGHT. Means losr of sleep which Is bad for everyone. Foley's- Honey and Tar Compounl stops the cough at once, re lieves the tickling and dryneis In the throat and heal* tho'Tnflamecl mem branes. Prevents a cold developing In to bronchitis or pneumonia. Keep al ways In the bouse. Refuse substitut es. Gem Phannacy,,T. 8. Paine. E. Parker, 2021 No. 10th St. FL Smith, Ark., says that he had taken many kind* of kidney medicine, bat he did. not get better until he took Foley Kidney Pills. No matter how long you have had kidney trouble, you will And quick and permanent benefit by the use of Foley Kidney PttU. SUrt taking them now. Gem Pharma cy, T. S. Paine. A HOUSEHOLD MEDICINE. That (tops roughs quickly and curqp colds,Is Foley’s Honey and Tar Com pound. Mr*. Anna Peixer, 2(2$ Jef ferson 8t., So. Omaha, Neb., aays: -"l can recommend Foley's Honey and Tar Compound aa a sore cure tor coughs and ( colds. It has cured my daughter nt o bad cold and my neigh bor, Mrs. Benson, cored herself and her whole family with Foley's Honey and Tor Compound. Everyone in our neighborhood speaks highly of ft." Gem Pharmacy, T. 8. Palos. TO THE PEOPLE OF GEORGIA: The campaign Jdst closing has been characterised by some astonish log developments. In It, for the Srst time In many years, wo have aeon tha Inherent right of free speech curbed. We have sten attorneys—even offi cers of the Georgia Bar Association—afraid to express their views on vlUl Issues because they differ with a cnndldate-for-governor judge, who has the Judicial power to mold the decision ot a high court against them If they cross bis political path. We bare seencllenta with cases of excessive Impir- tance which are jeopardized If they advocate any candidate opposing that judge. We have seen two candidates for governor attempting to drag Into the campaign for their personal advancement a question which can bo settled only by the legislature acting In obedience to the mandate of the people at the, ballot box. And defending their attempt at uxurpatton of functions re served by the people for themselves or fixed for others, we have seen these two candidates and their advocates decloring that the white voters should not be allowed to cast tbeir ballots upon the Issue they would raise save as It might be embodied in their Joint candidacy or personally. SAY PEOPLE CANNOT GOVERN THEMSELVES. They declare, in effect, that the soverlgn power muat subordinate itself to their Interests; that the soverlgn must be ruled by its creatures, and In labored and at times frensied rhetoric boldly proclaim that corruption wilt taint the decision of the people It they be allowed to arrive at one. In other words, they strenuously contend that the people ot Georgia are incapacitat ed to govern themselves and expreas their determination to be guardians for them. • My candidacy Is a call to tho soverlgn people to assert trelr power and to prove to their officeholders that they are but creature* of the public will, that they are executives, not rulers. There Is but one rulership, that ts In the people. VOTERS WHO CANNOT VOTE. There Is another nnproeedented condition Impending, vis: the practical certainty that'many ballot boxes In e country precincts will not be open ed In the primary for the voters. The tame state, executive committee- which failed to permit the white voters of Georgia to settle the prohibition question has laid down on Its duties and failed to provide ways whereby- the popular will can be fully voiced. There has never before been such a failure. The ballot box should not be closed against a single voter. The same executlpe committee has failed to provide a way whereby th* people can select thoir delegates to tbe national\democratic convention.' Can it be because the evecutlve committee Intends usurping that right of the people? Yet, In spite of sophistical Issues, In spite of Impedments thrown In the . way of the electorate, thanks to the determination of-the people to taka charge of their affairs, my nomination Is assured. It only remains of those of you who demand that this government shall be conducted upon the ' Ideals of sincerity, of peace, Impartial protection and constructive energy, to go to the polling places on Decern <r 7 and deposit your Votes In the ballot box. I earnestly urgo you to lay aside other duties for a time and do this. If you do, our victory la certain. Your fellow citizen, JOSEPH M. BROWN. Marietta, Ga., December 2, -1911. Young’s Rea) Estate Investments ISABELtA STREET: 2 CHOICE LOTS NEAR MARY STREET PARK. TWO YEA REF TO PAY FOR THEM. PRICE? EXTREMELY REASONABLE. CARSWELL STREET: ONE LARGE LOT, SOUTH ERN EXPOSURE, TEhM8 OR CASH. THIS OPPORTU NITY WONT Gb BEGGING, SEE ME AT ONCE. MCDONALD: STREET: 2 BEAUTIFUL LOT8 OPPO- SITE MR. B. M. NORVELL'S BUNGALOW. TERM8 OR CA3H. COLLEGE HILL: ONE TEN ACRE TRACT, BE YOND LARGE OAKS, INSIDE CITY LIMIT8, IDEAL PLACE FOR SUBURBAN HOME whERE PLENTY ROOM MAY BE HAD FOR ORCHARDS, VINEYARD. AND GARDENS.' ' ‘ COLLEGE HILLl 8EVERAL LOTS NEAR LEGE AT BARGAIN- PRICES, TERM8 OR CASH. COL. v JANE ELIZABETH, AND MARY STREET EXTEN- SION: TIS HERE YOU CAN PURCHASE A LARGE LOT NEAR INTO THE BUSINESS SECTION, NEAR THE A. C. L. SHOPS, AND IN a SECTICN OF THE CITY THAT IS ABSOLUTELY FREE OF COLORED RESIDENTS. TERMS $15 DOWN AND $5 PER MONTH AND UPWARDS BUYS A LOT 70X.100 FEET. "B* STREET: ONE CHOICE LOT, NEAR ALBANY AYE. TERM8 OR' CASH. Walter M. Young, Real Estate Bargains. FALL CABBAGE PLANTS Our fall cabbage plant*, 'Wakefield and Flat Dutch, nr* how ready tor shtpmanL and we want your order*. Price* f. o. b., Meggett: 1.00# to 2.004 at...... $1.50 per l,00o 1,00$ to 8,000 at .... $1.23 per 1000 10,000 and over at.... $1.00 per 1.1 SAVED MANY FROM DEATH, W. L. Mock, of Mock, Ark., btlievea ha hat saved many lives In Ms 23 yean ot experience In th* drug buri ns**. “What I always Ilka to do." be writes. Is to recommend Dr. King'* New DIecovery' for weak, tore lungs, hard cold*, homrteneas, obitlnate We adviie that' you place your oJ C0B * h *’' u “ ,bma " dere promptly at ih* .apply 1, very !0ther br0Bch,e *> ' N medicine that'* mad*,” Buy to prove he's right Gat a trial bottle tree, orJfc regular 60 cent or $1.00 bottle. Qnar-v anteed by All Druggists, v RING 174 FOR WOOD. limited thl. falll ' Satisfaction " guar- ' aBr * ' , ‘ ,l * nnmb * r nf ****>"• anteed. • ' ‘ ** * xtre allre end well today they 8. M. Glbvon Co., Mawatt «- C. For Bret-claxa rubber tire and wire wheel work at prices right see J. T. McGee. 21 Albany arenoe, U $0$ toek my odvfee to uve It. I honestly. B’.g et card Board, all aoh WItw tte the beet throat and lanf ra$ jun received at Herald. It