Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, December 06, 1911, Image 2

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% Ttf EVENING HERALD I HERALD A. P. Per ham, Sr, A. P, Perham, Jr, Editor* and Proprietor*. Ml** Carrie Perham, Personal, Society and Local. The Weyeroii Herald founded In USC. The Dally Herald founded In IIU by A. F. Perham, Sr. Telephone* * Baalnu* Once 25 . Editorial OB* » Realdence 262. FVtry Afternoon Except Sunday, Tolared at the Waycroe*, Oa.'. Poet. ' etf to a* second class mall matter. Title* No. S Jan* Street RATES OP SUBSCRIPTION. ; VK.nili ♦ M » Month* »!•» I Month* MJW t Tear *«•«» NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS ' Subscriber* to The Herald that do Vt rwelr* the paper promptly and early will please rlog-ap the Circula tion Manager and report the trouble I* him, a* this Is the only means that w* can ***ora you prompt and early dellrery. i SPECIAL NOTICE All obitoarjr notice*, card* of tbanka, •aaolutlone and notice* of entertain* menti, where cbnrs** are made, will ha charged at advertising rates of S •ante a line. , THE HERALD IS THE Official Organ of the United Mates Court of the Southern District of Georgia 'WAYCROSS/OA.,'DEE. 6, 19T1. When boesoe fall out then lust men get tliftr dnex. * now hating fiovernranrft by Outlook. The- great moatJtmckera do not! booth to relink the Idea of beng packed In prison. If a Carnegio foundation amounts to $lS#90.Oi)O, what will* that whole building cost. A man Sn CUlra?o v waa recently .kill- ' ed by two nutomolilleB. In mo*t canoa ono Ii sufficient. *— Tho Chlnefo re^olutlonl^a* ttflok they will soon b© singing "Tho Yuan* Ion Foverer.” ' A woman baa a fair understanding of politics until her husband explains It to her. —*— Telling the average man to do hla Christmas shopping early la Ilka glr* log him a letter to mall. 4- That story about the mother of the Emperor of China eloping with tn actor may be all a campaign Ua, Having tried the habsan corpus and filled,, perhaps the Chicago packers will now try to prove an allhL +—— la It poeelble that that Outlook ar il cl a. made it to warm for the Presi dent that he caught a cold. ' 4 Virginia’Is setting in example of commendable apoed In dl*po*lng of Ua eeneatlontl murder case. 4. At la*t It.looks as if the Chlneeo are going to got even with tho Man- ehus for making thorn near their hair that way. f _ »fr- - An old Indian tighter tn Oklahoma, I While dreaming, Mixed hit revolver ! and shot himself tn the Jaw. Then ^ he awoke. THE BETTER PROHIBITIONIST. ({?ordele Rambler.) Joe Brown baa always been a pro hibitionist but says that he thinks the Issue should be eliminated from all personal politics; be also says that be it elected governor he will veto any bill seeking to abolish or amend our prohibition law unless It carried n referendum clause. This kind of prohibition Is accep table to Dr. White and numbers other sane prohibition leaders; be sides Joe Brown Is not a prohibition ist for "revenue only;" be was for prohibition beforo he ever ran for office, even when hla closest relative? were opposed to prohibition. But first of all be believes fn the •overlgnty of the people and Is willing tir leave the liquor issue to them,— the while people of CeorgUT. What more does a reosonable pre- hibftlonist want? Compare his record with that of Pope Brown before formng your opin ion as to which is the more etabip prohibitionist. The Supreme Court of North Caro lina has practically rpled that whis key Is good for a snake bite, doubt we will hear of many good North Cafrol5r#ians befng bitten 'by snakco frtrni now on. BAD CASE. A fellow who Ived on the < Isthmus, Was bother el somewhat by Btrablsth* mus. | He said: "It Is sad, But iny eyes# which are bad, £pe New Year when -looking at ChrlBthmua." THE LOAFING NEGROES WHO ARE BEING FED OUT OF THE PAN BROUGHT TO .THEMjBY VOUR COOK, WILL BE ELIMINATED IF AM ELECTED MAYOR. 5 4t CALVIN W. PARKER. NOTICE! Tho Bricklayers, Masons and Plas terers have changed tho ocale from 45 cents Ter hour and 9 hours; to so cents per hour and 8 hours. Going into effect Jan. 1, 1912. 2 2t J. W. Cartor, Deputy. Big shipment electric tans receiv d. . * \Byck Electric Supply Cc. 20 Lott Street * 12 U For coughing, tlryne^s end tickling of th* throat, ’ hoarsen*** end cough* and cold*, take Foley 1 * Honey end Ter Compound. Contelna no lpl- atet. Gem Phkrmacy, T. B. Paine. THE WOODMEN OF WORLD. CAMP 16X Mule drat gnd third Thnredsy •* each month. Uaionlo Halt Hichvrd L. Singleton. C. C. D. P. Woolley, Clark. UNION JEWELRY STORE Wstehmakara and Engraven, All Kind Of Jewelry Repairing. 152 Plant Are Waycrosa, Oa. WAKEPIELO LODGE, NO. B KNIOHTS OP PVT— AS. tit*.;* .v lf.ie.ia 'v'Sora ovenlng at 2:05 In & ) V*j' I ' Caetl* Hat Tlant av* ^ Member* *"* regueated to attend, aed vlaltlng Knlgku are moat :*r Jlaliy tnvttcd to meet with a*. J. L. CSfcWLET, C. C. r H- MUiei K,.t H IS * M. of F. Th* dispatch about Mr. Morgan'! unfortunate Occident In church doeen'r eay he recovered the money. No doubt tho reporter thought It would bo cuperilous to mention IL + Th* Waahnyton Post call* him “Woody Wilson", which In certainly - WIREQRA8S LODQE NO. IBS poor rappect to .how'for u who I*. INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION going to bo preuldent. j OF CARWORKERS. Get the habIL smoke “V. n. dear Havana. ST tl Children Cry for .Fletcher’s The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been In nso tor over SO years, has borne the signature of — i and hag been made under bis per sonal supervision since its Infancy. Allow no ono to deceive you in tills. ' All Counterfeits, Imitations and “Juxt-us-good” arc but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of infants and Children—Experlpnco against Experiment. What is CASTOR IA Costorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant.' It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago Is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTOR IA ALWAYS Bears the Signature- of The Kind You Rave Always Bought . In TJse For Over 30 Years THE CENTAUJf COMP*K f. 77 MUMtAV kmCCT* HEW YORK CITY. rwwrmffWWkWE i.ww^bp-1 Atlantic Coar.t Lint iJcheciultr. PUKsKTUKCS. xi r.Vrtnnak AHKIYaKLft 'AT WAY CKOS 8. t f \ a: savaaaab j , _ , aln 1S3 5:5'‘ am I Train !S5 .... 12:60 pm;' ,r2in is - Train 21 6:55 p m |Train 1S2 train 67 , 10:10 pm lr *l_ n ls “ ,...7:J* »n ,u:55 an 10-26 an m Montgomery Train 68 .i.,.6:15 ra •rain 180 ..5:45 pm From Balnbrldgy A Thomesvlllu rraln 182 10:05 am l’ralrf 2.' 6:10 po Train 93 4:55 am Train 91 .9:65 am Train 07 6:00 pin From Chicago erd Nortwost C. Special (via Albany)....4:65 am Dale Flyer (via Tilton) 5:35 am toulh Atlantic Limited ,6i36. am Froie Brunswick Train 96.... 7:40 sm Train 90 ^ 6:00 pm From Jacksonville Train 22 0:00 pm Train It 10:11 pm Train M 10:20 pm fraln (I 10:40 pm From Tampa, High Sprtax* via Du pont tram 41 .'..7:10 pm For through Schedule* Pullman r*«*rv»tlon*, *te, Call qn A If. North. A. O. P. A. R- «• c,m ». TlclMt *«“*• Bs.au*ok .Qv . Wayeroea. Ga Train 189 6:10 an- Train 57 V. 10:25 pn Fur BalnbrlUitv xn-J i'nomasvUle. Tiain 185 1:00 p» Fo; Albany .Train 92 .... 10:50 pi Train 96 7:50 an Train 90 6:10 pn ‘ For Chicago and tfarthwwt * I. C. Spfcelul (vlS Albany) - 10:60 pn Dixie Flyer (via Tlfton) ....10:10 pa Scutb Atlantic Limited.. ..10:20 go For Bt-ucewlck Train 01 ....10:10 as Train 97 6:10 pn For .lacksonvlll* Train 00 (Dixie Flyer 1:40 *• Train 93 0:00 an Train II 0:40 an rain 21 6:1b pn For Tampa, High Spring* Train tl i... ....1:06 ■■ Advertise In the HERALD! Meets- every eecoad and fourth If Colonel Rooaerclt 1* going to, nl * ! » hi each month. hc-oms a cahdlat* for the Prealden- Onl nnmlnellon the LaFollette boom i* rbc nrst on* that will have to get eut of tho way. Wfcea that new governor tof Kcs- tu. y returna to tho exaenttv* matt- elco arter an absence of thirty Ore yean ho wia probably led eomewhat Kip Van Wlnkllsb. - * J. W. Villlnorwco, PreeldenL TV. J. I .artsy. Recording Sccty. ooo ooooooooo O FIRE INSURANCE and BONDS O O LOTTPEABODY ° ° INSURANCE ° o AGENCY o O Phono 135. Sot 1U4. O OOOOOOOOOOOO er ^ '-I JL i~t" Ma YOUR HUNTING OUTFIT IS WAITING HERE FOR YOU GUNS, AMMUNITION, REVOLVERS—ALL NECES SARY HUNTING ACCOUTERMENTS—GOODS NEW AND MODERN. A SUCCESSFUL HUNTINO TRIP NECESSARILY DEPENDS LAROELY ON YOUR GUN AND AMMUNI TION, WHEN YOU START GO PROPERLY PREPARED WITH GOODS FROM OUR WELL ASSORTED STOCKS —YOUR’S ARE WAITING FOR YOU AND THEY ARE REASONABLY PRICED. , Watt Hardware Company WAYCROSS, GA. Warg County Light and Power Company. Cows On The Streets! WHETHER THEY BELQNG ON THE STREETS OR NOT, YOUR FRONT YARD IS NOT THE PL’ACE FOR THEM.- Pittsburg Lawn Fence IS THE SOLUTION Of'tHE PROBLEM, KEEPS THEM IN OR OUT, BESIDES, IT ADDS TO THE LOOKS AND VALUE OF YOUR PROPERTY. TftE PLACE TO GET IT IS R$J. ANTHOm 1 Hardware Co. 08-100 PLANT AVENUE. J When You Stroll STROLL TO La Grande Pharmacy All thelate& HOT DRINKS, CIG ARS, High Class TOILET ARTI CLES, RU BB E R G O OD S and DRUGGISTS* SUNDRIES . . ,