Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, December 07, 1911, Image 2

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YOUR HUNTING OUTFIT IS WAITING HERE FOR YOU OUNS, AMMUNITION. REVOLVERS—ALL NECES SARY HUNTINO ACCOUTERMENTS—GOODS NEW AND MODERN. A SUCCESSFUL HUNTINO TRIP NECESSARILY OEPEND8 LARGELY ON YOUR GUN AND AMMUNI TION. V WHEN YOU START GO PROPERLY PREPARED WITH GOODS FROM OUR WELL ASSORTED STOCKS -TOUR'S ARB WAITING FOR YOU AND THEY ARE REASONABLY PRICED. . A prospering (tor* makes the anl O O O O 0 0.0 O O O O O o! I(s AdvertUIaj material—Ita eery. O RRE INSURANCE and BONDS O* tee, Its ptoKoaewlou. Us eiclaslv* O , LOTTi*EABODY ® stock. A stars that Ini not bin O • INSURANCE ° Plmly of •SirsrUsta* material" vnU | ❖ AGENCY ° of court*, not do much advertising— O Phone 135. SsL 1814. O not much prospering. 000000.000,0 00 Walt Hardware Company WAYCROSS, GA. Miss Mura Bsyly of London, South Afriea and the FIJI Islands, • recently TiiE EVENING HERALD ' PutHlsnel By——- arrived I*.New York, snd will make THE HERALD_ PUBLISHING CO. 1 a trip through America for toe sake A. P. Parham, Sr. A. P. Perhsm, Jr. Editors a(id Proprietors. Mils Carrie Perhsm. Personsi, Society and Local. Waycross Herald founded In The Dally Herald founded In The (Ml. The ISM hy a. p. Pelham, Sr. Telephones Bualnus Office St Editorial OBo 25 Residence SSI. . FVsry Afternoon Except Sunday. — _a. Entered at 1 the Waycroas, Oa., Post- elite aa second class mall matter. Office No. 1 Jane BtrseL : 1 RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. .. Month I .41 I Months »>•!* I Months ISM I Tear 16.00 NOTICE T.O SUBSCRIBERS Subscribers to The .Herald that do V»t receive the paper promptly eud early will please rlnx-up the Circula tion Manager and report the trouble he him, aa this la the only meane that Ww can aasure you prompt and early deUeery. SPECIAL NOTICE All obituary notices, cards of thenhe, resolutions snd notices of entertain- manta, where chargee are made, will he charged at advertising rates of I sente e line. THE HERALD IS THE Official Organ of the United btetee Court of the Soother* District of ^£S2lS!i-sn— ^WAYZR0Ssn>ArDtc!71S1i: When the Chinees Republic (eta to going what a gorgeous thing Its refer endum ballot will be. According te recent testimony In the Steel Trust case, John Rockefeller must be some equeeier. , -*|. Once more the United States Is pa trolhig the Rio Grande. This time It Is not called maneuvering. + The London man who can afford to ■ pay 119,000 for a Bible r robabiy needa - one. * , Speaker Clark beliarea In Santa Claua.. Raped to get anything In your stocking, Champ? + Tht traveling men of the bountry Want to abolish the tipping nuisance. If they succeed perhaps more of ue can afford to travel. + One reason that Castro's activities seem so scant may be that he Is doing hla own typewriting. +;—*■ Colonel Wattereon has spent a whole life practicing being the kind of a newspaper man he preaches about. ~4* "• With unlimited ‘leave to print In hie. own mainline md the Congressional Records, Senator lj»Follette ought to bo able to get along wlthou utilising the pages of other publication*. Wei notice by the announcement* In our esteemed New* York contemporar ies that a few horses aa well aa hats were present It the New York Horae Show. Miss Ula Raxelle, a stenographer, or Kalamazoo, Mich., baa been noticed that Ralph Meecham of Albany, N. Y., a schoolboy sweetheart, ta dead,, leav ing her $60,000. v of adding to her ethnological research ee. She la said to be the only white woman who has lived alone among the FIJI* Islanders. The daughter of an English mining engineer, Miss Daly was born In South Africa and educate ed in England,prance, Germany and Austria. She began her ethnological researches soon after leaving school. Loneliness Is - unknown to Georgo Carroll Curtis, artist and former In structor In geology at Harvard, whi has just returned from a 5,000-mile trip along the. Atlantic coast, facing danger single-handed, gaining valua tie scientific knowledge and working out his artistic desires. —*— A FREE BOOK WITH 1912 CALENDAR FOR OUR READERS. Wo take plcasuro In announcing that any of our readers can secure a pretty vent pocket note book and cal endar by (ending 4 onocent stamps to D. Swift A Co., Patent Lawyer*, Washington, D. C. In addition to the 4' blank pages for memoranda. It con- tains calendars for 1912 and 1913, the population of the 600 largeat cltlei, 20 In each state, according to the census of 1910, the population snd area of each Mate, the number of electoral rotes each presidential can- dldate received from each state In 1908, the number of Democrats and Republicans elected to Congress by each state In 1908 and 1910, a chap- ter of useful loformstlon, and a chap- ter of useful law points for every day use. This book would coet 26 cents at a book store. 12 6 tf THE LOAFINQ NEGROES WHO ARE BEINQ FED OUT OF THE PAN BROUGHT TO ,THEM /BY YOUR COOK, WILL BE ELIMINATED IF I AM ELECTED MAYOR. , / 6 4t CALVIN W. PARKER. NOTICE! The Bricklayers, Masons and Plas- tersrs have changed the pcale from 41 cento per hour and 9 hours; to CO cento per hour and 8 hours. Going Into «ffect Jan. 1, 1912. 2 2t J. W. Carter, Deputy. Bis ihlpmeat-electric tans reoelv Byok Electrto Supply Co. 10 Lott Street if tf Children Cry for Fletcher’s The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of i and has been made under his per sonal supervision since its Infancy. - Allow no ono to deceive you In tills. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “Just-as-good” are but Experiments tlmt trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Costoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor OU, Pare- _ gorlc, Drops and Soothing Syrups, It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic, (t relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tbo Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of In. Use For Over 30 Years muhcwaw, grji*ggrtgsg*jmggy bSSh Atlantic Coast Line Schedule. Ware County Light and Power Company. ARRIVALS AT WAYCROSS. iTom Savannah For coughing, dryness and tickling of tho throat,. hoarseness and all cougha snd colds, take Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. Contain! no Ipl- alas. Gain Pharmacy, T, s. Paine, THE WOODMEN OK WORLD. I CAMP 1«A Mv9!s nrst and third Thursday >n ttth month. Muonic Hill. Klehard L. Singleton, 0. C. ■D. F. W"o! toy, Clark. UNION JEWELRY STORE Walehmnksrs and Engravers. All Kind Of Jawelry Repairing. 108 Pltni Ava Waycross, Go. WAKEFIELD LODGE, NO. V KNIGHTS OP PYTi-kB. Meet* *» — Uos.iv •venlng at 1:09 In Castle Hoi slant avv Membera requested to etteud, and vtattlag * s Knights ars mast rar !W . *./ / Important form of publicity tor Important nswa greatly Important | Jlally Invited to meet with ns. display, type-effects and sptca tor greatly Important news. -And this rule for the treatment of general naira, up- piles, also, to store-news. DEPARTURES. For Jesnp and 8avannah - Train 68..' .st6l Train 182 ..............v-.10'«6 na Train 180 »n Train » „...6:10pu For Montgomery Train 189 ...MO an. Train 67...... .... .. .. ...10:26 pa - For Bslnbridg# and ThomuvlUe. Train 186 1:00 fP For Albany Train 92- 10:60 pn Train 00 ...,,...7:64 aa Train 90 .6:10 pa For Cblgago.aad North writ L 0. Special (vis Albany) ,ailil:dO pa Dixie Flyar (via Tlfton) ....10:10 *a South Atlantic Limited.. ,.10:10 pa For Brunswick Train 91 .10:10 an Train 97 ....6:10 pu For Jacksonville * Train 06 (Dixie Flyer ........1:40 Ml 'fain 93 .6:00 aa 'rain 33..... .... 6:46 an rain 21 ..0:16 pa For Tempt, High Springs Train 41 7:16 pm fr * lB *' " ,!# * “ For through -Schedule* Pullman reservations, eta, Call On E. M. North. A. Q. P. A. R °* m *> T,olMt 8avaru.it ,0V Waycross. Oa Vain 189 ... ...6:60 am Train 185 .11:60 pm Train SI ...6:65 pm mm 67 .10:10 pm /icm Montgomery Crain 68 .... ...6:)6 am .rain 180 ...6:46 pm From Batnbrldgo A Tbomasvllle mm in .10:06 am now Alban, Train 91 $:66 am mm si ........ ..9:65 am Praia 97 ..6:00 pm From Cblcagu tad Nortwsgf C. Special (via Albany). ..4:65 am ..6:86 am louth Atlantia .Limited 6:36 am rrow Brnnewlek • . mtu 96 . ,7:40 am Train 90 . 6:00 pm Pram Jackaouvtlle Tram ii ..6:65 pm mm ii .10:15 pm mm 94 10:16 pm fnln 91 .10*46 nm From Tampa, High Sprtmgs via Do- Advertise In h he By the time those Indiandlgnltarlet WIREORASS LODGE NO. 16$ gel on the ouatlde of Ibosa thousand INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION plum-puddings which Qu»en Marv of) OF CARW0RKER8. Enstsad In taking them they any act. Meets every second and fourth have a very healthy appreciation of Tuesday night In etchi month, the Habeas of British loyalty. * j J. W. VRUntrwee, Prasidont W. J. Lsnsy, Recording Sooty. Cows On The Streets! WHETHER THEY BELONG ON THE STREETS OR NOT, YOUR FRONT YARD IS NOT THE PLACE FOR THEM. 18 THE 80LUT10N OP THE PROBLEM, KEEPp THEM IN OR omt BE8IDE8, IT ADOS TO THE LOOKS AND VALUE OF YOUR PROPEpTjL THE PLACR TO OETTT >8 ‘ Jp RiJ.ANTHONY Hardware Go. OS100 PLANT AVENUE.. When You Stroll STROLL TO La Grande Pharmacy All thelatedt HOT DRINKS, CIG- ^ ARS, High Class TOILET ARTI CLES, R U B B E R G O O D S and DRUGGISTS’ SUNDRIES