Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, December 07, 1911, Image 5
only at tba French Market, New Orleana. But NOW you alt may eerve it daily at four oum table. For the old French Market blend U perpetuated by The Same Unique Hygienic Roasting Process and delivered everywhere In perfect aroma and strength In her metically aealed tiny. Injurious elements are nailed out of French Market Coffee. In New Orleans, lot hundreds of years. It baa always been the custom to drink-cup after cup, even at midnight. Von may do the same today. Be sure yon get the genuine. "There Is only one real old French Market flavor.’’ At All Grocers • lllaa'ii. teems «<Cross* eelrkr Ike f i -A ' French Market Mills (K«w Orleaai C jUcc Co.,L*d..PfOwh**e* I l Now Orleans, La. NO loafing or idle neoro of "ITHER SEX, CAN STAY IN WAY- 3ROSS WITHOUT BEING ON CHAIN 7ANG, IF I AM ELECTED MAYOR. I 4t CAC'N ,v. PARKER. Turkeys Turkeys , / Turkeys * Seud us your or der. Gan sell you Turkeys every day from now until Xmas. Better See Us Wilson Grocery Company W. M. Wilson, Mgr. Phone 128, Wilson Block PERSONAL AND LOCAL. CALVIN W. PARKER IS THE POOR MAN'S FRIEND. CAST YOUR BAL< LOT FOR HIM ON DEC. 9. 7 2t NOTICE] For the convenience of those who cannot see me during the day. I will i o cl the Citizen's Bank on December and 9 from 7 to 9 o’clock p. m., for tue purpose of collecting state aad county taxes. J. T. Strickland. G 2t Tax Collector. We have a cllnet who desires to •exchange 74 acres good farm land 3 miles of A. C. L. depot for a desira ble city lot, close In. $ 2t. W. F. Raybon C Co. STRAWBERRY PLANT8 FOR 8AL6 Fine, healthy strawberry plants for sale at $2.50- per thousand plants Lady Thompson and Klondike varie ties and prolific bearers. Speak quick If you want plants for they are going fast Enquire at the office of the Been Realty Company ifflee, LaGraride fielding. 24 6td 2tw Backache, Headache, Nervouaneaa And rheumatism, bath In men and wo men, mean kidney trouble. Do not Allow it to progreee beyond the reach of medicine but etop It promptly with Foley KU:.ey Pills. They regulate the' action-of the urinary organa. T Inc In action, quick results. Oem Pharma cy, T. S. Faina. IN VIEW OF THE WIDELY DIS TRIBUTED AREA OF OUR CITY, I BELIEVE THAT THE CITY SHOULD BE RE-DISTRICTED, THUS BIVINS ALL THE RESIDENTS OF OUR CITY MORE REPRESENTATION ON THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN. CALVIN W. PARKER. 7 2t CANDIDATE FOR MAYOR. WE WILL HAVE A CARLOAD OF GENTLE BROKE TENNE88EE mules next Monday morning. 7 3t . M. DOWNEY. Abstifejie/y Pure Tho orJy Baking Powder made f7omRoyaB Crape Cream ofTartar NO ALUM, NO LIME PHOSPHATE PARKER RALLY AT OPERA HOUSE TONIGHT. Be sure and come to Opera House tonight at 7:30. You’ll miss the greatest of the entire campaign If you fall to be there. Everything chicken. CATHOLIC FEAST DAY. Tbmorrow is a great feast day for the Catholics of the United Statoi the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. On account 6f tho solemnity of the occasion the Holy Father, Pope Plus X, has granted a dispensation from the law of absti nence on that day, so that Catholics may eat meat, even though it Is a Frt- Masses wUl he said in the church on Friday at 7 p. m. AT FOUNTAINS*HOTELS*OR ELSEWHERE Get the Original and Genuine HORUCK’S MALTED MILK TheFood Drink for All Ages UCB MUX. HALT OUOI 1X11*0. m rowou Not in any Milk Trust PS* built on “HORLICK’S" -r Taka a pavkaga hoaM Don't forget the Parker rally at Op era Houae tonight at 7:30. Come and bring your friend. You'll regret It if you don't. NOTICE 1 ( All carpenter! of Local 771 are re quested to meet at the city ball Wed nesday, December f, at 7737 share. Business of Importance.. A. V. Houseman, F. A'. Morton, . B. F. Hearn, 4 St —Committee. NOTICE KING’8 DAUGHTERS. Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock at Flrat Methodist church there will be a meeting of the City Union Kings Daughters. Every member le urged to be present. 4 2t E. B. MITCHELL, D. C. M. D. OSTEOPATH, and Physician and Surgeon,' , Office 419-21 LaOrande Building. Hours: £ to 12 and 2 to 5 p. m Residence Phone 373. Office 321. r REED RALLY. Great Reed Rally will be held at the Band 8tand Friday evening, December 8th. Light luncheon will he aerred In Wade's Auditorium. Everybody "cor dially Invited. . 2 It ' business MEETING OF REED SUPPORTERS. •'* )An Important business meeting of tho enpcorters of Harry D. Reed wiT. J» held at th;lr headquarter* tomor row evening at 7:10 o'clock. A full attendance la urgently requested E it PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS,' The Honorable Hoke Smith did, on the 16th day November till, resign the office ot Governor of this State thereby creating a va cancy In said office: THEREFORE, I, John M. Slaton, President of the Senate, exerclalng the executive powers ot the govern ment ns provided by Par. 8,. Section of the 6th. Article ot the Constitution of this State and laws In pursuance thereof, do Issue ihls my proclainatlon ordering a special election for Gov ernor to All the vacancy so occasion ed for the unexplred term, to be held on the 10th day of aJntihry, 1912, un der the lawe ot this Sfato gov erning geneeral elections. 1 alio con voke the General Assembly of Gorgia In extra session, at the Capitol of this State, on the 24th day ot January 1912, at 10 o’clock a. m., to receive the returns and declare the result ot said special election or to elect a Governor Iff case no person, shall receive a majority of the whole,number ot votes at auch special election, as provided in the Constitution ot thla State. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Great Seal ol the State to be affixed hereto, tils 20th day of Norember, 1911. JOHN M. SLATON, President of Senate- Exercising the Executive Power* of th* Government. 11*23 If. • , I STAND FOR THE SELF ASSER TIVE RULE OF THE PEOPLE. CALVIN W. PARKER, 7 2t CANDIDATE FOR MAYOR. The Salvation Army of Waycrosa preparing a Christmas dinner for three hundred poor ot this city. Many ot the poor of Waycrose have come to look upon the Salvation Army as lng comedienne, their friend In their povery and sor- doing a very clover act consisting of row, the appalling need which stares music and fun. This la a act that la ua In the face makes ua feel that we sure to please all. really must Increase our efforte this AT THE MAJESTIC. The picture's for tonight will he us follows: , Film No. 1.- "The Vivo Rose .Ha ters." a very pathetic love story pro duced by the "Tbanhouser" Picture Company. Film No. 2. “The Dagger And Tho Rose." A dramatic production by tho "Rex" Picture Company. In the way of vaudeville wo wllfpf- for "Miss Connie Craven", petite sing- A|so "BUI Dunn", year In the direction of caring for tho worthy yet destitute poor. To do this we require a vrey considerable amount of money and knowing your practical Interest and sympathy we earnestly urge you to comd most generously to ' A FAIR OFFER. * Your Money Back If You Are Not Satisfied. We pay for all tho medicine used during the trial, If our remedy foils to completely relievo you of constipation our aid. Our ability and willingness We take all the risk. You are not to do work thoroughly and syetemat-' obligated to us In any way whatever, Ically Is so well known we need not ft You Accept our offer. That's take your time to go Into detail!. mighty broad statement, but we mean Christmas dinner for the hungry, toy* every word of It. Could anything be for the children, coal for the llrelees more fair tor you? grates and relief for the molt desti-j A most scientific, common-sane* tute will demand a large amount of, treatment Is. Rexall Orderlies, which toll. But thli we are only too glad are eaten like candy. Their -active to do. We feel confident* you will principle is a recent scientific diecov- glve consideration to .thfif epe'clal call ery that Is odorless, colorless, and for help. , Yours In the service of tho Lord, Capt. J. B. Gossett, P. O. Box 623. STATE OF GEORGIA, EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, ATLANTA, The Flnt Natlontl Bank located In the city of Waycrose, having been ap pointed a State Depository, and bar. lng executed and Hied In Shis office a bond In the sum of FIFTY THOUS AND DOLLARS, conditioned for the faithful discharge of Its dudes, whhn has been accepted and approved by the Governor, It la therefore ordered: That the Tax Collector of the Conoty ot Ware, he and is hereby Instructed to pay over to said bank all monen collected by him for and on account ot State taxes, except such, ae may he paid directly Into the State Treasure and that notice of this ordor be gtve.-i by publication In some newspaper of general circulation published in the city where said bank la located. This 24th day of November, 1911. ' JOHN M. SLATON, President of Senate and Acting Gov ernor. Appalachlcola Oysters and froth fish —pfeone 189. * 7 tf tasteless; vory pronounced, yet gentle and pleasant in action, and particular ly agreeable in every way. They do not cause darrhoea, nausea, flatulency griping, or any Inconvenience what ever. Rexall Orderlies are particular- ly good for children, aged and delicate persona. If you suffer fropn chronic or nhblt- ual. constipation, or the associate o> lepenlent chronic ailments, we urge you to try Rexall Orderiiee at our risk. Remember, you can get them In Way- cross only at our store. 12 tablets 10 cents; 36 tablet! 25 cents; 80 tablets 60 cents. Soil only at our store—The Rexall Store. The Seale Pharmacy. OREGON DAIRYMEN IN SESSION IN PORTLAND. Special To The Herald. Portland,' Ore., Dee. 7.—Question* dt vital importance th 'dairymen and hose engaged Jn hndllng tile' pro ducts of the dairy faMt are to be dealt with dt the twentieth annual conven tion If the Oregon Dslrymen’e Assocla tlon, which met In'thla city today for a two days session. In connection wllh the meeting thero wee opened thla morning and elaborate exhibition of dairy products and dairy machinery. Coffee Goodness Proven, by a Century of Use There is something wonderfully satisfying an;l’ fascinating shout this coffee blend that hn* been In dally i ; «o fur over a century. Something far different from ordinary c-vecs. This is the coffeo that was served in the quaint French Market, New Orleans, to society belle* and beaux of the olden tir.10. And that waa so liked by Andrew Jackson. Henry Clay and other famous men. It 1* today the iamb identical, dclicloUMy aromatic blend that was famous over a hundred year* ago. Then you could get this coffee with a history—the real iiijL Sf/a. ' The Road to Independence Is not the sponder* route. Deposit v your salary with ue, wo Issue you a pase-book and check book; pay ail your blllo up by check, -thus avoiding tho necessity and worry ot making your money strotch to next payday. 0 You know how it is, money in your pocket never laots. YOUR B« ACCOUNT Will stop the leaks, and, If It Is your desire to get ahead, will eventually make you independent. Start tn ac count with us today; a large amount not necessary; just your week's or month's salary. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WAYCROSSS 'RESOURCES ?.... $800,000.00 CAPITAL *200,000.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS ', .... *40,000.00 OT .1 JAMS’ BLACKSMITH Shop CORNER SCREVEN AVENUE AND KNIGHT STREET, OPPOSITE I . •. WILLIAMS STREET. WHEILRIOHT AND REPAIRING. , HOR8E SHOEING A SPECIALTY, RUBBER TIRES PUT ON WHILE OF EVERYTHING IN YOUR HOME, THERE IS NOTHING ELSE WHICH 13 SO HARD FOR YOU TO TELL IF IT IS REALLY GOOD, AS CUTLERY. The material In a carving set or bread knife Is only a small part ot the coat. The tempering and grinding cost* far more and la of equal j>r greater Importance. OUR KNOWLEDGE OF THESE GOOD* IS SUCH THAT WE GIVE AN ABSOLUTE GUARANTEE OF SATISFACTION WITH EVERY ARTICLE WE 8ELL, NOT ONLY ARE SUCH 0009S LESS EXPENSIVE IN THE LONG RUN WHEN BOUGHT AT OUR STORE, BUT YOU HAVE THE ADDED SATISFACTION WHICH EVJRY TBUE WOMAN ENJOYS IN HAVING NICE THINGS AND GOOD THINGS IN HER HOME. P. N. Harley Jldw. Co. iHouse Furnishers to the People * 44 Plant Ave Phone. 186