Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, December 07, 1911, Image 6
J. w. Knox*Knit 1 Ladies’ Hose The 35c.kind for 21c Commencing. Saturday Morning, December 9th =^= Our stock was slightly damaged by smoke in the LaGrande fire and commencing Saturday morning, the 9th, we will start the ball to rolling and must clean out every piece of this goods. It's up to you to take advantage of this, \the newest stock of merchandise in the city at prices to please the most economical shopper. Commencing Saturday Morning, December 9th All Comforts, Blankets, Ladies’ Suits and Skirts will go in this Smoke Sale,the cash will do the talking 100 dozen Towels,slightly soiled by smoke to close out quick, the 15c kind at 7c,the 20c numbers at 1 lc, all higher grades reduced in proportion. 100 dozen Men’s Dress Shirts, $1.00 and $1.25 numbers at Smoke Sale price, 89c. . 10c and 12 l-2c D*ess Ginghams at 8c. 15c Dress Ginghams at 11c. Be& Calico, 5c. Good Bleaching, 5c. Good Sea Island, 5c. Cotton Flannel* 5c. Be^t Dress Outing, 8c. Commencing Saturday morning every article in our store reduced. Be here and get your share, as the prices will not let them remain long ou our shelves. J. W. M c C e e Company CITIZENS LEAGUE. Whereas, lit response to a caA la- nod and .lined by many dtliani, thero auomblod at tba Court Uouat In the City o( Wayeroai, on the eve ning of October 12th, a repreientatlre body of men, gathered from all walks j and locations of life, composed ol ministers of the Gospel,' physicians, ,■ lawyers, bankers, merchants and members of the organisations of Boil er Makers. Machinists, Ca Workers, Blacksmiths, Locomotive Engineers, Conductors, Switchmen, Drakomen, Moulders, Inspectors, Carpenters, Gierke, Travelers T. P, A's., Farmers' Union, U. C. T's;, and the other ele ments going to make up our cosmo politan population; the object and purpose of this meeting being to con-' . alder matters political affecting Way- crvxa, and ito decide on candidates end measures, to urge before the voter* at the approaching municipal primary, and Whereas, by a majority ballot of - ever one hundred voters, H. D. Used was endorsed for Mayor, Dr. W. K. Meeks was endorsed for Alderman, Second Ward, W. E. Chandler for Alderman Fourth Ward, and C. A. LeCount for Alderman, Slsth Ward,— these being the only Aldermen to be - elected at thq ensuing election, and Whereas, by the endorsement of these candidates for nomination at tha primary, as men deemed'worthy do bear the standard raised by this meeting; It becomes proper and right that the purposes tor which this meeting stood, and for which the or ganisation there effected stands, should be eat forth id a declaration of principles. idmlnlstcred honestly, economically tnd equitably. The Tax rate should »e as low as possible consistent wlfh meeting the needs for revenue, and til property should be aliened alike. I mcnt to our schools, colleges add oth er educational Inatltutlons. The needa tor a ppbllc library la apparent, and steps should be taken to secure one without delay. All our ellemosynary Institutions should be fostered and aided, and especially do we commend the Kings' Daughters Hospital for Its noble work. We condemn all Inequalities In as- raextnenla as rank favorl|Usm, and plcdgo oursoKcs to an assessment sased on raluo not *on ownership. Kt believe that the Street Tax should M made not to oxcoed *2.00 per an num. Returns of property by Tax payers should be adjusted only after t full hearing and an examination oi die property. Therefore, be It resolved— l That the Citizens League, forty- ed at said meeting, stands f<- 8QUARE DEAL, for both rich poor, high and low,—No favoriusm tinder the law,' but JUSTICE That In order to meet out exact tice oup City Qovernmbnt should be Resolved It. That this organisation itands fo'r progress. We believe In a progressive age, add In a progressive city. No backward step should be taken. Not only should our tax, rate so as low as possible consistent with the city’s legitimate needs, but the money so collected should be expend 'd to the very beet possible ad van- tags, with neither waste nor graft The Sinking Fund provided to meet the outstanding bonds should be kept Intact and so Invested as to bring the best returns, so that the payment of bonds may be made promptly and our credit preserved. Next to the preservation of our qredU, M outlined above, cornea the needs for streets, sidewalks and drainage, and these should be Improved Just as fast as 'practicable, but the work should be done by a competent Supervisor, un der bond for faithful, honeht work, so that the money spent for these Improvements may be a permanent gain to the city. Weeding edges of street* and throwing satid In the mid dle. Is a waste of time and energy, front which no benefit Is derived.-We, stand for hard surfaced streets and for the laying of good sidewalks - lor the people who walk thereon. Resolved, in. That this organise- to >8., |tlon aland, for a “square deal* and cl Jus- for PROGRESS, but It ndvOcdtea giv ing every proper help and encourage- Rosolved,' IV. That this organize- tton stands committed to giving all due encouragement to dew enterpris es, manufactories, public service cor porations and those things which mu' or the upbuilding of a clfy, yet to use city property should ,-tinted without adequate compen sation, In money or service, to, the city or Its people. We believe the time has come tor the city to own Its City Hall, add favor the erection or purchase of such building as will be adequate to the needa uf the erty for the next decade at least, believing the same to be conducive ip economy In public service, and for the better management of city affairs. A cen tral CRy market should be provided for as early as pihctlcable; also the garbage of the City should be removed frequently, and cremated or other wise disposed otfo as not to monace the public health. This declaration of principles la put forth for thft purpose of defining the position of those responsible for the, Citizens League movement, knd we heartily Invite all who desire good government for Waycrosa, who be lieve In these principles, who' desire equal rights to all. special privllgea to none, to Join with us In carrying this ‘banner to victory by nominating in the primary the candidates en dorsed, and who stand pledged to hearty accord with the platform here enunciated. ?1 tf THE CITIZENS LEAGUE. PARK MOR RAND CO. ‘NGINEERS and contractor*. Lott-Hltch Building. , RE-INFORCED CCNCRE' P E. ADVERTISE IN THE WAYCROSS HERALD FOR RENT BY The Riverside Park Co. ONE 2.STORY B-ROOM HOUSE FOR /..: *2*j00 *ER MONTH. ONE 2-STORY 7-ROOM HOUSE FOR .. *18.00 PER MONTH ONE 1-STORY B-ROOM COTTAGE FOR *8.00 PER MONTH FOR SALE ONE BEAUTIFUL 2-3TORY HOME.. ONE B-ROOM COTTAGE ... *2,760.00, EASY TERMS ...... *1,000.00, EASY TERMS* ALSO FO|* sale: A FEW VACANT LOTS RANGING IN PRICE FROM *100.00 TO *400.00 ON TERM8 80 EASY YOU SflLL HAVE NO DIFFICULTY IN MEETING 8AME, WITHOUT PAY ING TAXES OR INTERE8T YOU SflLL BECOME A FREE-HOLDER BEFORE YOU REALIZE IT. “ms RIVERSIDE PARK CO. w ‘ ycre ”-°»- LA GRANDE BLDG. 4TH. FLOOR; A FATHER’S VENGEANCE Would hare fallen on any one who at tacked the ton of Peter Bondy, of Soulh Rockwood, Mich., bnt he waa powerieaa before attacks of Kidney trouble. “Doctora cottld not help him" he wrote, “so at lust we gave him Electric Bitters and he lmprovel rap idly and wonderfully from taking six bottles. 1th the best Kidney medicine ever say." Backache, Tired feellnv, Nervousness, Losa of Appetite, warn of kidney, trouble that may end hi dropsy, diabetes or Bright’s disease. Beware: Take Electric Bitter* and bo oafe. Every bottle guaranteed. BBc All Druggists. Atlantic Coast Line THROUGH 8LEEPER8 TO ATLANTA AND POINT8 WE8T. LEAVE WAYCR08SS 10130 P.,M, ARRIVE ATLANTA • 7:07 A. M. LEAVf ATLANTA 8:50 P. M. OR 10;20 P. M, ARRIVE • WAYCR083 5:35 A. M. OR 6:35 A. M. WAYCR088 18 ASSIGNED AMPLE SPACE IN OUR ELECTRIC LIGHTED PULLMAN8. SAVE TIME BY TRAVELING OVER THE Atlantic Goast Line E. M. NORTH, A. G. P. A, SAVANNAH, GA. R. E. CAMP, TICKET AGT. WAYCROSS,. GA. .... .I*,’,, .c,