Newspaper Page Text
'/ Ml,, Cirri* Perham Social Editor 1 ;
/« all the leading Fabrics, Color and Quality
to Suit your Pocket Book.
Mayor s. E. Cannon, of Folk*ton,
la apendlng today In Waycroa*.
Yours In thejiervlee of the Lord.
Capt. J. D. Qouett,
P. O. Box B53.
Dyck Electric Supply Oa
» Lott Street.
We now have on display some
nice Dolls. Let us show you.
The Seals Phatmacy
'■ “The Rszall Store”
T. S. Paine,
Sleeping Car Service Between Way
cron and Atlanta, via:
A B. t£ A. R. R.
Effective wtih tint car lesvlnc Way-
croie 8:00 p. m„ Monday September
4th. The A. B. & A. hare eecured
fo rthla aervlco eleiantly appointed
elertrlc-llEhtcd aleeplng can, equip
ped with all modern convanlencaa
One Bin Advantage
Ton may aecur* your aleeplns car
dlagrama are kept conttnnoeuly open,
apace at the ticket offlee, Union Sta
tion, at any time prior to your trip,
TheA. B. A A. Railroad repreaenta the
■Standard of Eacellence In Servloe.”
Schedule of Sleeping
Car Line.
Leave Woycroaa 8:85 p. m.
Arrive Atlanta, 8:40-a.m.
Leave Atlanta 10:15 p.m.
Arrive Waycroaa 8:15 a. m.
W. H. Leahy, 0. P. A., Atlanta. Oa.
A. D. Daniel, T. P. A., Atlanta, Oa.
X. X. Camp. T. A., Waycroaa, Oa.
3 can* beat Tomatoea.. 25c
31b can solid pack
Tomatoea 10c-
4 ball* Sterling Potaah . .25o
14Ib» Sugar 51.00
241b rack Roller King "
Flour 65c
*46 rack Gold Medal
Flour 75o
241b eack ObclIak-
Flour l 85s
211b sack Merry Widow
Flour 90c
’ Dacon, Plate 9 l-2c
Squires neat Bacon,
..11 l-2c to 12 l-2c
Mre. 8. B. Herrington baa returned
from a pleaaant visit to relatlvea and
frlenda In 3avannah.
During hla atay In Wdycroaa the
Blahop of Georgia will be the guea
of Col. and’Mrs. J. IT. T. Bowden.
Born, December 6, to Dr. and Mrs.
D. M. Bradley, a son.
For Infanta and Children.
nix Kind Yon NarrAhnji Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Rev. Father Helghanl was elected
Secretary-Treasurer of tho Archdea
conry of Brunswick at the business
meeting thereof held In Jesup last
It la the purpose of Bishop Reese,
assisted by Father Helgham,'' to con
duct services In the auditorium of the
Presbyterlsl Institute tomorrow after
noon st 3:30 at Blackahear. The
music for the occasion will be furnish
sd hT sixteen members of - Grace
church choir, and the .entire party will
go and return In five or alx automo
Dr. Nanney, Eye, Ear, Nlse and
Throat, will bo here all next week.
Offlee located later. 9 U
One piece work dresses at the Bon
Ton. Latest styles.
See those one-piece wool dresse*
at the Bon Ton.
The war Is all over and well turn
back to place where wo flrat started
aad try to behave oureelvee.
Mr. Will H. Stevena, of the Deen
Realty ft Improvement Company,
apent yesterday la Jacksonville on
Mr. and Mra. Will Fisher, of Way-
croaa, are visitors in the city aa the
guest of relatlvea.—Douglas Enter
Father and Mra. Helgham will have
as a guest tomorrow night, tho ner-
erend Generald Arthur Cornell, Vicar
of Jesup, Douglas and Baxley.
The Revorend Frederick North-Tum-
mon, Vicar of Fitigorald, was a recent
visitor to Waycroaa.
Ware county la the oaals m this
•ectlon of the desert No other coun
ty within a hundred miles of Wars
went for Pope Brown.
Cards have been' received In the
city to the marriage of Mlaa Loull*
Marguerite bloody and Mr. Benjamin
Green Parke on the ovenlng of Wed
nesday the twentieth of December at
half-paet six o'clock nt the Flrat Bap-
Git Church, Barnwell, South Carolina.
The "All Year Round" Baiaar will
bo opened on Tuesday afternoon, Do -
comber 13. The booths are to be bnllt
and decorated to represent the months
of the yoar. Matrons and maiden
wtl| preside. Do come, to see tho
picture. If for nothing else. Wares of
Tea have to ba oa yont guard It
>«n ar eceught napping, It Invites
They ere sought after by men of
etslre. Ton find them /la leading
petition! of trust
Our DIPLOMA It in open le-eame
» position and pretarmanL Our
•seclaity la to St yon for buitncsi,
to make tha pay-roll larger; to la
•ease the salary of tho "big nun."
Enter At Any Tima.
Waycross Business
Waycroaa, oe. R. p. Zeigltr, Proa
“Oran Chico’s”,
“Yer Best Smokers”,
*Pilnnn’s BesfSmok-
er. / v
Clear BEV3IS Filled ciflirs.’
Mamrftctv'ed In Weyeraae, Oa, ftf
> /
The Salvation Army of Waycroaa
I, preparing a Chrlatmas dinner for
threo hundred poor of tt-.i, city. Many
of the poor of Waycross have enms
to look upon the Salvation Army as
their friend In their povery and bop | all kinds to be tola,
row, the appalling need which stares
ua In the face makes us feel that we
really must Increase our efforts this
year In the direction of caring for tho
worthy yet destitute poor. To do this
wo require a vrey considerable amount
of money and knowing your practical
Intereat and sympathy wo earnestly
urge you to coma moat generously to
our aid. Our ability and wllllngnota
Ths announcement of the marriage
of Mlaa Marguerite Moody, of Barn
well.. S. C., to Col. Benj. G. Parka of
this city, on December the twentieth
la received with unusual Interoat here.
Mlaa Moody made her homo In Way-
croaa about ta-o years ago daring
which time aho became very popular
making a large number ot frlenda
to do work thoroughly and ayatemat-: here. She will be moat cordially web
Icslly Is so well known wo heed not 1 corned back to Wir/cross si the bride
take your time to go Into details, ot CoL Parks.
Christmas dinner for tho hungry, toys
fur the children, coat for the tireless
grates and relief for the moat desti
tute will demand a largo amount of
toll But this we are only too glad
Mr. Arnold Hcldt, who was connec
ted with’ the Pope Brown headquarters
hi Atlanta, lmu returned borne.
Preaching at all the churches to-
mirrow. Voto today and go to church
tomorrow. •
Mlaa Juanita Carpenter, who :s
teaching school at Millwood, arrived
last night to spend the week-end at
Ladies' Suits
Grand display of
Ladies Suits
$15 to $60
In all the leading
shades and styles
Misses and
Sweaters and
Knitted Caps
Shoes .
We are head
quarters tor
Zeigler Shoes
for Ladies. All
the leading
styles trom
$3.00 to $5.00
Hand Bags
In all the lead
ing styles. Low
est prices.
We have a full
line of the latest
in Fa s h i o n,
Trimmed and
Ready-to- Wear
Our Suit, Cloak
and Millinery
Department is
on the 2nd floor
Sensible Xmas
Gifts. Come
and See.
The Famous JSdjjyt} Lamp
The Rayo Lamp is the beat and most serviceable lamp yon can find
for any part of your home.
It is in use in millions of families. Its strong white fight has mads
it famous. And it never Sicken.
la the dining-room or the owtoriU Rayo pro. jo* tho light that h most cfsc
tim It h s booomiay lamp la ksolf pad to, yop. ju* tho l«p. too, h* bwhoo.
OT UDfXrjr, wnfft I CMtfe HfEuI light U MMM,
. ..The Rayo is made of solid hrt^eichoLnlotod i dip In anmeroos other styUoaed
finishes. Easily (ghlsd sntheet ramonag shads or chunaey | easy to deia aadrtwkk.
AAkrowdwWtoiluwroeluiKMef Ra r« luapo i or write for dticripthrg circuit; lour Mttqr of Um
Standard Oil Company
WANTED—An experienced book
keeper, with best of references, de
sires a position. Address “B", care
Herald. 8 23
FOR RENT—Five unfurnished con
necting rooms. Apply J2 Jane street.,
12 4 tf.
market for a portable saw mill, com
plete and In good condition. Must ba
hheap. Address D. E. Mudge, Route
4, Waydroas, Oa. T-a-Wky.
WANTED—Table boarders wanted at
30 Elisabeth street. j ot
Mr. Andrews of the Sunday School
Ulard will grade the school In tho
morning, and every teacher, officer
and pupil should bo present. Ot
to do. We feel confldtnt you will course an Invitation la extended to tho
give consideration to thfo special call' public to attend.
The graduating exetdsee ot tho
Teachers' Itufllnte will take plabo
tomorrow evening at 7 o'clock, at
which time over on* hundred diplo
mat will be awarded. Thla will ha
tha largeat .graduating class In the
Southern Bepttet Convention, so tar,
and will be « very Interesting scene.
Everybody Invited. * '
Shop In Savannah
Ensel & Vinson Company
Refunds Your Railroad Fare
• Write Us For Particulars
See Us When in Savannah.
FOR RENT—December 8, one 8-room’
house 17 Stephenson street, 327,60 psr
month in ndvance. Apply 4 PInnt nvn-
»“«• . -6 4t
FOUND—Boy's new shoe between
Albany over no aTid Parallel atreata.
Information at Herald ofllfflce.
Shop at the
Our store is unsurpassed as a
Every department is laden with 'good 'things
For Xmas
Leather Goods. Novelties, Cut Glass, Toilet
Cases, Fine Stationery, Books, Calendars,
Pictures, Kodaks, Dolls, Etc., Etc.
Mail Orders Receive Prompt Attention.
45-49 W.
Bpy St.
WANTED—Real live agent to handle
our loan and Investment contract. One
having experience preferred. Good
■jropositlon to right man. Apply;
"■eorgfa Lean & Investment Company,
rooms 9 and 10 Exchange Building,
Waycrosa, Ga. c 4t
FOR RENT—One furnished room;
short walk from post office. Apply
Heraid office. 8 tf
FOR 8ALE—At my grove and nurs*
ery at Starke, Fla., 800 pecan treee, S
to 9 feet. Grafts from beat bearing
Tec*, moat of them Curtl*. WU1 sell
at a reasonable price. Address me at
Monroe, Ga. Dr. A. J. Boat. 9 14t
FOR RENT—Three rooms for tight
housekeeping. Phon* 553, *7 Folks
street -OT
Stacy-Adams shoes—the beet men'i
shoe made.- : ' j
3 3t The Standard Shoe Co. ';
Shoes tor all the family at
8 St The Standard Shoe. Co.
Appalachian Oysters and fresh fish
—phone 139. ..... I tf