Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, December 09, 1911, Image 8
Report of The Condition Of THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, At Wajreross, In me State of 0*01X14. at the doie of business, December I. Bail; , RESOURCES. loans and Discounts .(530,477.74 H. e. Bonda to aeenre circula tion ...... 60)400.09 Bonds, Becuritlee, etc. ...../ 16,004.09 The buying of Gifts appropriate Waycroea, Ca„ Dec. 8, 1911. To The Public:— rt'haa come to my attention that l bare been crltlclaed on account of the fact that some of the citizens were not.allowed to rote In the late prima ry. In Justice to myself I desire to say that my registration books were subject to tbe registrars after Norem ber 21st, as the late Act provides, but they did not appear to purge the sh'mo, and for this reason those who regis tered before November 21st, did not appear on (be list of qualified voters. HAS MADE HISTORY. MADE IN THE SOUTH BY MEN WHO KNOW HOW TO MAKE PAINT THAT WILL HOLD ITS COLOR AND STAY ON IN OUR EXACT ING CLIMATE. CHEAPEST BECAUSE IT IS THE BE8T. SEND FOR COLOR CARD AND BOOKLET Specie (23,412.60 I/egal-tender notes 1,800.00 26,242.60 Redemption fund with U. 8. Treasury (6 per cent of circu lation) 2,644.00 Doe from U. 8. Treasurer .... 1,100.00 Total (760,290.48 ' LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid In .... (200.000.09 Surplus fund 10,000.00 (Undivided Profits, less Expens es and Taxes paid' 37,266.38 National Bank Notes Otustand- Ing 60,000.00 Dne to other National Banks 4,711.1 .Dae to State and Private Banks and Banker* 0,159.80 Individual deposits subject to check 391,467.13 flltne certificates of deposit 19,249.81 Cashier's checks outtsandlng 2,406.31 Notes and bills rediscounted 72,000.09 Total (790,290.48 State of Georgia, County of Ware. I, J. W. Dellinger, Cashier of the Above-named bank, do solemnly swear (bat the above stat-ment -Is true to ftbe best of my knowledge nnd belief J. W. Bellinger, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to bofore me Ibis 9th day of December, 1911. C. V. Stanton, Notary Republic. Correct—Attest: L. J. Cooper, J. 8. Williams, J. L. Walker, i —Directors, WE WILL HAVE A CARLOAD OF CENTLE BROKE TENNESSEE MULES NEXT MONDAY MORNING. 7 « M. DOWNEY. Si- •DEESTRICK SKULE" ROLL NEARLY COMPLETED. * On account of politics, It has bee-i Impossible to jtet a rehearsal of the "Detatxlck Skule" so that tome of the "tkollnrt" have been taking pri nt* rehearsal In the day time. However, the roll It nearly com- Dieted. A rehearsal will be held to night, and al the participants are expected to report Mr. Fred Brewer, the Skulemaster. la thoroughly up on hit part Ha hat Already worn out one paddle but a new on* will be ready for him to. Sight Mist Kate Wilton, as Mr* Honeysuckle; Mils Susie Sharpe, the Mggllng girl; Miss Clyde Lott lb* crying girl; Miss Vonlce Adams, the lisping girl; Dr. Gut Polks, at Mike. Hoyt Catlln, the water drinker; Mr. Ttodd, at Buddy; Mbm Roberta Ehrlv- «r. at Sissy; Olln Smith, the egg boy; Wadtfy Sharpe, Dr. Thomas. Print Durand, Ramey- Henry, and all the other "akollara" will create no end •«f tun when “skule takes up" at tbe Opera House Monday night Mr. NorreU, Mr. Elkins, Mrs. Pan- ■I* Trent, Mr*. Newton Jones, Mrs fitaari, Mr*. Peach and Mrs. Joiner, are among tht primer puplli. Dr. Klppsrd make* an Ideal old falshtoaet chairman of the "skule" commutes. The other members of the committee Are Judge Myers, Judge Ptrham. Col. Darks, Rsv. Whitley Langston, and Messrs J. 0. Stetnhelmer, Newton Jcaee and Q. W. Darn. A full Hat of the participants wilt Ae pnhllihed later. I had no authority to place thelrnsmes :n this Hat, and I think ;..-j . the Registrars did not purge tbe Hat la tor the reason that they were not Informed ae to the law, at the Act it a new one, having been patted during the present year, and the Acta were not furnished the county antll tat*. I certainly had no Intention of pro- venting any cltlten from votlog, and If It had been left to me, every one who regaltered, even up to the day of the election, would have been allowal I to vote, at my actions on that day clearly Indicated. I find that, not more than two voters registered be tween the 16th and 21et of November. A few who were not on thei 1910 lie', registered before-then, while a num ber have registered since November 21st. and those that registered since that time under the law could net have -become qualified voters If the registrars hod acted. This seems to have caused the confusion at many labored under .the Impression that since their names appeared on tho registration book, no matter how late, that they should have been permlttol j to vote. If there be (till such as labor udder this Impression, I would ask that they take the trouble to In quire of those who are' Informed as to the law, so that they may be sot aright I further understand that thoro'are tomo who wore under the Impression that if they bed registered In th ■ city for the municipal primary, that this entitled them to vote In the State primary. Thle misunderstand.; Ing was caused by reason of the fact that the City Clerk end myself or* both called Jim Strickland. My reglater books nod the new law It open to any that wants to tee It. Respectfully, J. W. Strickland, Tax Collector Ware Count.. suuuco x ivrivo on , PA INI ING” MANUFACTURED BY DOZIER 8 GAY PAINT CO. JACKSONVILLE, FLA. Ladles Silk Hot*. 8 3t Tbe Standard 8hoe Co. Por Appalachlcola Oysters and fresh fish, phone 189. 7 If Get th* habIL smoke ' “T. Hear Havana. , STRICKLAND—FINDLAY. A very pretty home wedding occur red last night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Strickland on Albany avenue: The contracting parties were Mies Beulah SPrlcklanl and Mr. O. F. Findlay. They wera attended b, 311st Clco Strickland, slater of the bride, and Mr. A. 31. Lewis, of Macon. Rev. Cook outdated. The bride wa3 very tastefully dressed In a prettv :ravellng suit of brown chiffon nroas cloth and wore Palma violets. 3llaa Clco Strickland, maid of hlnor, wore yellow messallne with overdress of white silk marquisette. Only the family and a few Intimate friends were In attendance. Miss Strickland Is the daughter of Mr. and Mr*. J. T. Strickland and Is vory attractive and quite popular here. Mr. Findlay Is originally from Macon, but ba3 made hit home In Weycross for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Findlay left last night for Macon, where they will'spend several days, returning here tney will make their home at 60 Carswell street. NAYCROSS . COUNCIL NO. f Jr. O. U. A. M. Meets every Monday aventag tn Hi Sea's Hall, Lott-Hkcb building at 9. m. Visiting brothers conl'al'- 'nvlta to must rltb u». 8b» "! “qitins, L. Ctrl Collins Eec-Secty - Cuiiucllm Advertise In Th* Wayerose Evening Just Arrived! A Carload of Choice Horses and Bred Mares EVERY ANIMAL WILL BE GURANTEED TO BE SOUND IN EVERY WAY AND WELL BROKE. THIS 18 YOUR CHANCE TO BUY A CHOICE HORSE OR MARE CHEAP. ' YOU ARE IN VITED TO CALL AT OLD STEEDLEV DAIRY BARN ON THE HEBARDVILLE ROAD, AN D.JN8PECT THEM, IT WILL COST THfeM YOU NPTHING TO LOOK JOHN Virdie Hotel E. GRIM, Waycross, Ga. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOA OWN A HOME Finest Oysters and fresh fish, phone •*. 7 it WE LOAN YOU MONEY TS BUILD. PAY BACK IN YEAR!; MONTHLY PAYMENTS, WILL BELL YOU A LOT ON SAME TERMS—SEE USI Waycross Saving* an I Truft Co - vvwDW OOOOOOOOOOOOOOexx)' to the person for whom the Gift is intended is sometimes a difficult matter. You want beauty, you would like to include serviceability. caezr • 1 he Gift, that is purely ornamental can never be so Satisfactory as the one that combines beauty with service Your Christmas selections from thi$ Aore HAVE THESE TWO QUALITIES, and the result of a purchase made here is to endow your gift with all that a gift should have. It will not be cadi aside and forgotten in a few weeks or months, but will give years of useful service, adding pleasure and comfort to the home where it goes. Such a gift is worthy of your consideration, and the codt is no more. Our large dtore is filled with hundreds of articles from which you can select a suitable gift for any friend or member of the family, and if it is more convenient for you to pay AFTER Chridtmas you,can arrange*" the terms to suit, either ia SO, 60 or 90 days at . SPOT CASH PRICES, or on small monthly payments. Elegant Assortment of Roekers We are showing 200 styles at prices to fit any purse, the newest styles and ) patterns in Rattan are here with Settees and tables to match. We have a large assortment in Oak and Mahogany, also a number of great values in Turkish Rockers, some upholstered in bedt quality chase leather and others in genuine leather with the famous guaranteed Seng springs. A Great Display oi Dining Room Furniture The largest line ever shown in this city. Thirty pat terns of China Cabinets from the leading factories of the country at prices from $16.(0 to $5O.C0. Fifty patterns of high piass Sideboards at from $16.00to $75.(0. Thirty five styles of Buffets from $19.00 to $50.00, A large line cf Pedestal Extension Tables from $11.50 to $50 (0. Seventy- five patterns of Chairs from 80c up to $11,50 each. If your house or the boute cf y cur fiki d irmidc v cim tic 1 i;j hi with the Christmas spirit ard ihe holiday tolcrs ofleicd ty i h is dot, THAT house will remain cherry and comfortable through all the day s of 1911. Remember the best gift is the gift that serves. Davenports and Couches either in genuine leather or in best guaranteed' chase leather. Our line is c xt< naive, cc mpris* i*.g about thiity styles at a wide range of prides. The Davenports are from tJf.CO to $50.00, the Couches from $1600 to 50.00 Morris Chairs The ideal gift for father, husband or broth er. We have fifty different patterns, including the famous Royal Push Button kind, the auto matic and the. rod style, in all the popular finishes and upholsterings. They are Priced from $10.00 TO $20.00 We arc shewing a beautiful Hie of IfcSum, Iici«V Wiilirg Desks, Library Cases, Parlor Cslitiii, Inlei tic lilmy Tibjn, fic tional Book Cases, Pups. 8ll tint u < r ***** - t-l* * *» I*** fun lf.(0 to $18,00,'Brass Beds. Cbifferober, Watdrcles [Cbiffcricif. Irdits* Toilet Tables; Stoves rrd Ratges for cc si ci veed, tie ItmuE ‘ Cbrr- ter Oik” Line. - *“The Store of Great Values Where Your Credit Is Good” Walker-Hood Furniture Co.. PHONE 499 80 PLANT AVE