Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, December 12, 1911, Image 1
CROSS NUMBER 17 VOLUME XIX THE COMMITTEE MEETS IN SUPERIOR COURT Jury Secured- And Evi dence Being Heard—Two Convictions WAYCROSS,GA-, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1911 People May Be Given Op portunity To Vote For President COFFEE COUNTY MAN IS HELD J.'W. DYESS ARRESTED GIRL MAY TELL OF THE PLOTS OF THE DYNAMITERS In Savannah On Complaint I The Third Secretary of .of Cotton Factors In i John J. McNamara Has Augusta, Ga. ! Been Located Atlanta, Ga., Dec. 1?.—The State ' Democratic " Executive Commute,, which meets In the senate chamber at noon today to declare Joseph M. Brown the nominee of the Democratic party for the office of governor cf Georgia, will be asked for a primary to give the people of the state an op portunity to express their preference for a presidential candidate In the next election. The request for a primary will be made by State Senator W. J. Harris, of Cedartown, and he will offor.ths suggestion that the primary be hell on the date of the strfte election on January 12, when the result of last Thursday’s primary Is confirmed. NOTE PROM GOV/ELECT BROWN, Atlanta, Ga., Dec. 12, 1911. Hon. A. P. Perham, Waycross, Ga. Dear-Sir and Friend:— Please accept my thanks for your congratulations, which . I appreciate most heartily. Be assured of m' steadfast purpose to/render, for yoi> and all jny fellow citlsens, devoted and faithful service to our state. With best wishes for your prosper ity, I remain, - y Sinccrily yours, JOSEPH. M. 1IROWN. Savannah, Ga., Dec. 12.—J. W. Dy- ess. of Coffee county, was detained in 8avannah yesterday because of sllof ed crooked cotton transactions. Cotton factors In Augusta afi said to be much Interested In tho detention of Dyess. He Is alleged to have sold cotto.i that he could not deliver through some manipulation of bills of lad lng. It Is expected those Interested In Augusta will come to Savannah today to Identify the prisoner who was ar rested at the request of J. W, Hodges as the man wanted. MR. PRED FICKEN PRESENTED WITH BEAUTIFUL JEWEL. Mr. Fred Flcken has been presented with a beautiful and valuable jewel by the Grand Encampment I .0. O. F. o' Georgia. The jewel was presented to Mr. Flcken as a token nf appreciation of the valuable services he rendered the order dl Grand Chief Patriarch ct tho state organisation. Mr. Flcken » one of the best known Odd Fellows In 'Georgia, and he appreciates very highly the jewel that has just been presented to him. DR. NANNEY, EYE, EAR AND NOSE. EYES TESTED FOR GLA8S ES. REDDING BUILDING. 11 tf. Chicago, Dec. 11.—The third elrl said to have handled much of the cor respondence of John J. McNamara when he was directing the dynamiting of non-union steel work/ while secre tary-treasurer of the International A* soctatlon of Bridge and Structural Iron Workers, was named today as Miss Mary Dye, and said to be In Ohio, -by the father of Miss Nora Haley, the Chicago girl who was formerly pri vate secretary to the convicted chief of dynamiters. “Why don’t they find Miss Dye?" Daniel Haley was quoted. “She was McNamara’s bookkeeper and stenog.-a- pher after my daughter came to Chica go; also. Miss Dye might talk for the grand jury. I have heen told that she had a quarrel with John McNamara and got 1300 when she left his em ploy." Miss Haley dented that she ever suspected McNamara was connected with anything contrary to law. DRAINAGE MEET RE DEG. 19 A SPLENDID PROGRAM Arranged For The Occa sion-Prominent Men To Attend LETTERS TO SANTA CLAUS. The Herald will print letters from the children to Santa Claus, It sent In by Friday at noon. The letters will appeor In the Herald’s big Christmas od)tlon, which will be Issuel Satur day. Bring or send the Santa Claus letters to Tbo Herald office not later i noon Friday. The annual convention of the Geor gia Dralnago Congress will meet ’in Waycross on December 19. Following is the program arranged for the meet ing: j Morning 8eselon. Convention called to order at Court House at 9:30 a. m. Prayer by Rev. W. H. Scruggs. AddrSss of Welcome. Prof. E. A Pound. Reclamation of North Carolina's Wet Lands,” by Dr. Joseph Hyde Pratt, Geologist of North Carolina. “The Wet and Overffowed Lands .-f Georgia'', (Illustrated lecture) Iv Prof. 8. W. McCallle, Geologist of Georgia. , "The reclamation of Georgia's Wot and Overflowtd Lands," by J. V. Phil lips, United States Drainage Engineer. Discussion of the drainage question, by Congressman William G. Brantley, Hon. Cbarles G. Edwards, Seaator Hoke Smith, Hon. L. R. Aiken of' Brunswick, Hon. Walter McElreaMi and Goversor John M. Slaton of Atloa- S. T. NO SECOND PRIMARY Mr. Chandler Declines To Run Race Over—Com mittee Meets The City Democratic Executive Com mlttee held a meeting and declared’ the nominees In the primary Satur day. Mr. S. T. Beaton, who lacked only twenty-six votes of getting as many votes as both his opponents fpr alderman In the Second Ward, was declared the nominee from that Ward, Mr. W. E. Chandler declining to go Into a eecond primary.' Following Is a list of tho nomlnteos In full: For Mayor—Harry D. Reed, For Alderman, Second Ward—H Hengevbld. For Alderman, Fourth Ward—S. T. Heaton. For Alderman, Sixth Ward—C. A. LeCount. j For Members Board of Education- Dr. j. L. Walker, V. L. "Stanton and John W. Bennett. Afternoon 8sssi-n. New Lot of Gloves New Lot of Neckwear - Nevq Lot of Fancy Vests New Lot of Mufflers and Reefers New Lot of Bath Robes^ New Lot of Sweater Coats New Lof of Soft Shirts Everything you wear. All New N. “The Relation 'of Drainage to the Agricultural Development of the South," by Hon. E. J. Watson, Com missioner of Agriculture, Commerce and Industries of South Carolina. “The Value of Tile Drainage and Results In North Georgia,’’ by Dr. Lea Jo. Herdsman, of Jackson county. | “The Railroad’s Interest In Drain age," by Col. Aloxander R. Lawto.i, vice president of the Central of Gen* gin, of Savannah, and Wads W. Leahy, General Passenger Agent of tho Atlan ta, Birmingham and Atlantic, of Atlarv General discussion by members and visitors. Report of Legislative Committee by the chairman, Judge J. L. Sweat. Adjournment to meet at Coleralaa on SL Marys River, December 20 at 9 s. m., for real Georgia barbecue and flsh fry. J. F. Mrs. R. L. Robbins was placed on trial In Ware Superior Court this mor ning on the charge of murderlnr Iloilo Smith. The killing of tbs Smith woman by»Mrs. Robbins oeoarrsd its Waycross Isst July. Since that time Mrs. Robbins has bssn confined In tha county jail. A Jury to try the cas» was secured this morning and tha bearing ol evidence began as soon aa court convened this afternoon, j A good many witnesses have beau j immoned In this case and U wilt hardly go to the Jury before tomor row. Y'.sterdsy afternoon, Spencer Lee, a negrp, was found guilty of assault with intent to murder. The verdict was accompanied by r. rocommnda- Hon to mercy. Grant Wiliams, charged wth carry ing concealed weapons, was found guilty this morning. Williams Is A negro. FOR SHERIFF Mr. J. F. Bennett; of Mlllwpod, who Is here attending Superior Court, au thorises Tho Horrid to state that he will bo In the raco for sheriff of Waro county In the primary to be held next veer. “Dock" Bennett, as hs Is known among his friends, Is one Of the county's hast known uni most luDrfRi- tlal citizens. That be will have a strong following for tha offlc<| of sher iff goes without eaylnj. Mr. Bennett's announcement will ppoar at the proper time. WANTS A STATE ACTION OF STATE COMMITTEE. Waycross, Ga., Dec. 1L 1911. r Editor Herald:— In response to your request I have to say, that while I think the State Democratic Executive Committee * ought to have called a State Convec tion to declart the result ot the recent primary and adopt a platform of prin ciples, yet not having dons so there Is nothing for loyal Democrats to do but submit to the action taken anJ ! thei declaration of said primary by I the committee on tomorrow as the | holding of a convention by delegates ) voluntarily chosen thereto would be wholly unauthorized. It Is^ sill right for the committee If It will do so on tomorrow after declaring the result cf the primary, to call a atato conven tion to adopt a platform, of principles but I sea nothing to be gained by doing BRICEVILLE ASKS FOR ASSISTANCE Brlcevllte, Tenn., Doc. 11.—Mayor Tbomas Watts, executive officer of Coal Creek, which Is only flvt miles from the village of Brlcevlllo today Issued an appeal to mayors of all cit ies for financial aid for tno inlne suf ferers, His appeal reads: “To All Mayors of United States: There are about 125 families In Brio* villa suffering from tho Cross Moun tain coal mine disaster. Help 111 funds Is greatly needed -and wo appeal to all American citizens to help ui, Funds may be sent In through Thoms* Watts, mayor of Coal Creek. "THOMAS* WATTS, Mayor.’’ Douglaaville, Os., Dec. 11.—Resolu tions requesting the Democratic Slate Exoculvo Committee to call a state convention to nominate tho governor were passed this noon at a mgss meet ing In the court house attended by about 350 Douglas county’s prominent farmers and business men. The resolutions also expressed 'be demand that at such convention a new platform h* adopted or that ex-Gove- J nor Smith's platform be modified as t.i ’nuke it concur with tho principle, for (tate eo.g.mion shoot that Mm. to A BUBIITU A m DDBCCMT . which Joseph M. Brown Is known t.> stand. Delegates to this convention were duly -ly- 1 econten The contention of The Atlanta Jot- na! that a nominating convention .us der the circumstances was wlthoit precedent; that H. D. McDaniel woe not. to nominated when he succeed'd to tha uneiplred term of Governor A. Stephens, was denounced as -tu na fill your order for Oysters and fresh fish. Phene ISO. / 7 tf Let the committee, however, pro- We Invite you to hive hot ooffee and biscuit with us’any" day this week: Cooking demonstration of the South Bend Malleable Range. 12 fit P. N. Harley Hdw. Co. vide at Its meeting for the election of delegatee to the next National Demo- PERMIT US TO POINT OUT cratlc Convention same time In April , T »« contentment and enjoy- or May. or If deemed better) call * Chri,tm “ brin *» to “• *>»«’* eoloet delegates to the National Con- A CHRISTMAS PRESENT v4aUoh for the nomination of Demo 0F A REAL H0ME cratlc candidate for president and the To Vour wife would be the very finest vice president, and also at said stats * nd -^°* t enduring gift yon could convention choOM* now Executive r °» enn do so It you are In Committee and proTlde for (the ensu- Com. and we’ll point out the lug primary to nominate tha next gov ernor and state house offloort, adopt ca,b enoug1 ’’ You d ‘ m ' t need much platform etc. J. L SWEAT Special prices on all j childrens cloaks, Humphreys d William woy. Don’t feel that you havo not A.M.Knight - & Son Phone 266 LaGrande Bldg.