Newspaper Page Text
2 Miss Carols Parham Social Editor;
Dorn, to Mr. anil Mr*. O. E. Brinson.
December 11, a daughter.
Mr. J. J. Hancock, ol Stockto
was In the city yesterday.
T.S. Paine, .
Sleeping Car Service Between Way-
eroea and Atlanta, vlat
A. B.t& A R. R.
Effective with flref car leaving Way-
cross 8:00 p. m., Monday September
4th. The A. B. A A. have secured
to rthls eervice elegantly appointed
electric-lighted sleeping cars, equip
ped with all modern conveniences
One Big Advantage
You may secure your eleeplng oar.
dlagrama are kept contlnuosuly open,
apace at the ticket office. Union Sta
tion, at any tloa prior to your trip,
TbaA. B. A A. Railroad representa tha
“Standard of Excallenet In Sarvloa. 1
Schedule of Sleeping
Car Line.
Bear# Waycrosa 8:25 p. m. ;
Ante# Atlanta, 5:40 a.m.-
Leavo Atlanta 10:15 p.m.
Arrive Weycross 5:15 a. m.
W. H. Leahy, 0. P. A., Atlanta, 6a.
A. D. Daniel, T. P. A., Atlanta, Oa.
R. B. Camp, T. A., Waycroae, Oa.
on have to ha oa youi guard U
ou nr ecaugbt napping, It Invltae
It niter.
They ere sought alter by men ol
dtairs. You And them In leading
oaltlona of trust
Our DIPLOMA ti an open aeeamt
o position and preferment Our
specialty ta to It yon for tyntnoa*;
o make the pay-roll larger; to In-
•ease the salary of the “big. man."
Enter At Any Time.
Waycross Business
Whyoroee, Oa. R. F. Eatglar, Praa
• “Oran Chico’s”,
“Ver Best Smokers’*,
‘Pilman’s Best Smok
Clear imia FOlel Clairs.)
•Unurictvved In W aye ruse, Sa, %
Toe "Deeatrick'Skula" at the Opera
House last night was a grand success
and In cvqry way JuStiOed lte manage
ment In claiming It “the bent amateur
ehteftalhtnest ever give* In Way-
cross." Standing room vat,being sold
at an early hour, and many who could
not got aeata were disappointed. It lr
hoped that the "fkule” can be repeated
at an early date.
The ladles who took part In the en
tertainmont were nausually pretty la
their "skule costumes. Miss Kate
Wilson as Mrs. Honeysuckle, took the
part to perfection and made a beauti
ful old' lady.. Miss Suclc Sharpe, the
giggling girl; Miss Kato Lyons, the
lisping girl: Miss Clyde Lott, the cry-
Iny girl; Miss Roberta Schriver, ue
Sissy; Mrs. W. N. Jones and Mrs
Peach, the twins; Mrs. Stewart, the
bad girl; Mrs. Joiner, Mrs. Schriver,
Mrs. Grenade, Mrs. Lovelace, Miss
Lucllo Rlppard, Miss Annie Laurie
Walker and Miss Battello were all
fine In their parts. It was almost im
possible to say which waa -best, but
Mrs. Fannie Trent, who had "boys on
her brain” made a decided bit.
Dr. Rlppard wae rather hard on the
teacher when he reduced his wages
trim 117 a moeth to 512.60, but it was
the opinion of the entire audience
that the teacher, Mr. Fred Brewer,
could not have been ’excelled and that
he could get a. Job of teaching any
where. Dr. Gue Folks and Hoyt Cat-
tin were stars la their part, as was
Peck Elkins, Buddy Honeysuckle; Mr.
Mr. J. J.. Hargreaves, cf Millwood,
v.-ns In tbo city yesterday. /
Don' forgbt the oyster supper at 'lie
Presbyterian Bazaar thin evening.
It Is a right good Job when you can I
save a fellow from himself sometimes.
Now lets got down to business and.
go to selling some Cbristmae trig.
Ex-Shcrlff S. F. Miller, of Millwood,
Is In the city today.
And now the county aspirants for
office will have their inning.
Todd, who represented a four year old
boy, got safely through many troubles
with the help of his little sifter. Bud
dy Is a general favorite with VII the
George Turner was good In all his
work, and Wadley Sharps representsd
the barefooted boy to perfection. Dr,
Thomas, who voted against the teacher
and didn’t want to go to "skulo" hers,
was advised to “get his education at
Ramey Henyy and Frank Durand
got the flrat whipping* ftff falling
down with the water! -
Olln Smith cam* late to "skule”. He
•aid he bad a bad light with Jet Bow-
*ho "tried to Uck him.” It wus
pretty ovldent that Jet did lick him
from, the way he tried to change the
subject by hringtng tho teacher tho
contents of an old setting hens nest.
Warren Lowther got a good- whipping
for ap'lttlnc tobacco Juice on Wadley
Sharpe. Mr. Nonrell stuttered dfead-
fully and amuaed everybody In his
speech, where She little dog waggod
hie tall "like a diamond tn tha sky”.
It Is impossible to tell alT the good
things In that "skule", but tbe au
dience pronounced It One
The groes receipts were 1180.00. . - -
Mr. Parker, who gave the Opera’ 000,1 mu,lc " proml * e<1 '
House to tho Y. M. C. A., fop Ike en
tertainment, did everything he could
to help tbe "•hula”. The “similars”
end tho Y. M. C. A, ell gave him a
unanimous vote of thanks.
Mr. O. W. Walker, of Patterson,
;:.i a Waycross visitor yesterday.
Mr. B. J. Drydea, ft Patteraoji. was
among the visitors to Waycross^ yes
Editor W. R. Frier, s! the Douglas
Enterprise, was a guest of LaGrande
Mr. O. C. Bennett, of Odum, Ga„
was among the guests at the Vlrdle
Mr. W. P. Florle, of Screven, Is Ij
the city greeting bis many friends
The Herald's force la so busy af
work that they haven't time to cole
The lists are now open tor the ea
trance of those seeking county oflico.
The Herald charges lf.00 entrance
fee in its columns.
Col. W. W. Lambdln left last nigh:
for Atlanta to attend the meeting r?
the State Democratic Executive Com
mittee, which meet* today.
The Presbyterian ladles are sparing
no paint to make attractive their b*
soar. Be sure to pay It a visit this
To add to the pleasure of the patrons
of the Presbyterian bazaar this evening
and tomorrow, the Cable Plano Com
pany have given the use of a piano
The ladles of the Catholic Altar
Society held their peeling st the
Cetbollc Presbytery yesterday after
noon end completed their arrange
ments for their annual Christmas
sale. The Christmas sale will he held
In the store formerly occupied by Mr.
Dickens In the LaGrande Building on
next Friday and Saturday, Decembor
16 and 16, It will be worth their
while for the ladles of Waycross to
Inspect the dlsplsy of fancy articles at
the Catholic sale before they purcha.o
their Christmas presents. The Catho- :
He ladles will serve oysttrs In differ
ent style*, hot coffee end chocolate.
The doors wtll open on Friday after
noon at 3 p. m. jj gjl
Call la to see ua this week. Meat
the Malleable man and let him explain
tbe great merit of the South Bend
Malleable Range.
12 2t P. N. Harley Hdw. Co.
Mrs, will Seaman Is Iff Quitman
where she will bo a guoa- at the Wit-
linmc Gardner wedding tonight. Mrs
Seaman lr the guest of Hr. and Mrs.
K. H. Williams.
Mrs. W. T. Coates, of Cordele, spent
tart sight In tho city a: the home of
her father, Mr. R. D. Harris. Mre ,
Coatee left todify for Suwannee, Fla
where she will spend some days wltn
relatives. '
The announcement of the marriage
of Miss Alma Hardy and Mr. Herman
Goodwin Is received with much Inter
est here, both young peoiffe being well
known and popular. The wedding
wilt occur December 26th at the First
Methodist Church..
Of all Tailored Suits and Fine Trimmed Hats
33 1-3 Per Cent OH
1 Lot Ladies’ Fine Tailored Suits, Ragular $15
Now $9.99
1 Lot Ladies* Fine Tailored Suits, Regular $20
Now $14.99
T Lot Ladies* Fine Tailored Suits, Regular $22
Now $17.50
1 Lot Special Fine Tailored Suits, Reg. $30 & $35
Now $22.50 :
Special prices on all Ladies and Childrens Cloaks
Big Lot Ladies and Childrens' Sweaters, -Special
Clearance Priee
Choice all fine Trimmed Pattern
Hats, 33 1-3 per cent Off
We now. have on display some
nice foils. Let us show you.
The Seals Phaimacy
j “The Rexall Store”
Xmas, Rates
Atlantic Coast Line
, > >OR-R^NT-Flrou?furo'T.T^5S:
netting rooms. Appty 32 Jane street.
12 4 tf.
' December 15th, 16th, 17th, 20th, 21et,
22nd, 23rd, 24th,- 26th, 30t£, 31it 1911
and January l*t 1012.
To reach original atartlng point return
Ing not later than midnight of January
Stb, 1912.
For full Information aa to rate*,
schedule*, etc., see nearest ATLAN-
TIC COAST LINE Agent, or communi
cate with:
E. M. North, A. G. P. A., Savannah.
- L. P. Green, T. P. A., Thomasville.
B. T. Morgan, T. P. A., Savannah.
G. A. Cardwell, C. A. Montgomery, Ala.
T. J. Wright, Agent, Brunswick, Ga.
3 eons best Tomatoes.. 25c
31b can solid pack
Tomatoes 10c
4 balls Sterling Potash ..25c
14!bs Sugar 21.00
24 lb sack Roller King
Flour 65c
241b sack Gold Medal
Flour ...' 75c
24 Ih sack Obelisk
Flour .. 850
24 lb sack Merry Widow
Flour 96c
Bacon, Plat* ( 1.20
Squire* Best Bacon,
11 l-2c to 12 l-2e
[ SAW MILL WANTED—I Km in .the
market for a portable saw mlU, com-
' plete and In good condition. Must be
hheap. Address D. E. Mudge, Route >gA
T-s-Wky.' 7
4, Waydroas, Ga.
FOR RENT—One furnished room;,
short walk from post office. Apply
Herald office. .8 tf
W. L. Mock, of Mock, Aria, believes
he haa saved many lives In his 25
years of experience In the drug busi
ness. "What 4 always like to-do,” he
writes, "Is to recommend Dr. King’s
New Discovery for weak,.sore lungs,
ban) colds, hoarseness, obstinate
coughs, la grippe, croup, asthma or
other bronchlcal affection, for 1 feel
sure that a number of my neighbors
are alive and well today because they
took my odvlce to use it I honestly
believe It* the best throat and lung
medicine that's made." Easy to prove
he's right Get a trial bottle free, or
regular 60 cent or |L00 bottle. Guar
anteed by All Druggists.
FOR 8ALE—At my grove and nurs
ery at Starke, Fla., 800 pecan trees, 3
to 9 feet Grafts from best bearing
trees, mast of them Curtis. Will sell
at a reasonable price. Address me at
Monroe, Ga. Dr. A. J. Boss. < 9 14t
FOR RENT—Cottage, 6 rooms and
bath, hot and cold water; 23 Halnef
avenue, 126.00 per mouth In advance ■
Apply No. 4 Plant avenue. 11 2t
WANTED—A couple of settled
white ladles to wait on table and do
housekeeping at the Vlrdle Hotel. 11 3t
LOST—On tha streets of Waycross,
one gold bracelet; engravtd. "Mice
Lucllo Rlppard.” Please return lo
Herald office.
FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms.
Apply Herald office. 12 3t
committee, and that repudiation was a
duty restricted to no portion or fiction
in Georgia. •
The people were quick to see the
matter In this broad and fundamental
(Atlanta Constitution.) '
In an Interesting communication
published elsewhere, a correspondent
emphasises the fart, aa Illustrated by
The Constitution’s poet-elettlon map of
ence to the part of tbe state from light. Their response, and their re-
which they hailed, effectually dlapos-Jgnrd for their right*. It written In tho
Ing of the attempt to array one part fact that the man who nude popular 1
of the state agalnst'anoLfcr.
The development Is, Is Itself, gratl-
tying. But The Constitution (bisks that
by far, th* largest significance of this
display of non-secUonaUra In politics
In Georgia, Is that th* people were
roused, without regard to location, to
Joseph M. Brown’s appeal to protect
and returns their aovertgnty!
Other candidates toured tha state.
soverignty the paramount Issue car
ried more countie* than his two op
ponents combined.
Wa have for some time believed
there was more sound than substance
tn the talk shoot sectionalism in ,
Georgia. But w* ‘do know—and th*.;^’ !/
recent primary establishes the contem
tlon-tbat once the mind* of th* people
concentrated on tho safeguarding
Invading Its f 0 ar quarters Joseph H. lot their constitutional rights, they
Brown remained quietly at home, send make answer without regard to sec-
( -V - . • - . T ’T’yv- V ■>' Of ■" "£
Georgia, that th* recent campaign ax-j Ing out hit Incisive, warning* to thejtlon or faction.
hihttad an entire absence of sectional .People that their liberties were threat-
fasting throughout th* state- Candl-,tned by tha usurpation* of a wholly
date* carried counties without refev-' Partisan stat* democratic -txacatln
In that tact la a pregnant lesson for
the State Democratic fixecnUr* Com-
«fttee which,