Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, December 12, 1911, Image 5

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Seud us your or
der. Can sell you
Turkeys every day
rom now until.
Better See Us
W. M. Wilson, Mgr.
P hone 128,
- Wilson Block
Government le After Worfcere of
Magic Who Fatten on Credulity
of the Peaaente.
■ description, for PRES SEARCH and report on I
Id. swift & co,
Absolutely Pure
Used and praised by the most
competent and. careful pas*
try cooks the world over
The only Baking Powder made
from Royal Grape Crearii of
Tartar—made horn grapes
The following Invitation has boon
Issued in the city:
Mr. and Mrs. John Walter Scot'
Hardy request the honor of your pres
ence at the marriage cf their daugh
ter Alma Irene, to Mr. Herman Good
win, on Tuesday afternoon, December
thd twenty-sixth, at five o’clock, First
Methodist Church, Waycross, Georgia
Christmas cut price salt of all tail
ored suits and fine trimmed hats 33 1-3
per cent off. .
Humphreys.& Williamson.
Buy a Malleable' Range this weak
and get a set of cooking utensils
worth |7.50, free.
12 2t P. N. Harley Hdw. Co.
Tho Epworth League of the First
Methodist Church will meet tonight
with the Trinty League to hear Mist
Mamie Myqrs. 4? *
One lot'ladles fine tailored suits,
regular 520—now $14.99.
Humphreys & Williamson.
It Is a very serious matter to ask
| for one medicine and have the
wrong one given you. For this
| reason wo urge you in buying to
! be careful to get ths genoino—
Liver Medicine
1 Tb* reputation cHkla old, relia
ble medicine, for constipation, in*
digestion end aver trouble, is firm
ly ostabUsbod. It does not imitate
other medicines. It is better than
others, or it would not bo the fa
vorite liver powder, with ■ larger
■ale than all others combined.
28 tf
One lot ladles fine tailored suits,
Regular $22—now 117.50.'
Humphreys & Williamson.
Dr. Nanney, Eye, Ear, Niae and
Throat, will be here all next week.
Offlce located later. *9 tf
Tho Salvation Army of Wayeroar,
Georgia, la preparing to give a Free
Christmas Dinner to throe hundred
worthy poor of "this city. Will you
help us with liberal donation to make
•his effort a success?
Yours to help save the lost poor,
Capt. and Mrs. Gossett,
Offieors In charge.
Phone 518, P. O. Box 523.
Big lot ladles and childrens sweat*
irs. Sptclal clearance price.
Humphreys & Williamson.
Ont lot special fine tailored suits,
regular 430 and 835—now $22.60.
Humphreys & Williamson.
? 0LEY’S1^
- n'Lt.K'
“That Good Old Coffee
of Long Ago”
U It Wasn’t Good Coffee It Wouldn't Have Lived So Long
- Only a coffee of marvelous quality could hold the place of undisputed leader
fOPnearly two hundred years. Yet French Market Coffee is increasing daily in
ropularity. And it is the same delicious French blend that so delighted Andrew
' .ckaoo, Ilei -
.cten.R enry Clay and the beauties and gallants who thronged the old French
Market in New Orleans centuries ago. Then you could get
Rench Market Coffee
only at the French Market in New Orleans. Bpt NOW you all may eerve it
daily, at your own table. For the old French Market blend is perpetuated by
The Same Unique Hygienic Roasting Process
and we NOW deliver French Market Coffee everywhere in hermetically-sealed
tins. It cornea to you fresh from the mill with all its enticing aroma and dell-
cions flavor. “There is only real old French Market flavor”—wily one codes
with a history. . \
French Market Mills
(New Orleans Coffee Company. Ltd- Proprietors)
Pictures for tonight will be as fol
Film No. 1. "The Secret of the
Under Ground Passage". A very In
teresting detective story produced by
tho "Great Northern" Picture Com
# Film No. 2. “Winning Papa’s Con
sent". A beautiful dramatic sketch
by the “Reliance" Picture Company.
The vaudeville consists of “The
Musical Millers." In a singing, talking,
and musical act, introducing Mr. A.
Miller who plays the highest and low-
est notes over produced on a cornet as
well as playing the Saxiphone an-1
Piccolo with one hand, he being the
Inventor of.the system by which it
can be done. Miss Hazel Miller, the
dainty young lady who plays every
thing from a drum to a piano slide
trombone being her favorite instru
ment. She also has a teatlful soprano
voice and tells a few stories which
she changes every day that tickles as
well as pleases. Mrs. Miller bela*
the third number of tho act who plays
Saxiphone and Xylaphone. This is
one of the best drssed acts on tho
stage, making two complete change:)
of costumes during tho act Do not
fail to hoar this act as they are Just
going through here to open up on one
of the large Eastern circuits.
M. Cruppl, as minister of juitlco, is
hard at work attempting to qgith the
practice of. sorcery (n France. This
seems a curious necessity In the
twentieth century, but It is a very
real necessity for all that. French
people, like all Latins, are very supen^
stttlous, and although most people in
the towns laugh at the thought read
ers and the rest of the tribe evyu
while they go to consult them, the
wise woman, the witch and workers
of magic, black and white, exist In
the country end practice their arts
with impunity, to their own satisfac
tion and occasionally to* that of their
A case in a village in Normandy
may be recalled.. a sho/t while ago,
where ah old woman died of fright
because she had been "bewitched."
Slio had refused to give or sell the
witch some eggs because she wanted
them herself. The witch made sign*
at her and told her she was stricken
dumb. Tho old woman proved con
clusively till the wJtch went away
that she was not dumb Just yet at all
events, but that evening she scalded
her tongue badly with her soup; It
swelled a little, and she could not
speak distinctly. This frightened her
so (she was a woman of 80 and illit
erate) that she took to her bed, had
a stroke of paralyils and died a few
days afterward.
At Morlaix last week a worker of
white magic killed a girl of IS
surely as though he had shot her
through the head. She suffered from
bronchitis. To cure her the "wizard 1
ordered her to go barefoot to- the
cemetery, collect some earth from a
newly-made grave, strip herself com
pletely, and after finding a spider to
walk home with the grave earth In
one hand and the spider in - the oth
er. She waa then to bury them out
side her garden gate and to cut her
finger nails and toe nails‘with a pair
of rusty scissors before she re-enter
ed the house. The girl followed the
prescription carefully, and, being ill
before she followed it, she not un
naturally caught another cold and
died.—Paris Letter to the London
For Infants and Children.
rile Kind Yon Hon Always Boegitl
Bean the
Signature of
Appalachians Oysters and fresh fish
—phone 189. 7 tl
Choice nil fine tHmmed pawqrn
hate, 33 1-3 off.
Humphreya 6 Williamson.
Mice Scdlo Edn'nrds, of Savannah,
le In tho city the guest nf Mrs. Rose
Miss Mamie Myers will address the
young- people nt Trinity Church t>
night and a cordial Invittatlon la ex
tended to the young people of the
city to hear her.
One lot of ladies lint tailored enlti,
regular $15—now $9.99.
Humphreys & Williamson.
Kate F. O'Connor la Mayor of Area
dla, an Illinois boom town which hat
sprung up in's short time. The male
executive waa "recalled" and tho wo
man eleced and aho has assued her
once. She has a woman suffragist
eabinct and promises to effect radical
One exchange le of the opinion that
It will bo poeaible within a year not
to think In terms of the McNamaras.
Hard to Realise.
The variety of ways in which a glr.
en number of articles may be placed
Ifaa often created much surprise,
mathematician once set himself to
the talk of calculating .the number of
different wayt In which the fifty-two
cards of a pack could be distributed
.among four playera, thirteen to each,
taking every possible combination. II
would be useless to present the an
swer here In a long row of figures, for
no one can realise what such a nu
merical array really means, but the
following Illustration can he readily
grasped: • '
If the entire population of the earth,
say one thousand millions of persona,
were to deal the carda continually,
day and night, for one hundred mi]
Ilona of years, at the rate of a deal
by each person a minute, they would
not have exhausted the one hundred
thousandth part of the number of es
sentially different ways In which It la
tnsslble that the cards can be so dis
tributed. -
Spare the Doves.
The turtle dovea an great feeder*
on the seeds ot Weedi, and do much to
protect growing crops from barm
through tho ravages ot those weeds
on tho seeds ot which they teed. The
government biological survey, In con
ducting Its Investigation to determine
the economlo value of' these birds,
found In the stomachs of threo turtle
doves 23,100 hawkweed seeds, with
the seeds of several othey kinds of
weeds which have caused the farmer
Inconveniences and expense during a
larger portion of tho crop growing
season. Theao birds an much more
effective as a weed exterminating
force than an army of men with hoes
and weeden, because the best That
man can do Is -to keep the weeds In
cheeks to a certain extent, while the
teed devoured by the bird Is de
stroyed and .prevented from taking
root. It Is estimated that the natural
incrente of these birds. If they were
allowed to. multlplyswlthont Interrup
tion, would save the American farmer
at leatt $500,000,000 a year.
The Perverse Husband.
John Collier, the secretary of Hew
York's Board of Moving Picture Cen
sors. aald (he other day:
. "It's no good getting up objectiona
ble picture plays. We never pass
them. In fact, we turn them down so.
Invariably that It seems to roe the
composers of such plays ere ani
mated by a spirit of perversity.- They
remind mo of old Uncle Jethro Husk.
"Uncle Jethro sat fiehinfc on tho
bank of a tiny rivulst. when a etren-
ger stopped beside him ur.d said:
" 'la It possible that there are any
flab in such a small atream as thstr
" 'No, there ain't none,’ Uncle Jeth
ro grunted.
" ■But you’re fishing?'
" ’Yep,' aald Uncle Jeth.
"•What, than, la your object?*
*‘My object,’ said Unclo Jeth. Ta to
show my wife I ain’t got no time to
lift the asho*.’”
The Road to Independent
Is not th» spenders route. Deposit
your salary with us, we issue you a
past-book and check book; pay ail
your billa up by check, thus avoiding
the necessity and worry of making
your money stretch to nfext payday.
You know how it is, money in your
pocket never lasts.
Will stop the leaks, and, If it Is your
desire to get ahead, will eventually
make you Independent. Start an ac
count with ua today; a large amount
not necessary; Juat your week's or
month’s salary.
RESOURCES $306,000.00
CAPITAL .’ $200,000.00
Cooking Demonstration
Is Now On
Call any day this week and have
Hot Biscuit and Coffee with us. Meet
the Malleable Man and he will ex
plain the great merit of the
And the waterways association ele>
ted aa Its president a man who hav t*$» give club In Wlntarvlll* anS I’m
Afraid of Hla PasL
"Where are you going to locat* jour
lew off.ee—In WInteivlller
-Why notr ’
aeng a tansy *<> ro vrm> our col
been on tb* water-wagon all hla Ufa.
a: raid they haven’t forgotten m#.*
F. N- Harley Hdw. Co.
House Furnishers to the People _
44 PUnt .Ave- %j,t Phone 18t .