Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, December 14, 1911, Image 1

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, VOLUME XIX WAYCROSS.GA-* THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1911 NUMBER 19 THE WRONG MEN ISOEIURREST BELIEVE THE OFFICIALS Men Arrested As Train Robbers Are Well Citi zens of Bulloch MAN ANO WIFE WERE MURDERED ROBERRY THE MOTIVE HEAVY FINE IN SUPERIOR COURT ENTERED PLEA GUILTY A North Carolina Farmer I To Larceny After Trust- Was Lured Away From I L. C. Brown Fined S300 Home At Night ! Or One Year ORANGE GROWING ON BIG SCALE IN LIBERTY COUNTY Joseph Way Plants One Hundred Orange Trees On Plantation GREAT PROGRESS 'CRUSADE AGAINST IS REPORTED FROM TWO STATES During The Past As Told By The Industrial Index THE VAGRANTS IN THE TWO STATES Of Georgia And Florida Is Now Being Felt In Court Statistics , GE0RGIAN8. The Ceorglani will hold their last mooting of month Friday afternoon at tho Y. M. C. A. parlor. "nsra PERMIT US TO POINT OUT The Greater contentment and enjoyv meat Chrlatmae brlnge to the happy family oOupylng Ita own home. A CHRISTMAS PRESENT OP A REAL HOME To your wife would be the very finest and moat enduriny gift you could 'make, Tou can do ao It you are la earned. Come and well point out the way. Don't feet' that you have not caah enough. You don't noed much. A-M.Knight & Son Phone 2661 LaGrande Bldg. OOc* Clerk of Council. , Your water rent muet bo.paid by I, December 26th or It will be cut off' end ejpenee added. J. W. Strickland, , 14 lilt Clerk of Council power towards a 60,000 lopulatlon for this, "Waycross that extend* the glad I am. very rcepectfully youre, CALVIN W. PARKER. Savannah, Ga., Dec. 14.—Atlan lc Coeit Line olllclale In Savannah Jo not take much stock In the arrest In Atlanta yesterday of three men »ui>- posed to be connected wltE'the hold up of a Coast Line train at Hardevllle, 3. C., on Tuesday morning. The men placed under arrest are toa well known In Bulloch county where they bave lived for some time, tor them to be detained long. They will have no trouble In proving an alibi at several people know they were In Statesboro on the night the robbery was committed. The men are clearly farmer*, who era going to North Georgia to visit relatives Just as they clslm. HONOR. MEMBRY FIRST PRESIDENT . Special To The Herald. ! Alexandria, Va., Dec. 14.—In accord, anco with an annual custom a delega tion from the Masonic lodge of Fred- erlrkeburg, Va., visited Mount Vernon today and placed n wreath' of flowers on the tomb of Washington, In coin- memoratlon of tbe anniversary of the death of the first President. Charlotte, N. C., Dec. 13—Newe reaching here early today tells of the murder of John Dixon, a prominent farter of Cleveland county, this elate, and his wife, late last night. Robbery le said to have been the motive of the crime. Two men are said to bave gone to the home of the murdered man last night and aeked for assistance la releaeinp a team from a ditch in which It had fallen. * The farmer went to the aid of tbe men and was killed. The two men then returned to Dlron’k home and' beat the wife until she was dead. She survived, however, and was able, to re- late the affair this morning. She died later. / - , The farmer Is said to have soid some cotton a. day or two ago in Sho'- by, 12 miles from his home, and tho men are thought to have been in search of money, believed to be In the home. A child 1 year old was found in the bonnet of its slain parents, un harmed but bespattered with blood about Its clothing. Posses of men and bors In automo biles, on horseback and afoot are scouring the country near the scene of the crime, and It Is bslleve'd a lynch ing will occur if tho guilty parties are apprehended. L. c. Brown, a white man, enteral a plea of guilty in the Superior Court yesterday afternoon to the charge of larcency after trust. He was sentou ced-by Judgo Parker to poy a One of 6300 or servo twelve months in the state penitentiary. Brown was treas urer of the local Painters’ Union, :uil made away with the funds of the or ganization. He skipped out from Waycross, but was later arrested la Savannah and brought hack here and lodged In Jail. ’Son" Cowart, a young white hack driver, was fpund guilty of selling whiskey this morning. CIVIL SERVICE REFORM MEETING v. Special To The Herald. Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 14.^-Tbe fourteenth annual meeting of the Na tional Civil Service Reform Leagm began in this city today with many diatingushed lawyers, educators, finan ciers and government officials In at tendance. Savannah, Ga., Dec. 14.—Hon. Jo seph Way, one of the most prominent citizens of Liberty county, has started in on a pretty large, scale to pro/e that as pood oranges can be raised in South Georgia as in Florida. Mr. Way, who owns a large farm near Hina* ville, has.planted one hundred orange trees on It and within the next thvoe years he anticipates that he will have a crop of oranges to gather from them. % He doesn't know any reason why, he says, why oranges shouldn't- grow in this section of Georgia as the winters are very mild.and it in seldom itfiat there is enough cold to kill the trees. There are probably a half dozen or ange trees in Liberty county now that bear every year. Once in a great while they are nl> ped by the cold but not often enoug 1 to hurt or to interfere with ihelr yield. New Lot of Gloves New Lot of Neckwear New Lot of Fancy Vests New Lot of Mufflers and Reefers New Lot of Bath Robes New Lot of Sweater Coats New Lof of Soft Shirts % " . V „ • Everything you wear. All New h: c. seaman. DERAILED FREIGHT DELAYED TRAFFIC Savannah, Ga., Dec. 14.—A derail iJ freight train on the Southern Railway at tbe Atlantic Coast Line bridge over the Savannah River, about 12 mil a* from Savannah, held up tralflc on tbe Coast Line for some time yesterday. ft waa necessary to detour one train over the tracks of tho Seaboard Air Lino via Fairfax. Late in the after noon (be bridge was cleared and many delayed trains succeeded In getting througlt. Columbus, Gn„ Doc. 14.—The Indus trial Index says in 11* icgular week'/ Iseue: "Tho present progressive spirit of the Southeast Is strikingly Illustrated by bond Issues of the week, either by authorized or proposed. Savannah, Ga., voted 6600.000 of sewer and drsln age bonds, providing the means for tho extension of its sewerage system on a large scale. At Sylvester, Ca, the issuance of $20,000 of bonds woe authorized by a rather remarkable vote, only one ballot being cast against the Issue. Laurens county, Georgia, is to vote on the Issuance of 6350,000 of bonds for road, bridge noj school construction. Manchester, aa, voted lighting bonds. Bogart, On, called an election on Issuance of bonds for building a seboolhouse. "Heard county, Georgia, awarded contract for building Jail. A $30,000 dormitory Is to be erected at Sparks, A 150,000 church Is reported lor Atlanta, Ga. At Enterprise, Ala., and Jacksonville, Fla.,. Deo. 14.—Tito crusade which has been carried on during tho past two months In Florida, and Georgia against tho vagrant ha* made itself felt In tho criminal e'a* tlstlcs of tbe state, according to the* best information .that can be gathared. In Jacluoavllle and Tampa arrests foil grave offences have been diminishing each week. There has been a dlspo- posltlin on the part of the magistrates to Impose maximum sentences upon chronic vagrant^ rounded up by Ho police. Those of this ilk who wars | not caught In tbe drag net have taken the hint and have sought employment with tbe many Industries of the etalef where their work has been needed so urgently. All industries have felt the bene ficial effects of the cruuade to a mure or loss slight extent, and leading In dustrial men declare that a contfnu-. anco of tbe course followed by tba authorities in the cities and •mailer: towns jvlll go far toward rellevlns l’avo, Go., where high schools recently ' vl, nt has threatened to become % burned, tha structures destroyed are ■ very costly labor famine. Several to be replaced with handsome, well jUKH'hs ago conditions had bedomo no equipped buildings. A 126,000 tourist grave that the whole elate was arotu- hotel Is protested,for Manors, by eaph NOTICE, PAINTER8I Regular meeting of Painters' Usiou Local 602 will be held at tbe lull Friday nlgbt, December 16, at 7:19 men's body there we* unique In that tallste of that city. - • "A cement plant at Dumopolls, Ala., to be enlarged and operated. A f 100,000 naval atoros plant la to bo eatabllshed at 8avaunah, Ga. A or- poration was organized with $20,u00 capital r.t Athena, Ga., >j minufactutn a cloth-measuring machine. An tea Plant le to be established-af Dahlony- New railroad companies were chartered at Boas, Ala., and ut Statesboro, Ga. "Brewton, Ala'., Is to Have a new hank. Tho new corporations of tho week in the two states are 21 in nuin her, with capital stock of $263,000. "At Montogmery, Ala., a dinner giv en under the auspices of the business M to-action, The a acre pa* ere in prao- o’closk. Full attendance desired. l«'2t ■ W .8. Burton, 8ecty. SMALL BllAZE LAST NIGHT A small biaxe occurred at t^e homo of Mr. Frank Nunez on Margarot street last night. A small outhouse burned, worth about $10.00. A CARD FROM CALVIN W. PARKER Waycroaa, an., Dec. 14,1011. Editor Herald:— I wish to-thank my many friend* for their loyal support and for the bard work done In my behalf, during the past few weeks. I also wish to thank the Waycros* Evening Moral I and lh* Waycroaa Journal, for lb* Impartial stand taken by them towards the various candidates In tb* recent Primary. / Now that Col. H. D .Reed baa bean chosen by a majority of our citizens as their Chief Executive tor the next two yean, I urge all my Mends ;o lend him and tbe administration of initial! such support as la seCestvY at all times to the. upbuilding and el- veneement of this, tbe Queen City of the Wlregnss. In retiring to the private Ufe, I wish to assure tboee who may have opposed me that I harbor.no |ll feeling against them and I carry with me the inter est* of my city end her people, and stand ready at all times to put my shoulder to the wheel and, fh my let hie way, do all that lay within n-y every article of food or drink on tho banquet board waa produced lu Mont- gomery county. The menu was long and elaborate." Rockford, III., Dec. 14.—The Silver Jubilee of Bishop Muldoon's ordina tion to the priesthood was celebrate] here today, by visiting bishops nnd priests and people of Rockford and vicinity. Bishop Muldoon vetoed tbe plane for a large public celebration, but uio clergy were not content to allow the anniversary to past entirely unobser ved. Really every town in the state oa* tbe menace and went to work on It vigorously. County and city authori ties responded, and demanded that Idle men show some good reason fail declining to work or take the coneo- quences. In Jacksonville and Tampa, tho shipping Interests wero seriously hen- dlcappod through the unwillingness of negroes to work more 'than Juit enough to secure them against wall-.. Shipping concern* In Jacksonville were compelled to carry more lion fifty per cent of the labor they actual ly got on their payrolls. Vessols on demurrage do not tend to popularixo n port, and It was but a short Urn* until lbs authorities of thee* two cit ies bed done much to relieve condt- tone. •