Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, December 14, 1911, Image 3

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Xmas Coming Turkeys Turkeys Turkeys Seud us your or der. Can sell you Turkeys every day rom now until Xmas. Better See Us Wilson Grocery Company W. M. Wilson, Mgr. hone 128, Wilson Block »n. for FREE SEARCH »nd rcjort on ■ wW "« D. SWIFT ft GO, I PATENT bAWYERPf |S03 Seventh St, Waablngtop, D. C. Liver Medicine 1 Tb» reputation of thi* old, rails* bio medicine, fer constipation, la* dictation and liver trouble, la Sin* ly emabliahed. It doca not imitate other medicine*. It la better than othera, or it would not be the fa* » ‘ ■ : vortta liver powder, with a larger | raid than an othera combined, SOLD INTOWN We Invito yon to have hot coffee and blacult with ua any day thla week. Cooking demo nitration of the Sou'S Bead Malleable Range. 12 2t P. N. Harley Hdw. Co. Appalaehleola Oyatera and freah Sab —phone 189. 1 tt CASTOR IA For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Kars Always Bought Bean the Signature of Choice all (hie, trimmod pattqrn hats. SS 1-3 off. | * Humphreys ft Wtlllamaon. One lot of ladles fint'tailored autte, regular 315—now $9.99. Humphreys ft Williamson. TFwBbrlal The Salvation Army of Waycrois, irgta, la preparing t» jive a Free itmaa Dinner to throe hundred Worthy poor of tkU pity. Will you help ue with liberal donation to make this effort a guecaaat Yours to help save the lost poor, Capt and lira. Ooaaatt, Officer* In charge. Phono 518, P. O. Box 633. * , ’PERSONAL AND LOCAL Christiana cut price salt of all tail ored suite and fine trimmed hate 33 1- ’ Humphreys ft Williamson. The Salvation Army of Waycroaa la preparing a Christmas dinner for three hundred poor of thla city. Many of the' poor of Waycroaa have come to look upon the Salvation Army at their friend In their poVery and tor- row, the appalling need which atarea ua In-the face makes us tael that we really must lncreaae our offorta this year In the direction of caring'for the worthy yet destitute poor. To do title we require a vrey considerable amonnt of money and knowing your practical Interest and sympathy we earnestly urge you to coma moat generously to our aid Our ability and wllllngnaaa to do work thoroughly and ( ayatemat- ically Is so well known we need not take your time to go Into details. Christmas dinner for the hungry, toya for the children, coal for the flrelesa grates and relief for the moat death tute will demand a large amount of toll. But this we are only too glad to do. We fool confident you will give consideration to thfif special call for help. . inr.-.i Yours in the service cf the Lord, Capt. J. B. Gossett, P. O. Box 523. Big shipment cloctrlo tana reoelv- Byck Electric Supply Co. 29 Lott Street. U iff ADVERTISE IN THE \va*CKOSS herald 4VAYCROBS COUNCIL NO. SI dr. O. U. A. M. Meets avaiy Monday evenlag In Rsi Wen’s Hall, Lott-Httch bulldlac at I P. m. . Visiting brothers cordially knvltso to mset with ua. gberod Collins, L, Carl Collins. OenSecty. 1 ConneUm Advertise in The Waycroaa Evening Herald. POWDER Absolutely Pur* -- The only Baking. Powder made from Royal Crape Cream ofTartar NO ALUM, NO LIME PH08PHAJE AT THE MAJE8TIC. I!. Shoes and hosiery—That’s alii 8 3t The Standard Shoe Co. Out lot special fine tailored suits, regular 830 and 335—sow 823.50. Humphrey! ft Wllllamaon. See notice of public sale of boreee at A. C. L. depot, coming next week. E. B. MITCHELL, D. O. M. D. OSTEOPATH, and Physician and Surgeon, Offlce 419-21 LaGrando Building. Hours: 9 to 13 and 2 to-5 p. m Residence Phono 373. Office 32L RING 174 FOR WOOD. 28 tf LETTER8 TO 8ANTA CLAU8. The Herald will print letters from the children to Ssnta Cleur, It sent In by Friday at noon. The letters will appeor In the Herald’s big Christmas edition, which will be laauel Satur day. Bring or send the Santa craur letters to Tfco Herald offlce not later than noon Friday. ■" raw flestorf.Faded and Gray Hair to Natural Color—Dandruff Quickly Removed. Then Is nothing new abont the Idea of oalag sags for restoring the color o( the heir. .Oar great-grandmothers kept their locks soft, dark and glossy by ntlng a “aage tea.” Whenever their hair tell oat'or took on a doll, faded or streaked appearahee they mads a' brew of sage leaves and applied It to their hair, with wonderfully beneficial effect. Nowadaye we don’t have to resort to old-time, tiresome methods of gathering the herbs and making the tea. This is done by skillfnl chemists better than wa could do It ouraelrao, and all wa bare to do b to call tor the ready-made product, Wyeth's Saga and Sulphur Hair Rem edy, containing sage la the proper strength, with the addition of sulphur, another old-time scalp remedy. The manufacturer* of this remedy authorize druggists to sell it under guar- ante# that the money will bo refunded If it title to do exactly as rep resented. - ThI* preparation la offered to the pnhllc at fifty cente a bottle, and Is recommended and sold by all druggist*. Pictures for tonight will be as Pil lows: Film No. L "Dooly's Doll.” A fe» turo ’’Ambroalo” film. Film No. 2. “A Noble Rodman.'' If yon like Indian picture# don't rn'ii this cot an it la a feature produhel by the Bison Pluture Company. Tho vaudeville consists of “The Musical Ulllen,” In a Binging, talkln;, and musical act, Introducing Mr. A. Miller who plays the highest and low est notes over produced cn a cornet an well as playing the Sexlplrone ant Piccolo with one band, he being the Inventor of the lyatem by which It can be done. Mias Hazel'Mlller, the dainty young lady who playa every thing from a drum to a piano slide trombone ’being her favorite lastru- ment. She alio has a fceatlfu! soprano voice and tells a few stories which sho change* every day that tickle* aa ell as pleases. Mrs. Miller being the third number of tho act who playa Saxlphone and Xylaphone. Thla la one of the Jieat draaed acta on the stage, making two complete change): of costumes during the act Do no*, fail to hoar thla act aa they are Ju»t going through here to open up on one of the large'Eastern circuits.' SAVED MANY FROM DEATH. W. L. Mock, of Mock, Ark., believes be has saved many Uvea In hit 25 years of experience In the drug busi ness. "What I always like to do,” he writes, "la to recommend Dr. King’s New Discovery for weak, lore lungs, hard colds, hoarseness, obstinate coughs, la grippe, croup, asthma or other, bronchlcal affection, for I feel sure that a number of my neighbors are alive and well today beoaute they took my odvlce to use It I honestly believe Its tho best throat and lung medicine that's made.” Easy to prove he’s right Get a trial bottle free, or regular 50 cent or $1.00 bottle. Guar anteed by All Druggists, One lot ladies fine tailored suits, regular 320—now 314.99. Humphreys ft Williamson. Speolal prices on all ladies childrens cloaks. Humphreys £ Williamson. The Road to Indepeodenc e ? Ia not the ipendera route. Depoatt your salary with us, we Issue you a pass-book and chock book; pay. oil your bills up by check, thus avoiding tho necessity and worry of making your money stretch to next payday. You know how it la, money In your • pocket never laats. YOUR B INK ACCOUNT Will stop the leaks, and, 11 It is your desire to get ahead, will eventually make you independent Start an ao- count with ua today; a large amount not necessary; Juat your week’* or month's salary. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WAYCROSSS - RE80URCE8 CAPITAL 8URPLU8 AND PROFITS VIRDIE STABLES. PHONE 33, THE VIRDIE STABLE FOR YOUR TURN-OUT. YOUR OR DER WILL BE PROMPTLY PILLED. IS 3t For the best In fresh meats, W. J. Parker can please you. Prompt de liveries. Phone 388. 13 .*t ADVERTISE IN THE WAYCROS5 HERALD Ost the Original and Qennlnt HORLICK’S MALTED MILK Tha Food-drink for All Agog: For Infant*, InvaEdtand Growing children. PureNutrition,upbuilding the whole body. Invigorate* thenursingmother and theaged. Rich milk, malted grain, m powder form. A qiick hmeh prepared b • minute. Take no rabititite. Aik for HORUCK’S. Hoi In Any Milk Trust One lot ladles One tailored suite, regular $22—now 317,10. Humphreys ft Williamson. OWN A HOME WK LOAN YOU MONEY TO BUILD. PAY BACK IN FIVE YEARS; MONTHLY PAYMENTS. WILL SELL YOU A LOT ON SAME TERMS—SEE Utl 1 Waycross Savings and Tru& Co •o*oooovv ,v»vo$o$ oooooooooooooooo $»0»m»m»»»$99»493»90040$»9»»»9»»900»»0»»W»»»»« 50c per ooth Why pay $1.00 to have your tooth extracted when you can have it done for 50c and witho pain All other wor k done at very reason*b charges. Everything guaranteed Folks’ Block OR. DANIEL The Dentist > FROST PROOF CABBAGE PLANTS GUARANTEED TO SATISFY CUSTOMERS FROM THE ORIGINAL CABBAGE PLANT GROWERS. ^ f ttibMohid 1 lit. Paid in Capital Stook $30,000.00 < *—* * - “ “jSSSSSf'fc’sSE. Wm. C. Gera tyCo„ Bog m Yongea Inland, S. C. $10,000.00 WILLIAMS’ BLACKSMITH Shop CORNER SCREVEN AVENUE AND KNIGHT STREET, OPPOSITE WILLIAM8 STREET. WHEELRIOHT AND REPAIRING. V HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY, . RUBBER TIRES PUT ON WHILE Demonstratton Is£Now On Call any day this week and have Hot Biscuit and Coffee with us. Meet the Malleable Man and he will ex plain the great merit of the Sm bind nun hinge P. N. Harley Hdw. Co. House Furnishers to the People! 44 Plant Ave Phone 181